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AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation

Dr. T. Pandiaraj

Agronomic Field Experimentation

In order to verify a hypothesis pertaining to some scientific phenomena we have to
collect data. Such data are obtained by either observation or by experimentation. The main
topics connected with data collection are Theory of Sample Surveys and Experimental
Designs. In sample survey, a researcher makes observations on existing population and
records data without interfering with the process that is being observed. In experimentation,
on the other hand, the researcher controls or manipulates the environment of the subjects that
constitute the population. The experiments allow a researcher to study the factors of his
interest and show that these factors actually cause certain effects. Hence, whenever the
objective is to study the effects of variables rather than simply to describe a population, we
prefer the data collection through experimentation.
Modern concepts of experimental design are due primarily to R.A. Fisher. He
developed them in the planning of agricultural field experiments. They are now used in many
fields of science.
Terms and Terminologies
1. Experimental unit:
The different objects to which treatments are applied to make observations called
experimental unit. In other words, a Subject (or) a group of object (or) the total material to
which a treatment is applied in a trial in a single replication is known as an Experimental unit.
For example
i. If treatment is different varieties, then the objects to which treatments are applied to
make observations will be different plots of land. The plots will be called
experimental units.
ii. Sometimes the varieties may be grown in different pots in a green house as a
preliminary study. In such cases different pots will be experimental units.

2. Treatments
The objects of comparison in an experiment are defined as treatments.
For example:
i. Suppose an Agronomist wishes to know the effect of different spacing on the yield of
a crop, different spacing will be treatments. Each spacing will be called a treatment.
ii. If different of fertilizer are tried in an experiment to test the responses of a crop to the
fertilizer doses, the different doses will be treatments and each dose will be a
iii. A teacher practices different teaching methods on different groups in his class to see
which yields the best results.
iv. A doctor treats a patient with a skin condition with different creams to see which is
most effective.

3. Blocks
In agricultural experiments, most of the times we divide the whole experimental unit
(field) into relatively homogeneous sub-groups or strata. These strata, which are more
uniform amongst themselves than the field as a whole, are known as blocks.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj

4. Experimental material
The collection of treatments and experimental units will be defined as experimental
5. Replications
It is the repetition of the experimental situation by replicating the experimental unit.
6. Sampling unit
The object that is measured in an experiment is called the sampling unit. This
may be different from the experimental unit.
7. Treatment design
A treatment design is the manner in which the levels of treatments are arranged in an
8. Factor
A factor is a variable defining a categorization. A factor can be fixed or random in
nature. A factor is termed as a fixed factor if all the levels of interest are included in the
A factor is termed as a random factor if all the levels of interest are not included in
the experiment and those that are can be considered to be randomly chosen from all the levels
of interest.
9. Experimental error
Let us understand the concept of experimental error with an example.
Suppose a variety is grown in two different plots of equal size, shape and uniform
cultivation practices and uniform plant stand were maintained in the two plots.
When the plots were harvested, their yield may not be equal. This variation comes
from two main sources.
a. Inherent variability among the experimental units (ie., plots).
b. Lock of uniformity in conducting the experiment from plot to plot and also some
extraneous factors like climatic conditions, soil heterogeneity etc.,
The variation caused by uncontrolled factors is said to be experimental error.
That means, when treatments are repeated on a number of plots, their effect vary from trail to
trial. This observed variation is partly due to the real treatment differences and partly to the
unknown variation, the experimental error variation.
So the main objective of experimental design is to control or to reduce the
experimental error.
In order to reduce the experimental error, the experimental techniques are refined by
statistical tools. They are the basic principles of design of experiment.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj

Principles of Design of Experiment

1. Replication
Replication is defined as the repetition of the treatment over the different
experimental units. By repeating the same treatment over two experimental units, we are able
to estimate the experimental error. Repetition implies replication. Hence replication is useful
to estimate experimental error. Replication also helps to estimate treatmental effects more
accurately. By repeating the treatment over different experimental units, each treatment is
allowed to be influenced by all sorts of variations in the different experimental units. Thus
replication is essential to
i. Estimate the experimental error
ii. Get accurate estimate of treatment and experimental error
iii. Allow the treatment to be influenced by all variations in different experimental units.

2. Randomization
Randomisation is defined as the allotment of treatment at random to the experimental
units. (or) When all the treatments have equal chances of being allocated to different
experimental units it is known as randomization.
Hence the observations made on any treatment will become a random sample.
Therefore, application of statistical techniques becomes valid. In addition to the above
important use randomisation helps to avoid any treatment to be favoured or handicapped by
the variation in soil heterogenity of plots. Thus randomisation helps to
i. Estimate the effect of a treatment
ii. Estimate the experimental error unbiasedly
3. Local control
Local control is a device to maintain greater homogeneity of experimental units a
block of an experiment (or) as a whole. For instance, Soil fertility of field is a factor that
affects the plant growth and yield. So, all the neighboring plots having the same soil fertility
should constitute a block. Conducting a uniformity trial can assess the soil fertility of land.
Before conducting the actual field experiment, we prepare the fertility contour map on the
basis of fertility gradient. These contours help to form blocks. Local control is also known as
error control. It increases the efficiency of an experiment. The advantages of local control
i. Local control reduces the experimental error
ii. Local control is meant to make designs more efficient
iii. It makes any test of significance more sensitive and powerful
iv. A reduction in Experimental error consequently helps the investigator to detect the
small real difference between treatment means.

Experimental error
The error caused by the extraneous factors that are beyond the control of human
approach is known as experimental error.
For instance germination of seed, plant growth numbering of pods (or) ears per plant,
response to feed by the animal, taste of a person etc. are the factors beyond human control.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj

The reduction Experimental error provides smaller standard error for a treatment
means or for the difference between two treatments means which results in detecting small
difference between treatment means. In this way the efficiency of the experiment increases.
Extraneous factors:
In agricultural field experiments, the variation in responses is caused by number of
factors like heterogeneity of soils, plant competition within plots, climatic factors, genetic
differences, etc. Such factors are termed as extraneous factors.
There are different types of experimental designs like
i. Single factors experiments
ii. Multi-factor (factorial) experiments
The single factor experiments can be grouped as complete block designs and
incomplete block designs.
When the treatment consist different levels of a single variable factor and all other
factors are kept at a single prescribed level et is known as a single factor experiment.
In fertilizer trials, several rates of single fertilizer element say nitrogen may be tested.
All other factors such as agronomic practices, water management, insect control etc are kept
at a uniform level.
Uniformity Trial
To achieve local control knowledge of the experimental material is a must. This is
conducted to know the soil fertility gradient. The uniformity trial data may also be used to
determine the size of the experimental unit. In uniformity trial a particular variety of a crop is
sown on the entire experimental field and uniformly managed throughout the growing season.
The field is divided into small plots termed as basic units after leaving out a substantial
border. The data is recorded on each basic unit. Then the mean yield per basic unit is
calculated. The basic units giving yields above or below a specified percentage of the overall
mean, say 5% or 10% are marked on the plan of the plots. The similar units are then joined
by lines to produce the contour map such a map is called fertility contour map or fertility
gradient map or soil fertility map. Using this map, homogenous experimental units can be
grouped as blocks. To determine the optimum plot size and shape maximum curvature
method and Fairfield Smith‟s variance law can be used.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance is a statistical method in which the total variation is split into
different orthogonal variations and F-test is used to test the statistical significance of any one
of the orthogonal variations.
E.g. If four treatments are tested with 5 replications each, the total number of
observations will be 20. The variations of these 20 observations will be called total variation.
Each observation has got two effects namely treatmental effect and experimental error effect.
Analysis of variance will split the total variation of 20 observation into two orthogonal
variations namely treatment variation and experimental error variation.
F-test: It is a statistical test based on F-ratio.
F-ratio: It is the ratio of two variances.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj

E.g. If 10 is the treatment variance and 5 is error variance then F-ratio will be
Note: In any design of experiment, primary aim is to test the treatmental variation in
comparison with experimental error variation. Hence F-ratio will always have experimental
error variation as the denominator.
Assumptions made in analysis of variance:
i. The different components of total variation are additive.
ii. The different components of total variation are orthogonal.
iii. The error variation is normally distributed with zero mean and constant variance.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
Definition: It is defined as the design in which
1. The given piece of land is divided in to a number of experimental units (small plots)
depending upon the number of treatments and the number of replications of each
treatment and
2. The treatments are allotted to those experimental units completely at random.
It is also called unrestricted randomised design.
Note: CRD can be used whenever the given piece of land is more or less homogenous. It is
used in pot culture and laboratory experiments since the experimental units are strictly
Let us understand with an example. Suppose there are 4 treatments such that each is
replicated 5 times. Randomisation of 4 treatments with 5 replications implies that there
should be 20 experimental units to which treatments are to be allotted at random. The given
field should be divided into 20 plots (experimental units) and numbered from left to right.
Select 20 three digit random number and write one below the other. Then rank the selected
random numbers by giving rank 1 to the smallest random number. The rank indicates the
experimental unit to which a treatment should be allotted. The first 5 ranks will indicate the
plot numbers to which first treatment should be allotted. The second set of 5 ranks (ie., 6th
rank to 10th rank) will be the plot numbers to which second treatment should be allotted. The
third set of 5 ranks will give the plot numbers to which third treatment should be allotted. The
fourth set of 5 ranks will give the plot numbers to which fourth treatment should be allotted.
The observations are to be recorded in each experimental unit and those observations
are to be tabulated properly before taking up statistical analysis. Efficient statistical analysis
of a data solely rests on proper tabulation of data. The table to write the observations in a
CRD systematically, is called “one way classification table”
Analysis of CRD:-
Step 1: Compute Treatment wise tabulation.

Step 2: Find the correction factor.

Correction Factor (C. F) = (GT) 2 / n
n- total number of observation.

Step 3: To find the Total sum of squares (TSS).

TSS = (Y112 + Y122 + . . . . . . . . + Ytr2) – C.F

Step 4: Treatment sum of Squares (TrSS).

TrSS = [ ( T12/ r1 ) + ( T22/ r2 )+ . . . . . +( Tt2/ rt ) ] – C. F

Step 5: Error sum of squares (ESS)

ESS = Total SS – TrSS

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj

Step 6: ANOVA Table

Sources of df SS MS F
Treatments t-1 TSS TMS = ( TSS / t – 1) TMS /
Error n- t ESS EMS = ( ESS / n – t)
Total n–t

Step 7 : Calculate CD.

CD = t. SE(D)
SE(d) = SQRT [ 2EMS/ r]
(for equal replication)
SE(d) = SQRT [ EMS ( 1/ ri) + (1/rj) ]
(for unequal replication)
Step 8 : Interpret the results.
Analysis of CRD with unequal replication:-
Step 1: Compute Treatment wise tabulation.

Step 2: Find the correction factor.

Correction Factor (C. F) = (GT) 2 / n
n- total number of observation.

Step 3: To find the Total sum of squares (TSS).

TSS = (Y112 + Y122 + . . . . . . . . + Ytr2) – C.F

Step 4: Treatment sum of Squares (TrSS).

TrSS = [ ( T12/ r1 ) + ( T22/ r2 )+ . . . . . +( Tt2/ rt ) ] – C. F

Step 5: Error sum of squares (ESS)

ESS = Total SS – TrSS

Step 6: ANOVA Table

Sources of df SS MS F
Treatments t-1 TSS TMS = ( TSS / t – 1) TMS /
Error n- t ESS EMS = ( ESS / n – t)
Total n–t

Step 7 : Calculate CD.

CD = t. SE(D)

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
SE(d) = SQRT [ 2EMS/ r]
(for equal replication)
SE(d) = SQRT [ EMS ( 1/ ri) + (1/rj) ]
(for unequal replication)
Step 8 : Interpret the results.

Bar chart:
It is defined as the diagrammatic representation of conclusion about the superiority of
treatment in an experiment.
Fixation of the minimum number of replication
Fixing the minimum number of replication is illustrated by means of an example.
Suppose there are 7 treatments to be tried in an experiment by adopting CRD. Substitute 7 for
t in the formula
r = (t+12)/t
= (7+12) / 7
= 19/7
= 2.7 (approximately)
= 3 (correct to next integer)
The number of replications should be at least 3.
i) In CRD, any number of treatment and replications may be used. The number of
replications can be varied for any treatment.
ii) The statistical analysis of data is very easy even in case of unequal replication.
iii) If any of the experimental unit is lost or damaged, statistical analysis can still be
carried out as CRD of unequal replication.
iv) The relative loss of information due to missing data is smaller with any other design.
v) This design is especially useful in small experiments where the supply of
experimental material is scarce.
vi) This design provides maximum number of degrees of freedom for the estimation of
error as compared with other designs
i) When large number of treatments are included, a relatively a large amount of
experimental material must be used. Hence the heterogenity of experimental material
will be increased. This will result in increased experimental error and reduced
Note: General format of ANOVA table for CRD (refer practical record note book)

Uniformity Trial:
In the experimental units are homogeneous, CRD will be suitable to draw valid
conclusions from an experiment. In pot culture experiments, experimental units are more or
less homogenous since pots are used as experimental units where it is possible to keep the
soil as homogeneous as possible. In laboratory experiments with flasks or petri dishes as

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
experimental units homogeneity can be maintained. In field experiments the homogeneity of
land is not assured. This can be shown by conducting an uniformity trial.
Uniformity trial
Uniformity trial is conducted where the given piece of land is divided into a number
of small plots of equal size and sharp and the same treatment is applied over all the plots.
Let a piece of land be divided into 100 plots of equal area, shape and size. Let variety
A be the treatment. Variety A will be grown in all the plots. The number of plants in each
plot will be maintained to be uniform. The plants spacing and row spacing will be kept
uniform in all the plots. The cultivation practices required for variety, A, viz., application of
fertilizer, spraying of chemicals to protect from disease, irrigational level etc., will be
followed uniformly in all the 100 plots. Then the experiment with variety a an 100 plots will
be called uniformity trial.
Contour map
In the uniformity trail the plots will be harvested and the yields will be recorded.
Although the treatment was uniform in all the plots, the yields will differ. This clearly
indicates that soil fertility and land is not uniform. In the following figure o layout of the
uniformity trail, plots of equal yield will be joined by means of lines (as shown in Figure).
The resulting figure will be in form of irregular patches, which indicates that the soil fertility
is not uniform. The Contour map is useful to assess the direction of fertility status.
1. The optimum plot size of one crop will differ from another crop. Therefore, plot size
plays a vital role in field experiments to draw valid conclusions. The plot size above or
below which the variation among plots increases, will be called optimum plot size. The
plot size in a field experiment should not be above or below this optimum plot size, if the
experimental error is to be controlled. Uniformity trial helps to obtain optimum plot size.
(Method of finding this optimum plot size is beyond the scope of present discussion. The
different methods are available in higher studies on „design of Experiment‟.)
2. The shape of plot size is important to control the experimental error. Uniformity trail
helps to decide about the shape of plots. (ie. To know whether plots of square or
rectangular shape will be appropriate). Generally rectangular plots are preferred to square
3. The direction of fertility gradient can be determined from the results of a uniformity trail.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj


It is defined as the design in which I) heterogeneous experimental units within each
block are homogeneous ii) treatments are randomized to the experimental units within each
block and iii) the randomization is made independently from block to block.
Randomisation in RBD: Randomization in Randomized Block Design is illustrated from the
above example of 6 treatments, T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 and with four replication each. There should
be four blocks as each treatment is to be replicated four times. The number of plots in each
block should be equal to six as there are six treatments. Draw a set of six random numbers
(three digits) and rank them by assigning rank 1 to the smallest random number. The ranks
will be the plot numbers to which T1, T2, T3, T4 T5 and T6 are to be allotted. Suppose the
set of random number chosen are 13,8,77,75,51,95. The ranks will be 2, 1, and 5,4,3,6.
Therefore the treatments T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 and T6 will be allotted to second, first, fifth, fourth,
third and sixth plots respectively of the first block. Let the second set of random numbers be
51,41,72,75,96 and 83. The ranks will be 2,1,3,4,6 and 5. Therefore second, first, third,
fourth, sixth and fifth plots in the second block will be allotted with T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 and T6
respectively. Similarly draw a third set and fourth set of random numbers; rank them; allot
T1, T2, t3, T4, T5 and T6 to the experimental units corresponding to the ranks.
Analysis of RBD:-
Step 1 : Compute Treatment wise tabulation.

Step 2 : Find the correction factor.

Correction Factor (C. F) = (GT) 2 / n
n- total number of observation.

Step 3 : To find the Total sum of squares ( TSS).

TSS = ( Y112 + Y122 + . . . . . . . . + Ytr2) – C.F

Step 4 : To find the Replication Sum of Squares ( RSS)

RSS = ((r12+r22+……..+rj2)/t) – C. F

Step 5 : Treatment sum of Squares (TrSS).

TrSS = [( T12+ T22+ . . . . . +Ti2)/ r) ] – C. F

Step 6 : Error sum of squares ( ESS)

ESS = Total SS – RSS - TrSS
Step 7 : Construct ANOVA
Sources of df SS MS F
Replication r–1 RSS RMS RMS/EMS

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
Treatments t-1 TSS TMS TMS / EMS
Error (r-1) (t-1) ESS EMS
Total rt-1
Step 7 : Calculate CD.
CD = t. SE(D)
SE(d) = SQRT [ EMS ( 1/ ri) + (1/rj) ]
Step 8: Interpret the results.

i) There is no restriction regarding the number of treatments and number of replications.
Suppose the experiment fails to give response in many of experimental units in one
block, then the data can be analysed with the remaining blocks.
ii) Due to blocking of experimental units and the provision of the separation of block
variation, the experimental error is minimised in RBD than in CRD.
iii) Since the layout of RBD involves equal replication of treatments, statistical analysis is
iv) This design involves all the three basic principles of experimental design namely
replication, randomisation and local control of errors.

i) If the number of treatments increases, the block size also increases. Hence the plots
within block may not be homogenous. IN such cases the within block variation
increases leading to increase in experimental error.
Fixation of minimum number of replication;
Let there be 5 treatments to be tried in an experiment by adopting RBD. Substitute 5 for t in
the formula
r = (t+11) / (t-1)
= (5+11) / (5-1)
= 16/4
The minimum number of replication should be at least 4.
i) RBD is applicable only when the fertility gradient of the field is running in one
direction. In absence of the information about the fertility gradient, blocking may not
make the plots homogenous within each block. In such cases RBD will not minimise
the experimental error.
ii) The layout of treatments in blocks should be such that all treatments occur in a block.
In many cases, where RBD is used to conduct experiments, the number of treatments
will be so large that accommodation of all treatments in a block at a stretch may not
be possible due to lack of land area in a given situation.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj


If the fertility gradient runs in two directions perpendicular to each other in a field,
then RBD fails to control the experimental error because it designs the grouping of the plots
into blocks having „within homogeneity‟ only in one direction and not in two directions.
Hence it becomes necessary to study a new design which will minimise the experimental
error then the fertility gradient runs in two orthogonal directions.
Latin square Design: Definition
It is defined as the design in which (1) the given piece of land is divided into
horizontal blocks and vertical blocks defined as rows and columns respectively such that
number of rows and columns are equal to number of treatments and (2) the treatments are
randomised such that each treatment comes only once in each row and only once in each
Let there be 5 treatments. Divide the field into 5 rows and 5 columns such that there
are only 5 plots in each row and in each column, Due to this restriction on the number of
rows and columns and plots within each row and column, the total number of plots will be
For a 5 x 5 LSD, select a square randomly from the two squares given below as
follows (1) Select the first square if the select random number is in between 1 and 50 both
inclusive (2) If the number is between 51 to 56 inclusive, we use the second square. (The
random numbers greater than 56 will be omitted). Then randomise all columns, then rows.


(Square (1) (Square (2)

(1-50) (51-56)
Suppose 49 is the selected random number first square will be taken. Then select two
sets of one digit random numbers. Let then be (1,5,4,23) and (4,5,2,1,3). Then for 91,5,4,2,3)
the columns will be randomised. The resulting will be


AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj

For (4,5,2,1,3) the rows will be randomised in the above square. Then the final square
will be,
For LSD with more than 5 treatments the problem is similar as outlined for 5x5 LSD.
But the squares should be selected from standard statistical tables given by various authors.
Analysis of LSD
Step 1 : Compute Treatment wise tabulation.
Step 2 : Find the correction factor.
Correction Factor ( C. F ) = ( GT )2 / n
n- total number of observation.
Step 3 : To find the Total sum of squares ( TSS).
TSS = ( Y112 + Y122 + . . . . . . . . + Ytr2) – C.F
Step 4 : To find the Row Sum of Squares ( RSS)
RSS = 1/t [ Ri2] – C. F
Step 5 : To find the Column Sum of Squares (CSS)
CSS = 1/t [ Cj2] – C. F
Step 6 : Treatment sum of Squares (TrSS).
TrSS = [ ( T12/ r1 ) + ( T22/ r2 )+ . . . . . +( Tt2/ rt ) ] – C. F

Step 7 : Error sum of squares ( ESS)

ESS = Total SS – Row SS – Column SS - TrSS

Step 8 : Construct ANOVA

Sources of df SS MS F
Column t– 1 CSS CMS CMS/EMS
Treatments t–1 TSS TMS TMS / EMS
Error (r-1) (t-2) ESS EMS
Total t2 - 1

Step 7 : Calculate CD.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
CD = t. SE(D)
SE(d) = SQRT [ EMS ( 1/ ri) + (1/rj) ]

Step 8 : Interpret the results.

In many of the experiments, it may be required to test different types of treatments.
Let the objective of the experiment is to found out the best variety out of 5 varieties, the best
does out of three different doses of a fertiliser, the best dose of fertiliser at which that variety
gives maximum response out of three doses of fertiliser. The experiment here requires testing
two different types of treatments viz., variety and fertiliser. In the discussions done so far, we
have considered only experiments where there were only a single type of treatments. It may
be different varieties, different doses of fertiliser, different chemicals, different spacing or
different levels of irrigation tried in an experiment at a time. Therefore when the experiment
has more than one type of treatment the necessity to study the different steps involved in
designing such experiments arises.
Factor: Definition:
It is defined as a type of treatment. Suppose there are 4 varieties and 3 different
spacing to be tested, then the set of 4 varieties is called a type of treatment and the set of 3
spacing is called another type of treatment. Therefore variety is called a factor and spacing is
called another factor.
Levels of factors: Definition:
The different objects or treatment within a factor is defined as levels of the factor.
E.g. Suppose ADT 27, CO 43 and IR 50 are the three rice varieties to be tested, then variety
will be called as a factor and the three varieties (ADT 27, CO 43, IR 50) will be called the
levels of the factor „variety‟.
Single factor experiment: Definition:
It is defined as the experiment where there is only one factor.
If 5 different dates of sowing only are tested, then the experiment will be called single
factor experiment.

Factorial experiment: Definition:

It is defined as the experiment, where 1) there is more than one factor and 2) the
levels of different factors are combined the form treatment combinations and 3) applied to the
ultimate experimental units randomly.
E.g. Let there be two factors „varieties‟ and „fertiliser‟. Let there be two rice varieties IR 20
and IET 1444 under the factor variety. Let there be 3 doses of the factor „fertiliser‟ say 10 kg
Nitrogen per hectare, 25 kg Nitrogen per hectare and 50 kg Nitrogen per hectare. Denote the
two varieties as V1 and V2 and the three doses of nitrogen as N0, N1 and N2. Then the
different treatment combinations are formed as
V1 N1 and V2 N1

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
N2 N2

Therefore the six treatment combinations are V1N0, V1N1, V1N2,V2N0, V2N1 and
V2N2., Suppose and experiment is conducted with the above treatment combinations allotted
to the ultimate experimental units, then the experiment will be called as factorial experiment.
Since there are two factors, the experiment will be called two factorial experiment. The order
of 2 factorial experiment will be denoted based on the levels of the two factors as 2 x 3
factorial experiment or 3 x 2 factorial experiment or 3 x 2 factorial experiment.
Main effect:
The average effect of different levels of a factor is defined as main effect of a factor.
E.g. In the example of two varieties and 3 fertiliser levels, the average effect of first variety
and the average effect of second variety are called main effects of the factor „variety‟. The
average effect of first fertiliser level, the average effect of second fertiliser level, the average
effect of third fertilizer level are called main effect of the factor „Fertiliser‟.
Interaction effect:
The failure of one level of a factor to behave alike in presence of different levels of
other factors will be defined as interaction effect of different factors. When factor A interacts
with factor B, it implies that B also interacts with factor A.
E.g. Let the variety V1 yields 5 kgs per plot when there is no fertiliser. If it gives 10 kgs per
plot when there is fertiliser, then the variety and fertiliser are said to be interacting.
It helps to save time, money and energy.
E.g. Consider the experiment with 2 varieties and 3 doses of fertilisers. If single factor
experiment is conducted for varieties then 13 blocks with two plots in each will be required to
adopt RBD so as to ensure the error df to be 12. Hence the plots required will be 26.
Similarly the number of blocks required to conduct a single factor fertiliser experiment will
be 7 with 3 plots in each block. Hence the plots required will be 21. Therefore for two
separate single factor experiments of varieties and fertilisers, 47 plots will be required.
If varieties and fertilisers are combined to conduct a factorial experiment, then the
number of treatment combinations will be 6. Therefore, the number of blocks required (to
adopt RBD0 will be 4, so that error df will be 12. The number of plots in each block will be
6. Therefore the total number of plots required will be 24 (6x4). Thus factorial experiment
saves time, money and energy, since it required only 24 plots, where as the single factor
experiments requires 47 plots.
2) Factorial experiment helps to estimate interaction effect of different factors, which
is not possible in single factor experiment.
3) In factorial experiment, the levels of factor are replicated more number of times
than the apparent replication of the experiment.
E.g. In the example of factorial experiment given in 9.1 the apparent replication of the
experiment was only 4. It was the replication for each treatment combination. This is called
as absolute replication. But a level of the factor „variety‟ V1 (say) was getting replication
more than this absolute replication. The reason for this increased replication was due to its
presence with the 3 levels of the factor „Fertiliser‟ in the treatment combinations in a single

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
block. This replication of V1 is called hidden replication. Hence the total number of times by
V1 is more than the absolute replication. By analogy the replication is 12, hidden replication
for F0 is 2 and total replication is 8, hidden replication for F0 is 2 and total replication is 8.
Due to hidden replication the levels of a factor is estimated more precisely, since more of
replication increases precision.

If the number of factors and the levels of each factor increase, the number of
treatment combinations will increase. This will increase the length of a block in RBD. Due to
increase in the block size, within variation of block will increase, which will increase
experimental error. Thus local control becomes difficult. To overcome this difficult, designs
known as incomplete block designs using confounding are available.


In a factorial experiment, if the levels of one factor need larger plot size than the
levels of other then FRBD is not a suitable design to carry out ANOVA.
For example, in a factorial experiment, there are two factors say Irrigation & Variety.
It is obvious that the levels of the factor Irrigation need larger plots than the levels of the
factor variety.
In a situation, where one factor needs larger plots & to get more accuracy of one
factor relative to the other a new design has to be adopted. The new design will be Split –
Plot design.
Main-plot treatments:
The levels of the factor which need larger plots are called main-plot treatments.
Sub-plot treatments:
The levels of the factor which need smaller plots are called sub-plot treatments (or)
split-plot treatment.
Split-plot design:
It is defined as
i) Given land will be divided into number of blocks equal to the number of replications,
ii) Each block will be divided into a number of larger plots equal to the number of main-
plot treatments to which main-plot treatments to be randomised.
iii) Each larger plots will be further sub-divided into number of smaller plots equal to the
number of sub-plot treatments to which sub-plot treatments to be randomised and
iv) The randomisation of sub plot treatments is independent of the ranodmisation of
main-plot treatments
Radnomisation procedure:
Let us understand with an example.

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
Consider a factorial experiment with six levels of the factor Nitrogen as main-plot
treatments and four rice varieties of the factor variety as sub plot treatments arranged
according to RBD with 3 replications.
Step-1 : First divide the experimental area into 3 blocsk of equal size. Each of the 3
blocks is further sub-divided into 6 main plots.
Starting with the first block, alloted the 6 levels of nitrogen (N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5)
to the main-plots. Repeat the process for the other two blocks independently.
Step-2 : Divide each of the 18 main-plots (6 main-plots from each of the 3 blocks) into 4
Assign the four varieties (V1,V2,V3 & V4) at random to the 4 sub-plots in each
main-plots. This procedure is repeated independently 18 times since there are 18 main-plots.
Analysis of variance:
The plot size of main-plot treatments is different from the sub-plot treatments.
Therefore the interactions of main-plot treatments with blocks will constitute an error
variation. The sum of interaction of sub-plots with the blocks and the interaction treatment
combinations with the blocks will constitute another error variation. Hence there will be two
error effects in split-plot design.
Therefore the yield of a plot is the sum of
i) effect of blocks ii) effect of main-plot treatments iii) error effect of main-plots iv) effect of
sub-plot treatments v) effect of interaction of sub-plot & main-plot treatments vi) error effect
of subplots and interaction.
TSS = Block SS + Main-plot SS + Error(1) SS + sub-plot SS + (main x sub) SS + Error (2)
Where I) Error (1) SS is the error due to the interaction of main-plot treatments with the
ii) Error (2) SS is the error due to the interaction of sub-plot treatments & treatment
combinations with the blocks.
iii) (Main x Sub) SS is the interaction SS.
Analysis of split plot design
If there are „n‟ main plot treatments, „m‟ sub-plot treatment and replicated with „r‟
times then the analysis procedure will be explained as follows.
yijk = μ + ti+rj +eij+sk+(ts) ik +eijk
i=1. . . . . .n
j=1. . . . . . .r
k=1. . . . . .m
yijk = observations on ith main plot treatments and kth sub-plot treatment.
 = Grand mean
ti = ith main plot treatment effect.
r j =;th replication effect.
eij = Random error (a)
sk=kth sub-plot treatmental effect.
(ts)ik= Interaction effect(main plot x sub-plot treatment)

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
eijμ= Random error (b)
n r m
GT     y iJk
i 1 J 1 k 1

(GT) 2
CF 
n r m
Total SS=    y 2 iJk -CF. . . . . . .(1)
i 1 J 1 k 1

Form Main plot treatment x replication table

R1 R2 ............................. . Rr Total
t1 y11. y12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y1r. y1..
t2 y21. y22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y2r. y2..
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
tn yn1. yn2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ynr. yn..
Total y.1. t.2. ............................. . y.r.
From that we can calculate
n 2
Main treatments SS=  i..  CF 
i 1 mr

r 2
Replication SS=  .J.  CF 
J 1 mn

n r 2
y iJ.
Body SS=   CF 
i 1 J 1 m

Error (a) = (4) - (3)- (2)

Form Main plot treatment x Sub plot treatment table

s1 s2 ............................. . sm Total
t1 y11. y12. ............................... y1.m y1..
t2 y21. y22. ............................. . y2.m y2..
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
tn yn1. yn2. ............................. . yn.m yn..
Total y1.. t2.. ............................. . y..m

m 2
y ..k
Sub treatment SS=   CF 
k 1 nr

n m 2
Body SS  i.k  CF  (6)
i 1 k 1 r
Interaction of main x sub SS=(6)-(5)-(2)(7)
Error (b) = Total SS – Main plot SS – Replication SS-Error (a)-Sub-plot SS- Interaction of
main x sub SS.
Source of Var. df SS MSS Fcal Ftab
1)Replications r-1
2) Main treatments n-1
3) Error (a) (n-1) (r-1)
4) Sub treatments (m-1) (n-1)
5) Interaction of main x sub (m-1) (n-1)
6) Error (b) n(r-1) (m-1)

# CD (0.05)
B/W 2 main treatments=  t tab for (r 1)(n 1)df

# C.D (0.05)
2E (b)
B/W two sub treat =  t tab for n(r 1)(n 1)df

If there is no interaction  this is end. But there is interaction, 2 more comparision present.

#C.D (0.05)
B/W two sub means
2E b
(n0v1-N0v2 (or) N1V2- N1V1)  t tab for n(m 1)(r 1)df

# C.D (0.05)
B/W two main treatments at
same (or) different levels of
sub treatments

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
2(m  1)Eb  E a
i.e. n0v1 – n1v1 (or) n0v1-n1v2  t

(m  1)E b t b  E a t a
iv) t 
(m  1)E b  E a
i) This design is useful whenever the levels of one factor in factorial experiment require
larger plots. The factor whose levels require larger plots will be taken as main-plot
treatments and the levels of other factor will be taken as sub-plot treatments.
ii) The nature of randomisation, replication and local control of this design provides
more validity, precision & accuracy for the sub-plot treatments than the main-plot
treatments. Therefore this design may be used whenever the levels of any factor in a
factorial experiment is to be estimated more precisely should be taken as sub-plot
iii) As the plot size is same for sub-plot treatments and treatment combinations in this
design, the accuracy of their estimates are equal. Hence to conduct a factorial
experiment with equal accuracy for interaction effect and any one of the factors, this
design may be used.
i) The main-plot treatments are estimated and tested with less precision and accuracy
than the sub-plot treatments and interaction effect.
ii) When the number of levels in the factor which require larger plots is small (which
will be taken as main-plot treatments) the number of blocks should be increased to
make error (1) df to be 12, if one whihses to test the main-plot treatments with
increased precision. This may lead to practical difficulties (via., procuring enough
land, seeds, etc.,) to conduct the experiment.
iii) When the number of factors in more than 2, split-plot design becomes difficult at the
interpretation stage of results.

In a factorial experiment, if both the factors need larger plot size then split-plot design
is not a suitable design to carry out ANOVA.
E.g. In a factorial experiment, if the factors are Tillage & Water management then larger
plots will be alloted for both the factors to conduct the experiment conveniently.
The design suitable, for the factors which need larger plots will be Strip-plot design.
Strip-plot design:
It is defined as
i) The given experimental area will be divided into number of blocks equal to the
number of replications and

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
ii) Each block divided into number of horizontal strips equal to the levels of one factor
and number of vertical strips equal to the levels of another factors.
iii) The levels of the first factor are randomised to the horizontal strips and levels of the
second factor are randomised to the vertical strips. This procedure is repeated to other
Randomisation procedure:
Let us understand with an example.
Suppose in a factorial experiment, there are two factors Dates of sowing & Irrigation
with 3 and 4 levels respectively. The replications will be 3.
The given field will be divided into 3 blocks. Each block is divided into 3 vertical
strips to which the 3 levels of date of sowing d1,d2 & d3 are randomised. Further the same
block is divided into 4 horizontal strips to which the levels of irrigation are randomised. The
randomisation of horizontal strips is independent of the randomisation of vertical strips.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA):

In Strip-plot design, there are 3 different plot sizes. The size of the horizontal plots is
different from size of vertical plots. But the size of the ultimate plot which receives the
treatment combination is different from horizontal & vertical plots.
Since there are 3 different plot sizes, 3 different experimental errors will be inevitable.
I.e.) I) Error due to the interaction of horizontal plots with blocks
ii) Error due to the interaction of vertical plots with blocks.
iii) Error due to the interaction of ultimate plot with blocks.
It is obvious that the accuracy of the results of interaction (ie. Ultimate plot) is more
than that of main effects of the two factors (ie., horizontal & vertical).
Therefore total effect of each plot yield is splitted as follows.
Total effect = Block + main effect of first factor + error (1) + main effect of second
+ error (2) + interaction effect + error (3).
Strip – plot design Analysis:
If there are n vertical strips,m–horizontal strips and replicated with r times then
analysis procedure will be explained as follows.

Yijk = +vi+rj+eij+hk+ejk+vhik+eijk

Where i=1………..n, j = 1………………r and k = 1 ……………… m

Yijk = observations on ith vertical strip treatments and kth horizontal strip treatments .

 = grand mean
vi = ith vertical treatmental effect
rj = jth replication effect
eij = Random error (a)
hk = kth horizontal treatmental effect
ejk = Random error (b)

AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
vhik = interaction effect
eijk = Random error (c)

There are three steps involved for strip plot design analysis.
GrandTotal 2
Correction Factor (C.F)  .

Totalsumofsquares(TSS )     yijk2 - C.F

i j u
Step – 1
Vertical strip analysis:-

Construct vertical strip x replication table

R1 R2 ………….. Rr Totals
v1 y11 y12 y1r y1..
v2 y22 y22 ………….. y2r y2…
. . . .
. . . .
Vertical strip

. . . .
. . . .
vn Yn1. yn2. Ynr. yn..
Total y.1. y.2. ………….. y.r.

From the table

   yi.. 2
i jk
Vertical strip sum of squares (vss)   CF
   y. j.2
i jk
Re plication sum of squares (rss)   CF
Table sum of squares (tabss1)   CF

Random error (a) = tabss1-rss-vss

Step -2
Horizontal strip analysis replication
R1 R2 …………………. Rr Table


h1 y.11 y.21 …………………. y.r1 y..1


AGRON 519 Agronomic Field Experimentation
Dr. T. Pandiaraj
h2 y.12 y.22 …………………. y.r2 y..2
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
hm y.1m y.2m ………………… y.rm y..m
y.1. y.2. …………………. y.r.

   y..k 2
i jk
Horizontal strip sum of squares (hss)   CF .
y. jk 2
Table of sum squares(tabss2)   CF .
Random Error (b) = tabss2 - rss - hss
Step 3.
Interaction Analysis
Contract vertical strip x horizontal strip table
h1 h2 …………….. hm
v1 y1.1 y1.2 …………….. y1.m y1..
v2 y2.1 y2.2 …………….. y2.m y2..
. . . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
vn yn.1 yn.2 . . . . yn.m yn..
y..1 y..2 y..m

From the table

   yi. j 2
i ju
Table sum of squares(tabss3)   CF
Interaction sum of squares (vss x hss) = tabss3 -vss-hss
Random error (3) = Totalss – rss – vss – hss – vss x hss


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