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Where you allowed by your teachers to set learning gaols for yourself?

Have you experienced being given the freedom to choose a topic for a course

Have you experienced being asked by your teacher for your input or opinion
in deciding what topics to learn in a course? √

Have you experienced being given a chance to choose a type of assessment

task you can do to effectively demonstrate what you already know? √

Do your teachers frequently check first what you already know about a
certain lesson? √

Has collaboration among students emphasized more than competition in your

learning experience through the years? √

Have you experienced being given the opportunity to develop your self- and √
peer- assessment skills?

Have you experienced being given a flexible date for submitting your √
1.) Where did most of y of your response fall in the checklist? More Yes or more of no?
Answer: More of yes
2.) If more of yes, how did you feel about those experience?
Answer: It's more about considering to the students in which we learn from our experience
and additional knowledge from them. It also a teacher-student learning cantered.
3.) For items which you answered NO. Which of these would you have liked to really have
or experience in the past?
Answer: To experience being asked by my teacher for my opinion in deciding what topics to
learn in course because sometimes I have plenty of curiosity that I want to learn and discover
but I know that it has a guide curriculum for every course. I can research to Google or other site
to answer my curiosity.

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