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Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
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EEG-Based classification of branded and unbranded stimuli associating

with smartphone products: comparison of several machine learning
Abdurrahman Özbeyaz1

Received: 2 October 2019 / Accepted: 28 January 2021 / Published online: 17 February 2021
Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd. part of Springer Nature 2021

Neurocomputing studies on consumer attitudes have recently made a significant contribution to branding psychology. This
study investigates consumer decisions for a branded stimulus using advanced machine learning algorithms. Electroen-
cephalogram (EEG) signals were recorded during experiments in which ten branded and ten unbranded smartphones were
shown to the subjects as stimuli. Then, EEG signals were classified using a methodological approximation consisting of
four stages: pre-processing, feature extraction, channel selection, and classification. This is the first time a four-stage
methodology has been applied in a neuromarketing study. The analysis study employed autoregressive (AR), principal
component analysis (PCA), and piecewise constant modeling (PCM) in the feature extraction stage; artificial bee colony
(ABC) and independent component analysis (ICA) in the channel selection stage; and artificial neural network (ANN) and
support vector machine (SVM) in the classification stage. By comparing the successes of the methods in each stage, the
methodological combination that gives the best classification performance was determined. According to the results, 72%
accuracy was obtained in the average classification and an 85% accuracy on an individual basis. In the classification that
achieved the best success, PCA in feature extraction, ABC in channel selection, and ANN in classification were used. In
addition, the AF3-F7 (frontal brain regions) channels were observed to be the best-decomposed channel pair for different
classes. The results also showed that stimulation within the brain for a branded product occurred at about 200 ms after the
stimulus onset.

Keywords Electroencephalogram  Classification of branded stimuli  Channel selection  Feature extraction

1 Introduction someone who is about to buy a branded product behaves

A brand is a marketing concept that shapes the relationship Research in the field of neuroscience has recently been
between businesses and consumers. Researchers have extended to consumer psychology and brand awareness
claimed that the purchasing process shows a positive practice [4]. The primary purpose of neuroscience studies
impact on the brand [1, 2]. Today’s consumers purchase analyzing consumer psychology is to measure consumer
brands rather than products due to the different meanings decisions and to provide an understanding of these
that businesses place within their brands. There have been behaviors by combining experimental processes with neu-
many marketing studies performed on how the brain of roscience methods. Therefore, modeling consumer behav-
iors and establishing a robust neuropsychological basis in
the researched topic become easier over time as more
information is gathered [5]. The studies examining neuro-
& Abdurrahman Özbeyaz science and consumer decision together are largely focused under neuromarketing science and on the analysis of
electroencephalogram (EEG) signals recorded from the
Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering,
human brain. EEG technology provides information about
Engineering Faculty, Adıyaman University, Adıyaman,
Turkey how the human brain makes decisions [6].

4580 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

Neurocomputing studies using EEG technology have gen- stage were investigated to find the combination with the
erally focused on diagnosing specific diseases in clinical best classification accuracy. These algorithms were used
environments. However, these types of studies also have because of their previous successes in EEG classification
recently been extended to other disciplines, like neuro- studies [8, 10, 13–19]. The motivation behind the study is a
marketing, that deals with the human cognition system [4]. curiosity of the classification success of the brain activa-
Currently, extensive neuromarketing research is being tions for branded and unbranded stimuli.
conducted to try to understand customer purchasing The next sections of this paper are organized as follows.
behaviors using EEG [4]. The experimental materials and classification methods are
Very few studies in the literature have focused on given in the second and third sections, respectively. The
classifying EEG signals against branded and unbranded classification performances associated with the method-
product stimuli. Furthermore, previous studies have shown ological approximations, and the selected channels are
that employing a four-stage methodology in the classifi- discussed in the fourth section, and the conclusion’s section
cation process can significantly increase the performance is presented in the fifth section.
of the learning algorithm (both accuracy and computation
time), because of reducing data size [7–10]. Therefore, this
neuromarketing study in which branded products are 2 Materials
classified is amplified by a four-stage analysis. In a similar
study, various car brands were shown to subjects in an EEG 2.1 Subjects
experiment. The subjects were asked to complete a ques-
tionnaire after each session related to whether they liked Eleven healthy volunteers participated in the EEG experi-
the contents presented in the session. The recorded EEG ments, seven of whom were female (64%) and 4 of whom
signals were successfully classified by using an ANN were male (36%). The ages of the subjects ranged from 19
algorithm in the study [11]. However, no channel selection to 22 years, with an average age of 20.7 and a standard
method was applied in their research. In another study, deviation of 0.9. All participants appeared to be healthy,
mobile phone and tablet images with six different brands none wore glasses, and none had any reported physical,
were shown as stimuli to the participants during the EEG psychological, or neurological issues. All subjects signed
recording. The EEG signals were classified successfully the informed consent form before each session. The
using SVM and ANN methods. However, no applications experimental studies were approved by the local Ethics
involving selecting the brain regions were developed, and Committee in the Health Sciences Institute at Adiyaman
the analysis process was limited only to the pre-filtering University.
and feature extraction processes [12]. In another research
study, four experimental tasks were conducted to obtain 2.2 Stimuli
and analyze EEG signals against the branded stimuli. In the
EEG experiments, the subjects were asked whether they Twenty stimuli images of smartphone products, ten bran-
liked or disliked the brands, and it was emphasized ded and ten unbranded, were used in the study. A prelim-
throughout the study that the branded stimuli activated the inary survey was conducted among approximately 300
anterior region of the brain. However, no machine learning subjects to decide which brands to use, resulting in Venus,
algorithms were used [1]. Huawei, Microsoft, LG, Nokia, Sony, Samsung, iPhone,
This study proposes a novel EEG classification in which Motorola, and MI. The display order of the stimuli was
advanced machine learning algorithms are used to bring a mixed randomly for each session. The stimuli images were
new breath to the neuromarketing field. First, EEG exper- obtained from the smartphone manufacturers’ web pages
iments were conducted between 11 subjects to perform a and were equalized in terms of luminance and contrast
branded/unbranded classification. The recorded EEG sig- using Adobe Photoshop 8. The presentation software was
nals in the experimental process were classified with the developed with Microsoft.Net C#, and this software was
SVM and ANN algorithms, but, before the classification synchronized with the EEG acquisition system.
process, the data were subjected to preprocess, feature
extraction, and channel selection stages. The autoregres- 2.3 Experimental procedure
sive (AR), principal component analysis (PCA), and
piecewise constant modeling (PCM) algorithms were used In the experiment, the subjects were seated on a comfort-
in the feature extraction process. In addition, the indepen- able armchair with an LCD-type monitor located at a dis-
dent component analysis (ICA) and artificial bee colony tance of 60 cm from the subjects. The monitor was
(ABC) algorithms were used in the channel selection pro- controlled by a desktop computer. The presentation soft-
cess. The combinations of these algorithms used in each ware showed the subjects the stimuli images in a random

Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 4581

order in each session, with the order being recorded in a the AR method. In the spectrum estimation of the AR
text file. Moreover, the stimuli were verified by the subjects method, the model degree determining the number of
after each session through the software, so the signals were parameters is found by the cutoff points of the auto-cor-
labeled. During the experiment, the subjects decided which relation and partial auto-correlation functions. The classi-
smartphone they wanted to buy. The experiment procedure cal equation of the AR complex process with non-fixed
is summarized as follows. At the beginning of the experi- content is given in Eq. 1 for the Burg method.
ment, the ‘‘Experiment Start’’ warning appeared for 30 s on X
the screen. Then, the stimulus pictures were shown for x ð nÞ ¼ c þ ai xðn  iÞ þ eðnÞ ð1Þ
10 s, and this was followed by a white fixed screen that i¼1

appeared for 3 s to enable subjects to focus on the next where ai ðnÞ indicates the parameters of the model,c is the
stimulus. The 10-s duration corresponding to the display constant, p is the model order, eðnÞ represents the white
time of a stimulus is called one-trial. One-trial is an indi- complex noise, and n is the sample number [21]. Since the
vidual decision response for a stimulus in an EEG exper- frequency spectrum of EEG signals has sudden peaks, AR
iment. One epoch lasted 13 s, and one session lasted 4 min modeling is suitable for analyzing the signals. In this study,
and 50 s (10 ? 3 = 13 s; 30 ? 10 * 20 ? 3 * the AR model was used in feature extraction, and the AR
20 = 290 s = 4 min and 50 s). In the study, the Emotiv coefficients were set to three for each trial. In the study,
Epoch device [20] was used to acquire the EEG signals. four features associated with the AR model were trans-
According to the International 10–20 system, EEG signals ferred to the next stage as the normalized parameters in
were recorded over 14 channels (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, each trial. In machine learning studies, the model order of
O1, O2, P8, T8, FC6, F4, F8, and AF4). Notch filtering at the AR model has been commonly chosen as 6 [22].
50 Hz was applied to the recorded EEG signals, which Therefore, in this study, the model order was studied from
were then digitized to a digital signal at a sampling rate of 1 to 6, and the order was decided as 3.
128 Hz using a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter.
3.2.2 Principal component analysis (PCA)

3 Methods Principal component analysis (PCA) is a well-known

dimension reduction technique [23]. In this method, an
3.1 Pre-processing optimum low-dimensional dataset is the representation of
an original dataset. PCA performs the reduction process by
The EEG data were controlled manually before the pre- calculating the variance of the dataset, with the covariance
processing stage, and any corrupted data were removed of the sample matrix being calculated first. The eigenvector
from the dataset. In this stage, a band-pass filter between and eigenvalue are then obtained from the covariance
0.16 and 32 Hz was applied to signals for examining the matrix. An eigenvalue of zero indicates that the eigen-
EEG signals at the normal limits, and 50-Hz notch filtering vectors corresponding to that eigenvalue are linearly
was used to eliminate mains-borne noise from the signals. dependent [24].
The order of the band-pass filter was 10; the sampling In other words, PCA is a method that finds the best low-
frequency of the EEG acquisition system was 128 Hz; the dimensional subspace of a dataset X ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . .; xn Þ by
filtering process eliminated the background noise, and the principal directions. These directions are defined as
lastly the entire signal was subtracted from its mean. All U ¼ ðu1 ; u2 ; . . .; ud Þ 2 R. The notation of d is a subspace
signals were scaled by their standard deviation for each dimension and is commonly less than the input dataset. In
trial. The pre-processing stage was applied to all data in the the new space, the projection matrix is defined as
study. V ¼ ðv1 ; v2 ; . . .; un Þ 2 R. The task of PCA is to find U and
V by minimizing Eq. 2 [25].
3.2 Feature extraction  X 
minX  U V ; U T U ¼ I and VV T ¼ I ð2Þ
3.2.1 Autoregressive (AR)
In this study, the PCA method was employed in the
The Autoregressive (AR) method is a model designed feature extraction stage. Twenty coefficients obtained from
employing the Burg Method and is used to perform a the 1280 samples were used as a feature matrix.
spectral analysis of a signal. The parameters in the AR
model are commonly employed to determine the power
density function. Moreover, the optimal modeling of a data
series is possible with the lowest number of parameters in

4582 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

3.2.3 Piecewise constant modeling (PCM) at each loop to find the most uncorrelated channels. The
upper and lower limits in the ABC algorithm were 1 and
The piecewise constant modeling (PCM) algorithm is 14, respectively. The parameter controlling whether the
based on the decomposing process in the time-domain of food sources were consumed was 100. The Pearson cor-
an input signal. Some temporal features of the signals can relation method was employed as the objective function.
be obtained using the PCM. The PCM process is carried The channel pairs with the lowest correlation belonging to
out as follows. The signals are first decomposed into sta- binary classes were selected through this function in each
tionary sub-windows, and then the samples in each sub- trial.
window are averaged. The mean values obtained from the
sub-windows indicate the quantitative values of a vector in 3.3.2 Independent component analysis (ICA)
the final stage. The resulting vector obtained after the
operations mentioned above includes all features of the Independent component analysis (ICA) is a method that
input signal in the time-domain [8, 10]. According to the converts a multidimensional vector into statistically sepa-
PCM feature extraction method, the length of a sub-win- rate components as much as possible. The variances and
dow is expressed as in Eq. 3 [10]. In the equation, the a- rankings of the components obtained by ICA are not evi-
value is the length of one segment, and the y-value is the dent. The distribution of individual components has a non-
sequence in one window. gauss distribution. In this method, the average of the
classes in the sample is calculated before the executing
1XN 1
a¼ yt ð3Þ process. Subsequently, a dataset with a mean of zero is
N t¼0 subtracted from the calculated average sample matrix. The
In the scope of this study, PCM was employed in the next step ensures that the components of the new matrix,
feature extraction stage. Twenty coefficients were obtained whose mean is zero, are provided to be independent and
as features in the application. The length of a window in their variances equal. Next, the process continues with the
the application was 64. ICA, which works with a floating-point algorithm that
allows the analysis to be performed more quickly [14, 17].
3.3 Channel selection We can express the ICA model in the following equation.
An ICA is applied to the cocktail party problem. A math-
3.3.1 Artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) ematical model representing this problem is given in Eq. 4.
xi ðtÞ ¼ ai1 s1 ðtÞ þ ai2 s2 ðtÞ þ . . . þ aiN sN ðtÞ ð4Þ
The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is based on
This expression can be re-written as x ¼ As by dropping
swarm logic where bees’ intelligent behavior is modeled to
the time function. In the last equation, ‘‘s’’ denotes the
solve optimization problems [26–28]. The optimization
original source signals, the constant ‘‘A’’ is the mixing
problem related to the channel selection process can be
matrix, and ‘‘x’’ is the measured matrix. The primary
expressed as follows. Let EEG channels be stated as
matrix inversion for resolving the mixing matrix (A) is
C ¼ fc1 ; . . .:; ci g; i ¼ 1. . .14, and let the trials be given as
done using the independent components (s). This inversion
T ¼ ft1 ; . . .:; tk g; k ¼ 1. . .20. T refers to the signal
process is realized with the s ¼ A1 x equation by the ICA.
belonging to each stimuli image. The aim is to find the least
In this study, the channel selection process was applied
correlated channel pairs through trials by using the Pearson
   using the ICA in addition to the ABC. Since it would take a
correlation function (P ¼ Covariance Tj ðcx Þ; Tz cy =
  lot of time to classify the multichannel EEG data, only four
Tj ðrcx ÞTz rcy ). In this function, x and y refer to distinct channels were selected with the ICA.
channels, and j and z refer to a different trial dataset. If
min P Tj ðCx Þ; Tz Cy is provided, the problem is 3.4 Classification
In this study, two-channel pairs belonging to different There are many alternative classification algorithms in the
classes (branded and unbranded) that are the least corre- literature [22, 29, 30]. SVM and ANN algorithms are
lated with each other were selected using the ABC algo- prominent in terms of the data size, data complexity, and
rithm. The implementation of the ABC algorithm in the data type features. Therefore, these algorithms were
study was as follows. The colony size was initially set to employed in the classification.
100. Since 14 channels were used in the study, the length of
each solution space was 14 in the colony. Each solution
took a random number between 1 and 14. The algorithm
was run five times iterative, and the colony was optimized

Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 4583

3.4.1 Artificial neural network (ANN) the steepest descent direction. This function is mathemat-
ically expressed in Eq. 7.
An artificial neural network (ANN) is a machine learning  
method where the anatomy and physiology of the biologic sðcÞ ¼ H wðcÞ vðcÞ
nervous system are simulated in a computer environment. rj wðcÞ þ evðcÞ  rj wðcÞ
¼ ; 0\e  1 ð7Þ
In this method, learning is a process that it is done e
according to a certain number of iterations. In addition, the
weights and biases of the structures connecting the nodes
3.4.2 Support vector machine (SVM)
of the ANN are updated according to a continuous error
function [31]. A feedforward pattern recognition network
The support vector machine (SVM) algorithm searches an
was designed to classify EEG signals in the study. Figure 1
optimal hyperplane that can separate the data into multi-
shows the structure of the ANN used in the study.
classes. This hyperplane maximizes the margin, which
In the ANN structure, there were 80 features in the input
creates boundaries for the positive and negative classes.
layer, 20 nodes in a hidden layer, and the output number
For inseparable instances, the objective is the same. The
were 1. The maximum number of epochs to train was 1000;
algorithm imposes a penalty on the length of the margin for
minimum performance gradient was 1e-6; the most number
every observation that is on the wrong side of its class
of validation failures was 6; sigma value was 5e-5, and
boundary [29, 34]. A mathematical expression belonging to
lambda value was 5e-7. In the designed classification
the SVM is given in Eq. 8.
structure, 70% of the data was used for training, 15% for
the test, and the last 15% for validation. Equation 5 cal-  X
w2 ¼ C ei ; yi ðw:xi [ þ bÞ  1  ei ð8Þ
culated the NET function during the feedforward process. 2
In this equation, wk is the weight related to the kth neuron,
and ok is the output of that neuron [32]. The obtained NET According to Eq. 8, the size of the misclassified
values were used in the input of an activation function to instances should be minimized. The parameter C in the
calculate the network output. equation refers to the size of the misclassified samples in
Xn the training data. The lower the value of C is, the more
NET ¼ w k ok ð5Þ successful the model will be. This hyperplane minimization
k¼1 problem can be solved by the decision function given in
In the network, the tangent sigmoid function was used as Eq. 9 [22].
the activation function, which calculated a layer’s output Xl

from its NET input. Additionally, the neural network per- f ð xÞ ¼ sign ai yi \x; xi þ b

formance was calculated from the cross-entropy loss
function. The performance function is given in Eq. 6. In Because the dataset was in a nonlinear format, the data
this equation, x is the network response, t is the target were mapped into a multidimensional space using a linear
value, and N is the total number of observations.   0

X kernel function (G xj ; xk ¼ xj xk ). For this process, an

ce ¼ t logð xÞ; p ¼ ðceÞ=N ð6Þ iterative single data algorithm via quadratic programming
was used. In the study, the predictors were made insensi-
In the ANN, a scaled conjugate gradient backpropaga- tive to the scales on which they were measured. Addi-
tion algorithm [33] was employed to train the network. tionally, the algorithm selected an appropriate scale factor
This algorithm updated the weights in the layers. This using a heuristic procedure. In the SVM algorithm, some
function is a training function that adjusts the weights in parameters were adjusted, as in the following. The number
of observations, excluding missing observations, was 15.

Fig. 1 Visual depiction of the

neural network structure

4584 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

The kernel-offset value was zero for each element of the 4 Findings and discussions
gram matrix. Two-class learning was used, and therefore,
the labels were 0 and 1 in the algorithm, and the bias term 4.1 Classification results
was 0.4146. The boundaries of support vectors needed to
be adjusted with a box-constraints value during training, The study aimed to classify the EEG signals acquired
which is why the box constraint value was set to 1 during against the branded and unbranded stimuli successfully. To
the classification. The sequential-minimal-optimization conduct an accurate classification process, the EEG signals
(SMO) method was employed to restrict the working set. were analyzed in four stages: pre-processing, feature
extraction, channel selection, and classification. In the
3.5 Data analysis process, PCM, PCA, and AR were employed as
feature extraction methods. ABC and ICA were used as
The raw data were arranged as a three-dimensional dataset channel selection methods, and ANN and SVM were used
for each subject before the analysis process. Accordingly, as classification algorithms. The classification results were
one subject was tested as a 3D dataset. In the 3D dataset, obtained by sequentially applying the methods used in each
the samples were found in the first dimension; the channels stage. Considering the combinations of the methods used in
were in the second dimension, and the trials were in the each stage, a total of 12 different classification results were
third dimension. The 3D dataset was composed of the obtained. The obtained results were compared in terms of
signals obtained from 14 different channels placed in the their classification successes, and the results are given in
skull. The samples were only the signals recorded for a the following sections. The classification results are
stimulus time period (10 s * 128 Hz = 1280 samples). The examined in terms of the methods used in the classification
trials represented the binary class (ten branded and ten and channel selection processes. The methodological
unbranded stimuli) in the matrix. The structure of the 3D combinations are shown in Fig. 3.
dataset is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3 shows the data dimensions in each stage,
The classifier was run 20 times using a random split of visually showing that the sample size and the number of
the data into training and testing for each subject sepa- channels were reduced after the feature extraction and the
rately. The average of the 20 runs gave the classification channel selection processes. Because 20 or 3 features were
performance for one subject. In each run, three-quarters obtained according to the feature extraction method, these
and one-quarter of the data were randomly split into the values are represented as 20/3 in the figure. The sampling
training and the testing subsets, respectively. The signal frequency of the EEG device was 128 Hz. The total display
and channel dimensions were reduced to 20 samples (three duration of stimuli in the experiment was 10 s. Therefore,
for the AR method) and four channels in the feature the signal length, including in the analysis process, was
extraction and channel selection stages, respectively. The 1280 samples. Since the length of the signal is quite large,
data of the selected four channels were concatenated before the segment length was chosen as 64. EEG studies related
the classification process, and the dimension of the data to visual stimuli that have been carried out in the literature
was adjusted to 80 by 20. Therefore, the size of the attri- have commonly stated that the stimulus was started within
butes was 80, and the size of the observations (i.e., the first 500 ms [4]. Therefore, the length of the segment
instance) was 20 (because of trial size). chosen for 20 samples amounts to a time interval of 1/2 s

Fig. 2 Structure of 3D dataset

Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 4585

Fig. 3 Classification scenario and data dimension states in four stages

(500 ms). Moreover, in some similar studies, feature- classification success at about 85%. Furthermore, in this
length has also been employed between four and eight method, Qn and Qm successes were higher, with about
samples [8, 10]. In the present study, the segment length 100% and 76.5%, respectively. However, the worst per-
was decided empirically. In addition, the number of formance, about 40%, was observed in the application of
channels included in the classification process was also AR. The rate of deviation from the averages was satis-
determined experimentally. Accordingly, the channels factory in the PCA method, but it was not as good in the
were selected more than ten times, and ten were included in AR method.
the classification. The results for the SVM and ICA methods are given in
The branded and unbranded classification results are Table 2. According to the results, PCA had an average
given in the following tables. The classification successes classification success of about 70%, but the AR method
are shown as percentage values in the tables for different achieved a better performance of about 85% on an indi-
combinations of algorithms used in the feature extraction, vidual basis. The Qn and Qd values had the best perfor-
channel selection, and classification stages and denote how mances in the AR method, at about 85% and 86%,
much the signals belonging to the branded class can be respectively. This round was successful because there were
separated from the unbranded. Table 1 provides the clas- not any classification performances below 55%. Therefore,
sification performances obtained when ANN and ICA were the obtained successes were better than the previous anal-
used, and the results are presented as accuracy, specificity ysis. Since the best standard deviation was 3.92 in PCA, it
(Qn), and sensitivity (Qd). Specificity (true-negative rate) was observed that this method had more stable results.
refers to the rate of the members labeled as real individuals, The classification results for the ANN and ABC meth-
although they are not in a cluster. Sensitivity (true-positive ods are given in Table 3. According to Table 3, the average
rate) labels only those individuals who are sought in the classification results reached about 72% with PCA. Fur-
cluster correctly, but individuals not searched are not cru- thermore, PCM accuracy reached about 84% on an indi-
cial in this case. The average, standard deviation, and the vidual basis. Additionally, the average specificity (about
maximum and minimum values for each success are given 72%) and the average sensitivity (about 73%) values were
in the last four rows in Table 1. The results indicate that observed as the best in PCM. It was inferred from the
PCM had the best average result, with about 68% classi- table that there were not any classification successes below
fication success, and PCA had the finest individual 50%. The standard deviation had the best value at 3.79 in

4586 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

Table 1 Classification results

based on the ICA/ANN channel
selection/classification Subj. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens.
1 79.52 84.72 75.05 69.05 67.40 71.43 67.88 65.84 70.48
2 73.63 81.16 69.03 60.00 60.00 60.00 62.75 61.82 63.83
3 66.67 70.00 64.29 64.58 65.22 64.00 80.81 86.75 76.52
4 40.40 39.56 41.12 53.33 53.85 52.94 59.34 59.77 58.95
5 77.08 84.21 72.41 60.00 60.00 60.00 69.70 70.97 68.57
6 77.08 84.21 72.41 64.58 65.22 64.00 80.56 72.00 100.00
7 41.67 40.00 42.86 84.62 100.00 76.47 65.48 65.12 65.85
8 70.24 77.42 66.04 66.67 70.00 64.29 73.33 70.59 76.92
9 79.80 81.05 78.64 62.64 65.33 60.75 46.67 46.15 47.06
10 62.64 65.33 60.75 59.34 59.77 58.95 73.33 70.59 76.92
11 66.67 72.73 63.16 64.58 65.22 64.00 70.33 69.89 70.79
Avg. 66.85 70.94 64.16 64.49 66.55 63.35 68.20 67.23 70.54
Std. 13.30 15.86 11.63 7.54 11.41 6.00 9.30 9.45 12.58
Max. 79.80 84.72 78.64 84.62 100.00 76.47 80.81 86.75 100.00
Min. 40.40 39.56 41.12 53.33 53.85 52.94 46.67 46.15 47.06

Table 2 Classification results

based on the ICA/SVM channel
selection/classification Subj. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens.
1 67.33 66.20 68.56 64.24 65.04 63.10 60.33 56.49 62.81
2 62.96 61.70 63.19 72.51 68.59 77.35 65.05 62.88 68.38
3 62.94 57.37 67.61 70.93 75.36 68.72 65.52 63.18 68.14
4 62.73 59.84 64.64 69.24 64.42 76.00 67.51 64.12 70.56
5 69.80 68.22 71.97 66.25 65.58 66.60 75.04 68.84 81.11
6 73.36 70.86 76.10 74.90 74.16 77.72 68.19 68.24 67.92
7 67.30 70.31 68.00 67.49 66.54 69.12 69.64 63.92 75.21
8 68.33 67.56 69.88 64.59 60.95 68.27 79.48 79.89 79.11
9 70.08 70.88 70.46 72.81 77.57 69.68 78.87 79.06 80.03
10 65.75 67.36 65.17 76.40 74.22 78.48 64.01 63.85 64.35
11 84.16 85.19 85.91 67.49 62.41 71.75 65.63 60.85 70.05
Avg. 68.61 67.77 70.14 69.71 68.62 71.53 69.02 66.48 71.61
Std. 5.86 7.00 6.06 3.92 5.47 4.90 5.92 6.88 6.03
Max. 84.16 85.19 85.91 76.40 77.57 78.48 79.48 79.89 81.11
Min. 62.73 57.37 63.19 64.24 60.95 63.10 60.33 56.49 62.81

PCA, which shows that the classification rates for all distribution, as did the other rounds. The average and
subjects included in this round were not far from the standard deviation values of the accuracies, specificities,
average. and sensitivities are shown in Fig. 4.
The classification results for the SVM and the ABC are When the twelve different results obtained from the
given in Table 4. Table 4 shows that the PCM method methodological combinations were compared, it was
reached a classification rate of about 60%, on average. This observed that the best average classification accuracy was
result is the best of this round, but it is the worst of all the obtained at about 72% in the PCA–ABC–ANN combina-
analysis processes. The maximum classification perfor- tion. However, the worst classification result on an average
mance was 72% on an individual basis, but specificity basis was observed in the AR–ABC–SVM combination.
reduced to nearly 20% while sensitivity remained at about Moreover, the best individual classification accuracy was
70%. The best standard deviation value was 3.71. The obtained with 85% in the PCA–ICA–ANN combination.
results obtained on an individual basis showed a normal The average successes obtained were lower than the

Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 4587

Table 3 Classification results

based on the ABC/ANN
channel selection/classification Subj. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens.
1 73.33 74.64 74.36 71.81 74.68 70.71 58.29 54.17 63.39
2 59.84 60.40 58.96 81.42 83.51 82.20 66.46 68.70 64.18
3 64.82 63.25 67.05 70.38 72.12 71.04 75.77 73.07 79.11
4 68.30 67.49 70.30 67.20 67.98 67.60 68.51 70.00 68.67
5 66.11 61.52 70.70 70.84 69.32 72.56 84.05 83.68 85.78
6 71.81 70.24 73.88 68.79 65.66 72.31 60.62 67.90 55.68
7 59.20 54.45 62.47 69.82 70.41 71.47 66.17 65.64 67.75
8 63.58 63.17 65.96 76.24 77.54 76.20 79.15 82.38 77.01
9 58.88 62.80 55.18 73.18 74.29 74.77 72.74 70.04 75.83
10 61.21 63.83 60.66 69.28 71.98 66.82 60.05 55.42 64.24
11 70.92 72.96 70.32 72.09 68.06 76.02 63.19 65.12 62.45
Avg. 65.27 64.98 66.35 71.91 72.32 72.88 68.64 68.74 69.46
Std. 5.01 5.62 6.02 3.79 4.82 4.12 7.98 8.76 8.48
Max. 73.33 74.64 74.36 81.42 83.51 82.20 84.05 83.68 85.78
Min. 58.88 54.45 55.18 67.20 65.66 66.82 58.29 54.17 55.68

Table 4 Classification results

based on the ABC/SVM
channel selection/classification Subj. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens. Acc. Spec. Sens.
1 57.00 42.50 66.67 59.00 25.00 81.67 52.00 5.00 83.33
2 58.00 22.50 81.67 69.00 45.00 85.00 56.00 22.50 78.33
3 55.00 25.00 75.00 66.00 25.00 93.33 55.00 0.00 91.67
4 50.00 37.50 58.33 58.00 15.00 86.67 55.00 30.00 71.67
5 58.00 42.50 68.33 58.00 20.00 83.33 70.00 50.00 83.33
6 64.00 65.00 63.33 58.00 15.00 86.67 56.00 5.00 90.00
7 40.00 45.00 36.67 56.00 15.00 83.33 56.00 22.50 78.33
8 52.00 60.00 46.67 60.00 20.00 86.67 72.00 45.00 90.00
9 66.00 45.00 80.00 58.00 7.50 91.67 61.00 20.00 88.33
10 51.00 47.50 53.33 61.00 22.50 86.67 49.00 0.00 81.67
11 67.00 62.50 70.00 59.00 35.00 75.00 52.00 0.00 86.67
Avg. 56.18 45.00 63.64 60.18 22.27 85.45 57.64 18.18 83.94
Std. 7.55 13.19 13.29 3.71 9.91 4.67 6.94 17.19 5.87
Max. 67.00 65.00 81.67 69.00 45.00 93.33 72.00 50.00 91.67
Min. 40.00 22.50 36.67 56.00 7.50 75.00 49.00 0.00 71.67

individual successes because the raw data for each subject validation [35]. To confirm the successes for the best
was not at the same clarity. When the results were com- classification process, the standard deviations and t test
pared in terms of the channel selection process, it was analyses of the 20 classification results for each subject
concluded that the ABC method was more successful than were also obtained. These results are given in Table 5. It is
ICA. Furthermore, the use of PCA as the feature extraction understood from the table that the 20 classification results
method was effective in all processes. Although the ANN for each subject are seen to be consistent with each other.
method was found to be better on average, SVM was more The Wilcoxon rank-sum test is a nonparametric statis-
successful in some individual measurements. tical method that can be used to compare two populations.
The classification process was run 20 times for each In this method, if two different datasets are independent
subject, and the average of the obtained results was samples with dissimilar sample sizes, the test statistic
accepted as the classification success in the study. This returns the rank sum of the first sample. In this study, the
validation technique is known as Monte Carlo cross- results obtained from ABC and from ICA were analyzed by

4588 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

Fig. 4 Averages and standard deviations of the accuracies, specificities, and sensitivities obtained in all methodological combinations

Table 5 Standard deviation and

Std. Dev. Results t test Results
t test results for 20 runs with the
best classification. PCA, ABC, Subj. ACC Spec Sens ACC Spec. Sens.
and ANN methods were used
H p H p H p

1 0.16 0.20 0.17 1 1.14E-07 1 3.11E-05 1 4.55E-06

2 0.18 0.20 0.18 1 6.03E-05 1 9.39E-05 1 4.76E-04
3 0.16 0.27 0.19 1 2.18E-06 1 1.26E-06 1 4.52E-04
4 0.22 0.31 0.26 1 1.33E-06 1 6.10E-05 1 9.14E-05
5 0.18 0.26 0.25 1 2.22E-06 1 1.36E-05 1 1.13E-04
6 0.18 0.26 0.25 1 2.52E-06 1 1.68E-04 1 1.89E-04
7 0.21 0.25 0.23 1 3.40E-07 1 3.74E-05 1 5.92E-07
8 0.20 0.31 0.19 1 7.02E-07 1 2.36E-04 1 2.54E-04
9 0.19 0.33 0.27 1 1.61E-06 1 8.06E-05 1 4.37E-05
10 0.14 0.20 0.18 1 1.52E-05 1 5.58E-04 1 1.13E-04
11 0.19 0.23 0.18 1 2.06E-07 1 2.30E-05 1 2.49E-06
Avg. 0.18 0.26 0.21

the Wilcoxon statistical method. The dependencies test statistic more extreme than the observed value under
between the results obtained from ABC, and ICA were the null hypothesis. As a result, it was observed that the
examined in each methodological approximation. Table 6 dependencies between the results obtained from the chan-
shows the test results, with the p-values appearing as a nel selection methods (ABC and ICA) were rejected in
positive scalar from 0 to 1. P-value is the probability of a every methodological approach.
The branded/unbranded images displayed during the
experiment were shown in the second session again after
Table 6 Wilcoxon test between
Method (Accuracies) p-values each experiment. In this session, participants were asked
ABC and ICA channel selection
methods All Data 1.000
what their emotions were about buying each product shown
PCA-ANN 0.999
during the experiment. The given responses for branded
AR-ANN 0.916
and unbranded stimuli in the second session were analyzed,
and the number of responses for each stimulus is shown as
PCM-ANN 0.604
a histogram in Fig. 5. In the histogram, the even numbered
PCA-SVM 1.000
bars correspond to the frequency of responses for unbran-
AR-SVM 0.999
ded products. The figure shows that while the branded
PCAM-SVM 0.998
stimuli images were preferred 52 times, the unbranded

Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 4589

Fig. 5 Given responses for branded and unbranded stimuli in the second session

stimuli images were preferred 47 times. In addition, the selected channel pairs. In the histogram, while the channels
frequency of preference for branded or unbranded stimuli in the columns belong to the branded class, the channels in
was statistically analyzed by a paired t test. Because the the rows represent the unbranded class. The results in the
p-value (0.08) was less than 0.05 (significance level), a histogram belong to the ABC method, which was suc-
significant difference was observed between the frequen- cessful in the classification process.
cies of preferences. It can be inferred from the figure that the frontal regions
are more significant in the classification. However, the
4.2 Channel selection results frequencies for the selected channels from the parietal,
occipital, and temporal regions are in a narrower spectrum.
In this study, the channel pair giving the best success was In particular, it was concluded that the reciprocal same
determined as a ratio of the correlation between the two channel pairs are not very important in the classification. It
channels. While applying the ICA and ABC methods, the was also observed that, while the channels for the branded
correlations between the channel pairs were calculated class are mostly selected from the frontal regions, the
according to the Pearson correlation method. A 2D-matrix channels for the unbranded class are chosen from the
histogram was obtained as a result of calculating Pearson’s parietal, occipital, or temporal regions. In addition, a his-
correlations between all channel pairs and is shown in togram distribution displaying the significant channel pairs
Fig. 6. The values in the figure show the number of in the EEG classification is shown in Fig. 7. In this

Fig. 6 2D histogram showing

the correlations between each
channel pair in the ABC method

4590 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

histogram, the channel pairs selected more than eight times To illustrate the methodological innovation of the study,
are shown. Table 7 compares the present study with previous studies,
The AF3-F7 channel pair had the best success (12 including recent EEG classification studies in the literature.
times). Moreover, the AF3-AF3, F7-F3, and F7-FC5 The table shows that the SVM and ANN algorithms were
channel pairs were selected ten times, and these channel usually employed in the classification processes in previous
pairs are ranked second in the channel selection process studies. In most of the studies, channel selection processes
with the ABC. The rest of the channel pairs were selected were not used; however, the channels used in the studies
nine times. Thus, these results verify the success of ABC in were included in the classification process based on expe-
the channel selection process. The most-selected and the rience. In the present study, however, the channel selection
least-selected channel regions against the branded class are process was carried out sensitively with ABC and ICA
shown on the brain maps in Fig. 8. methods.
The evoked potentials (EPs) refer to the ensemble data
reconstructed from the EEG signals, which were acquired
for a specific stimulus. The method of examining EPs 5 Conclusions
usually is used in the process of identifying the most
meaningful channels in neuro-computational studies. The EEG signals acquired against branded and unbranded
Therefore, in terms of verifying the results obtained from stimuli were classified in a four-stage methodological
the channel selection process, the evoked potentials that process. Multiple approaches were used at each stage to
belong to the best channel pair (AF3-F7) are shown for determine the combination achieving the best classifica-
250 ms in Fig. 9. tion. Furthermore, the channel selection process was
Figure 9 shows that the EPs in different classes were involved in the analysis process, and the ABC method was
significantly decomposed from each other. When the sig- more successful than ICA in study [18]. Moreover, the
nals of branded and unbranded classes sequentially come experimental procedure applied in this study had different
from AF3 and F7, the decomposition starts after the 200th characteristics in terms of stimuli, presentation time, task,
millisecond from the onset of the stimulus. Consequently, and the number of participants [47, 50, 51]. Branded and
it was verified that the EPs coming from the most-selected unbranded classification concepts rather than a focus on a
channel pairs decompose from each other. The findings specific brand name were investigated in the present study.
obtained during the channel selection process confirmed The best classification success was achieved in the
the studies in the literature examining the behavior of the approximation using PCA in the feature extraction, ABC in
brain when viewing brands. Accordingly, stimulation in the the channel selection, and ANN in the classification. The
brain toward a brand stimulus takes place in the dorsolat- classification performance was about 72% on average in
eral prefrontal cortex region at approximately 200 ms from this approximation. The Qn and Qd values at this success
the onset [4, 36, 37]. rate were about 72% and 73%, respectively. In addition,

Fig. 7 Most significant channel pairs selected by the ABC in the classification

Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593 4591

Fig. 8 a Most and b the least-selected brain regions with the ABC; c channel locations

the standard deviation was 3.79. On an individual level, a

classification was achieved with about 85%. According to
the channel selection results, it was observed that the best-
distinguished channel pair was the AF3-F7. Additionally, a
severe decomposition was observed in the signals obtained
from these two channels. When the EPs elicited from these
channels were compared, the decomposition in the ampli-
tudes started after about 200 ms from the onset of the
stimulus. Furthermore, the decomposition was more evi-
dent when the EP sources were changed according to the
Fig. 9 EPs that belong to the most significant channel pair selected by type of stimulus, and studies in the literature confirmed
ABC these findings.

Table 7 Comparison of the methodological aspects of the present study with previous studies
Author(s) Cognitive task Used methods
Feature extraction Channel selection Classification

Present study Smartphone products Branded/Unbranded PCA, AR, PCM ABC, ICA SVM, ANN
Taran and Bajaj [38] Motor imagery Wavelet 8 LS-SVM
Kutlu et al. [39] Mathematical and text MoDP 8 LU-Extreme Learning
Alazrai et al. [40] Tonic cold pain Wavelet 8 Two-layer SVM
Komijani et al. [41] Motor imagery ARMA ICA Neuro-fuzzy ANN
Chea et al. [6] Music listening 8 8 CNN, SVM
Güven et al. [42] Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder Nonlinear features 8 ANN, SVM, Naı̈ve Bayes
Li et al. [43] Motor imagery 8 8 CSP
Saini et al. [44] Lie detection EMD, IMF 8 SVM
Raghu et al. [45] Epileptic seizures Wavelet 8 SVM
Jin et al. [46] Motor imagery CSP 8 SVM, Extreme Learning
Yadava et al. [47] Different products Like / dislike Wavelet 8 Hidden Markov Model
Oon et al. [48] Different products Prefer / not-prefer DFA 8 ANN, kNN
Golnar-Nik et al. [49] Smartphone products Like / dislike Power spectral density 8 SVM, LDA

4592 Neural Computing and Applications (2021) 33:4579–4593

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