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To: Nancy Myers

From: Justus Lasiter

Date: May 18, 2022

Subject: APLED 121-Chapter 17 Summary-Outline

Short, Informal Reports

 Report Definition – A report is a document with information, key

milestones, current status, and other important information.
 Online Report – Online report help in numerus ways. Organization,
individual speed, and convenience.
 Types of Report – There are many types of reports, and we will cover them
in this document.

Criteria for Writing Reports

 Organization- Every report should have identification lines, headings, and

talking heading, Introduction, discussion, and conclusion/ recommendation.
 Development- Answering reporters' question of who, when, why, where,
and what? Answering with precise information and photographic detail to
the best of your ability.
 Audience- The writer must know what kind of audience they are talking to;
will they be able to understand the topic
 Style- Styles is conciseness and highlighting techniques. Eliminate word
phrase, add headings, and add subheadings. Along with graphics to help
communicate content.

Incident Report

 Purpose and Examples- This help identify the problem. Allows other to
know as well. This has a detailed list of the problem, how long it's
 Criteria- 32-year-old Jims 1991 Honda Civic, color black was stolen. Last
seen at his home, has been gone approximately 4 hours. License plate
number XXXXXXX, has a personal sticker on passenger side window.

Investigative Report

 Purpose and Examples- This an investigative document on why a particular

incident occurred.
 Criteria- A scientist is sent to Hawaii to see why water levels are dropping.
While there he records active volcanos, Hi and low tide, how much magma
flows from volcanos. With this information the scientist will compare the
records with previous year
Trip Report

 Purpose and Examples- This report is typically for job travel expenses. Plus,
updates on work activities / quotas
 Criteria- Phils space exploration group went to Huston, TX for a space
exploration convention. While there he’ll make a report on the new info,
and even the participated in. He also reports trip expenses. At the end he
recommends to attend the next year.

Progress Report

 Purpose and Examples- This is a report of work progress made and work
 Criteria- Joe the house painter makes daily reports to the job site boss.
Such as walls that need to be sanded, windows that have been masked,
trim that needs masked, etc. Joe gives it to the boss before he leaves.

Lab Report (Also referred to as test reports)

 Purpose and Examples- Document of status of laboratory finding,

experiment, produce, or study.
 Criteria- A scientist studies the Hela cell. He reports the progress of genetic
splicing, and cellular growth. He also records any problems that occur such
as cell rejection. This study is to make an age-less cell
Feasibility/ Recommended Report

 Purpose and Examples- Report is to see if a real plan would theoretically

work and recommended actions if so.
 Criteria- Tims automotive company wants to buy a paint booth. Tim is
unsure if they have the funds or space to do so. So, Tim looks at floor plans
and checks to see if the company's has extra money at the end of the year.
Tim takes measurements and make schematics.

 Prewrite- Using topic content to make and outline rough draft skeleton
 Writing- Then add data into rough draft. Ask a colleague to provide
 Rewrite- Review document with suggestion. Make as needed chages.

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