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Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342

Tensile and fatigue properties of the AA6061/20 vol.% Al2O3p

and AA7005/10 vol.% Al2O3p composites
L. Ceschini , G. Minak b, A. Morri a

Institute of Metallurgy, University of Bologna, V.le Risorgimento 4, I-40136 Bologna, Italy
DIEM, University of Bologna, V.le Risorgimento 2, I-40136 Bologna, Italy

Received 7 March 2005; accepted 12 April 2005

Available online 22 June 2005


In this paper, the tensile properties and the low-cycle fatigue behavior of the 7005 aluminum alloy reinforced with 10 vol% of
Al2O3 particles (W7A10A composite) and 6061 aluminum alloy reinforced with 20 vol% of Al2O3 particles (W6A20A composite)
were studied. The microstructural analyses showed clustering of Al2O3 particles, irregularly shaped and with a non-uniform size.
A significant increase of the elastic modulus and tensile strength in the MMCs, respect to the unreinforced alloys, was evidenced
by the tensile tests, while the elongation to fracture decreased. The temperature effect on the tensile properties was not relevant
up to 150 C, while strength significantly decreased at 250 C, mainly in the composite with the lower content of the ceramic rein-
forcement. The low-cycle fatigue tests showed no evidence of isotropic hardening or softening for the W7A10A, and a slight cyclic
softening for the W6A20A. SEM analyses of the fracture surfaces showed that both the tensile and fatigue fracture was controlled
by interfacial decohesion (expecially for the W7A10A composite), fracture of reinforcing particles (mainly for the W6A20A com-
posite), void nucleation and growth. Also the presence of the MgAl2O4 spinel, probably, played a significant role in the mechanisms
of failure in the W6A20A composite, by promoting void nucleation at the particles–matrix interfaces, interfacial decohesion, and
also failure of the particles. These effects can be responsible of the slight softening observed in the W6A20A, under the low-cycle
fatigue conditions.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Metal matrix composites; Tensile tests; Low-cycle fatigue; AA7005; AA6061; Al2O3; Particles; High temperature; Clustering; MgAl2O4

1. Introduction tance [1–7]. Another important driving factor is the

ability to tailor the mechanical and physical properties
The continuous increase in the performance require- (such as the coefficient of thermal expansion) by select-
ments of materials for aerospace and automotive appli- ing the reinforcement type and volume fraction, along
cations have led to the development of several with the matrix alloy. Moreover, discontinuously rein-
structural composite materials. Among these, metal forced composites (referred to as DRA–MMCs), such
matrix composites (MMCs) have emerged because of as those reinforced by particles, offer the advantages
their high specific modulus, strength-to-weight ratio, of essentially isotropic properties and lower costs, with
fatigue strength, temperature stability and wear resis- respect to those continuously reinforced. The lower
cost is related to the more simple production tech-
niques and also to the possibility of using conventional
Corresponding author. metal working processes, such as extrusion, forging,
E-mail address: (L. Ceschini). rolling and even superplastic forming [8].

0266-3538/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
334 L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342

With the development of metal matrix composites Table 1

and their engineering applications in aerospace, aircraft Chemical compositions (in wt%) of the matrix alloys
and automotive industries, their mechanical properties, MMC Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti Cr Zr
mainly the tensile and fatigue behavior, are becoming W7A10A 0.25 0.24 0.08 0.43 1.33 4.59 0.03 0.13 0.13
very important. The improvements in properties, with W6A10A 0.65 0.15 0.18 0.10 0.97 0.009 0.02 0.19 –
respect to the unreinforced alloys, strongly depends on
the intrinsic properties of both matrix and reinforcement
(size, volume fraction and distribution), as well as on the Al2O3 particles (W7A10A) and 6061 aluminum alloy
mutual interaction between the constituents at the inter- reinforced with 20 vol% of Al2O3 particles (W6A20A).
faces, but a correlation between microstructural features The nominal chemical compositions (in wt%) of the
and mechanical behavior is not easy. A major potential matrix alloys are given in Table 1. These composites
problem of particle-reinforced composites is a non- were produced by DURALCAN (USA), using a pro-
uniform microstructure, often resulting from the manu- prietary molten metal process, based on the Compocast-
facturing process, which can lead to the presence of ing method [31]. The materials were then extruded and
clusters of particles, or regions without reinforcement heat-treated to the T6 condition (Table 2). The hardness
[9–11]. This intrinsic material inhomogeneity can give of the heat-treated composites, together with the litera-
a wide scatter in strength and ductility [12], wear ture data for the unreinforced aluminum alloys matrix
resistance [6,13], fracture toughness [14] and also in [32], is reported in Table 2. We performed the standard
the fatigue behavior [15]. Rockwell B-scale test because is widely used in particle-
Many practical applications for DRA–MMCs in- reinforced metal matrix composites [33,34].
volve cycling loading and, therefore, the fatigue proper- The microstructural characterization of the compos-
ties and resultant fracture characteristics are of need and ites was carried out by means of optical (OM) and scan-
interest. Although the tensile properties of MMCs have ning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an
been widely investigated, mainly at room temperature, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The metallo-
the fatigue database for this kind of materials is some- graphic samples were mechanically ground and coarse
what limited. Moreover, while several studies have been polished using a grinding disc, then polished with 9
focused on high-cycle fatigue strength and fatigue and 1 lm diamond paste, finally etched with KellerÕs re-
growth resistance [16–21], investigation on their low-cy- agent (2 mL HF(48%), 3 mL HCl(conc.), 20 mL nitric
cle fatigue behavior is still limited [22–24]. acid(conc.), 190 mL distilled water).
The aim of this work was to investigate the tensile (at The tensile and low-cycle fatigue tests were carried
room and high temperature) and the low-cycle fatigue out on a servo-hydraulic test machine (INSTRON
behavior of two particle-reinforced aluminum based 8032), equipped with a 100 KN load cell. Strain was
composites, consisting of aluminum alloy matrix, measured with a clip-on extensometer, attached directly
AA6061 and AA7005, reinforced with Al2O3 particles. to the gauge length, at room temperature and with a
Since the tensile and cyclic behavior of MMCs are highly high-temperature extensometer, equipped with alumina
sensitive to microstructure, optical and scanning electron rods, at elevated temperatures.
microscopy were used to characterize the initial micro- Flat specimens, machined with diamond cutting
structure and its influence on the mechanisms of fracture. tools, with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion
While several studies are available on the mechanical direction, were used for the tests.
behavior of composite based non the 6061 aluminum al- The tensile tests were carried out, both at room and
loy [25–29], few literature data are reported about the high temperature (100, 150 and 250 C), according to
second composite with the AA7005 matrix [30]. ISO/TTA2 1997 [35] at a strain rate of 10 4 s 1. The
tensile specimens had a gauge length of 25 mm, a gauge
width of 6 mm and a thickness of 3 mm. Three tests were
2. Experimental procedure carried out for each testing condition.
Strain controlled low-cycle fatigue tests where per-
The composites selected for investigation were based formed at room temperature, according to ASTM
on the 7005 aluminum alloy reinforced with 10 vol% of E606 [36], using specimens of 12.5 mm gauge length,

Table 2
T6 heat treatment conditions and measured hardness values, HRB, for the tested composites, and the literature data for the aluminum alloys matrix [32]
Material Solution treatment Quenching Aging Hardness
W6A20A 560 C – 2h H2O at 25 C 177 C – 10 h 66 ± 0.5
AA 6061 560 C – 2h H2O at 25 C 177 C – 10 h 60
W7A10A 480 C – 1h H2O at 25 C 125 C – 24 h 60 ± 0.5
AA 7005 480 C – 1h H2O at 25 C 125 C – 24 h 59
L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342 335

4 mm gauge width and 4 mm in thickness. A triangular due to the presence of the MgAl2O4 spinel, formed dur-
waveform was used, the strain amplitude range was ing composite fabrication, by reaction between the alu-
from 0.6% to 2%. The tests were carried out at constant mina particles and the magnesium present in the
cyclic frequency of 0.1 Hz and the load ratio was AA6061 matrix [38,39].
R = 1. It is important to note that the testing condi-
tions were chosen on the basis of literature data 3.2. Tensile tests
[22–27,37], since specific guidelines for fatigue tests on
particle-reinforced metal matrix composites are not The experimental results of the tensile tests carried
available. out in the two composites, at room and high tempera-
SEM analyses were carried out on the fracture sur- ture, are listed in Table 3, together with the literature
faces of the tensile and fatigue specimens, in order to data [32] for the corresponding unreinforced alloys.
investigate the mechanisms of failure.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Microstructure

The microstructural characterization, carried out by

optical microscopy, showed a different particle size in
the two tested composites, as can be seen in the repre-
sentative micrographs in Fig. 1(a) and (b). The maxi-
mum axis dimension of the particles follows a Weibull
distribution, with shape parameter b = 2.80 and scale
parameter g = 24.70, with a mean value of 11 lm, for
the W7A10A and b = 2.63 and g = 12.40, with a mean
value of 22 lm, for the W6A20A.
In both composites, the Al2O3 particles were of non-
uniform size, irregularly shaped and randomly dispersed
in the alloy matrix. Agglomeration or clustering of the
particles was also observed, resulting in particle-rich
and particle-depleted regions. This material inhomoge-
neity is generally higher in DRA–MMCs manufactured
by molten metal processes, respect to those produced by
powder metallurgy [4]. Intermetallic compounds dis-
persed in the matrix and near the interfaces were also
observed by SEM. They were mainly Mg2Si in the
W6A20A and MgZn2 in the W7A10A. SEM (Fig.
2(a)) and EDS analysis (Fig. 2(b)) of the W6A20A com-
posite also indicated that the interfacial region was en- Fig. 1. Optical micrographs of the W6A20A (a) and W7A10A
riched in oxygen and magnesium; this can be probably (b) composites.

Fig. 2. SEM micrograph (a) and EDS analysis (b) for the W6A20A composite.
336 L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342

Both composites displayed an increase of the elastic (Fig. 3). The anomalous behavior of the elongation to
modulus with respect to the matrix alloys, equal to failure for the W7A10A at 100 and 150 C (Table 3)
about 39% for the W6A20A and 17% for the can be explained on the basis on the wide dispersion
W7A10A at room temperature. This difference between of the experimental data. An important concern in the
the two MMCs was probably related to the higher vol- tensile tests of MMCs is, in fact, the reproducibility of
ume fraction of the particle reinforcement in the the experimental data, mainly of the elongation to fail-
W6A20A. ure. As can be seen in Fig. 4, the tensile curves of spec-
The effect of temperature on the elastic modulus was imens of same material (W7A10A), tested under the
not significant up 100 C, while a slight decrease oc- same conditions, are substantially overlapped, except
curred at 150 C; the measure at 250 C was not possible
because of the characteristics (high temperature resis-
tance) of the extensometer. 500
The incorporation of the ceramic reinforcement also
led, on both MMCs, to an increase of the proof strength 375
and ultimate tensile strength, higher in the W6A20A with

respect to the W7A10A due to the superior reinforce-
ment content. The different ceramic volume fraction W6A20A
and size led to high differences also in the elongation to
failure. At room temperature, the difference between W7A10A

elongation to failure of MMCs and of matrix alloys

was proportional to the reinforcement content. 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
The temperature increase does not led to significant
variation of the tensile strength and ductility up to Temperature, ˚C
100 C, while at higher temperature, mainly at 250 C, Fig. 3. Effect of test temperature on the ultimate tensile strength of the
ductility increased and strength significantly decreased tested MMCs.

Table 3
Results of the tensile tests at room and high temperature for the MMCs and the literature data for the corresponding unreinforced aluminum alloys
Material and test temperature Elastic modulus GPa 0.2% Proof strength (MPa) Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) Elongation (%)
AA7005 – RT 72 290 350 13
W7A10A – RT 85 331 375 4.3
83 325 366 3.2
84 323 369 5.1
W7A10A – 100 C 84 312 343 5.8
92 305 334 7.0
86 315 346 6.5
W7A10A – 150 C 74 277 295 5.3
80 284 303 9.1
80 287 304 6.4
W7A10A – 250 C – – 111 12.4
– – 117 12.0
– – 110 12.8

AA6061 RT 69 275 310 12

W6A20A – RT 94 342 369 1.8
96 335 357 1.5
97 344 366 1.7
W6A20A – 100C 97 328 351 2.7
99 323 345 1.3
101 329 354 1.8
W6A20A – 150 C 91 295 314 4.6
91 304 323 3.4
85 299 319 1.7
W6A20A – 250 C – – 183 7.6
– – 175 5.3
– – 179 6.6
L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342 337

450 0.1
Stress (MPa)


100 0.001
1 10 100 1000 10000
2N Cycles
. W6A20A . W7A10A
0,000 0,010 0,020 0,030 0,040 0,050 0,060
Strain Fig. 5. Room temperature life-strain curves for the W7A10A and
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
W6A20A composites.
Fig. 4. Room temperature tensile curves for the W7A10A composite.

ening or softening for the W7A10A composite (Fig.

than for the strain to fracture values. These results, also 6(a)) and a slight cyclic softening for the W6A20A
obtained in the W6A20A and often reported in litera- (Fig. 6(b)), in agreement with the results of [45–47].
ture for particle-reinforced composites, are generally re- Fatigue fracture of the specimens always occurred by
lated to the intrinsic microstructural inhomogeneity of unstable propagation of the crack between the exten-
these materials, as regard to both particle size and distri- someter blades.
bution [14,40]. The presence of particle clusters or large
particles can lead to enhanced local stresses, from 3.4. Fracture surfaces
restriction of plastic deformation, with consequent void
nucleation or particles fracture, both under static and Fracture in metal matrix composite is controlled by
cyclic loading conditions. Moreover, in region of parti- three main mechanisms: interfacial decohesion, fracture
cle clustering, the short interparticle distances facilitate of reinforcing particles, void nucleation and growth.
interlinkage between neighboring voids and cracks. The interfacial decohesion is often due to the pres-
Both factors can contribute to the reduced ductility ence of undesired interfacial reaction products, such
and scatter of the experimental data, often observed in as, for example, the MgAl2O4 spinel for Mg-rich alu-
particle-reinforced metal matrix composites [12,41–43]. minium alloy matrix reinforced with Al2O3 particles,
As regard to the temperature effect, it is interesting to or the Al4C3 for aluminium based composites, rein-
note that the degradation in the ultimate tensile strength forced with SiC [38,39].
with temperature increase (Fig. 3), was about 19% for Fracture of the reinforcing particles depends on the
the W7A10A and 12% for the W6A20A at 150 C; while local stress acting on the particle. The large mismatch
a significant strength decrease occurred at the highest in the elastic modulus between the reinforcing particles
test temperature of 250 C, equal to about 69% for the and the metal matrix generates a constrained deforma-
W7A10A and 50% for the W6A20A. These results con- tion in the matrix and a consequent concentration of
firm the positive effect of the ceramic reinforcement in stresses near the reinforcing particles. These stresses
improving the high temperature properties, in fact, in can determine cracking of the particles, fracture of the
the composite with the higher particle volume fraction matrix and/or interfacial decohesion. Fracture of the
the strength degradation with temperature was signifi- particle is greater in region with large particles and clus-
cantly lower. ters, where there is a concentration of stresses and where
the short interparticle distance facilitates linkage be-
tween voids and/or cracks in the particle [25,37,40–
3.3. Low-cycle fatigue tests 46,49]. The larger particles, which also have a higher
probability of containing critical flaw, generate high
The experimental results and the interpolation of the load transfer from the plastically deforming aluminium
data according to the classical Manson–Coffin model matrix and the elastically deforming particle, which
[44] are reported in Fig. 5. The experimental data can cause their crack. On the other hand, the smaller
showed a high dispersion, which can be also interpreted Al2O3 usually do not crack, but because of the strain dif-
on the basis of the material inhomogeneity. The determi- ferences between matrix and particle the matrix can fail
nation coefficient for the interpolation is R2 = 0.89 for by decohesion.
the W7A10A and R2 = 0.86 for the W6A20A. The classic mechanism of void nucleation and growth
The cyclic stress responses curves at different plastic is associated with ductile failure of the matrix alloy
strain amplitudes showed no evidence of isotropic hard- between the particles, where the local stress is not high
338 L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342


360 0.6
∆σ /2 (MPa)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
N Cycles


360 0.6
∆σ /2 (MPa)




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
N cycles

Fig. 6. Cyclic stress response curves at different plastic strain amplitudes (%) for the W7A10A (a) and W6A20A (b) composites.

enough to crack the particles or generate decohesion posite, while in the W7A10A the interfacial decohesion
[25,37,40–46,49]. is more evident. Large voids and dimples are caused
The above discussed mechanisms of fracture are evi- by fracture and decohesion of particles in both the mate-
dent in the tensile fractures surfaces of Fig. 7, where rials, while the small ductile dimples can be attributed to
fractured particles, surrounded by ductile regions with the constraints in plastic flow of the aluminium matrix,
fine near-featureless non-circular dimples, called ‘‘tear or to the reduction of strains induced by the particle
ridges’’, and decohesion at matrix–particles interfaces cracking which lead to the formation of tear ridges.
are present. Fracture of Al2O3 occurred in large particle The higher presence of cracked particles and tear ridges
or in regions with clusters, mainly in the W6A20A com- in the W6A20A composite, can be explained with the
L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342 339

Fig. 7. SEM micrographs of the tensile fracture surfaces of the W6A20A (a) and W7A10A (b) tested at room temperature.

Fig. 8. SEM micrographs of the tensile fracture surfaces of the W6A20A (a) and W7A10A (b) tested at 250 C.

high local plastic constraints induced by the larger-sized micromechanisms. While for the W7A10A composite
particles and by the clusters. the low-cycle fatigue tests showed no evidence of cyclic
At high temperatures the local stresses are not large hardening or softening, a slight cyclic softening was ob-
enough to crack the particles, since matrix flow stress served in the W6A20A (Fig. 6(b)). This softening is
decreases; however, the normal stress can promote inter-
facial decohesion and voids nucleation [43,50,51]. Voids
nucleation was concentrated at the interface with the
particles, where there is a high matrix strain, and at
the clusters where high local triaxial stresses are present.
As shown in Fig. 8, the fracture surfaces exhibited many
minute dimples in the matrix regions around the parti-
cles and in the voids formed due to the particle
In the W6A20A, both at room and high temperature,
the MgAl2O4 spinel probably plays a relevant role
on the fracture process, promoting voids nucleation, at
the particles interface, interfacial decohesion and also
failure of the particles [38,39]. These effects are probably
associated with the jagged interfaces generated by the
spinel formation [39], evidenced in the high magnifica-
tion SEM micrograph in Fig. 9. Fig. 9. SEM micrograph of the fracture surface of the W6A20A, tested
The fracture surfaces of the materials tested in fatigue at 250 C, showing a jagged particle–matrix interface, probably due to
(Fig. 10) and in tension were similar and so the fracture the MgAl2O4 spinel.
340 L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of the fracture surfaces of the low-cycle fatigue specimens tested at room temperature of W6A20A (a and b) and
W7A10A (c and d) composites.

probably due to the mutual action of interfacial decohe- • No significant variation of the tensile strength and
sion and mainly particles cracking (Fig. 10(a) and (b)) ductility with temperature was observed up to
[41,47,48,51]. 150 C, while at 250 C strength significantly
decreased, and ductility increased.
• The low-cycle fatigue tests showed no evidence of iso-
4. Conclusions tropic hardening or softening for the W7A10A, and a
slight cyclic softening for the W6A20A, probably due
In the present investigation, the tensile properties (at to the mutual action of interfacial decohesion and
room and high temperature), and the low-cycle fatigue mainly particles cracking.
behavior of two particles-reinforced composites, • SEM analyses of the fractures surfaces showed frac-
W6A20A (AA6061 reinforced with 20 vol% of Al2O3 tured particles, surrounded by ductile regions and
particles) and W7A10A (AA7005 reinforced with decohesion at the matrix–particles interfaces. Frac-
10 vol% of Al2O3 particles), were studied. ture of the particles mainly occurred in the
W6A20A composite, while interfacial decohesion
• In both composites, agglomeration or clustering of was predominant in the W7A10A. The higher pres-
the Al2O3 particles, irregularly shaped and with a ence of cracked particles and tear ridges in the
non-uniform size, are present; in the W6A20A com- W6A20A composite can be explained with the high
posite larger particles size was observed. local plastic constraints induced by the larger-sized
• The tensile tests showed an increase of the elastic particles and by the clusters. At high temperatures
modulus and tensile strength, and a decrease of the voids nucleation was mainly concentrated at the
elongation to failure in the MMCs, respect to the matrix–particles interfaces. In the W6A20A compos-
unreinforced alloys. The tensile ductility was strongly ite, the MgAl2O4 spinel probably promoted void
affected by the material inhomogeneity, mainly nucleation, at the particles interface, interfacial deco-
related to the particles size and distribution. hesion, and also failure of the particles.
L. Ceschini et al. / Composites Science and Technology 66 (2006) 333–342 341

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