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The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats :

One fine day, mother goat gathered her kids and said,

“Dear children, I am going into the forest. Be careful about the

wolf. If he comes he will eat you all up. He often disguises himself.
But you can make him out by his rough voice and his black feet."

After that, the mother goat left.

Not long after that, somebody knocked at the door and said, "Open,
my dear children. I am your mother and I got something for each
one of you." But the little goats found from the rough voice so they
said. "We will not open the door. You are not our mother.

So the wolf went away and he ate some chalk to make his voice

Then he came back.. knock, knock…. Open the door, I am your

mother." But the wolf had placed his black paws near the opening of
the door, so the little goats saw it and replied, “No, we will not open
the door. Our mother has no black feet. You are a wolf." 

So the wolf went away and dipped his black foot in white chalk
powder. His feet turned white.

Now the bad wolf went to the house for the third time and knocked
at the door. "Open up! My young ones. Your dear mother has come
and brought something for each one of you."

The little goats replied, "show us your feet." So the bad wolf showed
his feet. when the little goats saw that they were white, they
thought it was all right. They unlocked the door.
It’s the bad wolf!!!

The little goats were frightened and tried to hide themselves.

The wolf found them all. He swallowed them up one after another.
But The wolf did not discover the one which hid in the clock-case.
After eating, he went out and felt very heavy in his stomach. So he
lay down under a tree and fell asleep. 

When the mother goat came home, she saw the hut-door was wide
open. She looked for her children, but could not find them. She
called them by name and a little voice replied, "Here I am… dear
mother, in the clock-case." She took her out and heard how the wolf
had come and swallowed all the others.

The mother goat went out of her house with the youngest and saw
the wolf was sleeping under the tree. She saw something was
moving in his body.

So the mother goat took a pair of scissors, a needle and thread.

Then she cut open the monster's hairy body, out jumped the little
goat one after another, all six, still alive and without any injury.

The mother goat pick up some large stones and put them in the
wolf's stomach and sewed up the slit. 
When the wolf woke up, he feel thirsty. So, he went to a brook to
drink. when the wolf bent down, the heavy stones made him lose
his balance and fell into the water. 

The goats were happy when they saw it.

so friends, always be good as the Wicked ones are always punished

in the end.

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