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Birthdate: (ikaw na maglagay)

Kindergarten: I spent my kindergarten at Balasan Central Elementary School.

During the time that I was still in in kindergarten, I have three friends we always
enjoy playing outside especially when it rains, as a result all of us have fever and
cold at the same time. In addition, I am proud to say that at a young age, I
graduated with honors. On the other hand, during those time, I remember that
one of my classmates fought me because I didn’t give him a paper. He punches
me at my face then as a revenge I smash him with my book.
Elementary: During elementary days, I studied at the same school which is
Balasan Central Elementary School. I am proud to say that I am consistent honor
student and I graduated as the third honor of my batch. I am happy and sad at the
same time because my friend gets mad at me because she treats me as if I am
competing with her. She did not make it to the top students of my batch but still I
am proud of her. Up until now, we still didn’t okay with each other. On the other
hand, one of the most embarrassing moments of my elementary day is that I in
front of our school canteen and my schoolmates are laughing at me. But in the
end, I am still happy on what I achieved.
Junior High School: On my junior high school day, I still studied at the same
school. I have four friends wherein we always come late in our classes because we
enjoy staying at our school canteen. I also graduated with honors, and I am happy
that I still maintained it and make my parents proud of me. Sometimes my
teacher always scolds us because me and my friends are so stubborn. But we
know how and when to prioritize our studies.
Senior High School: During my senior year, I transferred in another school which
is Jamindan National High School. I am sad because I left some of my friend in my
previous school, but we promise to keep in touch through messenger. Now we
are in modular situations because of this pandemic that we are experiencing right
now. I am sad because I didn’t have the chance to spent time with my classmates
just like where we are still in face-to-face classes.

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