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Article writing

Grade 9 IGCSE

An article is a piece of writing written for a large audience, e.g., a magazine or newspaper, on a
particular topic, which is meant to be of interest to the reader. It will express a certain viewpoint or
perspective — this can be positive or negative depending on the topic.

The purpose of an article is often to inform and persuade the reader. Articles give information about a
certain topic and can either persuade the reader that a certain viewpoint is correct (one-sided article;
also called opinion article) or provide a balanced argument that lets the reader make up their own mind
about the topic (two-sided article). You have the option to choose between writing a one-sided article
or a two-sided article.

The Tone and Register of an Article

In the exam, the article is often for your school magazine or your teacher and rarely for the local

If it’s for your school magazine, then the audience of the article is the students at your school and
possibly the teachers or parents. The tone and register required, therefore, is rather semi-formal.

If, on the other hand, the article is for your teacher or the local newspaper, then the tone and register
required is formal.

So, generally, the tone and register of the article should be more formal than exercise 5 but should be

Now, let’s discover the ideal format for both types of articles.

The format of a one-sided article

Paragraph 1: Introduction (including your opinion)

Paragraph 2: First point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 3: Second point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 4: State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint) and counter the
counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made
by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion (including your opinion again but in different words)

The format of a two-sided article

Paragraph 1: Introduction (without your opinion)

Paragraph 2: One side of the issue either in favour or against

Paragraph 3: The other side of the issue either in favour or against

Paragraph 4: Conclusion (including your opinion)


The purpose of the introduction is to inform the reader about the main point (topic) of the article
and engage the reader to make them interested in the topic and read the rest of your article.

The main components of an effective introduction are:

1. Topic sentence

Start your article with a topic sentence that introduces the topic to the reader and explains its
importance in today’s world. Give forceful statements rather than “I think that”, “maybe” or “perhaps”.
For example: “Nowadays, music plays an indispensable role in our lives.”

To write an effective topic sentence, you might use adverbial time phrases and generalizations. Here
are some examples of each.

Adverbial time phrases

 Nowadays/these days/currently

 Every day/week/year

 Recently/for many years/decades

 In the past

 10 years ago

 In the last (few/five) (days/weeks/months/years/decades)


 Almost all

 Most/many

 A large number of / The vast majority (of)

 Several/some

 Not many/hardly any/ few

 In almost all cases

 In the majority of cases

 In a large number of cases

 In most cases

 In some cases

 On the whole/ Overall

 Students

2. Rhetorical question(s)

Use rhetorical questions (questions that don’t require an answer but make your reader think) to get the
reader interested in the topic and encourage them to read on. For example:

 How would you feel if you had two hours of homework every night?

 How much longer do animals have to suffer?

 Could you live with yourself if you missed out on this opportunity?

 How could we possibly stand the …?

 What would happen if …?

 Could your conscience cope with …?

 Is it really worth …?

 Do you want to be part of …?

 Have you ever thought about the positive impact you could have on the world by becoming

3. Your opinion (if it is a one-sided article)

If you are writing a two-sided article, DO NOT give your opinion in the introduction.

If you are writing a one-sided article, give your opinion (whether you support or oppose the viewpoint
expressed in the statement).

Here are some opinion phrases to help you express your opinion.

 In my opinion

 In my view

 I concur/agree

 I believe that

 I think …

 I admit …

 It seems to me that

 I am in favour of

 I am against the idea of

 I am strongly opposed to

 I disagree / I cannot accept

You may also kill two birds with one stone and begin your article with a rhetorical question that
introduces the topic to the reader, thus acting as a topic sentence. Here is an example.

“Have you ever thought how school life would be if the school day started later? In my perspective, this
will have countless benefits.”


The structure if you are writing a one-sided article:

Body paragraph 1: First idea supporting your opinion with an explanation

Body paragraph 2: Second idea supporting your opinion with an explanation (should be different from
the first idea)

Body paragraph 3: State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint) AND counter the
counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made
by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

When introducing the opposing argument in the 3rd body paragraph, use any of the following phrases.

 Opponents of this idea claim/assert/argue that …

 Those who disagree/are against these ideas may say/insist that …

 Some people allege/argue that …

 Some people may suggest/point out that …

 A common counterargument is that …

 It can be argued that …

When countering the opposing argument in the 3rd body paragraph, use any of the following phrases
depending on the context.

 While this may be true to some extent, …

 While it is true that …, it is important to consider…

 While some may believe that … recent studies have shown that …

 What this invalid argument misses is …

 What these people fail to notice/take note of is …

 The evidence, however, disproves this argument because …

 However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that …

 However, a closer analysis reveals that …

 However, this flawed argument overlooks the fact that …

The structure if you are writing a two-sided article:

Body paragraph 1: One side of the issue either in favour or against (mention 2 different ideas)

Body paragraph 2: The other side of the issue either in favour or against (mention 2 different ideas)

General guidelines for both kinds of articles:

 Read the question carefully and draft a plan for your article in the blank space below the
question using a pencil. Here are some steps to follow.

1. Separate the blank space into two parts, one for and one against.

2. Jot down any points that come to your mind in the correct part, along with any interesting
vocabulary or expressions suitable for the task. Remember to write briefly and in bullet points.

3. Decide whether you will write a one-sided article or a two-sided article. Weigh up the two sides
and see which one has stronger and more convincing arguments. If one side clearly has stronger
and more convincing points, write a one-sided article. If you see that both arguments are
equally strong or that no side has more compelling arguments, then write a two-sided article
and choose four statements (2 for and 2 against). It’s also worth noting that while a two-sided
article is easier to write, a one-sided article is the preferred option as it’s more persuasive.

4. Consider how you will begin your article and how you will engage the reader at the start. For
example, write some variations of the topic sentence and rhetorical questions that you could

5. Choose the most effective ones and begin writing. Remember to spend no more than 5 minutes
on the plan.

 You can use the few prompts given in the question, but it is better to use your own ideas if you
want to get higher marks. If, however, you are out of ideas, use the ideas in the question and
make sure to paraphrase them (write them in different words) and develop them well.

 Support your ideas with reasons, evidence, or examples, and use persuasive language
features. Remember that you should not just describe the problem but should be convincing in
getting the audience to choose a side. Also, the examiner knows that the evidence or examples
will be made up and doesn’t expect these to be correct.

 Keep to the topic (don’t wander away from the main subject of the article). Remind yourself
constantly by looking again at the question.

 Use a variety of linking words and cohesive devices (mainly formal) to create a smooth and
logical flow in your writing. Here are some examples.

When presenting the first point (used in the 1st body paragraph of both one-sided articles and two-sided

 The main argument in favour of/against is

 The main point/reason is

 The most important point/reason

 The first point/reason

 First of all

 First and foremost

 Firstly

 In the first place

 On the one hand (used only when writing a two-sided article)

When adding more points (used in the 2nd body paragraph of a one-sided article and both body
paragraphs of a two-sided article)

 In addition,

 Furthermore,

 Additionally,

 Moreover,

 Not only … but also…

 As well as.

 And

 Another noteworthy point is …

 Apart from that

 What is more

 Besides

When contrasting ideas (used in the 2nd body paragraph of a two-sided article)

 However

 Nevertheless

 Even though

 Although

 Despite

 In spite of

 On the other hand

 On the contrary

 By contrast

 In comparison

 Alternatively

 Another option could be

 But

When giving examples

 For example

 For instance

 One clear example is

 Such as

 Namely

 To illustrate

 In other words

When reasoning:

 Results and consequences: as a result, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, for this reason, as a
result (of), which means that, etc.

 Reasons and causes: owing to, because (of), on account of, due to, since, as, etc.

When highlighting and stressing

 Particularly

 In particular

 Specifically

 Especially

 Obviously

 Clearly


The purpose of the conclusion is to sum up what you have said and express (or re-express) your

In the conclusion:

1. Sum up your main points concisely using concluding phrases. Here are some examples.

 In conclusion

 To conclude

 To sum up

 To reiterate

 On the whole

 All in all

 All things considered

 After weighing the benefits and drawbacks

 It can be concluded that …

 I believe that …

 Thus, I am of the opinion that …

 Given these points

Remember to use different words from those used to express the points in the body.

2. Give your final opinion (regardless of whether it’s a one-sided or a two-sided article) and any
solution or suggestion if applicable.

The solution or suggestion might be part of your opinion if you’re writing a two-sided article and want to
take a balanced view on the issue rather than siding with one side. For example, “In conclusion, it is
evident that fast food is a double-edged sword; thus, I strongly believe we should strike a balance
between eating fast food and incorporating other healthier options in our diet to mitigate its negative

Use the opinion phrases stated earlier in the Introduction section to express your opinion, and if it’s a
one-sided article, make sure to use different words from those used in the introduction.

3. Include your audience by any of the following ways:

1. Using pronouns like we, us, and you (this is the easiest). Notice how this was used in the
previously mentioned conclusion example (bold and underlined)

2. Using rhetorical question(s). For example, “To conclude, I wholeheartedly believe that everyone
should pursue higher education. Why not embrace this invaluable opportunity to fast-track your
career, build your confidence, and broaden your social circle?”.

3. Leaving the reader with something to think about. For example: “After weighing the benefits
and the drawbacks, it is apparent that convenience food, while palatable, may negatively impact
other areas of your life. Think about this before you reach for your next snack!”.

Points to keep in mind


 Organize your article into 4-5 paragraphs (4 if it’s a two-sided article and 5 if it’s a one-sided
article). Leave a line between paragraphs or indent the first line of each new paragraph. Don’t
do both!

 Take care of spelling, punctuation, and grammar. This is important as the examiner will look at
the accuracy of your language.

 Use a combination of simple, compound, and complex sentences. A series of long sentences
will make your writing difficult to read, and a series of short simple sentences will make your
writing boring to read. Balance is the key.

 Use a wide range of formal vocabulary, including some advanced and less commonly used

 Use a wide variety of formal linking words. Examples have been mentioned earlier.

 Use advanced punctuation sparingly (1-3 in the whole article), for example, colon (:) and
semicolon (;).

 Aim to complete towards the maximum word limit (approximately 200 words for the current
syllabus and 160 words for the new syllabus). Exceeding the word limit slightly (15-20 words) is
fine as long as you write accurately and complete the task within the correct time. If you exceed
the word limit by any number of words, be it even 100, no marks will be cut directly, but you
increase your chances of making more mistakes and spending more time than required for this
exercise, which may affect your mark indirectly. If you write towards the lower limit or below,
you are highly unlikely to achieve the highest band for Content as your content is not well

 Spend about 30 minutes on this exercise: the initial 5 minutes for planning and the last 2-3
minutes for checking your work for simple spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes.

 Include your audience throughout by using pronouns such as we, us and you.

 You could give a suitable attention-grabbing title (first letter of each word capital), but it’s not
necessary. In fact, many students waste a lot of time trying to come up with a title and end up
with their own version which does not match the rubric. As a result, the content is not always
focused correctly and tends to follow the direction chosen by the student, rather than the
specific requirements of the topic, thus affecting the content marks.

 Passive voice could be used but not too much.

 Write legibly


 Avoid contractions. However, if the article is for your school magazine, you can use contractions
(not recommended).

 Avoid abbreviations and slang (texting language) such as how r u, OMG, BTW, etc.

 Avoid using informal vocabulary

 Avoid listing (firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc.). There is no problem in writing “firstly”, but avoid
writing “secondly” and “thirdly”.

 Avoid repetition of vocabulary and beginning your sentences with the same words.
Sometimes, students write 3 or more sentences in a row starting with “The”!

Final note

Practice a lot of past papers and get feedback on your writing.


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