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Describe the characteristics of the virus.

 Aphthovirus, family Picornaviridae

 Small size (25 – 30 nm)  easily spread
 Non-enveloped
 Positive ssRNA
 Serological types
o Type A
o Type O
o Type C
o SAT 1 – 3
 Not as contagious as others
 Sub-clinical sign
o Asia 1
 Sensitive to pH

Foot and mouth disease

 Most contagious viral disease of animals
 Affect domestic cloven-hoofed and wild animals
o Result in erosion in mucosa of mouth and hooves
 Most important livestock disease
 Short incubation period
 Virus released before appearance of clinical signs

Describe the host range, host differences, role of wildlife and distribution of FMD.
 Host range
o All cloven hoofed animals
o Wild animals e.g. impala, buffalo
o Not odd-toed ungulates
 Host difference (assessed in test)
o Sheep, goat
 Maintenance
 Sub-clinical sign
o Pig
 Amplifier due to high [virus] in excretion
o Cattle
o Buffalo

Describe acute and chronic clinical signs in mild, moderate and severe cases of FMDV infection.
 Blister in mouth and feet
o Due to friction
 Groove 1cm away from skin  infected for 1 month

Additionally detection of non-structural proteins such as VIA (viral infection associated) is sometimes used
to diagnose natural infections serologically. Although it cannot distinguish between viral types, it can
distinguish between vaccinated animals and animals that experienced natural exposure. That is due to the
fact that non-structural proteins are not present in animals vaccinated with the newer generation purified
vaccines, and production of antibody against non-structural proteins is therefore not stimulated.

Explain control measure to prevent and control outbreaks of FMD.

 ID of animals
 Surveillance
o Serological
o Clinical
o Virological
 Culling
o Expensive due to compensation to farmers

Explain the concept of commodity-based trade.

Distinguish FMD in the southern African context from the rest of the world.

Debate the importance of the disease from a livestock owner, national and regional perspective.

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