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Unit 1v competencies of an Art Teacher


 Define an art teacher
 Explain the competencies of an Art Teacher and
 Express some insights regarding on how Art teacher should show appreciation
on the art activities of the Elementary pupils.

What is an art teacher?

An art teacher is a teacher who teaches art, their job is to teach students. An
art teacher teaches students about fine arts and motivates them to produce
excellent artwork. It is not like they are different from other teachers; they also
give lecturers, take test, ask questions, give homework and evaluate the marks
of the students. Art teachers make the learning process fun and interesting. They
teach various things like different techniques, principles, and types of arts. They
motivate students to be creative and draw their imagination into reality. An art
teacher plays a great role in a student’s life by developing their thinking skills. Art
teachers always want you to think differently and new, so that you can improve
your imagination.

What makes a great art


Here are the most essential competencies of an art teacher,

1. They love kids

First and foremost, great teachers must love what they teach. Lindsay
Moss, a writer for the Art of Education states, “Great art teachers love kids
as much as their content. Children and art have a dual place in their hearts.”
At the end of the day, our job is to see their potential.
2. They love art
Loving the visual arts is also a commonality among the world’s best art

3. They are passionate about the profession

The greatest and most successful art teachers are passionate about art

4. They are dedicated

Dedication is a mark of affection. Dedicated teachers are deeply
committed and believe there is nothing more important than kids and art.
They put time and energy into their profession in a manner that is often
unequaled. We all know being an art teacher is a difficult job. But the long
hours are worth it when we see our students and program shine.

5. They are energetic

Being an art teacher can be exhausting, we need to be energetic and “on”
all day long.

6. They are creative

Creativity is key to being a successful art teacher. It is a must to figure out
the best way to teach hundreds, if not thousands, of students with various
backgrounds, talents, and interest daily.

7. They are organized planners

Ivey Coleman from Augusta, Georgia said, A good art teacher needs to
have the ability to effectively manage and utilize a wide array of materials.”
She continues, “When teachers are organized, it allows them to
successfully teach different media and provides students with a diverse
learning experience. It also creates a learning environment that is
conducive to being clean, safe and productive.

8. They are advocates for the arts

Every art teacher must continue to advocate for quality visual art
education. When they realize this, they work even harder to educate their
communities about how essential the arts are to educating the whole child.

9. They are collaborators and communicators

Collaboration is essential to take your teaching to the next level.
Communication goes hand in hand with collaboration. When teachers
communicate with their students, staff and community members, they will
be successful.

10.They are leaders

Many of the best art teachers find themselves leading at the state level
because they realize it’s an important element in growing the profession.

11.They are lifelong learners

Lindsay Moss, echoes with this sentiment, “Great art educators are
constantly evolving. Their instruction, content, and pedagogy are
constantly being revisited and revamped to best serve their current kids at
the current time.” Great art educators want to see their students grow, and
thus, are constantly pushing to learn new things themselves.

12.They are artist

Whether or not art teachers professionally show their work is irrelevant.
But, knowing how to creatively utilize a variety of mediums and sharing
these techniques with the students is an important part of the equation.

13.They are inspirational

Great art teachers make everyone around them to be better. Better
learners, better teachers and perhaps most importantly, better people.

14.They are reflective

Having the ability to reflect daily is an important part of any job. However,
it’s essential for art teachers, especially if we want to become better and
more effective.

15.They are enthusiastic

Teaching students to be divergent, creative thinkers in an ever-growing
culture stepped in visual communication. The society and workforce
desperately need creative thinkers now more than ever.

16.They work hard to engage their students

Great teachers have figured out how to take the most boring topics and
turn them into engaging, fun, hands-on learning opportunities. Our
enthusiasm keeps the kids excited and engaged, which usually means
they are learning.

17.They are funny

Most art teachers use humor in pedagogy. Finding humor in the daily
rituals can be one of the greatest saving graces of all.
18.They care about building relationships
Jeni Griner, from Buford, Georgia says, “Great teachers are all about
building relationships with their students. Relationship build trust which
builds comfort and enables risk-taking. When students aren’t afraid to try
new things, it builds confidence which is imperative to building a
successful visual art program. More importantly, it builds strong individuals
with strong creative problem-solving skills who will become successful
contributors to society in and out of art world”

19.They have grit

Shannon Lauffer, Admissions and Academic Advisor with the Art of
Education explains grit eloquently. She says, “ Grit is the combination of
passion and perseverance, which is exactly how I view art education, push
through artistic failures and view these as learning opportunities. Great art
teachers know there is always a new technique to master, artist to
discover, or idea to try out. Our profession is based on a passion for
artmaking, and cultivating that in our students takes grit.

20.They are happy

At the end of the day, the great art teachers are quite happy. Sure, their
tired, they get worn down from time to time but when they reflect on each
day, they were satisfied they did their best to teach the kids through the
discipline of the visual arts, and that makes for a happy heart.

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