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Critical reading activities

Active reading: mark the text

● Underline key ideas, for example, topic phrases.

● Frame or circle the words or phrases you want to remember.

● Place a check mark or star next to an important idea.

● Place a double check mark or double star next to a particularly significant idea.

● Place a question mark near any unknown reference or word you need to search for.

● Number the writer's supportive key points or examples.

● Use different colored highlighters.

● Don't be afraid to write your thoughts in the margins or on a separate piece of paper (such as a
dialog journal).

Questions to ask (and answer) when reading a text

● What topic is the writer focusing on?

on how they use food and nutrition to help people improve their health. Nutritional and dietetic
technicians work with dietitian nutritionists to provide patient care and consultation. Dietitian
nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians can also provide general nutrition education.

● Does the author have a clear position on this issue?

Yes, of course it is very clear what he says and very consistent with regard to nutrition and his
point of view

● What is the writer's thesis (if any)?

The author does not talk about the thesis since it is a book which focuses on the subject of the
nutritionist profession, the benefits of each meal, the weight of the respective meal and the entire
branch of nutrition

● What is the writer's purpose in writing?

The author's purpose is that nutritionists know how to help people, what foods can be eaten, how
much, what cooking, what benefits food brings.

● Who is the audience for this brief?


● What is the tone of the writer? Why do you think he writes with this tone?

Formal tone, since it gives a message with a more serious and prudent language, especially since
communication of this type allows addressing issues such as reports with statistics, figures,
● Does the writer seem to assume that readers will agree with his position?

Yes, because we know that balanced nutrition brings benefits to our health

● What evidence does the writer use to support the central argument / thesis of the essay? Does
the writer include enough evidence?thesis of the essay? Does the writer include enough evidence?

The evidence used by the author is Graphs, comparative graphs, diagrams, if it includes enough
evidence and what is necessary to study nutrition and diet

● Does the author consider, address and / or refute the opposing arguments?

Yes, at the end of the book he places the evidence of the contracted arguments in his respective

● Do you understand the vocabulary? If not, look up the words.

effervescence-Phenomenon of detaching small bubbles from the mass of a liquid, due to

fermentation or a chemical reaction.

flavored-point of maturity or perfection to which something reaches in its development or


ascorbic-Which is present in citrus fruits, fresh strawberries, grapefruit, pineapple, guava and in
vegetables, such as tomatoes, green peppers, spinach, etc., and is necessary in the formation and
conservation of collagen.

Copper-Chemical Element with atomic number 29

sulfur-Chemical element, atomic number 16

unpleasant-dislike or cause annoyance

soybean-is a vegetable, which is counted among legumes and belongs to the botanical family of

flattened smooth, flattened surface

freezing - is when a food is preserved

Sterilizing- is responsible for the destruction of microorganisms found on an object

pasteurization- Procedure that consists of some food, generally liquid, at an approximate

temperature of 80 degrees for a short period of time, then cooling it rapidly, in order to destroy
microorganisms without altering the composition and qualities of the liquid.

Saccharin-Chemical substance, generally in the form of tablets, which is used as a substitute for
sugar to sweeten food or beverages in certain cases, for example when it is contraindicated or in
slimming diets.
● Do you understand the writer's references / citations? If not, look for them.

Yes, I understand them and it is verified that the information is true

● Do you agree with the points the writer makes? Why? Why not?

If I totally agree with the author since thanks to this book, I have been much more fascinated by
nutrition, this book also helps us personally in the nutritional care to obtain good health.

● What connections can you make between this article and others you have read?

That this book is very complete, it serves us too much for those of us who want to study nutrition,
it has a lot of information which is useful for food science, education and health communication, it
makes a comparison of the foods that we should consume and those that we do not, what
benefits it brings, other books only bring information without an endorsement that what he is
saying is true and talks about the components of the food

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