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That girl you’re calling fat, she is starving herself.

That girl you called slut in a class

today, she’s a virgin. The man you made fun of crying in class, his mother is dying. The girl
you teased for her skin color, she already had pain of rejection for marriages and jobs. The
gay boy you punched in the hall , he committed suicide a few days later. The boy you called
poor has to work every night to support his family. The old man you’ve made fun of cause he
has ugly scars, he has fought for our country. The boy you pushed down the other day, he’s
already being abused at home.

Nowadays, people tend to give importance and value to their physical self. The
essential feel of superiority makes us thinks that we are greater than everyone else. Our
culture emphasizes a mentality that encourages dominance and aggression. Extreme bullying,
often using sexual slurs such as "gay, fag, slut and whore," is becoming a common
experience for students of all ages, and in particular, for children aged 11-13. Bullying will
stop when individuals protect themselves; when schools create a community of respect.

People think that bullying is tough, it’s not tough. You want to know what tough is,
go up to the people you tease and say you’re sorry, you want to know what tough is, go up to
the people that tease you and say please stop. That’s tough. What numbers of suicides have to
take place before society realizes that bullying kills people. How do we get through to people
that pulling someone down wont make you reach the top. It’s not funny and its not a game.
We, as a community, need to be that support network for these kids and these students who
cant speak for themselves, we need to be the change. Bullying happens way more than it
should but you always have the power to make a difference. If someone is alone on the play
ground will you offer to be his friend? If someone gets pushed down will you lift them back
up? If a friend is sad because of a mean text or message will you send some kind words to
make her smile? If someone puts you down will you believe them or choose to believe in
yourself? Be apart of the positive not the negative speak up and spread kindness.

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