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Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers,

whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.

Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.






Nowadays, some private senior high schools assign students a huge amount of homework to
increase the admission rate. While many parents argue that this can help improve students’
academic performance, others believe that homework is not essential in their children’s overall
education. From my perspective, while homework may be more stressful for some students, it can
help most students to enhance their learning efficiency.

It is true that classwork is an extra burden that has been put on children's shoulders. The reason is
that children spend most of their time learning at school, which gives them heavy pressure
already; therefore, if they continue to shoulder such pressure from doing homework, they could
hardly relax and would be more likely to become stressful. To be more specific, some students
who have a lot of homework may not gain enough sleep or even work all night, which would be
harmful to their physical health. In comparison, without homework, students can have enough
sleep or even take up sports to further improve health. Therefore, many parents contend that for
the sake of wellbeing, schools should not leave their children with homework.

Despite that students may need to afford much pressure from homework, I argue that it plays a
vital role in improving learning efficiency. Because homework serves as a revision or practice of
the knowledge they acquired in class, which could avoid forgetting and this can avoid further
waste of time repeating. For instance, assignments would be used to reflect students' mastery of
the day's knowledge. Teachers could help students solve their doubts promptly by reviewing their
homework. Therefore, students could enhance their proficiency in applying knowledge during
the process of doing tasks.

To summarize, homework would cause stress for students in many cases.

Nonetheless, I still argue that teachers should assign homework to pupils because it could be
gainful for their studies.
The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic use.

Write a report for a university, lecturer describing the information shown below.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

There are three flow diagrams illustrating the various stages through which solar panels could
absorb and provide electricity for domestic use.

In overview, Solar panels gain heat energy from the sun. Such kind of energy would be used to
force out the cool water that enters from the inlet through the outlet as hot water and generates

There is a box possessing a transparent top, allowing sunlight to pass through the top. Two
cylindrical-shaped pipes protrude in and out of it in alternate positions, one on the top. While the
other is down in opposite directions.

About the second diagram, the transparent top absorbs heat energy. Therefore , the incoming
sunlight would heat cool air and exit the outlet when it enters the inlet. On the other hand, when
converting the input substance into water, it would heat it using the principle as same as the
second picture used.

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