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DATE : June 15, 2022

TO : All Employee
RE : “Cleanliness is next to Prettiness” – Charot!

We are all aware that there is no cleaning staff on duty in our office. Although Kuya Joel is
here to help us clean, his focus is still on the repairing and renovating part.

With this, we have to recognize our responsibility for a clean office environment. All
employees should be mindful of the following to keep the office clean:

1. Throw your trash properly.

2. Clean your work area.

3. Always place a trash bag in your trash bin for quick emptying and disposal. If your
trash bin is packed, you can always ask Kuya Joel to collect them.

4. Keep the coffee area clean. If you spill it, wipe it out.

5. Keep the sink area dry after use. Be kind to the next user.

6. Do not pour coffee into the water purifier drip tray to avoid a foul smell.

7. Take the initiative to keep The Forum clean.

Please understand your responsibilities for the cleanliness of the office.

Always remember, “Cleanliness is next to Prettiness” Charoooooot!

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