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Sakioualsm Jndia

p i t s to he icovred

The fiat Marld Wah
Khilalat Lase
Non-lo-speration Mownuut
Difong ands ttin dhemomurt
Ca Diksbediantà Moiamunt ta c
aAensa o aldarki Ralsngg
Cancusion. i4 4


Natibnaliam s ayatu and sdouption Jtoards


InLndia, trur aouit madin, nationaliam

is intimatey cannactad to the anti-calsnial
e enaai bengppassed undn caleruo
Jism pvidad shavud biand.
that ted mary
Aillerant gaupa ogen. ut each class and

AApbh a t alenialism donan

Tu Jint wald w G1-1318) ouatad a naw
palitral and ecanamic siluaion.
bHovo ttu Est Likuld tn Julpad in the yaulh al
Indiaatonal Movamunt inJnda.
ta an

Lon led to a huge intrease in dolece erpenditura

whichi wasinancd by wa Loans Land uncruasing
taxasLustam sauektes utu Haised and incama
tas intbwduced..po

Thouagh h oa yeaa pices inceased-daubling

botuanan 1913 and 1918, Joading doebumu haxd-"
ahip Lamman peaple

Villagos wLe callud pan do Supply saldieors,

and the aed uvuitmentin Juwral arens
Sausad uidespuad angen.

ioIn 118-19 and 1920-21uapa oilsd in many

wapaxt Indio, ulting in acude shadages
his s atcampodnud by an inlunga apldernic.
sAccdingits dha canss 121, 12to13 million
paplapaishad a s pa sasult e amins asd
aapls haped dhat thuin handskips ud d
Atr e wax w a e Bud that dil ns happan.
7 8, in this woa tiut wodd ln hlpad in h
Ayousth VouGr Mo
XTha Idea atyalaha
Mahatama andhi utusyedb India in Jauy

Ha had tanu Jren sauth Auico, whu ha had

utsauly taught ha sacist Suguna i
a mathad mass agitation, callad Antyagraha.
is mant btha ida o tyaaaa?
Tha idra el åatagaha ap emphasised dhu poaa
t u t h and nead o eachi an tuth

7tyanaha is a mohad mass agitakian by

Kahich ithnanviolenta, hay uaedto ght
a trubU

Iuagested that. u tause was bua

de stuaga uas Against iniustice then
Ke phaita

netnucaSsaA aht sppum

toibhat Jona
aAAssiNe, Aa satuagruahi cauld uin
ha batt Duugugh nan- vialonca.

Mahatama Sgmdki bebimad. that this. dhaxma

nanvoleicaAulduita all Indiaps
npla induding u
spPussc - had o e pound
to au he tuth, und o buing lauod to aupt Ju
Mahatama Jandbi auganied 2uaaha maxernands
n vaiauus platus

In 1916. Champaan in Bihan to inapia the

pansants o stg againat e opphussiua
ddplantatisn syatam.
iIn 1313, Kheda distuict o jart, o Aupparit he
ha, paasanta h,akected rep Jailuhe and
uastà plaguepidaic, tu piasants hhuds _cauld
nat p h s renenuyand dumanded.Junnue
callection .be Jukanad

it In 1918. Ahunadabad in ianat, mauement amangst

Cattan ml wotkers o inweas ruin wagls

Th Rovwlot Act (ia1s)

h Adt had bean huniedly pasaed thraugh
hImperial LegiuLaie Jouncil daspita tha
a,iAnitad appmsiton ath Indian imambnd.
u I t gati the amMRnrnant Araumsus påuans to

apnasspolitdca atiiia,

sllsund datasktan paitical pisaru:

nithauttialJanbuo years
yandht an tApil,19 detidd to launch a
natianuslde satyagnaha gasi against. Roulat

Nalllies aaraanisedin tesiDa

thURALs w t an atuke in uailuoay wwRshap
dhops uan dgsd dawn.

Alounad b the' pppulan upsusR Biteh adruni-

stbuatan dacidad to clamp dauan gn Natanalists
Lecal unduus r a picked up uam Amrutan
and Nahtama arddhi usas bavud puom enteing

Jaillansalo Bagh Massacne CÀmitsan - 1314

30onita a nuspapen upan en'."hu Jallianuallak Bngh.

On 13 Apil, 191Sa huge prasd gathuud in
ahaenglaaadqoud Tallianisallo Bagh.

Anthatthok iday.a i a d iageswho had

Lame to denoitaan t» attand a tain gatheud.
Baina mAutaiaa tha thay e unauoa
amatial Jauoihat hadeanmpaaed

nra Denentered th arsa. blorhed thu

ait poins, andpened u n tha crawd
His ahjoct uas topradute a maral alest', to
Cata in the minds a satyagrahis a Jeling
terar ahd aus.

Aa te n allianalla bagh spread, rasds

kook o t sttutsin manH narth ndian towns.

7 Thane
Thu u sbiks, slashas oith tha palice and
odtackaaan Aoeument huidldings.,

a AANANment Juspandud wth butal uprasslon,

22uking to hurmiliatz and tuourise peaple. dota
Juhaahis w antaddo ub theinases an tha

Jumd , raial an dha stadtai, andde salaam

ndte to allsahibs, paapla t logged and
illages w bombed.)
deing wiakncespruad. Mahatama andhi calld
th movement

Lahil tha Roslatt aatyagaha had beon a uide-

1 puad mauamut, it a s stil linited mastly
itaiaand towrs. Aandhiji thaught to laun
A na bondbosed mamant in India, had
to hrdng Aindus ond Muuslima togethen. fæn tHat
ha hod to taka pe Khalilat Issue
Khalilat Lun
The Enst Loerld oasn had _onded with the daaat
tteman Turky dnd thera era Jumaws
Jhata.hnushpeacauaty oas aing to be
mpaxd on the: Ottamani amparn
ual haad o the Ilamic uwandd Cthe Khalia

lo dalnd dhe Kalila's tempoal pais, a khila-

a Cammitta uas aumed in Bambay n Mach

nhamniad Ali oind haukat Ali, Jagan disussiy

with Mahataria ahdbi about.anited
Ntional Maverant tu

yandhii sao this as an

oppertunity to bring
slinsnde tumbullano Uniliad
Nattonal Nooman

At de Lakuntta Bessian ei tu canqriss in

antaptemben 1120. ha Lanuincedotrer Jeaders a tha
a nidatostarta non-Laapascadtani mavemuntt
si i n uppert Khadilat sas well as Jar Sxa
h Non-Lnapexatan? A

n Book Aind susrai whichandhiji wrata in 1903

u daclaned that Bibish Ruls toas stablished jn
i dia aith tihe coaperationIndians, and had
&uwiNad any bkcauseathis coopsaian.
ndiou auwed o,toopenatg..Bridtzh puda Jn
Sndia uuld catlapse uatin a
yeah and dusarj

antbij propased hat e moemnt shauld

unkald in stages."dusxonden ahanaurs hanarH.
haddanin with thal autiundon Htles that past
ha goumant auwaidad.
Baycadtt ivdsic , oUny. palice , Lawrts
Dnd ialativa
sAncils, sthosls and aralgn g0ods
n Anase, kNenmarusad ruprassisn,a u
ivi diahedionts ampaign soald ba launchud.

7alia Longus Javaun toith Nan-

Sanpenatanh Moamant beraus
J n sthis msamant sauil
luctond l l g
Jbcatd ,Jau Larigpuss santed lstlons which
SObo in held in Novima,
J Adso Canguss hught that this ill Jad to
mau vislune
Bu in Docambun 1320. at thu Lanauss du
t Naspu, bray adapted t

Non-Loapuakon Maiamint. was stats in

Aanuary 1421: Variqu sacial ausups paid
patd n this maueust, ench uilh its aun
4peilk aspination.
Dling 2trands within ta Movamant
Write about hopas and
stnugals dilewt
TheMument in the touansocial groups

ne imoamenttotedith middlle-slass
ponticipation inulthe ittea.
Staps tekan u

Te studunta t poyetnunat santalled whesls

andicallages hoadonastars and taachotb susignud

aeus gauup tuir agal practius.

Lwntik:aleckas e Ibsycatted in mast
phairita capt Madyas tr pis.
(Madrasedackions wina hald Jbecasathwu
Justiea lady Neh-Brahmans taak part pa
in dacdans).
Leuignugaads aa bacatted, ligua shaps
pickated and faruign sladh bun in huge barn

Peaple started eaing Khadi

The impat kauighlath habued, ita value
dsppingam Ral02Lxaa taik S1 crara
Ckatseen 1321 and 1922)
Mishants andpady slusid ts trade in
aegnqoads ainantuauig trade
Braduckion Tndian textile imills and handlasns
wert up.

Ahstauction Eaced rna

Khadidath was maru erpensiu' than mass pradu-
ced mill slath and paar peaple cauld nat
ad huy
n e e u s Trdian Edueatianall Institts wou

atudarts bonud teactsala

8080,teochs and stadants bagan tritklin back

to s mnt 3choels.
auws jained batk wark inponwnment
Lusls. hL

*Rebellian in the Lountuyaida! Ceeasants

hpeasanta had to do began and wmR with-

pa in the
awms spprassiu Jandlards

Thapeasatts maamat devmandadsi

Radaudkian ol SrANiukina ah
Abaliaition hegan
Social hoycatk ppaaive andlatds.
boblama Lalukdans and landlmds damandad
asbitantly hinh uurds and variuky s dther
) Peasanta had tobepax.
hapan- Lahaur thgk vlliges moa enad t
Lortibute withaut anu paymant

The peasanta aha Ad by Baba Ramchandra

inadhaaiat landlmrdsiand Talukdana
In may ptaun nai-dhabi bondhs .un -
n mar
nisd panchauata fo daprie Sandiands
h a Acod en Jparbars And waahuunan

Tn June 1920, Jaahalal Nahru bagan arg

aroundthe uillagesin Asadh.

Octmbin, Te Oudh Kisan, sabha.i uwas set up

haaded hy lamahanlal Nhou, Babo Rarnchandsa
and a ew athus
ithin amonth.,N 300 branches had bwn sut
p in te villages arsund he egion

u mauement spruad in1921,

the hausus a talukdlarsn and marchants ve
bagaansw lostd
a i n haardsi mia takn even..

acal ladrs tald the peasants that Landhiu

Jhad declahud rat na taces wwre tu paid
and Jand was to he rudisbibuted aniang the
Ravatt b ibals
Relbelkien dantetiens: ( Tübala)

h ouxnnunt Jhas cladsang anest areas,
peapla mn antering itha auat

ribalai carnat aane thain tattl..

ibals cannut calluctu,oodanduts
i h a l s au Jartad o dsaxk britishers
Laihaut Ag paynont Jika o
baildBads, ah

7In tha udan Hills aAndha Bradash, uwrills

an was started jn sarly 14 20s
wrilla oan is whun a small guaup hith
nat a pit a i any baht
Ce peisan who cqml to:lead himi uas
ALluu ditaram Haiu
Raju as inspired hy tbu on-lasporatian
Monement, and persuaded peapla so ean
Khadi and giua up drining He talkad af he
atunss aMahatama landhi.
Z Butat ha same itime, hi assorted that Tndia
could he diberated anly ba bu use
s a tnan-lialonce

The udun rubels attacked police atakoa,

ottemptad do ill Bikah alicdals and caid
n ita 'wankaru ar athioving saa

Raju wacaptuud and enautad in 9 24 and

ouanai in elantakions

Plantation is umed to A wge Area an whith

wsps o a Araun, and this aua is wey large ava
and many wamkors uatk an his land. These
auLi kes AuLRraan as Plantaion lark

2Earplantation..warkusin dsam,pardam mant

da Sight b move pay nand aut te
Lonfinmd space n which ty s enclased. dnd
tmeantsrutaiingico ink sith the uillage ram
which uy had cami

Jnder e Inland Emiqrakton det 1859. he

plantatan warkes wa nat allauwed o leaxe
ha tea 49ardens witheut permission
bCThegu e s uarly giuen pomissian).

Duwina NonLooperahion Povement, thausands

warkes dekied heauthaitizs , l t ha plantatos
n d headeduhame

7Thgbliined that lyandhikaj. uaas Laming and

Neyanwld aen Landin the olon

tanen, ty nun uachud: hein destinatn.
tranded sn a aay y a railluay and steame
stnika, hay caught hg
wera ha policeand
butally beaten up.

On ehrauy, 1922 Mahatama andhi daridad

do Lailthdaa tha Non Lonperation Mavenat,
Hault the maamant was tuning violent in
mai plars.

drcidad oain Indians -baar any gten

mass sttuugole

oithin ha Longass oma Juadaus w e bu

diud mags stuggles. And wanted
to paxticipata n sluian
o tho puovineial

Tha t dat it
8itish policdas thinwoaimpod.ant ooppose
the cauncils, ongu an
ekaums andu alao dbrnmnutoratadhodt
touncilar ara nat tru damacuatic. huse

CROaa and Mokllal Nehu

amad th Suana
adtin ha angess do anqu na ut
to couna polikics.
But ynung oadars ike Jauahandal Nahu ad
ubhas handna Ba presaedarmau Jadical
mass gitation
ad o ul indapendane
Eacts hat shaped Indian olites uiauds the
Jata 1920Os.

h a arldaide Econamic Daprussion (1323)

Aaniultusapoi began o all pam 1924 and

callapaed alta 1930. ds th_damand an agi
ultural gaads Jull andAnpads declined
pRasanta Haund t dilicubt o sll rein harwusts
and poy uir nenui Ba: 1930tha auntyside
wain turmail

diman Lamnisaisn C1323)

S0b)LOitaanspapnapant an he Srmon omission-
( t aas Lonstituted by thaTau aueumerl
8itain o laak ite ha donands o tha
in the Lanati-
natianalista and ungeat changes
tuianal sbutuu Tndia

oin John-dimenuwo4 tha chaivman is

Cammission and cansisted q

öoblum: Lommissiondid not haue asingte

Indian Mamber. geA all Bribish
Sinan Lammissien arined in India in 1928
taas qastadvelth ha lagane Bank iman

AL ponti, including the Cangu and a

Nalim Leagu, pattcipatud in Hha damanstuati

I n October 1929, aLommdsion Jucammutd

daminian statu' 4e tAdia Jn saming
utua and 'a Raund Tabla anlerunte o
distusing akutba sanatitekian en Tndio.

. Elots odiman Lammisin

Decumbn, 1329 Jndar tu'prusidoney
Jawaharlal Nahru, tha Lahaxe slsson o lonatus
Jaumaliged ha damad u r n a Jusara

24th Janua 30 oas talahruated as he

Indapandence Da i .t d i
1930 D8R.Ambedkanstablishad tu Dupressed
CLasses Asociation uid

tl lisohudienca MayAnau
Cl Disobediange a aciu. prolssed u
t o sbay eutinin aas, demands and Cammand
a ONAumurd, a anCLupHing indtaina-
tional puo Linil disobadiunce
is a mbalic
A Jikuaatit ialatian the lo, atha than a
1 uictian the suatum as a ohala

SaltMaschnuit Lf Lat
aup u
2alt, march to makelap ahy, it as an
mbol aAsistance Againgt Calanidism
thole solt ps the müdiun pratesting
grnst thu Bitish rule Aalt wAs samathin
onsumed by dhe sih and thaaPoah alik, and
taaa aha dhe mat sacntial itans oed
An 3 Jonuasy 1330, andhiji snt a ltter to
tansy uuin stating elonon demands Jranging
hn amiindustialists s peasants. Ua mast impartant
t h e demands was he abalition n l t tar

un2ha onmant was asked to accept a domands

March, an slss Jull siuil _disskedionce
by I1th a

Lampaign wauld be launched.

Iuain was wnuailling do negotiata. de Mahatama

yandhi started Jhsamaussalt mauk

painad b 78 hibusted vaunteur.

Mahatama andhits Ashjam in

otartd am Dandl,
dabamati o the uarcoartal tewh d
210 milss.
Apanninga distance
e sluntuurswalkad Jan 21 days, abaut

ausonds cama tu haan Mahatma andhi ushww

e stopped. and hu told thom whab ho meat

b uoaaj And urgad tham o paniaul

sh Baitiah

An6April. Je uashed Dandi, ond cownani-

siall yiaated u lau.manulaatusingselt b
bailing da wate
nha Lads, dlt Movwh was an tiu smbl
ugistance aqaint Lalanialsm)

`oon, tha moament aphond tothe ntiw nation.

Lolonial Jma abu vialated, zalt was manudactuwud

in nuumedus placesand donanstratod n a t
oLmert salt factars

Eonuign slathes s a but

quan shopa, au AicRated.

7 osanta saluasd/te pay JaMenue md thauki-
d a taces.
illage idada usiqgud
n man papaopla uialatud Jarust auas Jay
ing iite.kasiusdaausts Jarallucting
tand and aneLattle.

t arumant'a Kaapanse

Te colanial gsAnnant Jangan to avuast te


In Apis, 1930Abdu halan Khan was avus-

d. D
In May. 1930 andhiuiuàas avuatad.

ARThiahLad dahaiakunticlashas in masy plates

Pesplathgan te ottack tha sumbals
hitish Rule, auth as pcoike pasts, muniipal
encal satyaguahis w tackad Waman
L ridhildanwaha bhantun thegownmut.
oaut 100:000 peopleo austrd.
ndadtrial uorkarsàn Sholnpu attarkeo
Kaund Table Lnnwwnu

ohun thirigabagan to take uinlurt twn,

L Mahatana Jandhi sallad ok Ahe movumont.

Ha siand a paut with od Iuoin

An Sth Manch 1331. This wa callud Landhi-
Iuain lact

A s pn the pagtandhii Agaud o paiipat

in e Raund able Lanlawnta in landan. In
wn a dhat, u pomint agud o
alsoa u. palsieal pusonus.

andhii wut o landan in iDuwnb 1931.

h anegstiations bake iLdoubn andiandhiji
Jhad utwn with disappaintmurt.

hanandhiji ame back do ndia, he Jaund

that maut tha leadans a put Jn i
sonaquasbhadhaan daclarud iligal Man
meaburas w u tak1n to
punt netings,
damanatuuatiara and aagcsts,
hala Khan and Jaaahalal Nevu u
in jai
i t h preat agpruhursson, Mahatama Jandhi J
Saunchud tha Cul Diaobediener Monant in 1332,
Jout by 1334 t lmamnturm.

How padicipants bouo tha Movenant-

Hichpeasat commuites

n Tn couduside, latidars aianal ond Jats

Laa Uttan bradash uaa iactiva in moNemnt

haU uaed dopaduco Lomuuial snaps, ss

hay a a hand hit b he tada dapressian
ond Jalling picts.

A thuin cash incandisappeaud dhay und

i t impassibla o p a he 0AUnmnt's anuue


a hun, du oht Jan saraj wasa struggle

againat Jigh roenues, Jan that huy ued
at timis Jarcing
anige thuin communites, and
suluetant mombe to participate n boytakt pre-

Bud, dhay daspl disappaunted whn u

maNumantaas callad n 1931 ulthaut the
JaNanuantssbaina Jwuised. ss. whn the
movamant waa Jastasptadn 1932,many tha
Sausedto participate.

Paa Rensanty.

7 Psoun peasantby a a mainl small tonant

that had ated Lardam landlards.
Ukaund diliultiss in painghuin snt
dua to he dapussion. and decrLase jn the
Lash intam20 thu taaritod tha unpaid jant
o dho kandlard do a iamittad
Thy also had pokitipotad in many radicals
mBmends Jad by Ascinlistand cammunists

Cong wAwiling d uppat posn

pansanta bacausa dhat might Jpsat thu rlth
pasnkaand Sanllasdls. L

sinaas ass

tuy oantad priatucion

auign o0d and
againstrmpats a
Jupas-tauung euir
asshangeiadio hati aauld diacauagg mpart
Lhay amad thu ndian Industbual And Ssmnuial
Longwss n 1920 and the Eedaration tha Indian
hamber ammur and Induntiss CFICCI) In
132 nd ppatted u lvil Disabadianca Mevunent.

d b pLominant industialists l Brushattomdas

haurdas and D.Sinla tagii
MeatLbusinAaman.cama toS0 uaha
time when talonial sbuctians on husines8
AuDuld no langa istandade and induatny
oauldowishithat ansbrointsanu
Industial wark lass'

hydidn't pastiipatad n laae rumbeu

C contin the Nageuh nagion s i t

ay paodicipatad Jy bott aign gsads,

0gainatJow Laages and poarworking candi-

Lhw o sbuks by Hnilway a e s in 1930

ond dotkuwartrs dn 1932.
7 1930, thouaands okusin hotanagpun
tin mins wara yandhi Caps and patssted.

math thousands
Dusing andhji 's salt
homas D utn
uomn come ut aAhain
to him

Dhay panticipatad an pratst machus, manuar-

tuud salt. And picketed Janain lath and Lique
Ahaps bacause which man onto ai

flaNA, mast t a raoman weu kuam high

Laste amilioa in theswnban aens d puarm
uih pasant hausuhalds jn a suna auas

£n aJung tima, ha Longhess was Juluutantt

Atelaus uashman o hgld an faaitian e
thait within t aaaisatian. t wau kun
ny on uin ambalic preseua.

h e imtsa Lvil Disohedine Msvemunts

Caoducipation a Dalits..
7Dalids wu canaldeud aa untauchabls. Many
dalit Aaadus wantuss
dilleunt palitical
tfalialution ta dhe phablums.i
. cammurutyi. AU

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