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Assignment #1

Understanding the Self

Instruction: Listen, read and understand the lyrics of the song WHO AM I? And write your reflection.


I have continuously been astounded with the well known revere melody by Casting Crowns –
“Who Am I”. Either it is the song of the tune, or the quality of the lead singer’s voice, or essentially the
verses that make it amazing. It would not be granted Song of the Year and certified Gold, if it weren't
that great.

This song is about finding ourselves through God and realizing how important we are to him.
"Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth would care to know my name, care to feel my hurt", it's saying
that we accept that we're so important compared to God that he is so great and extraordinary, so
heavenly. How could somebody so high up care around little me? But he does because of his unlimited
or unconditional love for his creation, for us. "Not because of who I am, but because of what you've
done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who you are." We are cherished like a father
cherishes his child and we are God's children. This melody reminds us that we shouldn't stress
approximately anything and we do not have anything to be frightened of, since God is continuous and
always with us. By lowering myself before God, recognizing my vacancy without Him, and tolerating His
as it were child Jesus Christ into my life as my personal savior. By surrendering all that I am to His mercy
and grace; I ended up more than a conqueror. By accepting and accepting in His name, I am engaged to
become His child, born not of blood or of the will of the substance or of the will of man, but of God.

So who am I? I am a child of God, who can call upon His name anytime, of any day, anywhere.
Because of His love for me, He sent His only Child to die on the cross to spare me from my sins. My life
has a place to Him, I belong to Him. I am guaranteed with the promise that He will never forsake me –
Who am I? I am His.

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