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Dr .

Saptarishi Banerjee Homeopathy for Covid:

Worked for his Covid recovery:

Belladona 200c for inflammation and congestions

Kali carb 200c: stitching pains in chest. All the Carbons have hunger for fresh air

Carbo veg 200c: for fullness and eructications

Stannum metallicum : for weakness , recovery

Additional recommendations:

Tinospora Cordifolia (Gulancha Tinospora) : exhaustions, splenic enlargement, extreme weakness

Psorinum : Debility of acute disease, hopelessness

During Covid Part -2

Sambucus niagra 6c, 30c, 200c

Justicia Adhathoda – Oppression / tightness in the chest, need for fresh air, worse in a warm room

Phosphorus - Oppression / tightness in the chest, worse in a cold room

Natrum sulph – left lung lower lobe, sycotic, 4-5am aggravation, desire for deep long breaths, thick
yellowish green expectoration. 6x, 30c, 200c

Grindelia Robusta – Asthmatic attacks when lying down, hypotension, tough tenacious expectoration

Senega : soreness in the chest wall, attacks when lying down, oppression in the chest, sticky
expectoration . 6c, 30c

Rumex crispus : tickling cough, cant bear cold air, left lung lower lobe, diminished mucous but
increased sensitivity – 6c, 30c

Bromium – Right lung lower lobe, hypoxic, scrofulosis, not being able to get lungs into air

Stannum metallicum : Weakness of chest

kali carb : Profuse perspiration

Right lung lower lobe: bryonia, kali carb, merc sol, chelidonium, lycopodium

Left lung lower lobe : NAtrum Sulph, Rumex, Syphillinum

Post Covid Remedies recover part-1

1. Psorinum- weakness, low appetite after recovery from acute illness, diarrhoea with loss of
fluids from acute illness,*chilliness, hopelessness and pessimism on lingering symptoms,
despair of recover, low vitality.

2. Natrum arsenicosa - loss of appetite and strength, hot or chilly, anxiety or solitude or retention
and brooding from consequence of seeing their near and dear ones’ suffering, oppression in

3. Chininum arsenicosum - general tonic; circulatory weakness after acute illness esp.
pneumonia, shortness of breath esp. while ascending stairs, * feel better and want to bend
forward in front of open window; 30c, 200c.

4. Scutellariea - Cardiac irritability, anxiety, palpitations and panic attacks post acute illness,
nervousness, night terrors and restlessness, insomnia, sexual impotency due to emotional, feels
that he won’t get better anymore along with anxiety; 6c, 30c, 200c. Compare with aconite.

5. Lobelia syphilitica - Shortness of breath, oppression of chest esp. left and as if air not reaching
deep into lungs, Brain weakness - mental exertion difficult, feels crazy and unhappy; 6c, 30c,
200c. Compare with nat sulph during pneumonia.

6. Pix liquida - cough remaining after acute illness if no modalities identifiable. Oppression in left
chest with mucopurulent sputum. Cough differentiates it from lobelia; 30c

7. Mag mur - Loss of smell and taste following acute illness, constipated; 30c, 200c. Compare
with justicia adathoda during illness.

8. Carbonic acid - Acutely increased sensitivity of smell, neurological; 30c, 200c

9. Pneumococcin - Cardiac discomfort like arrhythmias, muscle twitches post acute illness, heart
and neurological affections.

10. Carbo veg - exhausting effects of previous illness resulting in respiratory illness better by
fanning, weak digestion better by eructations
Post Covid Remedies recover part-1

1. Salicylic acid - *weakness predominant after acute illness along with *Deafness, tinnitus-
roaring, buzzing like bees - 200c, 1M

2. Sarcolactic acid - *Fibromyalgia- muscular weakness/ prostration with soreness causing

inability to raise arms similar to baptisia (septic), gelsemium or get up along with *nausea and
vomit even after drinking water similar to ars alb. 6c, 30c, 200

3. Iberis - *Cardiac debility after flu - stitching pains similar to scutalaria (panic with palpitations/
anxiety, without emotional factors, sexual debility due to ...) due to *emotional( talk, laugh...)
physical movements similar to exertional Cardiac affections of bryonia. Conscious of heart
actions... palpitations. 6c, 30, 200, tincture.

4. Adonis ranunculus - Cardiac oppression in chest causing cardiac dropsy (oedema in

dependent parts), cardiac dyspnoea (asthma) post acute flu. 6c, 30, tincture

5. Lathyrus sativus - *heaviness musculoskeletal problem due to *neurological deficit post

exhaustive illness similar to gelsemium. Exploding cough...200c, 1M

6. Tuberculinum aviariae - Children undiagnosed/ recovering from acute illness with * lingering
cough, loss of appetite, debility. Tuberculinum constitution. 30c

7. Kali phos - *neurasthenia - numbness, pins and needles sense after effects of acute illness...
*memory weakness / slightest labour seems a heavy task along with *insomnia, physical
weakness, *depressed not wanting to meet friends and near ones due to detachment and
disinclination to talk to arising from isolation. Comprehension affected Similar to avina sativa
(sexual debility due to weakness, insomnia, debility post exhaustive illness...) 6x, 1M

8. Cypripedium - *insomnia without anxiety and debility post acute illness along with *Mental
excitement similar to coffea. 30c, 200, 1M.

9. Alstonia scholaris - debility post exhausting diseases. All gone feeling and emptiness in
abdomen not wanting food along with diarrhoea and vomiting. 6c, 30c, 200

10. Cinchona officinalis - diarrhoea and vomiting post acute illness along with weakness, drained
out due to loss of fluids may cause ringing in ears lesser than salicylic acid, disposition to not
meet anyone, Exhausting fluid discharge along with ... post acute illness . 30c, 200, 1M.

11. Solanum lycopersicum - muscle and bone pains remaining after post acute illness, right
sided. (if used gels, rhux tox during acute illness) 30c, 200. Synopsis of discussed remedies in
both sessions.

Dr Adils Homeopathy :
Liver Cirrhosis: Nasturtium 1x, 2x, 3x, 0/1, 0/2. 0/3 , taraxacum MT, 1x, 2x, 3x, Hydrastis Cadensis MT

Imporve oxygenataion :

Carbo veg


Laurocerasus : heart palpitations, Chest constriction, difficulty breathing

Dr Pranjali :

1)For Genralized weakness: Ashwagandha MT, Avena sativa MT, Acid Phos MT

2)Bakson b41 vitality drops: Acidum Nitricum 1x, Acid Phos 12x, Ferrum Iodatum 12x, Calcarea Iodatum

3)coca 3x : Heart, angina pectoris, asthma, inflammation of joints, muscles, fibrous tissues


4) Echinacea MT : lymphatic inflammation, debility and fatigue, blood poisoning, Gonnorhea, Cerebro
Spinal Mengitis, Pupureal infections, pain in pectoral muscles

5) Alfa Alfa tonic : Alfalfa Q , Kali phosphoricum 3x , Avena sativa Q , Kali arsenicosum 6x, Ginseng
Q, Ferrum aceticum 3x , Cinchona officinalis Q , Calcarea phosphoric 3x , Hydrastis canadensis Q.

6) Kali Arsenicosum 6x: restlessness and nervousness, anaemia, Fatigue, Exhaustion, abnormal
discharge from the uterus and pain in the lower abdomen, severe itchiness and dryness of the skin

Ferrum Aceticum : Anaemia, Weakness,Stamina, Fatigue, Debility, want of firmness, Great, even
irresistible disposition to lie down, Want of animal heat, Fullness and tightness of the chest. Asthma,
Congestion of blood . Female : Whitish discharge with smarting and corroding pains

Other remedies:

Allium Sativum MT: Cardiovascular system

Crataegus Oxyacantha MT: BP, Chronic heart disease, anxiety with pain at back of head and neck,
intestinal bleeding, typhoid, arteriosclerosis, sleeplessness in arotic patients, Lungs capacity increase

control the sleep patterns mainly in people who have difficulty in getting sound sleep
Rauvolfia serpentina : BP, Anti psychotic, calms nervous system, reduces anxiety, irritability,

Passiflora Incarnata MT: insomnia due to pain and inflammatory conditions in acute diseases,
antispasmodic, whooping cough, delirium, sore throat, breathing difficulties that are worsened during
night time,

Terminalia Arjuna MT: strengthens cardiac muscles and prevents any serious illness affecting,
healing process in case of injuries, improving energy levels and reduces fatigue

Dr KirtiVikram Singh:

Aspidosperma MT: Lungs capacity increase

Sarsaparilla 30 or MT : To increase kidney functioning

Acid phos

Sulph acid

Lactic Acid

Kali Muriaticum

Citric acid

Arthrities and Rheumatism

Rhus tox- Rhus tox arthritis symptoms are relieved by motion. They are worse from sitting
and worse from rising from a sitting position, or on first commencing to move; continued
motion, however , relieves. Warmth also relieves the Rhustox arthritis. Damp weather and
the approach of storms aggravate, cold also aggravates. Rhododendron is similar, in that
change of weather aggravates. The character of the Rhustox pains isfirst a stiffness and
soreness. There are also tearing pains, drawing, paralysed sensation, and even stitches.
The sudden pain in the back known as “crick” is met well with Rhustox. It has an especial
affinity for the deep muscles of the back. It is perhaps the most often indicated of any
remedy in backache. It is also, it may be mentioned in passing, a remedy for the effects of
overexertion, such as sprains, wrenches, etc, being to fibrous tissues what Arnica is to the
softer structures. The arthritis calling for the Rhustox may appear in any part of the body;
the lower extremities seem to have suffered most in the provers. The great keynotes
of Rhustox are the following
1. Relief from continued motion; the backache, however, being sometimes worse from
2. The stiffness and soreness
3. The aggravation when first beginning to move.
4. The aggravation from damp weather and cold. Cold air is not tolerated; it seems to
make the skin painful                                          
5. The relief of all symptoms by warmth
Bryonia- The arthritis of bryonia attacks the joints themselves, producing particular
rheumatism, and it also inflames the muscles tissue, causing muscular rheumatism. The
muscles are sore and swollen, and the joints are violently inflamed, red, swollen, shiny, and
very hot. The pains are sharp stitching or cutting in character, and the great feature of the
remedy should always be present, namely, the aggravation from the slightest motion. Touch
and pressure also aggravate. From the earliest time the Rhustox and Bryonia has been the
great arthritis remedy and the difference between these two remedies arre given below
Rhustox Bryonia
Restlessness and desire to move about Disposition to keep perfectlystill, since
continually, on account of the relief it brings moving causes an aggravation of all aches
to the aches and pains. and yet sometimes pains force patient to
Suitable especially to arthritis affecting
fibrous tissues, sheaths of muscles, ets Suitable to arthritis of the joints and of
muscular tissues itself (MCTD).
Arthritis from exposure to wet when
overheated and perspiring This is not especially the case with Bryonia,
though a Bryonia arthritis may occur from
  theses causes
There is but little tendency for the arthritis of Bryonia to shift about like that
of Pulsatilla or Kalmia. It is not liable to be mistaken for any other remedy. Ledum has some
points of similarity. It would come in particular rheumatism, where there is a scanty effusion,
while Bryonia tends to copious exudation. Bryonia seems to suit well the acid condition of
the blood, which gives rise to rheumatism; it has a sour sweat; also, Kali carbonicum has
shifting pains, but absences of fever will distinguish it from Bryonia. Bryonia, Ledum,
Nux and Colchicum are the four chief remedies having aggravation from motion. General
constitutional symptoms will most likely be present in case calling for Bryonia. Excessive
tenderness of the soles of the feet may suggest Antimonium crude.
Causticum- This remedy resembles Rhustox quite closely in many respects. Thre following
are some of the differences:
Causticum Rhustox
The restlessness of this remedy occurs Restless al the times
only at night.
Rheumatism from damp, wet weather.
Arthritis caused by dry, cold, frosty air.
Motion relieves the patient temporarily
Pains impel constant motion, which
doesnot relieve.
The symptoms calling for Causticum are stiffness of the joints. The tendons seem
shortened and the limbs are drawn out of shape. It is sort of rheumatoid arthritis. As with
Rhustox, there is relief from warmth. There are drawing muscular pains and soreness of the
parts on which the patient lies. Colocynth has a stiffness about joints and is also useful
remedy in articular rheumatism. Causticum like Guaicum and Ledum , has gouty
concretions in the joints. There is much weakness and trembling with Causticum, as with all
the preparations of potash, and it is of little use in arthritis troubles if fever be present.
Weakness of the ankle joint, contracted tendons, and a sprained feeling in the hip-joints are
some of its important symptoms.
Ledum – Ledum is one of our best remedies for arthritis and gout, especially the latter.
The great symptom which has always been regarded as the distinctive characteristic is the
direction the pains take, namely, going from below upwards. Like Caulophyllum and some
others, Ledum seems to have a predilection for the smaller joints. Nodes form in them and
the pains travel up the limbs. The pains are made worse from warmth of the bed. The
effusion into the joints is scanty and it soon hardens and forms the nodosities above
mentioned. Ledum, like Colchicum, causes acute, tearing pains in the joints; weakness of
the limbs and numbness and coldness of the surface.
Pulsatilla – Pulsatilla is usually brought prominently to mind when there is a tendency for
the rheumatism to shift about, wandering rheumatic pains being one of its red strings. But
other remedies have this symptoms also, prominent among them being Kalmia, Bryonia,
Colchicum, Sulphur, Kali bichrominum, and that member of the tissue family most
resembling Pulsatilla, namely, kali sulphuricum. There is little trouble in
distinguishing Pulsatilla from any or all of these remedies by its general symptoms. Kali
sulphuricum, however, will give the most trouble, but it is not a well proven remedy and
need only be thought of to try when Pulsatilla seems the remedy yet fails. Other
characteristics of the Pulsatilla arthritis are the aggravation from warmth, aggravation in the
evening, and the relief from cold. There is, too, frestlessness with the remedy, the pains are
so severe that the patient is compelled to mov, and slow, easy motion relieves, as also
with Lycopodium and Ferrum. A prominent use of Pulsatilla is in gonorrheal rheumatism.
The joints are swollen and the pains are sharp and stinging. Kali bichromium is also a
remedy for gonorrheal rheumatism, as well as for wandering pains; it has relief in a warm
room, which at once distinguishes it from Pulsatilla. Arthritis dependent on disturbance of
the liver or stomach is apt to find its remedy in Pulsatilla.
 Calcarea Carbonica - It is one of the important medicines for Osteoarthritis especially of
knee joint. There is mild swelling and pain in the deeper portion of the joint. The pain is
generally worse in cold damp weather. Like Rhus tox in Calcarea carb the pain is also
aggravated when getting up from a sitting position and also by walking. The person is fatty
and obese constitutionally and tendency to catch cold easily.
Rhododendron- Rheumatic pains which wander from joint to joint with swelling of joints,
worse before or during thunderstorm, cold or wet or unsettled weather. Better from warm
wrapping. Enlargement of joints not due to gouty deposits. Arthritic nodes.
Kalmia- Kalmia is another of the remedies which have wandering pains, and it is especially
useful in pains affecting the chest i.e. the cost chondral articulation. It has also tearing
pain in legs, without swelling. The pain is neuralgic type of pain. The pain from the chest
portion shoot down into the stomach and abdomen. Sometimes the pain from chest traverse
downwards in arm. The pain is always attended or succeeded by numbness of the part.
Colchicum- this is the great remedy for gout the typical case calling for colchicum is where
the swelling is red or pale, with extreme tenderness to touch, a tendency to shift about from
joint to joint, and pains which are worse on the slightest motion. If the general symptoms
of great prostration of the muscular system and abdominal bloating be
present colchicum is the remedy. It is more indicated when the smaller joints, fingers,
toes, wrist and ankles, are affected; the pains are very violent, patient can not bear to have
the parts touched or to have anyone near him. Arnica has this fear that the partmay be hit
by anyone passing; it has also arthritis pains in the foot, worse towards evening, and a red
big toejoint which feels as though it had been spraines, so arnica may be indicated well in
gout. The colchicum patient is apt exceedingly irritable and the gout is not apt to decrease
this irritability. Unless colchicum be given according to these indication it will do not
permanent good.


Kali Bich :

use in the treatment of stomach troubles

have likewise found in those troublesome cases of chronic post-nasal catarrh, where the
dropping back into the throat is stringy, or those crusty or pluggy formations occur, this to be
a good remedy, and it has gained me some fast friends.

In its formation of membranes in the throat it is as positive as any other remedy, and when
the membrane extends downward into the larynx, causing membranous croup, I believe no
remedy excels it

Streptococcus related homeopathic medicine

Pneumonoccus related homeopathic medicine

This remedy relieves sudden headaches, with fullness of head and feeling of heat, and
aggravated by heat

This remedy is helpful for migraines in sensitive people, especially headaches after
emotional upsets or caused by grief. The headache is often focused on one side of the
head, and may feel as if a nail is driven in. Twitching in the face or spasms in the
muscles of the neck and back frequently occur. The person often sighs or yawns and
may sometimes weep or seem "hysterical."

Ledum Pal:

Rheumatism begins in feet and travels upward (KALMIA opposite).

The ankles are swollen and the soles are painful and sensitive; can hardly step on them.
In these cases of rheumatic troubles the LEDUM patient is unnaturally cold. "Lacks vital or
animal heat," in this, again, resembling SILICEA; but although the SILICEA patient has
chronic rheumatism of the feet, ankles and soles similar to LEDUM, aggravated also at
night, the warmth of the BED does NOT aggravate, but on the contrary he wants to be
covered warmly.
Then, again, we have SULPHURIC ACID, which is very useful in ecchymosis from the
same cause, especially if occurring in cachectic or weakened constitutions, with tendency to
purpura, or breaking down of the blood.

Light Sensitivity

. Euphrasia – Top Grade Medicine to treat Photophobia

Euphrasia is prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis commonly known by the name of
Eyebright. The natural order of this plant is Scrophulariaceae. Euphrasia is top listed medicine to
treat cases of photophobia. Eyes are very sensitive to light, and there may be spasm of the lids in
some cases. Photophobia is worse during the day and in sunlight, and the affected person has a
desire to remain in a darkened room. Eye pain and pressure, aching and darting-type pain is felt
in the eyes when exposed to light. The eyes become red and there may be itching. Burning,
biting in eyes, with smarting, hot, excoriating lachrymation is also present. A sensation of dust or
sand in eyes is felt. Euphrasia is prominently indicated for photophobia in cases of iritis,
keratitis, conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers.
2. Belladonna – For Photophobia with Dry Eyes

Belladonna is prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is
Solanaceae. Belladonna is useful to manage the complaint of photophobia with dry eyes. There is
intolerance to light with a desire to remain in dark room in cases needing Belladonna. The eyes
get congested and look very red. Photophobia worsens on exposure to artificial light. Along with
this, a gritty sensation in the eyes may be felt. Pain in the head and eyes are present, and it may
be stinging or shooting in nature. It gets worse from movement and light. There may be a heated
sensation present in the eyes. Belladonna is also indicated for keratitis with a congested eye, pain
in eye and photophobia.
3. Natrum Mur – For Spasmodic Closure of Lids

Natrum Mur is a significant medicine for cases of photophobia where the eyes tend to close on
exposure to light. The eyes may water and there may be a burning sensation. Severe pain in the
temples may be felt along with blurring of vision. Natrum Mur is also a high-grade medicine to
treat cases of blepharitis where photophobia is marked. In such cases, other symptoms are also
present that include acrid eye discharge and burning/smarting in eyes.
4. Conium – For Photophobia with Excessive Flow of Tears

Conium is a well-indicated medicine for managing photophobia with an excessive flow of tears.
The photophobia is severe and the flow of tears is profuse. The person feels better in a dark
room. The borders of the eyelid may be swollen. There may be ulcers present on the cornea. This
medicine is indicated in cases where the eye pain gets better by pressure.
5. Glonoine – For Photophobia with Headache

Glonoine is highly beneficial for photophobia that appears with a headache. The headache is
throbbing and congestive in nature. Headache is marked in the temporal region, and the person
feels as if the head would burst from pain. Heat is also felt in the head, and there is a marked
sensitivity to light. Flickering or black spots may also be seen before the eyes. The eyes get red,
and there may be a dimness of vision. In some cases, vertigo also accompanies the above
6. Arsenic Album – Where there is a Burning Sensation in the Eyes

Arsenic Album is a helpful medicine for photophobia with a burning sensation in the eyes. The
eyes are sensitive to light, especially to sunlight. The person may lie in bed with the face buried
in a pillow. Profuse, hot and acrid lachrymation is present, and the eyelids may stick together due
to it. The eyes appear red swollen, the vision may become dim and a tearing pain around the eyes
may arise from exposure to light.
7. Phosphorus – For Managing Photophobia with Pain in Eyes

Phosphorus is a helpful medicine for managing photophobia with pain in the eyes. The pain is
intense and shooting in nature. There may be dimness or blurring of vision. The person may see
black points or sparks before the eyes. Phosphorus also helps in cases of glaucoma with intense
8. Sulphur – For Photophobia with Stitching Pain in the Eyes

Sulphur is suitable for cases of photophobia where stitching pain in the eyes is present along with
sensitivity to light. There may be a feeling of fullness in the eyes when exposed to bright light. In
some cases where Sulphur is indicated, there may be violent, pressive pains all around the orbit
of the eye that arises upon exposure to sunlight. Redness of eyes is also marked. A sensation as if
the eyes are full of sand is prominent. Itching and burning sensation in the eyes may also be
present. Ulcers on the cornea with excessive photophobia and intense redness of eye also point
towards the use of this medicine. Another indication for using Sulphur is keratitis with
9. Merc Sol – For Burning Pains and Acrid Lachrymation

Merc Sol is indicated for cases of photophobia with burning pain in the eyes along with acrid
lachrymation. There is a flow of hot tears from the eye. Along with this, tearing pains in forehead
attend. Pain in the eyes may be present along with inflammation.

Finger Nails Infection and Pus: Aadils homeopathy

Silicea > Hepar Sulph > Myristica Sebifera

 Heart block, Profuse Mucus Discharge, Liver Pain  due to Gallbladder Cancer : Aadils homeopathy
Digitalis > Myrica Cerifera Or Bayberry

Bladder Infection : Aadils homeopathy

Cantharis > Chimaphila >

Chimaphilia : Prostitis, Diabetic urine

Epigea : Chronic Cystitis + Mild Pain. 6 or 30 once or twice a day for one week

Chill Blains : Aadils homeopathy

#Agaricus = Intense #itching & #burning, #numbness, #cramps

#HeparSulph = #chapped palms & soles, deep cracks,#nails painful – wraps up the body

#Borax = S/o #cobwebs on palms, burning heat, redness of finger tips better by fresh air

Iodium: Aadils homeopathy

#Thyroid – #Cancer or #Benign #Goitre – A/f: Shock, disappoint love = #Voracious #Appetite &
thirst, #looses #flesh, #hoarse voice, #Pain in the larynx, #Suffocation, #Restless #sleep + #vivid
#dreams + #Nocturnal #sweat #Breast – #Fibroadenoma but the breast tissue is flaccid.
#Galactorrhoea; thin, watery milk #Testes – #cancer #Heart - #Hypertensive #hypertrophy -#
Hypochondriasis + #restlessness + Cross, irascible. #Angina + #palpitation more with heat, exertion,
wet weather. S/as if the #heart were #squeezed together.

For Heart enlargement and chest constriction ( Angina ) : also use Cactus, Lillium Tigrinum


Indigo MT : Aadils Homeopathy

Motor Neuron disease

#Neck & #Back #stiff, #emaciated, #Weakness of arms / deltoid #shoulders & lower Limbs –
#sciatica. Pain especially in the thighs. #MuscleEmaciated more on sitting, better by motion,
Chilliness + with cold hands #StrictureUrethra - Frequent desire to #urinate+ #burning. #backache
better by stools. Depressed #sexualDesire


Sleep Apnoea : Aadils Homeopathy

#Grindelia – In severe asthma / high altitude / #heartFailure- as the patient sleeps, breathing stops &
patient wakes up with a start – Q

#Morphine – After #Stroke / #brainTumors / #injuries – diaphragmatic paralysis – 3c to 1M

#Parthenium – brain infections – severe #headache, ringing ears, disturbed vision & disturbed

Sleep Apnoea : Dr Varun Kanwadia

Lachesis 30: Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Grindelia Robusta MT : Asthamatic

Opium 30 : Central Sleep Apnea, Fat, Snoring

Ammonium Carb 30 : Nose block, Adenoids

Sambucus Nigra : Fever,

Arthritis : Dr Homeo

Stellaria Media – for pains in almost all the joints

Stellaria Media is indicated for cases where for pains is felt in almost all the joints. The joints are
sore to touch. Stiffness is also there in the joints. Sometimes the pain shifts from one joint to
Sanguinaria Can – for shoulder joint pain
Sanguinaria Can works well to treat shoulder joint pain. It also helps to reduce attending stiffness
in it. Shoulder pain gets worse by raising the arm in cases needing it. Worsening if pain at night
is also noted in such cases
Antimonium Crudum – To reduce pain in finger joints
It is very beneficial to treat pain in finger joints and reduce its inflammation. Persons needing it
mainly have worsening of pain from cold. They find relief by warm applications. Drawing
sensation in the fingers may also be felt.

UTI: Urinary tract infection

Cantharis Vesicatoria and Apis Mellifica – For Severe Burning while Passing Urine

Sarsaparilla Officinalis and Natrum Mur – For  Intense Burning at close of Urination

 Nitric Acid – For Offensive Urine, Burning during Urination

Petroselinum Sativum – For UTI with Persistent urge to Pass Urine

Borax and Sarsaparilla Officinalis – For UTI in Children

Colibacillinum – For E.coli Positive UTI

Sepia and Staphysagria – For UTI in Women

Sabal Serrulata and Chimaphila Umbellata – For UTI in Men with Prostate Enlargement

Uva Ursi – For UTI with Pus and Blood in Urine
Apocynum cannabinum
Berberis vulgaris
Digitalis purpurea
Equisetum hyemale
Mercurius corrosivus
Nux vomica.
Pareira brava.

Medorrhinum – Top Grade Medicine for Treating Gonorrhea

Cannabis Sativa – For Watery Mucus/Purulent Discharge from Urethra in Males

Nitric Acid – For Yellow Green Discharge from Urethra in Males

Rhododendron – For Swollen, Painful Testicles in Males

 Cantharis – For Painful/burning Urination

Merc Sol – For Increased Frequency and Urgency to Urinate

Pulsatilla – For Gonorrhea in Females with white, milk-like Vaginal Discharge

Sepia – For Greenish Vaginal Discharges

Kreosote – For Yellow Vaginal Discharges

Natrum Mur – For Painful Coition in Women

Sabina – For treating Gonorrhea with Heavy Periods

Thuja occidentalis

Hydrastis can

Agentum nitricum

Nitric acid


Kali Sulph

Piper meth




Natrum Mur


Calcaria phos

Conventional treatment of Gonorrhea treatment of Gonorrhea

 Uncomplicated gonorrhea can be treated with the antibiotic ceftriaxone, given as
an injection in combination with either azithromycin (Zithromax, Zmax) or
doxycycline (Monodox, Vibramycin, others).
 Oral gemifloxacin (Factive) or injectable gentamicin, combined with oral

azithromycin, is used in treating gonorrhea. This treatment may be helpful in

treating people who are allergic to cephalosporin antibiotics, such as ceftriaxone.

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