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- 4 Milotic V (Rebel Clash)

- 3 Rhyhorn (Sword&Shield 97)
- 3 Sudowoodo (Sword&Shield)
- 3 Goldeen (Sword&Shield 46)
- 3 Seaking (Sword&Shield)

- 3 Hop (Sword&Shield)
- 4 Professor's Research (Sword&Shield)
- 3 Sonia (Rebel Clash)
- 3 Pokemon Center Lady (Sword&shield)

- 4 Quick ball (Sword&shield)
- 4 Great ball (Sword&shield)
- 3 Ordinary rod (Sword&shield)
- 3 Rotom bike (Sword&shield)
- 3 Scoop up net (Rebel clash)

- 8 Water
- 6 Fighting

15 pokemon V
- 4 Milotic V (Rebel Clash) - main damage dealer
- 3 Rhyhorn (Sword&Shield 97) - secondary attacker, mill
- 3 Sudowoodo (Sword&Shield) - cheap card draw and attack
- 3 Goldeen (Sword&Shield 46) - cheap draw and cheap attack
- 2 Seaking (Sword&Shield) - cheap control (deny resources)

33 trainer
- 13 supporters V
* 8-10 draw
> 3 Hop (Sword&Shield) - draw 3
> 4 Professor's Research (Sword&Shield) - discard all, draw 7
> 3 Sonia (Rebel Clash) - search pokemon or energy
* 3-5 other
> 3 Pokemon Center Lady (Sword&Shield) - heal 60 + conditions
- 17 items V
* 6-8 search
> 4 Quick ball (Sword&shield) - discard 1, search basic pokemon
> 4 Great ball (Sword&shield) - look at the top 7 cards, put one pokemon from
among them in your hand
* 9-11 other
> 3 Ordinary rod (Sword&shield) - return two energy or pokemon from discard to
> 3 Rotom bike (Sword&shield) - draw until you have 6 cards, then turn ends
> 3 Scoop up net (Rebel clash) - return non-V pokemon from game to hand
- 3 Stadia V
* 3 Galar Mine - makes retreating more costly (my retreat costs are low anyway)
(removed in final version because it doesnt really help me, and retreat costs for
additional pokemon are higher)

12 energy V
- 7 Water
- 5 Fighting

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