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The Secret Garden

The sun was shining brightly and the wind blowing across every corner of the city. This is the spring
in the Wellstone town. Zayn Redmayne and Matt Sprouse have been friends since childhood. They
are lived together in the dorm and go to school together. Wellstone School District is their school, is
an excellent school in their area.

"Ring.. Ring .." the incoming bell rang, all the students in the class rushed to sit in their chairs. Miss
Scarlett Johanson is homeroom teacher and she teach matematics. Zayn hated math, he just
scratched his book lazily. Matt who at the moment saw Zayn's behavior just shook his head. Zayn
took his secreatly and play with it.

 "Zayn Redmayne, why are you always like this every hour of my class?" Miss Scarlett get annoyed,
"From now on you’re going to lift your hands until the lesson is over" she said as she went back to
teach the class again.

"Ring.. Ring ..." the break bell has rang.

"Zayn! Where do you want to go? I've said to stand outside the class "she said. Zayn immediately
returned with a big smile on his lips.

"Meet me after school later" she added.

At 4 p.m. all classes ended. A few moments later, Zayn stood up and walked away from his class.
Zayn finally reached the door of Miss Scarlett's room and knocked on the door.

" Come in"

"Hallo Zayn, please sit down" he invited Zayn while giving a paper to him, "Please write an apology
and promise you don’t repeat things like before"

"Yes Miss" Zayn took out the pencil and wrote.

"Oh Zayn, when you're done. May I ask you to throw away the box of papers at the landfill behind
the school, "Miss Scarlett pointed out where the box located.

Zayn hurried to put the box in the landfill, suddenly the stange whisper came. The voice was clearer,
he began to approach the storage that not to far from his current position. Zayn decided to enter the
warehouse and approach the source of the sound.

Zayn started walking toward an old cupboard that full of cobwebs. The closer he got, the voice was
loud and when he was right in front of the cupboard, suddenly the sound was gone which made
Zayn's move stop. He saw an old book that is worn out and then he tries to clean the dust on it.
When he tried to open the book and there was writing The Secret Garden that suddenly appeared,
Then came a bright light and Zayn vanished after the light began to disappear.

In another world, Zayn lies in a sandbox in a children's playground. A little girl approached Zayn's
body and trying to wake him up. Zayn startled by what he was seeing. The little girl just looked at
Zayn then pulled the edge of his school shirt. Zayn glanced at the little girl, "Where am I?" He still
scanned the place around him.
"Are not you a resident here? So you are that person. My name Joey Zendaya "

"Just a moment .. you say I'm the one? What do you mean?"

"Come with me, I'll take you to my dad" the girl pulled Zayn's hand to go with her.

They walked through the garden to where Joey's father was. Martin is one of the most respected
among the people there. Zayn saw the place as Disneyland but it was much bigger and beautiful. But
there is something strange there, everyone is not happy when trying the game.

“I bring our savior," the little girl shouted, waving her hand at a man who was operating the King
Arthur Carrousel game just like in Disneyland. Her voice made all the people gather to see Zayn.
Martin waved back and went to both of them.

"Excuse me, I know you're curious but please go back to work, I'm afraid the guards will come to us"
said the big man.

The residents eventually returned to their places. The man had seen Zayn closely and walked around
to make sure it was the boy they were looking for. Martin leaned forward to see the mark behind
Zayn's ear. Zayn which is uncomfortable then pulled himself backward.

"Hi, I'm Martin, Joey's father"

"Hello, I'm Zayn. Wait .. Where am I?"

"Welcome to The Secret Garden. Do not you remember all this Zayn? This is your dream in

Zayn raised his eyebrows "Are you kidding me ?!"

Zayn hit his head with his hands wishing he could wake up from this strange dream. Martin then
approached him and said "I'll tell you everything can you keep quiet now"

The Secret Garden is one of Zayn's 3-year-old dreams that he wanted to have a very beautiful
playground. He is very happy to spend his time there especially when playing with King Arthur. But
all that changed. Zayn created King Arthur became affectionate person but he was also a self-
deprecated person, so he had to take his medicine. Since his siblings died, King Arthur began to stop
taking his medicine and ordered all citizens to keep playing all the games in the playground so that
his brother rest in peace. Not only that, he also told all his citizens to put a mark behind their ears so
he could track down the person who did not do his orders.

"Zayn, you're the only person who can help this Secret Garden resident. You have no marks behind
your ears and above all you create this. We need your help "

"Okey, what can I do for you?"

In the evening, at the place where Martin worked they began to plan to meet their King. Martin told
Zayn to hide under his desk. Martin knew all the inside and out of the Palace.
"Zayn, before sunrise you will pass a water channel below here that is connected to the palace, I will
give the map later "he assured.

"Then when I get in there? Where should I go? "Zayn ate the food Martin had given to him.

"Follow your heart"

The guard began to approach Martin's room and Martin began to behave normall.y

"Hey, what are you doing? I'm suspicious of you. Are you hiding something? "The guard said as he
entered the room.

The guard approaching where Zayn was, he began to look under the table. "Ahh .." shouted Martin
who was holding his bloody hand. The guard ran to him.

"Ah my hand is hurt, can you help me?" Martin smiled at the guard.

"It's true, you crazy old man. Why are you smiling? Here I give a bandage, I go first "he threw a
bandage at Martin. After the guard disappeared behind the door, Martin began to feel a tremendous
pain. Zayn immediately ran to him. He searched for a red medicine in the first aid kit and began to
clear the wound.

"Are you aware of what you are doing ?!" Zayn starts to hold back his tears, he can not bear to see
anyone else in pain.

"I don’t want ruin my plan.. Haha" he laughed and patted Zayn on the back, "I trust you Zayn"

Zayn hugged the man, and they finally completed all the plans they were going to do tomorrow.

Early in the morning, Zayn was preparing for his mission. Martin tells him if you find the room of the
gold door and the carving of the flower , there where King Arthur's bed. He holds Zayn tightly as well
as Joey.

Zayn started down the underground and after long journey he finally he reached the water channel
under the kingdom. Zayn tried to open a little to see the situation and conditions there then he
climbed up and began searching for King Arthur's bedroom door.

"Hey, who are you ?!" the voice came from behind Zayn.

Zayn's body was rigidly unstable and he just closed his eyes hoping something bad wouldn’t happen.
Before the guard got closer, Zayn kicked him hard and ran. The guard shouted until the entire guard
at the palace noticed that there was an intruder. Zayn ran to try to avoid the guards who were
chasing him until he entered the store room and hid there.

When he entered he room realized that the place was like the one in his dream. Vague memories of
that period also appeared. He remembered that time he was playing hide and seek there. Zayn
remembered playing with King Arthur.
"You can hide whatever you want son. I'll build a pathway that will connect this room with my
room. If you are tired of playing here, you can go directly to my room "said King Arthur as he stroked
Zayn's small hair.

There was the guards approaching and Zayn hurried to find the hiding place. In the corner of the
room he approached the shelf. The shelf began to move around the 360 degrees that Zayn was on
different room. The room is King Arthur’s bedroom. Zayn walked over to a man who was sitting
looking at a painting and Zayn felt that the painting was his brother, King Robbie.

"Forgive me who came in with impolite way, Your Majesty" he said.

"Who are you! How dare to enter my room! Guar .. "before King Arthur had time to call the guard in
the outsideof his room, Zayn had shed tears by staring at King Arthur.

King Arthur was surprised by what he saw and began to approach the young man in front of him. He
started stroking the young man's face, "Are you Zayn?"

Zayn holds the hand of King Arthur, " .. Your Majesty" Zayn is no longer able to bear the tears
for seeing the suffering of King Arthur.

"I'm sorry and I want to apologize for making you suffer like this Your Majesty"

"No ... No .. do not say that, Zayn" King Arthur also in tears and hugged the boy he really cares
about, "I miss you so much Zayn" he added.

They both ended up sitting down and there was a variety of food available on their tables. Zayn tells
King Arthur what is happening out there. King Arthur felt sad because the people were suffering
because of the policies he made.

"Your Majesty, King Robbie must be very happy because you care so much for him but he will want
you to live happily even without him. King Robbie will be sad if the residents feel suffering "said
Zayn," I also hope His Majesty can take care of health and always take this medicine "while taking
the medicine from the bag and put on the table.

"Maybe what you say is true Zayn. I'm too sad to not think about other people's feelings "he said.
"From now on I'll fix all my mistakes"

King Arthur stood up from his seat and said "I will give this necklace to you Zayn"

"Thank You Your Majesty" he said then embraced King Arthur.

Then a bright light appeared around them as Zayn finally returned to his world. He looked around
the room. He was shocked and immediately checked his body. "I'm back! I was dreaming, but this
dream felt real "he said. Then he touched his neck and found the necklace of King Arthur. When he
held the necklace, he realized that it was not just a dream it’s real. "I will miss you King Arthur,
Martin and Joey. Thank you for everything"


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