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Gula Matari

Citizens Rights Education prepares you for a job!

Amplified Services. Knowledge makes you create jobs!
The XPERIENCE © Experience opens consciousness!

Volume .1 Issue.1 - Monthly March 201 9

Citizens’ Constitutional Rights To Sue The

Ruling Party For Corruption Against The
C. We need to find creative
Our News Publication ways and pro-active mechanisms
Menu to level the playing fields between
governments' willingness and their
• What Is CRAMPS obligation to honour and to deliver
• Objectives of the cramps proposal their mandates, in respect to the
• Citizens' Rights Amplified Services people’s constitutional rights.
• Levelling The Playing Fields Public servants misconduct
against poor services delivery to
• Prostrate Cancer Awreness communities and corruption
• Gula Matari Art - Fashion against the state; should be seen
• South Africa's PTSD Syndrome as violation of the constitution and
• Paying Back The Money citizens can choose ways and
• The Thuli Madonsela Award
• Jacob Zuma The Cause
means to punish and teach these
officials a lesson in tough love. WHAT IS This publication is 8 pages long
• Political Trust Issues
• Salvation Army Lessons D. An effective compensation CRAMPS? failing to build our country’s
• Scriptures "Song of Solomon"
plans should be put in place to
reward those who are victims of
Citizens’ Rights Citizens’ constitutional rights to sue

All Copyrights Reserved ©201 9 Gula Matari

the poor justice system. In this Amplified Services the ruling party and its accomplices
on corruption against the state are
case the victims are, individual (Citizens’ Constitutional
Cramps Publishers.
citizens who have rights as the responsibility of everyone who is
OBJECTIVES OF residents of the Republic of South Rights To Sue The Ruling a South African legal citizen.
Africa. Affected communities CRAMPS will solicit civil society and
Party For Corruption Against legal representation with the
THE CRAMPS where service delivery failed to
support of the Human Rights
take place and communities live in The State)
PROPOSAL dire poverty without water and Through legal representation and
Commission to identify loopholes in
sanitation or roads. Those who've the law to punish political party law
A. If the judiciary and the social reform NGO’s and Citizens breakers, while amplify the rights of
courts fail to enforce the law to reported crimes of corruption, involvement including contribution the citizens.
observe its own power and nepotism and pilferage on to address issues of government
contaminated tender systems. The ruling party i.e. The ANC will
mandate; there should be an corruption, the intension of take full responsibility for abusing
alternative way to reward and CRAMPS is to lobby Government
E. Disabled people who have and civil society to institute strong the justice system to further its own
compensate the public and or political aims and agenda in failing
citizens for the wrongs done by never benefited from the new legal measures that will punish
democratic dispensation of equal perpetrators of corruption. to serve the people. Lawyers’
government to the people. In this Society of South Africa should
case “the ruling party” should pay opportunities in both the work
places in the private sector and CRAMPS wants to ensure state identify a law that would give the
the ultimate price for their assets and credibility of the country public and individual citizens the
misconduct and for protecting their government institutions includes
members in defeating the ends of free access to education and job is protected and not abused further rights to sue each member of the
opportunities of the SETA than the damage it has already ruling party and corrupt officials or
justice. incurred. Reward and pay citizens ministers who are implicated and
learneships and internships for deliberate errors, misconduct,
should be compensated. have benefited unduly in the
B. If law-breakers are able to and false representation by the GUPTA capture of the state.
get away with murder and yet they ruling party to protect law-breakers
are public servants, and the justice while occupy office
system ignores the plight of the with the sole purpose
people and victims it’s supposed to of promoting and
protect, those responsible and committing crimes of
implicated for breaking the law greed to loot the
should pay the price for their deeds treasury coffers by
and actions from their own exploiting service
delivery tender
personal pockets if they can’t be opportunities and
locked up to serve time in jail.
Our country is a false facade of the fading phase in a faked democracy.
2 March 2019 GM-cramps

How Difficult Is It - To Level Health Is Vital To Our Well­being

The PLAYING Fields?

Levelling The Playing Fields – The Only Choice

To Keep Society’s Balance Of Power
To give society back its power as order. This punishment should be officials do not take the public for A vasectomy may also
opposed to a rigged election voting gazetted as part of our country's granted in the process of abusing
system - S.A. Citizens who feel universal terms of reference for this their power and privileges as result in prostate
constitutionally violated by kind of atrocities against the nation. representative of the people and cancer, though there is
corruption and treason by the ANC not themselves and their families. no conclusive proof of
should be entitled to a minimum of i. A political perpetrator of
R1 Million Rands rewards payment corruption against the state can Squeezing Every Cent Of this.
per person claim against any choose to be thrown in the Atlantic Corruption From The Ruling -Frequent urination, sometimes
officials who are implicated in the Ocean infested with hungry sharks Party (Citizens’ Emotional including blood
state capture. or; Abuse) -Painful ejaculation
ii. Drink a liter of drain If, this money is not recouped from -Persistent pain in the bones,
This is provided these officials are cleaning acid as a form of remorse individuals who have been found lower back, hip and thighs
not arrested to serve time behind to show they’ve committed high guilty from their personal assets; -General ill health, loss of
bars for their greed and gross treason against their own people the state should seize all assets of appetite, and decline in weight
misconduct. Civil society should be or; the Ruling Party to exercise a moral
guaranteed that such crime will iii. The perpetrator can jump duty to pay something to that effect If the cells from the cancerous
never be committed ever again by from an airplane 4km above sea for crimes committed by its officials. prostrate break away, the cancer
any political party going forward. level without a parachute to secure The executives of the ruling party will spread. Most commonly,
The Constitution should grant the their landing. should also pay the price for their prostate cancer spreads to the
judiciary the right to have corrupt silence and unwillingness to deal lymph nodes, bones in the hips or
officials of the ruling party pay or This type of punishment should be and address corruption as a matter the lower back, lungs, and
go to jail and choose any of the applied to any or all political parties of urgency. It shouldn’t have taken sometimes even the brain.
lesser criminal sentences on the and their members who conduct more than 1 0 years to act
following basis- viz. CRAMPS themselves badly in office as public decisively in bringing these Risk factors:
Proposed Method of servants. It should set the tone and perpetrators to book. The risk of prostate cancer
punishment to enforce law and an example so that government increases with age. As with
almost any other cancer, heredity
Prostrate Cancer Risks
The prostate is a small, walnut- erectile dysfunction and bladder
also plays a key role. For reasons
unknown, African-American men
seem to have a higher risk of
cancer, but die WITH prostate
shaped sex gland in men that control problems. Prostate cancer cancer. As the cancer develops, it prostate cancer.
produces the seminal fluid, which progresses very slowly and the eventually squeezes the urethra,
early stages show little or no A fat-rich diet and sedentary
nourishes and transports sperm. which surrounds the prostate. This lifestyle also contributes to the
The growth of the cells in the symptoms. is when signs and symptoms begin risk. Fat causes an increased
prostate gland is stimulated by the If detected early, effective to appear: production of testosterone, which
male sex hormone called treatment with minimum side may in turn lead to the
testosterone. effects is possible. Once the -Urgency in urination development of cancer cells. High
Though its causes are unknown, cancer spreads (metastizes) -Difficulty in starting urination levels of testosterone mean
prostate cancer is a frightening treatment becomes more difficult. -Dull, persistent ache in the lower higher chances of developing
prospect for men. This cancer pelvic area prostate cancer. Therefore men
threatens not just their lives, but A man’s vulnerability to prostate -Painful urination, a very slow flow who suffer from hypogonadism, or
also their sexuality. Possible cancer increases with age. Most (almost like a dribble) have been undergoing long-term
consequences of treatment (even if often, prostate cancer is detected -Intermittent urine flow, and a testosterone treatments are at
the treatment has been successful very late and people who lose their sensation that the bladder is not risk.
in saving a person’s life) include lives do not die from prostate empty
Gula Matari the ball is in your court!
GM-cramps March 2019 3
What About ­
Citizens Crime
of Emotional
Analyzing the
implecations thereof.
CRAMPS believe Citizens Crime of
Emotional Abuse is as much an
offence as it is to abuse a person in
a relationship. Politicians have a
relationship with the nation or
country, therefor, should be subject
to liability for abusing the nation. As
a result the only way to teach these
defiant politicians a new lesson in
tough love is not only to vote them
out of power, but to let them pay for
their crimes, one way or the other.
This form of reprisal is the best way
to level the playing fields on behalf
of the people. If public servants
have not fully realized or
understood the magnitude of their
negative actions that - it is to be
meted with an equal punishment
for their wrong doing, I do not know
what will!
However, high ranking government
officials are perceived to be role
models and to lead by example.
Although the nation has no
background history of their credible
conduct or leadership qualities, and
moral standing; the public assumes
their high morality conduct has
been validated by those who chose
them to occupy important office in
government. Therefore, their
positions to execute their duties are
expected to have integrity and
honour. Their credibility and
reputation should be tested and
questioned before they occupy any
office that will represent the
country’s future, both inside and or
outside the country.
Does the constitution have a
genuine strict and tough rules and
laws that protect citizens To Its
ENTIRETY or the nation against
the GUPTA state capture? If YES
why have they – The GUPTAS left
the country? If the answer is NO;
what relevance is the constitution how are we suppose to trust rust cleaning acid as a form of
to its citizens if the needs of the institutions of justice? remorse to show they’ve
people are not served to the best CRAMPS believes! IF the justice committed high treason against
interest of its people? To a degree system is so lenient as to rule out a their own people or;
the constitution does have a flow death penalty completely; the least iii. The perpetrator can jump
and holes where anyone can get justice to serve educated criminals from an airplane 4km above sea
can expect to level the playing level without a parachute to land
away with murder and not be directly on the ground.
punished for crimes like corruption fields - is to provide the nation with
or nepotism to benefit officials alternative consolation (options). To We CRAMP think our humanity has
unduly within government business allow political wrong-doers the been trampled upon by Jacob
transactions. (Why don't we test its opportunity to choose one of our Zuma and The African National
integrity to prove its authenticity?). lesser proposed fast-quick-fixed Congress. They have misused their
penalties to satisfy the nation;- power to mislead the people
i. A political perpetrator of negatively in corrupt ways while
What other form of punishment amass The State Coffers and
could best be imposed to teach corruption against the state can fortunes at the expense of
public servants how to behave choose to be thrown in the taxpayers. We feel betrayed. This is
when in power? If common sense Atlantic Ocean infested with totally unacceptable and calls for
to enforce the law fails the nation, hungry sharks or; tougher actions against corruption
ii. Forced to drink a liter of and the state capture saga.

How are we supposed to respect the law when the law itself breaks its own rules?
4 March 2019 GM-cramps

Anxiety Got The Best of South African

Citizens... How Many Do We HAVE?

unfounded and illogical. This is may literally re-experience the

why they avoid public situations event by crying uncontrollably,
and being alone. A panic attack panicking, or losing control. Subtler
can be so severe that people may symptoms include insomnia and
lose control and hurt themselves. avoidant behavior. PTSD may
manifest itself immediately after the
Social phobia traumatic event or even years after.
Alternatively called social anxiety, a
person with social phobia may
exhibit similar symptoms like those Determining the type of anxiety
of panic disorder especially in disorder a person has is crucial to
social situations. Shaking, seeking treatment and recovery.
Since 2009 South Africas' sanity temperature dizziness, shortness of breath, and Techniques and methods that are
heart palpitations may ensue when used to help a person cope with a
started to rise! WHO was the President of the a person with social phobia finds certain anxiety usually target not
country then! You Guessed it Right you know who! his or herself at the center of only the management of symptoms
spells. attention or in the company of but coping mechanisms when
Anxiety is a common occurrence many people, regardless whether exposed to triggers. Only after
when a person faces potentially they are strangers or not. thorough diagnosis can treatment
problematic or dangerous Specific phobia and recovery for anxiety disorders
situations. It is also felt when a Unlike someone with generalized Obsessive-compulsive disorder really commence.
person perceives an external anxiety disorder, a person who has People with obsessive-compulsive
threat. However, chronic and a specific phobia experiences disorder experience anxiety
irrational anxiety can lead to a form extreme and often irrational fear of caused by a persistent obsession
Knowing which method to
of anxiety disorder. There are a certain situation or object. When or idea. They tend to avoid use in the treatment largely
different types of anxiety disorder exposed to the object or situation experiencing anxiety by resorting depends on the kind of
depending on their causes or they fear, people with specific
triggers. phobias exhibit signs of intense to repetitive actions or behaviors disorder a person has.
fear like shaking, shortness of that prevent anxiety. For example,
breath, heart palpitations, and a person who is obsessed about Now we know why each South
Common forms of anxiety cleanliness may experience
disorders nausea. Common specific phobias African needs counselling to get
include fear of heights, enclosed anxiety at the mere sight of a vase our house in order. The
spaces, blood, and animals. The placed slightly off-center. To GuptaGate State Capture is
Generalized anxiety disorder prevent anxiety, he or she will
A person who has this type of fear a person with phobia feels can symptomatic of S.A. PTSD.
be so extreme that he or she may clean and organize everything Choosing wrong people in
anxiety disorder usually experience compulsively or without reason.
prolonged anxiety that is often disregard safety just to escape the government can affect your
without basis. More accurately, situation. health. You can start shopping
PTSD for your favourite shoes now!
people with generalized anxiety Post-traumatic stress disorder may
disorders cannot articulate the Panic disorder occur after a person experienced a
reason behind their anxiety. This Also known as Agoraphobia, panic severely traumatic event. He or
type of anxiety usually last for six disorders are characterized by she may relive the experience in
months and often affect women. recurring panic attacks which are his or her mind which causes
Due to the persistence of the often unexpected. Symptoms are stress and anxiety. If a person with
anxiety, people affected with usually shaking, chest pains, PTSD comes into contact with
generalized anxiety disorder dizziness, fear of losing control, stimuli (any object, person, or
constantly fret and worry. This and reluctance of being alone. situation) that he or she associates
results to heart palpitations, People with panic disorder are with the traumatic event, he or she
insomnia, headaches, and dizzy aware that their panic is usually

Paying Back The Money To Municipalities have never been poor or

lacking in financial support or assistance
over again how to take care of these government
assets and properties. This meant, handling of
Relieve Poor Communities from the treasury. One of the pressing
issues about poor service delivery was a
expensive equipment to fix roads, electricity
power supply grids, building maintenance,
mistake and the arrogance of the ANC vehicles and ambulances in hospitals, office
Government to assume that it will be easy equipment, water sanitation and traffic lights and
to run a country like South Africa. They fired the entire city grid upgrades and effective
skilled and experienced white officials who performances and quick replacement of broken
knew how these municipalities were run and equipment etc. Backpacking and supporting any
managed or maintained. Whites possessed ailing infrastructure was part of service delivery.
more than enough knowledge to pass on to
us before we could learn how to walk. We Training and responsibility by strong disciplined
needed to crawl first around South Africa's tough assertive managers and superiors was key
complex systems- whose operations had in making these departments function optimally,
already been mastered by them and they daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. These White
Should’t Individuals and Communities who have knew where breakdowns would occur officials were proud patriots who were sworn to
suffered similar fate of poor service delivery be before it occurred. protect the interest of the country to the best of
rewarded by lodging financial claims to sue their abilities. They were loyal, punctual at work
respective municipality officials who are responsible White people took pride in doing their jobs and possessed a strong work ethic with personal
for managing the budget of these municipalities? and were trained not one time, but over and continue to page 5
Let us do something to effect the change we want to see happen
GM-cramps March 2019 5

Continuation from page 4

government took their answer is YES! Why do we have load shedding
brothers to run the most and the whole economy collapsing under these so
complicated government called “Comrades” and CEO, who have been
institutions that required MBA given budgets of over Billions of Rands to run
graduates with at least 5 State Owned Entities?
years work experiences from
various business disciplines Don’t Brag About Freedom – If You Don’t
to become CEO’s and DG’s Know What It Means
without relevant qualifications
and skills. After 1 994 did any of these municipality officials
from the “Bush-Gorilla-War-Fare-Tack-Ticks” ever
Knowledge Is Power And receive any kind of business training to prepare
With This Power Comes them for municipality work? No! Why do we still
Responsibility applaud them and vote them in power for running
ambitions to do their best for the country and its the country down instead of teaching them a
people. White Patriotism kept the fires of hope for People acquire knowledge through education lesson in history the "what goes around comes
South Africans burning, until Blacks took over. and training, but experience comes from around". How much more money can you loot,
This was reflected in their delivery of services before your conscience begins to warn you up to
dedicated to repeat each tasks with precision and years of knowing how to execute a duty stop, that one day you’ll be caught and go to jail?
orderly diligence, without disrupting the flow of diligently with care and dedication. This kind Where is the money from 2009 go and how did it
events. The sole purpose was not only to save the of attitude is something one learns from get out of the country?
country money and wastage, but to make it run being taught by experienced teachers,
efficiently like clock-work, such that no one could mentors and experts and through hand- How is it possible that treasure kept giving
notice if there were glitches in the supply chain of holding. Did the ANC push a drive to get municipality money, but no roads are built, no
services. All departments and related government these so called comrades proper skilling and schools are erected, no jobs are created to hire
an intensive business hand-holding to local graduates when they qualify?
divisions were on the same page and talking the prepare them for the task ahead to lead? Did
same language. these fellows understand what it takes to run Since Black people came to power every aspect
a liquor store let alone a supermarket or a of the country is fast collapsing because of a
I suppose the chain of command did not mince its successful football club like Kaizer Chiefs or myriad of carelessness by the ANC. The one that
words and was executed from the top “dog” –to Orlando Pirates? Do they know the value stands out most and is common to their attitude
cascade down to last blue collar employee we and cost of keeping an asset as opposed to and their followers and cronies, is entitlement,
used to call “Matshingilane” I.e. a Zulu Boy for using simple utensils like a fork and knife laziness, carelessness, ignorance, blatant
security guard during those days. I guess tax belonging to the company’s canteen and arrogance and the assumption that they will rule
payers money was well spent considering all throwing it away after eating? How about for ever. J. Zuma once said " they'll rule until
citizens got everything they wanted in good faith counting stock and reconciling assets and Jesus Christ comes to town". Municipalities are
and at the right time. We had clean water ran from projecting losses of late coming by failing because wrong people are occupying these
our taps in the townships, schools had toilets, government staff and shortages of tea bags jobs. Lack of skills transfer and hand-holding
PUTCO buses were running on schedule. The and deliberate down time of computers if never took place to prepare politicians to run the
railway trains in all parts of Jozi were always official don’t want to work? country.
reaching their destination on time. No load
shedding, No hijacking, No Nyoape or cable theft Everything equates to money “tax” money If treasury keeps giving budget to deliver services;
or littering on the streets etc. used or abused through lack of knowledge the question remains that most citizens have been
asking “where did-the-money-go?” If this money is
Knowledge is one thing, but experience is another. and
understating the big picture. Leadership
not about keeping things to yourself. It is lying somewhere in Dubai or Carmen Islands The
You cannot replace a skilled person with a about serving others in the name of God. Hawks must take the initiative to fetch it and give it
comrade who has not been trained with a simple Also appreciation to take responsibility for back to the people. Until we can re-evaluate what
knowledge of running a Spaza or Tuck shop to one’s action and decisions. Do we have this to do with the next budget from treasury –
even manage a supermarket. The ANC within the current ANC government? If the PERIOD.

Drinking Water Scams - How True Is This and I was dismayed at what I realized that these products were
Rumor? the fantastic claims people make
about their health products AND
repeatedly found:
--Outdated information or info
either useless, overpriced or
potentially harmful long-term. And
repeated from other websites the companies were smiling all the
about how your whole life will be --Wild and sensational claims way to the bank. Nevertheless I
changed! I can tell you right now --No research was able to find products that were
that 90% are frauds. You may --No refunds, etc. well-researched and legitimate:
even have fallen prey to some of I already knew that we can't trust water ionizers and certain filters. I
these scams, selling you the latest our tap water because of the found two websites providing
fad. Me too. I've bought so many presence of up to 2000 comparisons of reliable water
kinds of drinking contaminants. purifiers:
water, I can't recall. (If a lie is Specifically, I found:
repeated often enough, it becomes a) Bottled Water: a real mish- and
"the truth"). mash of quality, often no more www.waterpurifier1 01 .com. (While
Wouldn't it be nice to stop than filtered tap water sold at the first of these sites does not
poisoning ourselves with polluted or Finally,
I got FED
after many disappointments
UP. I decided to get to outrageous mark-ups and at quite address the problem of acidity in
unhealthy drinking water? I, for an environmental cost. drinking water, it is straightforward
one, felt that I would love to find a the bottom of this desire we all in its assessment of what various
source of safe inexpensive drinking have
to make sure that our most
nutrient -- water -- will keep b) Reverse-osmosis and distilled water filters do.)
water. (Ideally, I'd love to turn on us healthy, not make us sick. I water: completely ignored the
the tap, and out it would flow!) medical evidence of the dangers I hope that you're not misled by
Whether it's curing cancer with checked out endless commercial in the ongoing drinking of water false claims, and take a look at
magnets or herbal wonder- websites and a number of that is void of minerals, acid in these resources, for the sake of
remedies or Vioxx, we've all seen university and government sites; nature and oxidizing. I quickly your health.
Citizen should be aware that only their vote to change a party will count
6 March 2019 GM-cramps

Live A Health y Life really no wonder that so many of

us are tired and run down. What
In the fast paced world that we live are some simple things that we
in it can be easy to neglect our can do to improve our quality of
health and wellness. We’re so busy life?
racing through our day to day lives
The Thuli Madonsela Citizens – family, friends, work, social Drink Drink Drink@
engagements – that we don’t take You’ve heard it a million times and
Outstanding Leadership Award the time to look after ourselves. It’s you’ll probably hear it a million
more – drink more water! Think
Cape Town Universities, the instead of try to do things right. The about it: The human body is 72%
business sector community to Monetary Compensations for these water. A 5% drop in fluids creates
honour Ms. Thuli Madonsela for honours and awards should never be a 25-30% loss in energy. A 1 5%
“Bravery”, “Dogged Determination”, less than R2,500,000 Rands drop in fluids causes death! At this
point in time 66% of us aren’t
"Persistence", "Loyalty to the including publication print production drinking enough water, so over half
country", "Diligence", of the Museum of Corruption the population isn’t running on all
“Professionalism”, “Dedication”, country’s yearbook. six cylinders to begin with – before
“Inspiration”, “Role Model”, things like bad air, bad food and
"Commitment to justice", “Integrity”, These awards should come in 6 stress take their toll.
“Patience”, “Outstanding types & categorised as follows: It’s not really a difficult thing to
Leadership Prowess” etc. to give remedy. Just drink one glass of
water every half hour or so – or
her these Humanitarian Honours, a). Better Business Recognition 1 0-1 2 glasses of water per day –
Doctorates and recognition where Award, and you’ll notice a huge jump in
the new generation of legal minds b). Citizens Responsibility your energy levels.
and future South African Leadership Award,
representatives can walk her c). Community Development Role Living Food – Loving Life!
footstep to emulate the positive and Model Award, A little known fact is that heating
food above 11 6°F destroys much
influential example and strength of d). Lawyers with Ethics Outstanding of the nutrient content.
character she was and stood for. Awards, Considering that we already aren’t
In my opinion I think Ms T. e). Proud Patriot of South Africa eating enough veggies, that’s a
Madonsela should be honoured by This honour or symbol of good Award. etc. fairly substantial problem.
all South Africans citizens and the governance should become the f). South Africa's Champion of Nutritionists recommend five
legal fraternity community for the highest standards by which Democracy serves of fresh vegetables per day.
uncovering of government state government managers and leaders How many of us are actually taking
that advice?
capture. I wonder how many should be measured against. If they This is to set the tone and an A great way to get the nutrients
lawyers have been duped by “the can do better to uncover more example to teach South African found in fresh veggies without
Guptas” and Jacob Zuma or even corruption within the current and young and new leaders what it will spending all day at stove or eating
the ANC. If our legal community is future affiars of the State both take to do your job in the name of raw celery sticks is to juice your
not fighting back to protect our outside or internal forces to benefit God. To remind them that it pays to veggies. Make sure that you own a
constitution, shouldn't we as a financially from looting. They can be a good person. Based on the good juicer (some juicers expose
nation stand up and applaud Ms. vegetables to heat created by
and should be recognized with principle of life which states that, friction during juicing, which breaks
Thuli for the work she has done? these awards. Again my personal “what goes around comes around”, to down important enzymes), grab
I propose to all South African opinion- the rewards for these reward good leadership and expose some fresh vegetables and drink
citizens and higher institutions of awards should be so tempting to bad leaders and politicians' who your way to good health. It takes a
learning like; Wits University, U.J. lure managers to do the right thing steals from The Tax Payers. fraction of the time (there’s no
cooking involved, for one thing)
ANC's Campaings To Stay In Power Is Like A and it’s convenient.
You can take your juice to work
Badly Recorded Music Album That Won't Sell and even give some to the littlies
How disparaging and preposterous belief systems and for school lunches!
can we truly think we have not been values to be called “top-
Wheatgrass in particular is an
betrayed by our constitution, human of-the-chart-state” in excellent source of nutrition. It’s
rights commission, NPA, current Africa that has excellent high in chlorophyll (sometimes
public protector, the court systems, business systems and top described as ‘plant blood’ because
instituted by the ruling party for it closely resembles human red
or police services to assume infrastructure? Yet we have justice to prevail within our torn- blood cell molecules) and has over
confidence within the current broken all human rights apart troubled society. A sense of 1 00 elements that the body needs.
leadership? Do we believe we are laws and disgraced urgency can never be undermined Fresh grains are another excellent
better than the rest of Africa? What ourselves in failing to serve, source for vitamins and minerals.
over the fact that too much
we truly portray as a country is observe, honour and protect damage has already been done
almost a false facade of the fading the rights of people who voted
and the perpetrators are already Energy In – Energy Out
phase in a faked democracy. it in power in the first place? selling their assets and packing Exercise is another dirty
their bags ready to flee the country.
word for most of us.
Sounds like our democracy was The country needs accountability
built on sand; ready to collapse and Don't Be A Victim Act
fall like the demise of the Roman
and leadership responsibility to Positive & Be A Victor!
Empire. Is it not in contempt of our
constantly rally for alternative Political Change Is
solutions in order to fix the mess Good. ©201 8
Citizens have the obligation to bring government to account or change the ruling party - The time is now
7 March 2019 GM-cramps

How Can I Ever Trust The who have hands-on experience to

run a simple profitable tuck-shop?
they tried to change a chemical
balance in the laws of physics was

Ruling Party Ever Again - Mr. Irvan Khoza or Kaizer Motaung

would be a better premiers or
an unthinkable disastrous
experiment. i.e. The CODESA

The ANC!
Ministers in my own opinion. The agreements of 1 991 . It was a big
came a long way to form the PSL. miscalculation of power broking?
ANC needs a mentor and a highly Opposition parties are unable to
people or tax payers. technical or intelligent coaches to bring government to book for
TRUST LOST IS TRUST NEVER hand-hold them to run a stable
EASY TO GAIN: Their modus operand is subtleties violation and atrocities committed in
of greed, lust and sly motives to “SOE”- to deliver services the last 1 0 years to South African
Citizens have the obligation to effectively. They should never be
bring government to account or maximize their pockets and wealth Citizens. Esidimeni health care and
over and above serving their given authority to handle cash or Marikana, VBS to name, but a few.
change the ruling party via an sign blank cheques. As the public
effective incorruptible new voting country’s interests. So how on These acts of cowardice are worst
earth did they get away with we had assumed the ignorance to deeds of evil perpetrated by a black
system. Worst case scenarios let think they know. Our first mistake is government against its own people.
each community in every province murder and stole our confidence
and trust to rule for 24 years that politics and business should How are we to begin to salvage the
raise funds to register its own never mix. It’s like trying to put oil nation from “state-capture” and
political party. I personally don’t without being caught to deserve
our respect and votes? and water in the same container. “SOE-financial-coup”; if we can’t
care how many parties we can even punish those who have sinned
have in parliament as long as they You can’t be a politician and still against sick people of Esidimeni?
can oust the current ruling majority, Entrepreneurship skills to create own private business interests You be the judge!!!!
and begin to deliver services to us. jobs and sustain the economy lie in outside your duties as a
the knowledge base and practical
extensive experience and unique government servant. This creates a If there are no answers - Why do we
It should be borne in the mind of conflict of interest. These things do have questions. If there is a mystery -
every citizen to know that skills of the private sector and
not mix and will never do. How dare Why care to solve the puzzle? If there
government does not know how to international investments. Skills
manufacture wealth or create jobs transfer is part of it. A professional Silence Is Not Always is a solution - Why do we have a
on their own accord. They absorb business skill is a behavior that is problem? ©2015 Copyrights Reserved
resources from private business. learned over a long period of time. Golden
Where would they collect taxes Just like learning how to fly a Jet
from if there were no businesses, Boeing 747 state of the art
corporations, and a working class technology is a unique technically
of loyal individuals who pay tax? acquired skill that comes with
experience. It requires serious
Government will never begin to do vision, discipline, dedication and an
so, purely because they do not exceptional work ethic from
have the “Will power”, “Backbone” government to make this country
and the guts to run Government function to its true potential.
systems successfully that calls for
accountability reporting. They are The ANC has failed to pull a very the Christian religion ... of
education, the relief of poverty, and
excellent thieves and brilliant fools successful and thriving economy other charitable objects beneficial
who have mastered the skill to that is stable for its people like The Salvation Army (TSA) is a to society or the community of
steal from us without feeling guilty Botswana or Nigeria. These SOE Protestant Christian church and an mankind as a whole".
or remorseful. are falling apart, SABC, SAA, international charitable
ESKOM, SASSA, DENEL, PRASA, organisation. The organisation The Army was founded in 1 865 in
reports a worldwide membership of
It is evident that the ANC are not in NSFAS, NYDA, SANRAL, SAPO, over 1 .7 million,[3] consisting of
London by one-time Methodist
business for the nation rather in it to name just a few etc. We need circuit-preacher William Booth and
soldiers, officers and adherents his wife Catherine as the East
for their political party and White people more than ever collectively known as Salvationists. London Christian Mission, and can
themselves. What choices are we before to help us run these Its founders sought to bring trace its origins to the Blind Beggar
left with as a nation if such institutions successfully. After all salvation to the poor, destitute, and tavern. In 1 878 Booth reorganised
behavior persists and gets out of they initiated the vision to build and hungry by meeting both their the mission, becoming its first
sustain the country when they were "physical and spiritual needs". It is General and introducing the military
proportions? Rather we should present in 1 31 countries,[4] running
employ people with business skills in power. structure which has been retained
charity shops, operating shelters as a matter of tradition.
like Mr. Richard Maponya to run for the homeless and disaster relief
institutions of government. "You So why kick them out? ANC has and humanitarian aid to developing
proved to be unreliable and Its highest priority is its Christian
can’t be the judge, jury and countries. principles. The current international
executioner in your own court incompetent in making the country leader of The Salvation Army and
unless you want to become a operate efficiently. What’s the point The theology of the Salvation Army chief executive officer (CEO) is
of calling ourselves free and is derived from that of Methodism, General Brian Peddle, who was
dictator". South Africa and its although it is distinctive in
current state of affairs is becoming liberated, when in actual fact 27% elected by the High Council of The
institution and practice. A Salvation Army on 3 August 201 8.
that. of the population is unemployed? peculiarity of the Army is that it The Salvation Army is a religious
gives its clergy titles of military organization, they do have
Professional enterprises hold When did military “comrade” ranks, such as "lieutenant" or ministries, they do have members,
managers accountable to improve tactical warfare skills ever become "major". It does not celebrate the and they do preach the gospel of
a better commercial business rite of Baptism and Holy Christ to people, however, as far as
services delivery and customer engineering management skill. To Communion. However, the Army's
excellence. S.A. Government does I know they do not preach to
run a complicated and complex or doctrine is otherwise typical of people that do not want to hear
not operate on these principles. heterogeneous country as unique holiness churches in the Wesleyan- them and they never require people
Their agenda is completely as South Africa, you need Arminian tradition. The Army's that they are helping to join them .
different from the agenda of the committed honest people. At least purposes are "the advancement of

This country will never realize its true potential until we All acknowledge and put God first - Parliament and political parties should start the day with prayer!
GM-cramps March 2019 8
Please send this message to every
loved one on your "WhatsApp Group". Don't Let Fear
This message of hope remind us of
how God is always protecting those Ruin Your Life!
who praise & Worship Him. Many people are fearful, anxious or phobic about
To receive our Newspaper on a something --- a dark room, a fury cat, being on top
of a tall building, or being in a small, cramped
monthly basis - Say YES! to the room. These fears or phobias may be exaggerated
person who sent you this message. or irrational yet they cause so much distraction and
Today's Scriptures - “ Mystical Songs of In the long list of fears known to man, perhaps one
of the most difficult to bear is the condition called
Solomon” Ode 5. social anxiety disorder. This disorder refers to the
constant fear of being criticized by other people.
Today’s divine scriptures will come from the “Mystical Songs of Solomon” from the time of People who have this problem are so self-
Jesus – Ode 5 message and the interpretation of it – is contain all here in this truth. conscious to the point that they feel that everyone
around them is looking at them. In the process,
socially anxious people become afraid of the world
Ode 5 The pitfalls they devise to trap my soul are
around them.
certainly ingenious: may they fall into their
The poet expresses his trust and faith in God’s own traps and leave me to go free! The
According to National Institute of Mental Health,
love, and in the Lord’s ability to save him from the network of illusion that they weave is subtle, “ phobia is characterized by overwhelming
enemies of his soul- his human imperfections. yet I see through it. They are ready to drag me anxiety in everyday social situations. It can be any
Even if the world should come to an end, he says, down, but they have lost their power: type of situation---such as fear of speaking in
he will remain unconcerned, because he has formal or informal situations.”
found sanctuary with the eternal One. In your loving kindness, answer me, Yahweh,
In your great tenderness, turn to me;
"I give thanks to Thee, O Lord, Do not hide your face from your servant:
Because I love Thee. Quick, I am in trouble, answer me;
O Most High, do not forsake me, Come to my side, redeem me,
For Thou art my hope. From so many enemies, ransom me.
Freely have I received Thy grace: You will know the insults I endure,
Now I will live by it. Every one of my oppressors is known to
My persecutors will come, but they will not see me: The insults have broken my heart,
A cloud of darkness will fall upon their eyes, My shame and disgrace are past cure Anxiety in social situations is not felt by shy,
And an air of deep gloom Psalm 69:16­20; cf. JB NJB insecure people alone. Famous people like the
Will bring darkness upon them singer Donny Osmond (the brother of Marie
They will have no light to see, For my hope is in the Lord Osmond) also had social anxiety. In a very
by which they could lay hold of me And I shall not fear intimate interview, Donny Osmond revealed that,
And because the Lord is my salvation for years, he struggled with stage freight and
May their counsel become thick darkness;
I shall not be concerned. would experience anxiety panic attacks right
And what they have cunningly devised: before a public performance.
May it recoil upon their own heads. He is like a crown upon my head,
Another famous person diagnosed with social
For they devised a counsel, And I shall not be disturbed.
anxiety disorder is singer-actress Barbara
But it did not succeed. Even if everything should be shaken, Streisand, who, in 1 967, became so anxious that
(And they were overcome, I shall stand firm. she forgot the lyrics of song in front of a large
Though they were powerful). And if all things visible were to be dissolved, crowd. She was so embarrassed that she stayed
And they prepared themselves for evil, I shall not die: away from performing in public for a long time
But were found to be impotent. Because the Lord is with me, after that moment of “song amnesia.”
And I am with Him.
Because I Love Thee (Interpretation) Hallelujah. The great actor Laurence Olivier who stunned
audiences with his theatrical genius also struggled
I thank you, dear Lord, for the love that you have My trust in God, and this world is no with social phobia for five years just when he was
given me. concern of mine: at the peak of his career.
Even though I walk through the valley of Social anxiety disorder is not so easy to spot in a
Never withdraw this love, for I only trust in you. person. A person with so much insecurity and
You have surrounded me with the gift of grace, the shadow of death
I will fear no evil anxiety in being in the middle of a social occasion
and it has become my stronghold and my dwelling: can still hide his predicament. Even with all the
For you are with me anxiety, that person can still act witty and
I thank, you with all my heart, Lord my God, Psalm 23 ­4; cf. KVG
I will glorify your name forever:
Your love for me has been so great. The Lord has delivered me from all negative But there are some people who literally freeze
Psalm 86:12­13; cf. JB NJB forces. He has crowned me with Life, and lives whenever they face a crowd or even a small
within me. Though the entire creation were to number of people. Their excessive self-
Now the enemies of my soul – my human shake on its foundation, I would not be moved. consciousness somehow paralyzes them, making
imperfections and the forces that detain me here – Were it to be dissolved today, I would live on them unable to function well in social circles. At
can lay no hold on me. They are like an army upon eternally. For my God dwells in me, and I in first glance, people with social anxiety disorder
whom a thick veil has fallen, so that they cannot Him". may exhibit chronic fear, sweating, trembling,
see me. stammering, and blushing whenever they stand in
Say this pray daily when ever you feel fearful of front of people. Relax and breathe - then you'll be
something and see Gods' miracle work for your ok.
First-class religion teaches one how to love God without any motive - If I serve God for some profit, that is business.
GM-cramps March 2019 9

Productivity is a mind-set while creative problem solving is an outlet to explore the self!
- Work is a religious activity to embrace the consciousness of God within that space.
latter, it certainly will make your life
store when he couldn't find a t-shirt Department at Parsons School of
Discovering Your less stressful. To create your own that he liked. Michael Kors built up Design in Paris.
label takes a lot of time, dedication a network of customers by selling
Fashion Design and hard work. Not to mention clothes in a trendy NYC boutique. Applying to a school
living just above the poverty line for However, most people find that the There are a lot of colleges that have
Talent several years. best foundation for a design career fashion programs, but only a
You know you're destined to be a is to get a fine arts degree in handful has the kind of reputation
fashion designer if you: a) spent Choosing a strategy fashion at a prestigious school. that can really push your career. It's
most of your childhood making There are as many different ways Besides teaching you the craft, a hard to enter these schools as
clothes for your Barbie dolls to embark upon a fashion career as good school will also add credibility competition is high, and they tend
instead of playing with your friends; there are styles of design. Ralph to your resumé. "We live in a to be very selective. You apply by
b) read fashion magazines instead Lauren's Polo empire was founded brandname society, and having the sending a portfolio of drawings of
of your school books; c) ran a on a small tie collection that he sold name of a good school behind you your designs. "We can't teach you
boutique out of your bedroom at to Bloomingdales. Helmut Lang really does help," says Carol how to be creative – you have to
age 1 0. In other words: if you want decided to open his own clothing Mongo, Director of the Fashion bring your creativity to us and let us
to be the next Yves Saint Laurent, it lead you on your way," says Carol
helps to be completely and utterly Mongo. She recommends students
obsessed with fashion. to get some sewing experience
before they apply. Drawing is also
However, there are many aspects an important skill for a designer – it
of the profession. Working as a is the way you communicate your
fashion designer can just as well ideas. In order to build an
mean supervising a design team at impressive portfolio it's a good idea
a sportswear company as to have some experience in
producing a label under your own sketching; taking art classes will
name. Although the former career help you understand form and
may not seem as glamorous as the proportion.

The fickle world of fashion smart sweater with a snuggly down

puffer vest for the sporty look that
are considered the will keep you warm!
hottest for the 2.) Lingerie-inspired tops
upcoming season. guarnateed to get you noticed
Also, take a look at Whether you are hitting the hottest
stores and the clubs or going to a business
streets to see meeting, the hottest word in tops is
what people are the lingerie-inspired camis and
buying and what tanks. These luxurious tops are
they are wearing. usually made from supple silk with
beading, sequins, embroidery, or
Although the world of lace accents.
fashion may take a
drastic turn at any
Human Rights Violation Beneficiary Rebates
minute, today’s a) Communities minister/s who managed and
The fickle world of fashion can be controlled all "State-owned
must have items
incredibly frustrating when trying to Communities should be entitled to Company" budgets and funds
are the following:
figure what’s in, fashionably claim a minimum of R1 50,000 per relating to tenders.
1 .) Jackets, jackets,
speaking. Fashionistas of all ages individual per city or town per
jackets to adore The preppy look is
constantly seek the newest, province. The following claims c) None Members of
back and jackets, blazers, and
hippest, most in item as quickly as should be lodged and submitted to political party
coats are now more popular than
possible, so you may feel like you lawyers and NGO's who will
ever! Look for the classic blazer in
are in a race to stay on top of the process individual claims for citizens who do not belong to any
unique materials and colors.
game. If you are wondering what’s different categories. political party and are not card
Consider wearing that super
in for a given season, look no carrying members, can claim a
preppy Kelly green corduroy blazer
further than the fashion magazines b) Individual Citizens minimize per community per
with your favorite, broken in jeans.
that flood the newsstand. individual between R1 50,000 -
Regardless if you are a devoted Individuals citizens should claim a R500,000 which each municipality
Look at wearing that super soft
subscriber or possess a passing minimum per person per claim under the ANC was responsible for
velvet chinoise jacket with a
fancy in fashion, use these great between R500.000 - R1 ,000,000 controlling and management of its
dazzling silk skirt for the holiday
sources to determine what items for combined responsible assets and budgets.
season. For the chilly days, top a
Productivity is a mind-set creativity is an outlet to express self - Work is a religious activity to embrace the consciousness of God within our spaces

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