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mandate for the creation of a system of and

legislation be initiative and referendum
. .
b. A plebiscite is required in the creation,
division, merger, abolition of pro1.-'inr:e. city, Administrative agencies are clothed wI'l"h rule-making
municipality, or baran8jajr DT the suhstantia] powers. The only requirement is that the regulation
alteration of 113 l:l4:lundarII"r. must he germane to the objet and purposes of the
HCITE: These are more of reservations of power
be' the people than delegations considering the T238 fur 'Walid Ddcgatiun
fact that Use people 3 l'*E repositories of at]
governmental powers linmpfetenus Test - The law mud be complete in
llself, setting firth therein the policy to be executed,
z. Emergency powers of the Preside nr, carried out, m' implemented by the delegate.
3. Tariffl:l4Jwers of the Presldenl;
4. Delegation to local gavernmenls, and 2.SumrMn9 Standard Test - The law must Ex 3
5. Delegadan to Administrative bundles of the l:HJwer standard, me Iimila of which ave suffl1:ien111.f
of suburdlnate legjslatlnn {E'rr.rz and IS'rr.r:q, supra at determinate ar determinable, to which the delegate
162) must nonfarm in the perfu-rmanee of his function;

F m"11=rn"y P~'IWPt*= MUTE: For subordinate 1egls'lat:l-on to be valid the

Administrative Code of 198? requires the filing of
For the delegatlun it' emrrrgenq" powers to the rules adapted by the agencies with the
President to be valid, the Enllnwing requisites must up Law Center, in addition to compliance with
concur: completeness test and sufiirdent standard test.
[Quezon cry PTEA Federation. lm; if. D-cpEd', ER Ho.
1. It is dune dubai fig war or Jlatinnal emecgenqr 13920, February 23, 2016, 1. LEI5INEN.]
2. It must allure the President to exercise such
powers which are necessary and proper in carry
nut a declared national l>nliqr.
3. Suds exercise must be for a limited period nnljr.
The fcullllwlng are the Eiindamentalfinherent powers
HGTE: If the Congress does not expressly take Dflj'LE SIHIE:
back: the power by means of a Reoolutlon, the
1. Poll be Pnwtr
same she]] :ease upon lls ne1:tAdioummenL
2. Pnwtr BE Eminent Dnmaln
4. 3. Puwtr 1;\E Taxadu n
Such exenclse must be subject to Destl'i1:t:lans
presrrlbed by the Congress. f5er:'. 23 {2}, .err_ w,
I 9-8.7" Eonsliturlunl'

Polite power is the power of the state to promote

public welfare by restraining and rlegulatlng the use of
liberty and property.-'_ It is the most pervulvo the least
The Congress ma].r, by law, authorize the President to
He within specified ]imi13, and subject m such limitable, and Me most demanding of the three
fl.Lndanlenta] powers of the State.
limitations and res1:r11:t1ons as it may impose, tariff
rates, import and export quotas, tonnage and
As an inhere nl attribute of sovereignty which virma]1y
wharfage dues, and other duties or imp-osls within the
escnends to all public needs, police power grants a
h'amework of Use national de'ueloplnlent program
wide panoply of instrument 'Ll'Lroug]1 which the State,
the Government [See 28 {2}', Art; w, res?
as parents patriot, gives effect to a hast of 113
legulatorjr powers. The power to "regulate" means the
power m protect, faster, promote, preserve, and
consul wi& due regard for e illteresE. Erst and
foremost, of the public, then of the utiilq of it
Pursuant to the Stale P0lil'.'r on ineai out-nnnmy, &\e patrons, {Gerri v. Dec ent of EM E. R.
fundamental powers of Me Slate 'WETE delegated Lu
159?56, :to 1 F, 20o?1
local gcl1.re1'11menl3,, subject to nestrictinns imposed by
Enngness. The general law in this regard is the Meal
The stare, in order m promote general welfare, may
Government Eyde {LG E}.
interfere with persons] liberty, with property, and
with business and occupations. Persons may be
The purpose for which the foregoing powers have
subieeted to all ldnds of 1'estralnt and burdens in
been delegated is to enable Ioea] authorities to attend
order to secure the gene-ra] eonlfort. health and
to local eonoerns in an elTel:ti1.-'e and meaningful p-rosperlty of the state and to d'Lls fundamental aim of
manner, instead of nel!,"'ng red much on the nations]
our Government, the rights of the indlvlOual are
government, whose attention would otherwise be
suborOlnateO. [Drtlyos and Co., Limited Partnership u:
diffuse over a multitude of local concerns. Morospe
Feoff Boric and Trust Co, ER No. L-246?l5l. December
Pol'lLf4:'oJ Lew 2816 Ed'._ p. 189]
4 t97*5ll

Generally, p-alice pnwtr extends to al] the great public Q: Hotel and motel operators in Manila sought to
needs. Its particular aspects, however, are the declare Drdinance 4670 as unconstitutional for
fnllawing: being unreasonable, thus violative of the dun
process clause. The Drdinanee requires the clients
PLLI:lllr: health; of hotels, motels and lodging house to run out a
z. Public marais; prescribed form in a lobby, open to public view
3. Public safety; and and in Ute presence of the owner, manager or duly
4. P ubllr: welfare authorized representative of such hotel, motel or
lodging house. The same law provides that the
Requisites for a valid exercise nfpnl is: pnwfr premises and facilities of such hotels, motels and
lodging houses would be open for inspection
1. Lawjlirf suhjel:E - The Interest of the public either be the city Mayor, or Ute Ehiei of Police, or
generally, as distinguished h'nm thus-e of a their duly authorized representatives. It increased
particular class, require the exercise of the p-nliee their annual license tees as well. is the ordinance
power; and constitutional?

2. Lawjirf means - The means employed are A; YE"s. The mantle of protectjon associated wltl1 the
reasonably necessary for ~Lhe accomplishment of due process guaranty does not cover the hate] and
the purpose and not unduly oppressive upon motel operators Thls particular manifestation of a
individuals. [National Development Company and police power measure b-elng speclflcallif aimed to
New .4,gr1!x_ Ina u. PFuJ'1ppine Feremns Bunk, 152 safeguard public morals is immune From such
ECRA 259 December JET, 1998] imputation -of nullity resting purely on conjecture and
unsupported bj.r anjrlhing of substance. To hold
Q: President Rodrigo Duterte issued Procla motion otherwise would be to unduly restrict and narrow the
Ho. 415 forrnalljr declaring a state of calamity in scope of police power which has been properly
Boracay and ordering its closure Mr sis [6] characterized as the most essential, insistent and die
months. Dn account of this, Boracay residents least llrnltable of powers, extending as it does "to all
Mark Anthony Iqbal and Tltiting lacosalem Filed tl'Le great public needs."
Ute present petition alleging that they would
suffer grave and irreparable damage as their There is no question that the challenged ordnance
livelihood depends on tourist activities
the was precisely enacted to minimize certain practices
therein. They attacl-Led the ondec on Me ground hurtful to public morals. The challenged ordinance
that it is an invalid exercise of legislative powers. then proposes to cheek the clandestine harboring of
is the order invalid? transients and guests of these establishments by
requiring leese translenw and gucsw to fill up a
A: HD. That the assailed governmental measure in this registration form, prepared fm' the purpose, in a lobby
case is within the scope of police power cannot be open to pul:allc 1.rlew at all times, and by introducing
tlisputetl. 'IFe1'ily, the statutes from which the said several other amendatorjr prnvlsclons calculated to
measure draws authority and the constil:ul1onaI shatter Use prlvaclr that characterizes the registratzlan
provlsl-ons which serve as jE framework are primarily of transient and guests. lu-'[oreo1.rer, the increase in the
oonoerned with the environment and health, safety, licensed fees was intended to discourage
and we]]-being of the people, the promotion and "estatlllshnlenu of the ldnd from operating for
seclurlng of which 3.["'E clearly Iegltimate objectives of purpose other than legal' and at the same time, to
governmental efforts and regltllatlons. The -only increase "the income of the clair gnfrernlnent"
question now is whether the temporary closure of 4"Ermits-Motors Hotel v. Etty Mayor co' .F-l'.oml8, ca No.
Boracay as a tourist destination for six monlils L-24d9'3',j'uly 31, 15l-EF]
reasonabl}l.r necessary under the circumstances? The
answer is in the aflFlrmatlve. Q: The my of Manila enarted Grdinaoee lilo. 7774
entitled, "An Dndinance Prohibiting Short-Time
Tourlst arrivals in the island were eleal'ly far more Admission, Short-Time Admission Rates, and
than Boracay could handle. Certainly, the closure of Wash-Up Rate Srltemes in Hotels, Hotels, ions,
Boracay, albeit temporarily, gave the island its rudi Lodging Houses, Pension Houses, and Similar
needed breadte r, and likewise afforded the Establishmeols in the tiny of Manila." The purpose
government the necessary leeway in us rehabilitation of the ordinance is to prohibit motel and inn
program. Note that apart from review, evaluation and operators Iron: offering sbort-time admission, as
amendment of relevant policies, the bulk of the well as pro-rated or "wash-up' rates for
rehabilitation at:tivit:les involved inspection, testing, abbreviated stays. is die ondinanee a valid
demolition, relocation, and eons1:rLlr:tion. These works exercise of llolioe power?
could not have easily been done with tourists present
The rehabilitation works in the Erst plate were not A; NIJ. A reasonable relation must ezdst betw'een the
simple, superlleial or mere eoslnetle but rather qulte purposes of the measure and the means employed for
eoniplleated major, and permanent in eha.1'ar:ter as its accomplishment, for even under the guise of
they were intended to serve as long-term solutions to protecting the public interest, personal right and
the problem [Zabel Duterte, an No. 2.384-5T, those pertaining to private property will not be
Fedmary 12, 28191 permitted to be arbitrarily invaded. It must also be


evident that no other alternative for the

aocompllshment of the purpose less intrusive of
private rights can work. In the present ease, there is
less lntr1.Lslve measures whl-ch can Pe employed such
as curbing but the prostitution and drug use through Eminent domain is the right or power of a sovereign
active police force. The ordlnancle has a lawful state to appropriate private property to particular
purpose but does not have the lawful means hence, uses m promote pubis: welfare. It is an indispensable
ullcolLstltutlona]. 1"l"1"'J-lte Lon: Corporation us E:l'l}r of attribute of sovereignty; a power grounded in the
Manila, G.R Ho. 122846. j'ar:ruaJ':l.-' 20, 2889] primary duly of government to serve the common
need and advance the general welfare. The power of
Q: Are the rates to be charged by utilities like eminent ddmaln is inseparable in sovereignty being
HERALCU subjetttn State regujaiiun? essential to the existence of the State and inherent in
government. [NTC vs. Droviile Delr't Corp., G.R. No.
A: IrEs. The regulation ofrates to be charged by public 223366, August 1, zmr]
utilities is founded upon the police powers of the
Stale, and statutes prescribing rules for the contl'o]
and regulation of public u1:lllties are a valid exercise . . {T-u-c-m
thereof When prlrate property is used for a public
purpose and is affected with public interest it ceases 1. Taking of private pmperqr;
to be juri8.' priuoti only and becomes subject to 2. F11r pu blh: Use;
rlegulatlon. The regulation is to promote the common 3. Just Eonlpensatzian, and
good. As long as use of the property is continued, the 4. Gbserurance of dun! process.
same is subject to public regulation. ['Republic u.
Moulin Electric Eompnny, GR No. 141314, November NDTE: There must be a valid offer to buy the property
15, 2082] and refusal of said offer.
N~l}'l'E: Mall owners and operators cannot be 'I.ralldl],r Power of cmmrnpriatinn as cuerciscd be Eungnrss
compelled to provide free parking to their customers
vs. Power of cxurnuriatinn as exercised lw
because requiring them to provide Free parking space
to their customers is beyond the scope of police
powers. It unreasonably nessi-cts the right to use
property for business purposes and amounts to
confiscation of property. [DSG u. Ayofo Loud, Inc., SEIU
SCRA are September 18. 2009] [zo14 Barn
Shape ]]D'WEl' is
Requisites Our the valid exercise of pnliee power
by the delegate

1. Express grant by law; l"'"E"JI'

form pf===p~'=1l1f
2. Must nut be mnwaryf tr: law; and which . Nliflf il'
3. GR: Within terrie rial Iimlls of LGUi needed be the Stale
4 public use. h

(I-'1.-"iJ':l:m u. Elly of Mnrmrafn Luke Tarracu, 41 F

Hurs- Mach
F!2d' 633. August IB. 1966) aIJ'ead_=,r
dedicated m public
Thr* *:'nul'fl rauunt illtrr[prp will tlw plcprci'ip of nm .=ult
in [imp .nnwpr' property already
devoted to rellginus
IE the le,g:islatl.Lre decides to acl, Use chnlce of measures w0r5h1p. [Herein 11;
DI' remedies lies within Hs exclusive discre1:i-an, as long Ramirez. 7 Zhu. 41'
as We reqmdsltes for a valid exercise of police power November 24, 190-EJ
have been complied with.
:inn of
Q: -Eau MMDA. Exercise p-nli-c1: pnwl:r7 ne-
A: HG. The MMDA cannot exerelse police powers
sin-oe its powers are limited m th e formulation;
coordination, regulation, lntplementatlon,
preparation, management, monitoring, setting o
polleies, installing a system, and administration.
Nothlng in RA No. ?924 granted the MMDA police
power, let alone ]egi5]atlve power [NMDA pa Rfnuisitcs Mr a valid taking
Tmchuoria, CAR. Ho. 159554, December 16, 2085]
1. The exprnprlatnr must enter a private property;

2. EM:l'l.r must be for move than a momentary l1nm'rptnll*{irarinu'i Elvuttit
3. EM:r1l.r must be under warrant or color of legal Abandons the tradltinnal concept [number of actual
authority; beneficiaries determines public purpose). Public use
4. Property must be devoted to p1.Lb]i1: use or now includes d'Le broader nada of indirect publlr:
otherwise informs]]y appropriated DT injuriously
affected; and hnuslng cnmmun ltgl.r. urban land nefnrm and housing
5. of property most be in such a way as There is a vicarluus advantage to the society.
to oust the owner and deprive him of beneflda] {'Fii'stream lntematlcnnl .incarpomted u. CO, 284 SERA
enjoyment of the pmpertjr. [Republic v. De ?IN, Jl'cnuarII." 2.8'. 1598]
Easteffvl, as Ho. L-20528, August 15, I9?4I]
Q: The Republic, through the Dftice of the
Solicitor-General, instituted a complaint for
expropriation of a piece of land in Taguig, alleging
G E : A l l p r i v a t e property capable of nruwnership, that the National Historical Institute declared said
including serf] ces, can be taken. land as a national historical landmark, because it
was the site of tile birth of [-'eli:u: Manalo, Me
founder of lgle-sia ni Cristi. The Republic Filed an
action to expropriate Me land. Petitioners argued
1. tliat die expropriation was not for a public
2. Ehases in aelinn - personal right not reduced in purpose. [s their argument correct?
pdssessien but reed-verable br.f a cult at law such
as right m reee11.l'e. demand nr recover debt, A; ND. Public use should not be restricted to the
demand at damages an a cause of at:t:II::n ex traditional uses. It has been held that places invested
enntmetu nr for a tart or omission ufduty. with unusual historical interest is a public use for
which Me power of eminent domain may be
NDTE: A chase in acton 15 a p1'npertl.f right in authorized. The purpose in setting up the marker is
something intangible, nr which is nut in 1::l11e's essentially to recognize the distinctive contribution of
pussessinn but enfurueable through legal or hurt t:he late Felix Manolo to the culture -of the Philippines,
action ea. cnsfi, .ii right nl'l:lcnnn In mrt or breach rather than to commemorate his founding and
of cnnrmct, a'n entitlement to :ash rejiend, chechen, leadership of the Iglesia ni Crisco. The practical reality
money, sal'l:l.r[e.q, Insurance cfnims. that .greater benefit may he derived be members of
the Iglesia nl Cristo than Br II:l/ost others could well be
true but such a peculiar advantage steel] remains to he
Ilnmain['u-pll -101 merely lnc'ldental and secondary in nature. Indeed,
that only a few would actually henel'lt from the
1. A11 Cl1'dlJ'1ance is enacted b:.' the local Ieglslalive expropriation of property does not necessarily
ccluncll authclrizlng the local chief exec'LLI1ve, in diminish the essence and character of public use.
behalf of Use LGU, 1c] exenzlse the power of
eminent domain ac pursue exl:l1'nprlall:lnn

2. The power of eminent domain is exercised fur It is the full and fair equliralent of the property taken
Public use, purpose or welfare, DI' for the benefit from the private owner [owner's le-ss] by the
of the Pam' and the landless; exp mpriatnr. It is usually the fair market value -{Fl~'l"l.F]
of the property and must include consequential
3. There is payment nfjusl cnmpensadnn; and damages [damages to the other interest of the owner
attributed to the expmpriatienl minus consequential
4. A valid and definite Dffer has been previously benefits [increase in the value of cl-ther intenesls
made to the owner of the pmperq," sought to be attributed in new use of the farmer prdpertyj.
exprl::lprllated., but said offer was not accepted.
[Mun lclpl:l{ary of Paranaqlue H. 1.41. Re1:1J'I.jl." Carp, lusT EDHPENSATICIN = Fmy + wmequenUal
292 SER-I1 6541 July211 1998] DAMAGES - cunseq uelltlal BENEFITS

NDTE: Ta be just, me compensation must be paid un

time. [2 DDE* and]
Public use does not necessarily mean 'use b-],r the
public at large." Whatever may be benellciallgr Fair Market 'aral11p
employed for the genera] welfare satisfies the
req ulrement. Moreover, d'Lat only few people benefit The price that may be agreed upon by parties who are
from the exproprladon does not diminish its public- willing but are not compelled to enter bantu a r:nntral:t
use character because the notion of public use new of sale. [Sift of Manila I-". Estrada, ER. Nu. F:?49.
includes the broader notion of indirect public heneflt September 9, 15131
or advantage. of-Ionosco' U. 5,4 ER. IG6440, [angry 29,


Q: Luc3rEraoe Franco and Elma Gloria Franco were belatedly discovered that one of the underground
tb: registered owners of parcels of agricultural l:LLm1el5. of HPC traversed their land. In that case,
land in Barangay lvlaquioa, Dumangas, lloilo, the Eourt adjudged t.l'Lat the value of the property
covered be Transfer Eertificate of Title Nos. T- at the time the property D'll!'llTlE'l"$ initialed lm-'erse
62209, T-622111I and T-51376. The Franoos condemnation proceedings should be considered
voluntarily offered their land to the Dejpartment for purposes of lust oompensatldn for the
of Agrarian Reform for the Eomprehensive following reasons, l.-422:
Agrarian Reform Program. The Francos were
initially offered 114,113.75 pesos for just Compensation that is reckoned an the
compensation, but i t w a s later ra ise d t o market value pret.-'aillng at the time either
739,461.43 pesos upon review. The Franeos when HPC entered DI' when it completed the
withdrew the compensation but was still tunnel, as NPC suhmlts, would not be just,
dissatisfied with the amount Hence, the].r filed for it would compound the gross unfairness
before the RTE a complaint for Me determination already caused to the owners by hlPIE's
of just compensation. The court fixed the iusl
errpropriating the land, and without the prior
that the Frances were entided to ao additional 5% knowledge and consent if the Helrs of
cash pajnoent by way of incentive for 'rlfoluntarijjr Hlacabanglrit l'~IPIII:'s entr'y denied elementary
offering their lots tor sale. is the Special Agrarian due process of law to the owners slnee dten
Eourt's valuation of just compensation using a until the owners mnlmencM t.l'Le inverse
variation of the basic general formula provided condemnation proceedings. The Court is
for by the DAR correct? more concerned with the necessity to
prevent NPC loom unjustly profiting from 113
A: HG. While formula prescribed by die
deliberate acts of denying due process outlaw
[lepartrnent of Agrarian Reform requires due to the owners. As a measure of simple 1ustice
consideration, the determination of just compensation and ordinary fairness to thent, therefore,
shall still be subject to the final decision of the specie] reckoning just compensation on the 1.ralue at
agrarian court; In HE exercise of original jurisdiction, the time the owners commenced these
the special agrarian court maj.r deviate from the
inverse condemnation proceedings is
formulas lfit can show that the value is not equivalent entirely warranted.
to the fair market value at the sine of the taking.
However, any deviation to die basic formula made in
the exercise of judicial discretion nlust be supported 2. 111 Notionol Myer CorwmtMn u. Epomu
Br a reasoned explanation grounded on the evidence 5olMoiw. 596 Phil. 95?, respondents Mereln
on record filed 3 complaint for the payment of just
compensation against nnrocon averring that it
A computation by a court made in utter and blatant had entered and occupy their pipe b1.*
disregard of the factors spelled out be law and 'Fu' the erecting M9-tension uansmlmlon lines and
implementing rules amount to grave abuse of failed m reasonably compensate them for the
discretion. Here, the Special Agrarian Eourt's intrusion. For Hs mm NAPMDR countered that
CDIT1III'l.ll:3.1IlDI1 of the just compensation resulted in a it had already paid just compensation for the
"double take up' of tlle market value per tau establishment: of the uansmlmion lines by Wmue
declaration of the property. Thls method of valuation of its compliance with the final and executor
has already been oonsldered in iurlsprudenee as a decision in Notionoi Power Corporation in.
departure from the mandate of law and basil: Pemyros In ruling that the reckoning value of just
admlnlstradve guidelines. (Loud Book of' the compensation is that availing at the time of the
PNlll.pp-.ln8 '|.'!. Lucy Grace, so. Ho. 203242, March 12, filing of the inverse condemnation proceedings,
2019, nspenraed' b_1.'Jl'. Leonerd' t'l'Le Court declared:

To reiterate, NAPD-CDR should have

instituted eminent domain proceedings
ER: lust mmpensatlan must be redcaned from the before it occupied respondent spouses'
time of taking or filing of the cnmplalnt, whichever property. Because lt failed to comply with
came Hrsi; WTC vi Ermvlfie Deu't. Co-rp, ER. Ne. this duty, respondent spouses were
223366, Aug. I, 2:11?1 constrained to file the instant Complaint for
just compensation before the trial court
XPHS: From the 19'?]s until the present, they were
1. 111 NM vs. Hocoba4Mt 5o4Roy (GR No. deprived of Just compensation, while
165929, Mgust 24, 2D11]. NAPDEDR in Me HAPCIEDR continuously burdened tlheir
19TD8, undertook the construction of swera] property elm lU transmission lines. This
underground tunnels M be use in diverting We Court cannot allow petitioner to profit from
water How from the Ague River to the HE failure to comply with the mandate of the
hwroe]emic plane Du November 21, 199, law. We therefore rule that, to adequately
reswndenu therein sued NMDEDR fm' recovery compensate respondent spouses from the
of pmperq and damages, alleging that they decades of burden on their property,

nnpaeaa should be made to pay the value Where Me expmprialdr lakes rnnllr part of a parcel of
of Lhe property at H12 time of&\e Blind of the land and the remainder, as a nesull of the
instant Enmplalnt when respondent spouses enpmpriatinn, is placed in a better Jacatian [such as
made a judicial demand Eur just Erdnling a street where lt used to be an lnterl-nr ldl].
Inu-n1pensaliun. the owner will enjoy cclnsequenlial benefits whim
should be deducted from the consequential damages.
HUTE: The rulings in Mooaborigllcil' l"Eru2, Cansrfturaanni Law, 2815 ed., p. 155;
Songkoy and Soludorrs are more in consonance with
the rules of equity than MM Me Rules of Court, NOTE: If the consequential benefits exceed the
specifically Rule i5-'F run expropriation. eensequential damages, these items should be
disregarded altogether as the basic value -of the
Inverse condemnation has the objective to recover 'Lhe property s]1L:=uld be paid in every ease. (Rafe 63
'ualue of' property taken in fact by 'Lhe governmental Section 6, Rides
defendant. even though no formal exercise of the
power of eminent domain has been attempted by the Form of uavment
taking agency. :new vs. Heirs of Mokohongkit
slfvwiwrl GR: Cumpensatuun has to be paid In money.

KPN: In cases 1n1.-'olvirlg CARP, conlpensat:lon may be

I`nn11*m1~rnri=1l Dama+=f1
in bands or stocks, fm' II has been held as a non-
traditional exercise of the power of eminent domain.
E 31u151 of injuries directly caused on the residue of
the private prnpe1'tjl,r taken by neaaan afexprdprladan. It is not an ordinary expropriation where only a
Where, for example, tlhe exprerprialar takes duly part specific property of relatiueljr limited area is sought to
of a parcel of land, leaving Me remainder win an add be taken by the State from lls owner for a specific and
shape DJ' area as to be 'u]1't1.lalll.r unusable, the owner perhaps local purpose. It is rather a reuoiudonary
kind of expropriation. [Association of' Emf!!
can elalm cans-equentlal damages. {4Slruz and ECrr.rz,
Law, 2015 Ed.) landowners in the Ptldippines, Inc. if. Secmtmj-' of'arian Reform, ER. No. ?8?42, fury 14, 1989]

Q: Sp-nuses Salvador awns a land where a DDE- NUTE: The owner is en'l:I11et1 to the payment of
smrejr building is erected. Thu said land is subject interest from the time of taking un1:il just
to exp mpriatinn wherein the DPW]-[ shall eunipensatinn is aet1.Lall_=,I' paid to him. Taxes paid hi*
cnmuum die HLEK extension exiting McArthur him from the time of the taking until the transfer of
Highway. DPW]-I paid the sp-nuses amounting to tide [which tan only be dune alter actual payment of
P6-B51i]i]i] which was !;lie fair market value if the just enn'Lpensat1an]. during which he did not enjoy any
land and building. RTE issued a Writ Ni Possession beneficial use -of the prnpertyr, are lelnlbursahle he the
in favor of the Republic but decided to pay an expmpriatnr.
additional amount enrrespending to the capital
gains tax paid by the spouses. The Republic, Pursuant to Bangkok Sentral fig Pilipinas Eincular Nu.
represented be DPWH eantested the decision of
the RTC adding the capital gains tax as until full payment, an intemst rate of 6% per annum
eensequential damages in the part Ni Lhe Spouse should be used in computing Use just mmpensatinn.
Sahfade-r. is the deeisinn -at Me arc cnrreet' [Land Hunk of the Philippines v. Huhabuy, GR. Na
I?23_'iZ. September 16, 2015]
A: HD. lust compensation is defined as the full and fair
equivalent of the property sought to be expropriated NDTE: The: right to recover just compensation is
The measure is not the taker's gain but the owner's
enshrined in no less Man our Bill of M94 wmm
loss The compensation, to be Just, must be fair not
states in clear and categorical language that private
only to the owner Out also to the taker. Eonsequenda] property shall not be taken for public use witTLo'LLt Just
damages are only awarded ifos a result of the compensation. Tllis constitutional mandate cannot be
expropriation, the remoanii1.g prop-erty of the owner' defeated by statutory piescriptioii. [NPC v. Epi
suffers' ,from on impairment or decrease In wrlue. In Eernon:io. o. 8. No. /89127 .4pr'[i' 25, 2812] [2014
this case, no e1.-'idenoe was suOmltted to prove any
impairment or decrease in value of the subject
property as a result of Me expropriation. More
significantly, Elven that the payment of capital gains
tax on the transfer- of the suNiect property has no Rule of the ludiciargr
etiect on the 1 ncrease or decrease in 1.ra]Lle of the
remaining property, it can hardly Oe considered as The Elna] determination of lust compensation is a
consequential dainages that may be awarded to judicial function; that the llurisdictlon of the Regional
respondents. {Repr.rEJlic if. Sis. Sofundoc, so. Ho. Trial Court, sitting as Special Agrarian Court, is
205428. June ?;20/9] original and exclusive, not appellate. (Land Bank vs
Eugenio Dalouta, ER. No. 190004, Ar45l'ust 8. 201To.


ER: Non-payment by the government does not ennlle cnnditlln]ls that should be rx:-n1p]ied widl to enable me
p1i1.rate owners to recover possession of the property cnndcnlnalinn or to keep d18 pmperqr expruprlaled.
because exproprladon is an in rem proceeding, not an
ordinary sale, but only ent"1Tle Mem to deman d More pa rtf-cularlyf, with respect m the element of
payment of the fair mal'ket 1.f glue of the pl'npert'.!,-'. public use, the expropriator should commit to use the
property pursuant to the purpose stated in the
XPHS: petit:lon for expropriation Filed, failing which, lr should
file another petition for the new purpose. If not, it is
1. When there is deliberate refusal to pay just then incumbent upon the expropriator to return the
compensation; and said property to its prl1.rate owner, if the latter desires
z. GovernmentS failure to pay compensation wit]1lJ1 to rea-cquire the same. Cltherwise, the iudginent of
5 !.-'ears from the finality of the judgment in the expropriation suffers an intrinsic flaw, as lr would
expropriation proceedings. This is in connection lack one indispensable element for the proper
with the principle that the government cannot exercise of the power of eminent domain, namely, the
keep the property and dishonor the judgment. particular public purpose for which the property will
(Republic H. Lim, GR. No. I61656.j1.rnc 25, 20[J.'.1T.] be devoted. Accordingly, the private property owner
would be denied due process outlaw. and Use Judgment
Abandonment of intended use and right of would violate the property owner's ]':ight to justice,
repurchase fairness, and equity. [MIM and Air Tronsportntlon
Qt]ice if. Lozudo, ER No. I?6625, FelJruor:l.= 2.5, 28181'
Q: Several parcels of lands located in 1.abug, Cebu
Eicgr were the subject at expropriation m o r e In view of the discontinuance of the
proceedings filed by Lhe Government for the proceedings and the eventua] return of the property
expansion and improvement of the Lahug Airport. la the owners, theme is no need to pay 'just
The lm: rendered iudgioent in favor of the eompenndon" to them because their property would
Government and ordered the Iatner to pay the not be taken. However, instead of full market value of
landowners the fair market value of the land. The the property, the expropriator should compensate the
landowners received Me payment owners"or the disturhonoe of their property rignafmm

The other dissatisfied landowners possession is paying to them octuoi or other

appealed. Piending appeal, the Air Transportation oonrrpensotory'
Uffiee pro), proposed a ooroproniise settlement
whereby the owners of the lou affected be the The exprbpriatbr who has taken pdssessibn bf the
expropriation proceedings would either not p-ruperly subject of expropriation is obliged tb pay
appeal Dl' withdraw their respective appeals in neasunable cnmpensatlbn to the landowner Eur the
consideration of a eomrnitnient that the period bf such pdssessibn althbugb the proceedings
expropriated Iols would be resold at the price had been discontinued bn the ground that the public
they were exp ropriated in the event that die ATE purpose Eur the emcpruprialibn had meanwhile ceased.
would abandon Me Laltug Airport, pursuant to an [Republic v. Heirs bf Bbr.b4:l-n_ ER. Hb. 165354, January
established polio involving similar 12, 2015]
eases. Because of this promise, the landowners did
not pursue their appeaL Thereafter, the lot was
transferred and registered Io the name of the
Government The projected improvement and It is the pro-ness by which the government through its
expansion plan of the old Laltug Airport, however, legislative branch, imposes and colley revenues to
was not pursued From the date of' the institution defray the necessary expenses of the govern rent, and
of rite expropriation proceedings up to Me la be able to earrj; out, in parlieular, any and all
present, the puhlie purpose of the said l:rroJeeE that are supposed to be for the common
expropriation [expansion of tile ail'port] was good. Simply put, taxation is the method by whleh
never actually initiated, realized, or these eontributlons are exacted.
In other words, taxation 13:
Thus, the landowners initialed a complaint for
the recovery Dr possession and reeonveyanee Ni 1. The inherent power of the snverelgn
ownership of the lands based DD the compromised
agreement they entered into with the ATG. Do Me z. To impose burdens
former owners have the right m redeem the 3. Upon subiecls
property? 4. Within ins 11.Lrlsdletin n
5. For the purpose of raising revenues
A: YES. II is well settled that 'Lhe taking of private 6. To carry out the legitimate abJer:13 afgll:l1.fernme:l1l
p1'opert1.r by the Governments power of eminent
domain is subject to two mandatory requirements: [1] Lifnblnud Du-ctrine
that it is for a pa.1't:I1:u]ar public purpose; and [Z} that
just compensation be paid to the property owner. Taxes 3.l'*E the Iifebland of the al::vernmenL for wlthl::ut
Those requiremeols partake of the nature of' implied taxes, the gcwernmenl can neither exist our endure. A


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