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Agriculture and industrialization

Agriculture is an applied science which encompasses all aspects of crops
production including horticulture, livestock rearing, fisheries, forestry and etc.
Agriculture may also define as the biological exploitation of soil for the purpose of
production. But in abroad sense of agriculture is the branch of applied science,
which deals with production, improvement, protection, processing, marketing,
extension etc. of crops by proper utilization of natural resources. The natural
resources are soil, sunlight, air, water, temperature etc. Agriculture is an art,
science and business of producing crops and livestock for economic purposes. To
have a knowledge about crops. A crop is an organism grown or harvested for
obtaining yield which has economic value example of this are the rice, fish, poultry
Industrialization is the process by which an economy is transformed from a primarily
agricultural one to one based on the manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is
often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly
lines. Characteristics of industrialization include economic growth, the more efficient
division of labor, and the use of technological innovation to solve problems as opposed to
dependency on conditions outside of human control.

Agriculture and industrialization are related to each other because agriculture is the cause
of having industrialization for example is the rise of demands of goods because the
demand of goods was pushed up which has beyond the capability of the domestic system
and could be met only trough machines and also the quality and quantity of products, the
quality of products means a lot. Products formed from machines are of standardized
quality and can be produced in short period of time and quantity too increased. Products
can be found in cheaper rates too as compared to domestic products. But having this kind
of cause of industrialization is have consequences in agriculture like exploitation of
resources, exploitation of resources increased in an unsustainable manner. Depletion of
natural resources threatens the human existence. Increased in use of technology enables
quicker and efficient extraction of natural resources. For example, of this with the help of
machines trees and other natural resources can be cut down or destroy with a minute,
other is environment rapid industrialization has upset the ecological balance. As we all
know the life of rural people revolve around environment. And degradation of
environment directly affects the rural people.

We can therefore say that industrialization has both positive and negative impact in our
society. In one hand it generates employment, increase the production to meet the
demands and on the other hand it is affecting the lifestyle of rural people to a great extent.
It is directly affecting their land and making unit for agriculture. Thus a great threat to
rural life.


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