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“Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in
a format for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit.”
- William Pollard (1828–1893)

The quote by William Pollard reveals the fact why do we require a journal. Sharing a research is as important
as doing it, and what is better than sharing it for free and benefitting the world. This was the concept behind
starting this open access journal. I was a part of this journal from very beginning and it was really exciting to
learn the basics of researches, editing, and publishing from the honourable editors of this journal. It is the
plateform where I developed the craze for researches. Being just an MBBS ‘STUDENT’, I had never thought
of getting the opportunity to lead this journal at this age and stage, but when the editorial board decided to put
this responsibility on my shoulders, I was amazed and overwhelmed to see their trust.

So dear Readers! As the new Editor in Chief, I’ld like to welcome you all to the 3rd year of this journal. In this
issue: Like previous issue this is also a multidisciplinary and open access journal that contains total 5 papers
in Physiotherapy, 1 paper of Occupational Therapy and 1 from Orthopaedics. I hope you’ll find these papers

Be aware that the journal also has a website, where subscribers can access the full
content and also submit papers for future publication.

Please send me informal comments directly, or formal letters we can publish, about the journal. I welcome
new ideas about topics (content) and process. Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks for the opportunity, and stay tuned for future editions.

-Mrityunjay Sharma

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