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Nama : Farel Pahrozy

Kelas : XI-1
Narrative Text (True Story)
Best Friend
My age turn 12 years old in July. This week I will go to school, this is my
first time in junior high school. My school is called SMPN Tahfidz Madani, I live in
my school dormitory. Arrived on the first day of school, I went through school
well, I’m friends with everyone and also liked all the teachers there. During the
day our activity is midday prayer and continue with lunch. At lunch I approached
someone, turns out his name is rozak, we share stories at lunch.
I and rozak have the same hobby that is badminton dan table tennis. At the
end of the semester we attended a class meeting namely badminton doubles.
We lost in the final so it made a fight between us. After that incident we didn’t get
along up to months. Until in the end there were our friends who brought us back
together and get us along. We realize that fighting doesn’t solve the problem. We
always practice so that our skills in badminton improve
It was time for our class meet to follow him again and we showed our best
performance. Until in the final we met the same opponent we lost last time.
However we are confident that with the previous exercise we can defeat them. In
the end we won this game with a score of 2-1 and got a trophy ad prize money,
we are very happy with the win. At night we celebrate the victory by buying food
from the prize win it. While eating we share stories and also remember the time
when we fought because of the defeat of the last game
We passed the day as usual back. We always go to school together and
also canteen together. Until the time for the final exams came. We studied hard
to keep up. After the exam we thought about where to go to school next. I will
continue my schooling out of town and he will continue to study here we are sad
because our friendship ended because of different school, but we still can
communication on social media and still sharing stories.
Until it’s time to say goodbye we takes many photo so we can always
remember. And this is where out friendship comes from. Brought together
because of school and separated by school.

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