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Scorpio Full Moon Ritual

Scorpio rules mysteries of the deep: death, rebirth, sex,

shame and secrets. Scorpio likes to surface the things that
sometimes make us uncomfortable so we can process
them, especially under the full moon! We don’t have the
ability to remain surface level under a scorpio full moon,
we’re required to dig deep into the dark.

Taurus is the queen of abundance, comfort and luxury. She

creates a life she enjoys living because she knows she
deserves it. She seems to show more care about material
comforts than processing deep emotions. But when the
luxury-loving Taurus Sun lights up the curious and
complex Scorpio Moon, we see an opportunity to process
issues with our own beliefs around what we deserve and
what is “wrong” of us to want or desire.

The full moons bring issues and achievements to the

surface so we can process them, both in release and
celebration. This a moment in time to stop and give
ourselves credit for what we’ve accomplished and reward
ourselves for our achievements, but also to let go of
misaligned intentions, time wasters or limiting beliefs, is a
byproduct of our feelings of wrongness.


Created with love by @thelightforall

We can’t manifest the life we’re dreaming about living if
we don’t accept ourselves and our desires. We will never
attract what we want if we think it’s shameful or wrong. So
often we create our own blocks to manifesting our greatest
desires because we judge ourselves for even wanting them
in the first place. Instead of accepting ourselves and what
will make us happy, we allow society, people or structures
to tell us that what we want is wrong and we’re wrong for
feeling the way we do. Instead of creating energy around
our desires, shame is a byproduct of our feelings of

We are worthy of so much more than shame and pain of

feeling like what we want and desire is wrong. As long as
we’re not putting anyone in danger with our desires, there
is nothing wrong with them! If someone has issues with
what makes us happy, that’s their issue and not ours. We
have the option to love ourselves regardless of what
others think of us. We have the option to love ourselves
regardless of our differences. We always have the option
to love ourselves.


Created with love by @thelightforall

Get out your journal and a pen. Make sure you have some
quiet space alone, because this one might elicit some
tears. We’re going to work on our self acceptance and heal
our thoughts around worthiness by writing down the
things that we are ashamed or embarrassed by and follow
each and every sentence with, AND THIS PART IS

“and I love me anyway” or “ and I still love myself” or “but I

am still worthy of my dreams” or “but I trust my decisions”
or “and know that I am worthy”

I often get wrapped up in my own thoughts and don’t
listen fully to others, and I still love myself.
Sometimes I feel self absorbed, but I am still worthy of
my dreams.
I have secrets that I’m afraid to tell anyone, and I love
me anyway.
I’m scared that I don’t have the mothering abilities that
a kid needs, but I trust my decisions.
I really want a luxury car and I still love myself.
I long for a big, bright and airy home with too much
space and know that I am worthy.

Write the things that people have made you feel ashamed
of, write the things that cause you to carry guilt. There is
nothing too big or small to be faced, processed and

Created with love by @thelightforall

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