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1. Which policies adopted by the East India Company indicate a change in its attitude towards administration
in India? Justify your argument.
Ans: Earlier, the EIC was keen on having a puppet ruler so they could get a lot of concessions. The continuous
problems created by the rulers made them change their policies. They adopted the following policies:
 Residents in Indian states: These people started interfering in the local politics, started deciding who
should be appointed as a ruler, who should get the concession etc.
 Subsidiary Alliance: Under this policy, local rulers were not allowed to keep their own army and they
would be protected by the Company’s army. Indian states had to pay for this army and if they failed
to pay, part of their territory was taken away as penalty. E.g. Hyderabad and Awadh had to surrender
their territories on this ground.
 The Claim to Paramountcy: As per this policy, Company’s authority was supreme; hence its power
was greater than that of Indian States. E.g. with this policy, the EIC tried to annexe the small state of
Kitoor. Rani Channamma took to arms and led the anti-British movement. However, she failed.
 The Doctrine of Lapse: As per this policy, if an Indian ruler died without a male heir, the kingdom
would ‘lapse’. E.g. Satara, Nagpur, Jhansi etc.
 Direct annexation: The above-mentioned policies were an indirect expansion of the rule of the
Company. In the case of Mysore state, the strategy was different. The Company directly confronted
Tipu Sultan of Mysore and defeated him.

2. How did the East India Company modernize the army?

Ans. In the early warfare, cavalry was considered very important for movement and surprise attack. The Company
adopted the same method for its army, but warfare technology changed from 1820s.
 Technology: When the EIC was fighting in Afghanistan, Egypt and Burma, their soldiers were fighting
with muskets and matchlocks. To keep the pace with this new technology, the EIC gave preference
to changed war technology.
 Infantry: As the importance of cavalry declined due to modern technology, the company gave
preference to infantry regiments.
 Uniform Training: In the context of India, soldiers had their biases against each other due to certain
divisions in the society. Curbing the early indiscipline and local traditions, the EIC focused on a
uniform military culture and European-style training.

Extra Questions:
1. Discuss the factors that led the EIC to explore a new route and settle in India. (3)
 Blocking of land route (you will get the explanation from the video)
 Need of resources
 Support of Queen and Charter
 Huge profit

2. What were the changes that the East India Company adopted in the administration of India? (3)
 Instead of king: Collector as head
 The system of Court (two courts)
 Pandit and Qazi
 Duty of Collector

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3. How did the East India Company establish a rule in Bengal? (5)
 Conflict with the Nawabs
 Battle of Plassey
 Battle of Buxar
 Robert Clive’s changed attitude
 Role of Nawab and benefits of revenue


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