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 In 1935 Sir Ronald A. Fisher laid down the foundation for the subject.

 Design of experiment means how to design an experiment in the sense that how

the observations or measurements should be obtained to query in a valid , efficient

and economical way.
 Definition “the design of experiment defined as the logical construction of the

experiments in which the degree of uncertainty with which the inference is drawn
may be well defined”.
 If the experiment is designed properly keeping in mind the question, then the data

generated is valid and proper analysis of data provides the valid statistical
 If the experiment is not well designed, the validity of the statistical inferences is

questionable and may be invalid.

 For conducting an experiment, the experimental material is divided into smaller

parts and each part is referred to as an experimental unit.

 The treatment is randomly assigned to the experimental units.
 Experiment: It is a device or a means of getting an answer to the problem under

consideration. E.g., comparison of different fertilizers or crop verities or methods

of cultivation.
 Treatments: Various objects of comparison in a comparative experiment are

termed as treatments.
 Experimental Unit: The smallest division of the experimental material to which

we apply the treatments. Eg., Patients in the hospital, a batch seed, A plot of land,
and so on.
 Experimental error: Variation from plot to plot which is due to random factor,

beyond human control is known as experimental error.

 It includes all types of extraneous variations due to:

 i). The inherent variability in the experimental material to which

treatments are applied.

 ii). The lack of uniformity in the methodology of conducting the

 Iii). Lack of representativeness of the sample to the population under

Principles of experimental design
 Randomization

 Replication

 Local control
 It involves the allocation of treatment to experimental units at random

to avoid any bias in the experiment resulting from the influence of

some extraneous unknown factor that may affect the experiment.
 In the development of analysis of variance, we assume that the errors

are random and independent.

 In turn, the observations also become random. The principle of

randomization ensures this.

 In the replication principle, any treatment is repeated a number of times to obtain a valid

and more reliable estimate than which is possible with one observation only.
 Replication provides an efficient way of increasing the precision of an experiment. The

precision increases with the increase in the number of observations.

 There is a difference between “replication” and “repeated measurements.” For example,

suppose four subjects are each assigned to a drug and a measurement is taken on each
subject. The result is four independent observations on the drug. This is “replication. "On
the other hand, if one subject is assigned to a drug and then measured four times, the
measurements are not independent. We call them “repeated measurements.”
 The replication is used with local control to reduce the experimental

 For example, if the experimental units are divided into different

groups such that they are homogeneous within the blocks, then the
variation among the blocks is eliminated and ideally, the error
component will contain the variation due to the treatments only. This
will, in turn, increase the efficiency.
 This statistical technique first developed by R. A. Fisher was extensively used for

agricultural experiments.
 Analysis of variance(ANOVA) is a method for testing the hypothesis that there is no

difference between two or more population means.

 The significance of the difference of means of the two samples can be judged through

either z-test or t-test.

 When there are more than two means, it is possible to compare means for each pair

using multiple t-tests.

 Conducting multiple t-tests can lead to severe inflation of the Type-I error rate.
 In such circumstances, we do not want to consider all possible combinations of two

populations at a time for that we would require a great number of tests before we
would be able to arrive at a decision.
 ANOVA can be used to test differences among several means for significance

without increasing the Type-I error rate.

 An extremely useful technique concerning researches in the many fields of

economics, biology, education, psychology, sociology, business/industry and in

researches of several other disciplines.
 A group of psychiatric patients are trying three different therapies: counselling,

medication and biofeedback. We want to see if one therapy is better than the

 A manufacturer has two different processes to make light bulbs. They want to know

if one process is better than the other.

 Students from different colleges take the same exam.You want to see if one college

out performs the other.

 Because its primary objective is to partition the total variation

observed in a dataset into different sources of variation. It allows

researchers to analyze the variability between groups and within
groups to determine if there are statistically significant differences
among the means of multiple groups.
 If the former is large compared to the latter, then there is a lot of

evidence of a group difference.

 If the former is small relative to the later, then there is a much less

 A fixed effects model refers to a statistical model that considers the effects of specific,

predetermined factors as constant or "fixed" throughout the experiment.

 The term "fixed" means that the levels of these factors are predetermined and not randomly sampled

from a larger population.

 Fixed effects models are commonly used when the researcher is primarily interested in comparing

specific treatment groups and wants to control for the influence of certain factors to get more precise
estimates of the treatment effects.

 Let's consider an example from agriculture where we want to investigate the effect of two different

types of fertilizers (Fertilizer A and Fertilizer B) on crop yield. The Effect model assumes that the
effect of the fertilizers is fixed and specific to the given types of fertilizers.

 Crop Yield = μ + α(Fertilizer) + ε,

 The levels of the factors are considered to be a random sample from a larger
population, and the interest lies in generalizing the results to a broader range of levels
beyond those used in the experiment.

 Suppose we want to investigate the effect of three different types of fertilizers (Fertilizer
X, Fertilizer Y, and Fertilizer Z) on the yield of corn crops. We select several farms in
different regions, each with its unique soil type and climate conditions. Each farm will
be considered a random factor, and we randomly assign different plots on each farm to
receive one of the three fertilizers. Analysis: We use a random effect model to account
for the variability between farms and assess how the fertilizer effects vary across farms.
The model can be represented as follows: Crop Yield = μ + α(Fertilizer) + δ(Farm) +
 A one-way ANOVA has one factor (or independent variable) at different levels

 E.g., Consider an experimental design of the teaching methods to examine the MARKS of the students in

an respective subject via, the online mode, offline mode and video lecture based mode. Here Factor:

Teaching method (or Independent variable), Group or level : The online mode, offline mode and video

lecture based mode

 The source of variation in One way ANOVA splits into two components:

 The variation between the classes or the variation due to different bases of classification, known as


 The variation within the classes, i.e., the inherent variation of the random variable within the

observations of class.

 The first type of variation is due to assignable causes which can be detected and controlled by human


 Second type of variation is due to chance causes which are beyond the control of human
 Let 𝑘 random samples from 𝑘 normal populations with same variances but different

means and different sample sizes have been independently drawn.

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