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Energy Purity Clearing Attunement

Attunement is the process of connecting with your own innate ability to heal. You are a very powerful,
infinite being with all the inner resources you will ever need for healing of body, mind and spirit. The
Energy Purity Clearing Attunement is an energy transmission to help you attune to (tune into) the high
vibrational aspect of yourself of total purity of your subtle energy, and bring that into your current

This document you are reading contains the instructions on how to receive the attunement. You do not
need to contact me to receive the attunement. I have set it up so that when you read and follow the
instructions in this document, you will receive the attunement automatically, each and every time.

This attunement is used once per day. If you feel energized after using it, then use it in the morning or
at a time of day when you could use the energizing. If you feel sleepy after using it, use it before
bedtime. Experiment with different times to find what works for you.


Sit or lie down comfortably. Relax, close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths. Affirm (out
loud or silently) that you intend to receive the Energy Purity Clearing Attunement in accordance
with your highest good. Then simply allow a few minutes for the attunement to unfold and
integrate. If you can sense subtle energy, you will know the integration is complete when the energy
winds down. If you cannot sense energy, just allow 3-5 minutes before resuming other activities. Be
sure to ground your energy.

The first time you use this attunement, the sensations might feel stronger than after you have used it a
few times. This is because the attunement is new to you. As you become accustomed to it, and as you
clear away more of what needed to be cleared, the sensation will likely be less than before. If you feel
less, do not worry. The attunement is still working just fine.

This attunement (my assistance in helping you tune in) will be active for three days from the date you
first use it. After that, my assistance will no longer be available. If you find, however, that you would
like further support in attuning, you can contact me to purchase an extended version.

Please Note: Clearing your energy opens you up to deeper awareness and change, and this can create
fear and resistance. If you feel the need for more personal assistance in working through whatever
comes up, seeking the support of a therapist (or a coach such as myself) may be helpful. This Energy
Purity Clearing Attunement is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or mental health
treatment. If you have health conditions or trauma that could be affected by using this attunement, use
it only under the supervision of your medical or mental health professional. In using this attunement
you agree that you have full responsibility for any outcomes arising from its use.

Important Information: Do not use this attunement while driving or during other activities that
require your focused attention for your safety and the safety of others. Because this is a personal
process between you and the high vibrational aspect of yourself of total purity of your subtle energy,
the results from use of this attunement will vary from person to person. No guarantees are offered.

These Energy Purity Clearing Attunement instructions can be downloaded and/or printed and the
attunement will work just fine. However, any attempts to alter the way the document is worded, or to
remove or change my contact information, will render the attunement inoperable.

Thank you for the opportunity to share this attunement with you. I’d love to hear how it is working for
you! You can reach me at This is also the place to go to sample and
purchase more attunements, and to learn how to create attunements for yourself and others using the
Mystery Mastery Healing System.

Infinite Blessings,
Linda White Dove

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