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Seminar 2

2nd year ACCS

Tutor: Simona Mazilu, PhD

Task 6 tema

Task 1
Watch the following video and pay attention to the way a presentation should be structured. Alex Lyon How to organize a presentation

5-10% of the time that you devote to your entire presentation
For a ten minute presentation, the introduction is going to be about a minute, not much longer
Introduction needs to follow a
Funnel philosophy – where you start general and funnel down to specific topic
Audience relevance
Speaker’s credibilty
Thehis statement – main point
Brief preview -concise in 3 points

85% of time
For a ten minute presentation, you re gonna be speaking for about 8 minutes
go straight to main point
really clear main points
3 main points
And you have to say
First – Second – Third – as a Transition Statements
Problem solution  benefit
Spacial arangement
Support your details : Examples . statistics. Stories
Clear transition statements

Signal the end
In summary, in conclussion, in closing....
Reinforce argument : restate it in a concise way
Call to action – sign petition, donate money....
Circular story

Task 2
Watch the following video and pay attention to the strategies of opening and closing a presentation. Alex Lyon Opening and Closing
- Attention Grabber – Rhetorical Questions , good Quotation that fits the message, Visual
illustration or Visual Aid to comunicate your message, starling fact or statistic, tell a brief
- Audience Relevance & Benefits-
- Establish Personal Credibility-your personal experience
- Thesis Statement-central idea main idea- concisely as possible- one sentence-very powerful
and memorable sentences
- Preview of main points- very brief, no detail

- Signal the end -in conclusion, in summary, in closing
- Reinforce the main Point-last chance to emphasize the main takeaway
- Give your call to action-tell exactly what you recommend they do next
- Clincher – Closing – connect the opening attention graber to your clincher
- If you start off with a story in your opening you want to echo that story
- Very satisfing

Task 3*
Watch the following video and pay attention to the means of attracting the audience’s attention. Alex Lyon on attention grabbers

Task 4*
Watch the following video and pay attention to the presentational aids described. Presentational aids

Task 5
A. On the basis of your previous experience of TED talks, what do you expect from a TED talk?
B. Watch the following video and then answer the questions. – How to sound smart
1) Have any of your expectations been met by this talk?

2) Does the talk have a subject?

The subject is
3) Does the talk have a structure?
4) How does the speaker create the illusion of a content?
5) What verbal and nonverbal elements support the construction of the talk?
6) What is the role of the presentational aids used by the speaker?

Task 6
A. Using Alex Lyon’s structuring model presented in the video in Task 1, write the structure of a
presentation on a subject at your choice.
B. In 1 minute deliver the introduction to your presentation in front of your colleagues, paying
attention to include the following steps:
1) Grab the audience’s attention.
2) State the topic of your presentation.
3) Point out the benefits of listening to your presentation for the audience.
4) Talk about your credibility/ experience related to the topic.
5) Preview the three main points you will deal with in your presentation.


Do you feel like the day is too short to complete all your tasks and that you no longer have time to go
out with friends? No problem! Today I will help you organize your time in this awful period full of
I will show you my methods of organizing my time, as well as the reasons why I have decided that it is
urgent to plan my entire program. We will also analyze the effects that appear after the organization of
time, both positive and negative effects. I leave it to you to decide in the end if the methods presented
and applied by me are effective and if you should apply them too.

For more on structuring, see also

1) Structuring
2) Structuring

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