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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Sensitivity.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Co-Dependence.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of

Love Selfishness into the Gift of Altruism.
The highest expression of my heart is Illumination.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Resourcefulness.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Inadequacy.
I thrive best in a position of leadership or influence.

A journey of self illumination

Gtjfewih - MY GENIUS

My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 44

Your outer role in life concerns working with group dynamics — whether in the family, in business, or in team
situations. Your gift is to instinctively understand the mechanics of hierarchies and relationships. This gift will
draw you into the right relationships and the right milieu. Whether you are a leader or not is unimportant —
what matters is that you work with others where your skills can flourish. Your gift is founded on your honesty
in dealing with everyone you meet. Your instinct about people is never wrong. However, your gift really
comes into its own when you are able to listen to your instincts, whilst at the same time drawing the potential
out of others. You may sense their weaknesses, but by focussing on their strengths, you empower both them
and the group as a whole. The most important thing for you is to only be involved with people for whom you
feel a deep kinship.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 24

The challenge for you is to balance your deep understanding of others with your own need for space and
silence. The insights that come through your mind can be startling and highly relevant, but sometimes it is
easy for your voice to be swallowed by the group voice. You must make certain that you are not drawn into
other people's dramas as an escape from meeting your own fears. Your great fear may well be that you do
not know enough, and you must face this fear in private. As you accept your own uncertainty, it will be
transformed into certainty, but this process needs privacy and space. You must be very careful about using
your relationships or work as a means of avoiding your own feelings. Your feelings and fears actually contain
powerful magic if they are embraced and accepted.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 33

By following your natural life path and fulfilling your Life's Work, you will attract a great deal of attention from
others. Your radiance will emerge from your wisdom and humour and from the sense that you have hidden
depths. Your health is directly dependent on the deep sense of inner security that comes from not trying to
escape suffering. Every time you experience either pleasure or pain, you actually become healthier. You must
never judge yourself or the direction your life takes. When you release yourself from all expectations, you will
experience a deep sense of fulfilment that will attract others, like moths to a flame. By the same token,
retreat and rest are essential for you. You naturally know how to relax, but only if you have earned it. If your
life becomes the burst of light that it is intended to be, then there is nothing better for you than regular time
spent alone.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 19

The true purpose of your life is to assist others in times of great change. Whether you do this directly or
indirectly, locally or universally, is not so important. You are an archetype of the transformation that is taking
place at a global level, and your life may well reflect this. Because of vast technological advances in the
modern world, people's needs are changing, and with them, people's values and ideals. This makes for a
time of great uncertainty, which is where someone like you thrives. You are here to focus on key practical
issues rather than philosophical ones. The sooner you realise that your own needs are already met, the
sooner you can assist others who are not so fortunate. For many people around you, you will be a rock —
standing firm in the trust that lies deep within you.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Synarchy Birth City: Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

Life's Work
Interference Birth Date: 3 Nov 2005
Line 4 - Server 44.4
Birth Time: 04:04

Pearl Equilibrium
50.6 Line 6 - Nature

Selflessness Vocation Culture Wisdom

Altruism Resourcefulness
Line 3 - Strategy (implementation) 27.3 48.5 Inadequacy
Line 5 - Society

Revelation Illumination Silence

Radiance SQ Evolution
Mindfulness Imagination Invention
Line 6 - Nurture 33.6 Confusion
Line 5 - Mentoring (role models with integrity) 64.5 24.4 Addiction
Line 4 - Love & Community

Light IQ EQ Unity
Idealism Orientation
Line 6 - The Objective mind (absent)
11.6 2.4 Dislocation
Line 4 - Kindness/Meanness

Attraction Guidance
7.2 Line 2 - Lust/Passion

Purpose Sacrifice
19.6 Co-Dependence
Line 6 - Intent (cells)

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 3

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