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Week 5: Writing tasks

Task 1 and 2: Instructions

First, I’d like you to have a go at baking a scrumptious treat! This
could be buns, a cake, brownies (cornflake/rice crispie buns are quite
quick and easy to do!) If you cannot do any baking then it doesn’t
really matter, you can pick another task to write instructions about
e.g making a sandwich, making a cup of tea.

After you have finished your task, I would like you to write really
clear instructions about how you did it! Below is a checklist of
everything you should try to include in your instructions. The two I
really want you to focus on are using adverbs (e.g gently, carefully,
slowly) and adverbs of time (e.g first, next, then, after, finally). You
need to also make sure you use imperative (bossy) verbs!
Task 3, 4, 5: Discussion text
This week in writing, we are again focusing on writing a discussion
text (or balanced argument). In chapter 27, the Oompa Loompas say,

“The most important thing we’ve learned, So far as children are

concerned, Is never, NEVER, NEVER let Them near your television
set – Or better still, just don’t install The idiotic thing at all.”

Your discussion text is going to be answering the question:

“Should television be banned?”

Before writing your discussion, you need to think of as many reasons

“for” and “against” as you can (aim for at least 2 on each side).
Remember this is a BALANCED argument and so even if you have a
very strong opinion on the matter you need to try to write the same
amount of reasons for/against and be impartial. In your conclusion,
you can give your own opinion.

For Against
Balanced argument checklist
 Introduction paragraph which gives a brief description of both

 A paragraph with arguments for and a paragraph with

arguments against.

 A conclusion summarising the arguments and giving your own


 PEE on the page- Point, Evidence, Explain. For each point you
make, you need to expand on and explain this in detail.

 Use abstract nouns- e.g truth, fairness, belief

 Uses third person to make it impersonal (apart from the


 Conditional phrases e.g could, might, possibly

 Conjunctive adverbs e.g Furthermore, However, On the other

hand, Also, Additionally

 Formal tone

This is a lot to take in. If you are struggling with the genre search
online for “discussion text ks2 examples” and there are lots of
WAGOLL’s which will show you what you should do in a discussion

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