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Interview Form

Name : Mellina
Gender : Female
Place, date of birth : Tebing Bulang, 10th Jun 2002
Nationality : Indonesian
Ethinicity : Melayu
Religion : Islam
Educational background:
Level Name of School Years
Primary School SDN 001 Sekupang 2009-2015
Junior High School SMPN 25 Batam 2015-2018
High School SMAN 24 Batam 2018-2021

Answer the following questions (You can use English or Bahasa Indonesia)
1. Tell me your experiences in creating digital storytelling! Is it difficult? Challenging? Or Exciting?

I think is difficult and challenging karena sedikit sulit untuk mengingat kejadian kejadian yang bisa
di ambil pesan moralnya dan juga

2. Is there any new knowledge that you learn from this activity? What is it?

Yes, I learned how to create animation using some website

3. Are you hesitant in sharing your story to other people? Why?

yes, because its kinda privacy

4. Do you think that your story will be interesting for the audience? Why?

I yes, my story its about social and because I think its kinda relate with others too

5. Do you learn something from your classmate’s story? What is it?

Yes, some classmates story I learn is like how being more patient if we had a problem and also
being care with others.
6. Are you interested to learn about other cultures? Why?

Yes, karena engga ada salahnya mempelajari budaya lain dan pasti menyenangkan mempelajari
budaya baru

7. Are you interested to hear story about your classmate’s background? Why?

Yes I think their story would be intresting

8. How do you feel about having to publish your story in social media?

I kinda felt embarrassing cuz I think my story lil bit about my privacy

9. Tick (√) the following statements that you did during the process of creating digital storytelling

Identifying several topics √

Retrieving information about the topic √
Recalling memories about the topic √
Clarifying your memories about the topic √
Checking your story by asking other people who
involved in the story

Verifying the truth of the story by asking other

people involved in the story or by finding some
documents about it (photos/journal/ticket/etc)
Defining the topic in your story √
Give examples in your story √
Classifying something in your story

Organizing your story √

Mapping the topic of each part (orientation, √
complication, resolution, reorientation)
Comparing something in your story (explain in √ I see some different how I am then and
statement column) now.
Contrasting something in your story (explain in √ Now I feel more confident to talk with
statement column) new people then before
Interpreting events in your story from certain √ I think the story I made from certain
point of view; point of view social cuz the topic is
ideology/social/politics/cultural/religion socializing
(explain in statement column)

Judging the event in your own story religion

(explain in statement column)

Judging the event in your classmate’s story √ Saya menilai bagaimana teman saya
religion (explain in statement column) bisa terus bersabar dan berdoa atas
masalah yang dia hadapi
Arguing during the group discussion religion nothing
(explain in statement column)

Distinguishing things in your story or your √ Seperti teman saya yang baik dalam
classmate’s story (explain in statement column) bersosial berbeda dengan saya
Evaluating your own story and storyboard √ Saya melihat kembali lalu
(explain in statement column) menambahkan juga memperbaikinya
Evaluating your classmate’s story and √ Saya memberi saran dan kritik di grub
storyboard (explain in statement column) diskusi
Applying your technology skill in creating digital √ Saya bisa mengasah skill saya
storytelling (explain in statement column) memggunakan website yang bisa
membuat digital storytelling
Using application in creating digital storytelling √ Im using capcut on my phone for
(explain in statement column) editing
Using software in creating digital storytelling √ There also website can make animation
(explain in statement column)

Designing the display of your digital story √

Designing the placement of each picture √
Designing the colours of the √

Creating the digital storytelling by your own √

Creating the digital storytelling with help from

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