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Question 1

Each of the given situations has different types of suitable communication methods.

(a) If a colleague failed to turn up at work the best possible way to communicate with
them is either via voice call. In this case, voice calls are better than text messages as
we can retrieve an immediate response from the other side. For example, as a
colleague we can call up their number to know the reason for their absence via
medium like normal telecommunication or Whatsapp call.
(b) In this situation, it is a bit different as we need to seek for the best possible way of not
interrupting the suppliers or putting pressure on them. Thus, it is only fair to write
them an email for the wrong order and request for them to resend the correct order.For
example, write them a short email containing the order number, invoice number and
proof of wrong order attached as file for their references.
(c) As this situation is an emergency because the conference is at a very long distance
and any other mode of communication won’t work, the best solution is sending a
Whatsapp message. It is handy as we can still help the manager to send scanned copies of
her documents via Whatsapp which is instant and easy to view via mobile phone. For
example, we can use CamScanner to scan the documents and send them in PDF
format to the manager’s Whatsapp account so that she can print it or view it from her
(d) Introducing a company to new clients can be challenging as it is very important to
break the communication barrier and build the trust for them to engage with us which
explains why face-to- face communication is the best choice. Face to face
communication enables us to identify their response to our introduction through their
oral, body language or other responses. For example, having meetings with these
clients can be easier as the clients will be able to see the attributes of the company
inclusive of employees, business premises and business plan presented.
(e) Similar to the previous situation, the best possible communication method for this
situation is face to face communication. It is essential for a superior to understand a
conflict before making the right decision in accordance, which is why face to face
communication is recommended as a way of detecting any lies or misinterpretations
between the subordinates. As an example, we can call in the subordinates privately
into the cabin to investigate further in this matter to avoid the severity of the problem
being inclined.
(f) Upon the closure of the canteen, it is easier to inform the workforce via memorandum
as it is a written form of announcement that can be made to unlimited people.
Through this way, the message will be spread to all the workforce members as well as
the explanation and information of the closure is completely written in the
memorandum itself. For example, the memorandum must contain the date of closure,
period of closure, reason for closure and much more.
(g) In this situation, the usage of facsimile machines may come in handy as the supplier is
said to be from the same town. The fax machine will send in the information faster in
comparison to letters or any other mode of communication while emails cannot be
used because they take longer time to be typed. For example, we can fax the supplier
the purchase order and invoice to check on the order.
(h) Relocation is one of the biggest decisions one can make in a business because it
affects the overall operation of the company which is why informing the customers
via memorandum is essential. Memorandum can act as a notice to inform the
customers on the relocation if they tend to visit the previously used premises. As an
example, we can paste the memorandum at the old premises to inform and redirect
customers to the new location.
(i) The application for promotion can be done within the same organisation by email as it
is easier to attach documents required by email such as updated resume and employee
appraisals. For example, the promotion request can be sent instantly to the Human
Resources Department so that they can process them accordingly.
(j) In this situation the most suitable method of communication is a letter as we can offer
the subordinate a warning letter pertaining to his or her absence on the occasions. By
sending a letter, we will have a black and white evidence on our act to inform him or
her about their absence and how it affects the organisations. As an example, giving
out a warning letter for three separate times entitles the individual for temporary
Question 2


Date: 30 August 2021

To: Miss Gabrielle Cheah, Marketing Manager

Evelyn Furniture

From : Selena McCoy, Marketing Executive

Evelyn Furniture

Subject: Advantages and Disadvantages of Written Communication

The purpose of this memo is to express concerns pertaining to the advantages and
disadvantages of written communication expressed by your side.

Written communication can be expressed as a traditional yet concrete form of communication

established long ago in the business industry and widely practised in order to create the
accurate records of an organization. However, if we emphasize your concern on the
effectiveness of written communication by weighing both the advantages and disadvantages
of this form of communication it is explained and stated below. The objective of this memo
is to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of written communication in order to rectify the
degree of efficiency it possesses on communication between different parties in an

Advantages of Written Communication

The advantages of written communication are stated below for your kind referral:-
● Helps in setting up apparent principles, policies and rules in operation of an
● Permanent form of communication that comes in handy in terms of record
● Proper delegation of responsibilities of a department or an individual working at a
department to accomplish their objective tasks
● Precise and explicit in comparison to oral communication
● Enhances organizational image through the proper writing
● Readily accessible records and references
● Reduces misunderstanding
● Halts sensitive issues such as racial and gender discrimination as written
communication are usually general to all employees
● Easier to create legal defense as written communication displays valid records by the
physically documents kept in record
● Strengthens and verifies verbal message
● Has a higher reliability then oral message as there are evidence of the message
● Can assist efficiently for analysis purposes
● Easily disseminated to various recipients at different locations

● Time-consuming to produce appropriate format and layout
● Limitations to physically disabled persons. Eg., blind
● Rigid means of communication as there is no flexibility in message delivery.
● Feedback to written communication is non-instant and the delay of feedback can
result negatively in unfavorable issues such as delay in decision making process of an
organization and delay in delivery of goods to customers
● The usage of poor writing skills will result in multiple issues such as delay in message
delivery, misinterpretation of message and even imposes problems pertaining and
questioning organizational reputation
● Expensive to be produced and disseminated to different individuals
● Limitation of message delivery to certain individual groups such as the illiterates eg.,
cleaners and gardeners
● Red-Taoism or high consumption of time in project approval
● Difficulty in keeping information secret as the information is conveyed in a written
format that can be read by anyone
● High cost for record keeping such as safe box acquisition for private documents
● Lack of direct relation between employees as there are no direct oral communication
or interaction between them
● Bureaucratic attitude
● Formality issue

Thus, the facts are listed above and I hope that the following list of information comes in
handy for your research.

(500 words)

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