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According to Gloria Steinem, a gender-equal society would be where the word 'gender'

does not exist: where everyone can be themselves. Growing up surrounded by traditional
individuals who are sexist, fenced by the idea of how a girl should act, speak and listen. In
addition, there are things I believe should only be for boys, sports and tracks that are not
suitable for us and actions should be as soft as we speak. Children are innocent and cannot
even validate the information; that is why adults' idea of what is right. Our gender roles are
rooted in our socio-cultural aspect. The attitudes and expectations surrounding gender roles
are not typically based on any inherent or natural gender differences but gender stereotypes or
oversimplified notions about males' and females' attitudes, traits, and behavior patterns.
Gender stereotypes form the basis of sexism or the prejudiced beliefs that value males over

These gender roles and descriptions limit us. As a boy, toys such as cars and robotic
kinds of stuff. Imagine a scenario where we let the boy discover his interest at a young age.
This interest flourishes through time and parents who can help seek opportunities to enhance
their kids' interests. We think they want robotics, but they will pursue the fashion industry in
ten years. On the other bench, girls are limited to dolls and playing the character of a mother
and just putting the center idea that they need to take care of someone. However, after
peaking adulthood, the girl discovers that she wants to pursue engineering. Because we
already laid the options of their interest, they will think that their capabilities are limited.
Where in fact, they are limitless.

When I was in Grade 10, one of my cousins bravely came out as gay. He introduced
himself to our grandmother and grandfather. As expected, the rest of the family blew the
words. ‘God never created such being.’

‘You are a disgrace to this family.’

‘Maybe I should send some guys to beat you up and gather your balls again.’

These comments are just a typical scenario of a committed Christian family, and my
cousin is just one of thousands out there who are victims of abuse, catcalling, and outcasting.
I was not brave enough to stand up and prove a point. But one thing I know, my cousin freed
himself and became who he should be and who he wanted to be.
That’s why my slogan speaks for a dreamland: where everyone can be themselves. A place
where fear of belongingness is not present. The land of hope, acceptance, and knowledge
about social issues such as gender inequality. My slogan encourages the youth and the rest to
be brave enough to hear what’s their heart want for the—actions that can lead to productive
happiness and a journey without regrets. We always want to be part of societal standards, and
it’s time to break them and create your empire and definition of potent, beauty, and resilience.

Throughout this course, I am amazed at the specifics of the existing laws regarding
women and children: the protection, advantages, and benefits. I realized even the law see
woman undergo significant hormonal changes than man. They experience many painful
events when they need to turn their status to a new level. I am surprised by these laws
because they are not applied well. In future circumstances, I hope the government can find a
way to strengthen these laws not just in the central places but also in far-flung areas where
issues concentrated by this law are on reach.

In conclusion, my character was polish through this course. I learned how to be

gender sensitive in a hard way, stand up against catcalling, verbal abuse and even physical,
educate individuals who lack knowledge on gender and development. People who cannot
understand are individuals who lacks knowledge on the issue. Let’s create a healthy space for
discussion and continue our lives. Be critical and think before you speak anything.

In conclusion, this course polished my character. I learned how to be gender-sensitive

in a complex way stand up against catcalling, verbal abuse, and even physical. Educate
individuals who lack knowledge on gender and development. People who cannot understand
are individuals who lack knowledge on the issue. Let’s create a healthy space for discussion
and continue our lives. Be critical and think before you speak anything.

I will:



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