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NAME :Hazel N Riyenzi

PROGRAMME :Geomatics
MODULE :Electricity and Magnetism
LECTURER :Doc Munyari

Presentation :
Magnetic dipole
Definition: It is the magnitude that signifies the magnetic orientation
and strength of a magnet or other object that yields a magnetic field
hence it is the limit of either a closed loop of electric current or a
pair of poles as the size of the source is reduced to zero while
keeping the magnetic moment constant.
 A magnetic dipole can be considered the fundamental
observable unit of magnetism. A basic magnetic dipole can be
referred to as a tiny magnet composed of adjacent positive and
negative charges.
  A dipole consists of two equal but oppositely charged points,
or poles. The interaction between these two charged
monopoles generates a vector field of force in the surrounding
area known as a magnetic field.
 Familiar examples of magnetic dipoles include bar magnets,
electrons and the planet Earth itself.

Schematic representation of a magnetic dipole

 A typical example of a magnetic dipole would be a wire loop
with constant current passing through it. In this connection,
magnetic dipole also serves as a source of stationary magnetic
 A Magnetic Dipole comprises two unlike poles of equivalent
strength and parted by a small distance:

The magnetic field due to natural magnetic dipoles (upper

left), magnetic monopoles (upper right), an electric current in a
circular loop (lower left) or in a solenoid (lower right). All generate
the same field profile when the arrangement is infinitesimally small.
 Since magnetic monopoles do not exist, the magnetic field at a
large distance from any static magnetic source looks like the
field of a dipole with the same dipole moment.
 From the diagram shown on the previous page ,a current loop
behaves like a tiny magnet, it doesn’t matter the shape of the
loop hence it behaves like a magnetic dipole.
 The strength of a dipole is measured as the magnetic dipole

Magnetic dipole moment

Definition: It is a measure of the magnetic strength of a magnet or
current carrying coil expressed as the torque per unit magnetic flux
density produced when the magnet or current carrying coil is set
with its axis perpendicular to the magnetic field.
 It is a vector quantity meaning it has a magnitude, or size, as
well as a direction ,associated with the magnetic properties of
electric current loops or more generally magnets.
 It refers to the strength of a magnetic dipole hence it is equal to
the amount of current flowing through the loop (l) multiplied
by the area encompassed by the loop (A) multiplied by the
number of loops(N)


Where :m -magnetic dipole moment

N -number of loops
I -current
A -area encompassed by the loop
 It is denoted by m or j and is measured in Am^2
 Magnetic dipoles are different than electric dipoles in that,
there are no magnetic monopoles,only dipoles.

Magnetic dipole moments in bar magnets

 When considering magnetic poles, such as those in a bar
magnet, the magnetic moment (m) is defined as the strength of
the poles (p) multiplied by the distance between the poles (L),
which can be represented by the equation : m = pL.
 The direction of the moment points from the south pole of the
magnet to its north pole.
 A magnetic dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges
having pole strength -m and +m separated by finite distance
 Worked examples:
Question: A bar magnet of geometric length 18cm has a pole
stregth 100 Am.Find the magnetic dipole moment of the bar
magnet .
Given: Geometric length of the bar
18cm=0.18m,pole strength m = 10Am.
Solution: magnetic length= (5/6)×geometric length =(5/6) ×
0.18 =0.15m
M=m × magnetic length
Therefore: M =100Am ×0.15 m= 15Am^2
ANSWER: The magnetic dipole moment of the magnet is 15Am^2.
 Magnetic field of a magnet can be determined by the
strength of a magnetic dipole hence:
Magnetic dipole of a magnet m=q2L
Magnetic field B =K (2m/x^3)
Where is constant of medium
m is the magnetic dipole moment of a magnet
x is the distance from the centre of magnet
Since m=2qL B=K(2qL/x^3)
 This means that the magnetic field of a magnet can be
determined by the strength of a magnetic dipole.

Magnetic dipole moments of a current carrying coil

 A current carrying coil behaves like a magnet hence
magnetic dipole moment of a current carrying coil
is given by : m=NIA
Where N -number of turns of coil
I-current through the coil
A-area of the coil

 The magnetic field of a current carrying coil can be

determined by the strength of the magnetic dipole of the
current carrying coil :
Magnetic field B =K(2m/x^3)
Since m =NIA hence B =K(2NIA/x^3)

 Worked example:
Question: A circular coil of 20 turns and radius 10cm has a magnetic
dipole moment of 3.142Am^2.what is the current flowing in the coil .
Given: Number of turns =20
Radius of coil =10cm =0.010m
Magnetic dipole=3.142Am^2
To find current through coil
Solution : M =N I A hence I =M/NA
Are of coil is given by Πr^2 therefore
I = M /(n× Πr^2)
=3.142/(20 ×3.142×(0.1)^2)
= 5A

 Examples on calculating the magnetic moment for

different bodies:Let's see how to solve some simple
problems related to the magnetic dipole moment:

Example 1:

What is the magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment for a 2 m

wire wrapped around a loop through which a 2 A current circulates?

Here we list the steps to solve this problem:

1. To understand how to calculate the magnetic moment, first, we

must translate the length of the wire to the area of the loop.
We do this using A=\frac{L^{2}}{4\pi}A=4πL2, where LL is the
wire's length.
2. Now, we just multiply the result by 2 A, which is the intensity
to get \overline{\mu} \approx 0.6366 \ \text{A}\cdot \
text{m}^{2}μ≈0.6366 A⋅m2
3. If we wrapped the wire around in N loops, we would get
a solenoid, and its magnetic dipole moment would be the
result we have obtained multiplied by N.
Question:How strong should the current circulating through a 50 cm
radius, 150-turn solenoid be to produce a magnetic dipole moment
with a magnitude of 15 A⋅m2?

list the data we need to use the magnetic dipole moment formula:

 Characteristics of the body (solenoid, N=150N=150) ✔

 Area (A=\pi \cdot radius^{2}A=π⋅radius2) ✔
 Magnetic moment magnitude ✔
 Current intensity ❌

Now, if we go back and plug those values in the solenoid's magnetic

dipole moment equation (remember to use meters instead of cm if
you're not using our magnetic dipole moment calculator), we get:

\quad I = \frac{|\mu|}{N\cdot A} ≈ 0.127 \ \text{A}I=N⋅A∣μ∣≈0.127 A

Answer : I=N⋅A∣m|≈0.127 A
 When a magnetic dipole moment ~µ is positioned into a
magnetic field B~ itexperiences a torque τ = ~µ × B~ . The
torque is an agent of reorientation just as the force is an
agent of relocation.
 The torque ~τ aims to align the vector ~µ with the vector
B~ . It is strongest when ~µ is perpendicular to B~ and
vanishes when ~µ is aligned with B.
 Torque aims to align the dipole moment with the field.
The aligned state has the lowest potential energy.

Magnetic Torque and Magnetic Dipole Moment

 If we place a rectangular loop of conducting wire into an
external magnetic field that points in the positive direction
along the x axis, the vertical sections of the wire containing
current will feel a magnetic force that will tend to create a net
torque on the loop of wire.
 This torque will tend to rotate the loop about an axis of
rotation. If we now stack N-number of identical loops of wire
on top of one another, then the net magnetic torque acting on
the entire system of wires is equal to the sum of the torques on
each individual loop of wire.
 The direction of the magnetic dipole moment points in the
same direction as the area vector (perpendicular to the plane
that the loop lies on). To determine the magnetic torque acting
on the loops, we simply take the cross product of magnetic
dipole moment and the magnetic field.

Torque on a bar magnet placed in an uniform magnetic field

 We can define couple as a pair of two equal and opposite

forces having different lines of action.
 They give rise to turning effect known as torque along the axis
which is perpendicular to the plane of forces. 
   Torque=Magnetic force×Perpendicular distance
where M = Magnetic moment 
           B = Magnetic field

 Worked example:
A bar magnet of magnetic moment 1.5 J/T is aligned with the
direction of a uniform magnetic field of 0.22 T. Find work done
in turning the magnet so as to align its magnetic moment
opposite to the field and the torque acting on it in this position.
M=1.5 J/T
B=0.22 T
Magnetic moment in an externally produced magnetic field has
potential energy as:
Torque On Current Loop – The Magnetic moment

 When a coil carrying current is placed in uniform magnetic field, the net
force on it is zero but it experiences a torque or couple.
 Torque action on a current carrying coil placed in uniform magnetic
field is T =M X B
 Torque acting on the coil is t =  N I A B cosα  = N I A B sinθ ; Here

A = area of coil carrying current I

N = number of turns of the coil

B = Magnetic induction of the field

α = Angle made by the plane of the coil with B→

θ = Angle made by the normal to the plane of the coil with

 If the plane of coil is parallel to the direction of magnetic field ,  τmax =

 If the plane of coil is perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field, τ
 If current carrying coil is placed in a non-uniform magnetic field it
experiences both force and torque.
 For a given area, torque is independent of shape of the coil
 The magnetic moment of a current loop can be defined as the
product of the current flowing in the loop and the area of the
rectangular loop. Mathematically,
 Here, A is a vector quantity with the magnitude equal to the
area of the rectangular loop and the direction is given by the
right-hand thumb rule.The torque exerted on a current-carrying
coil placed in a magnetic field can be given by the vector
product of the magnetic moment and the magnetic field.

Magnetic Dipole Moment Due to Rotation Disc

Magnetic dipole moment of a rotating disc with given surface charge
 A flat circular disc of radius R has uniform charge distribution of
-σ upto r and of +σ from r upto R, such that net charge on the
disc is zero. lf the disc is rotating uniformly at the rate
of ω rads−1, its magnetic moment then is given by nπσωR4.
Find the value of n.
Given −σπr2+σπ(R2−r2)=0
consider a circular strip of radius r,width dr.
Magnetic moment dM=2πrdrσ′.πr2.2πω
∴ M=8πωσR4=nπωσR4⇒n=8
The right hand rule
 Since magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity it is
important to determine its direction .
 The direction of the dipole moment is determined by the
right hand rule.
 We wrap the loop with our right hand in the direction of
the current; our thumb will then point in the same
direction as the field lines in the picture below:
 It is known as the clock rule.

Magnetic Dipole Moment of Revolving Electron

 The gyromagnetic ratio (also sometimes known as

the magnetogyric ratio in other disciplines) of a particle or system
is the ratio of its magnetic dipole moment to its angular
momentum, and it is often denoted by the symbol γ.
 Its SI unit is the radian per second per tesla (rads−1T−1) or,
equivalently, the coulomb per kilogram (Ckg−1).
 Example:
If the magnetic dipole moment of an atom of diamagnetic material,
paramagnetic material and ferromagnetic material are denoted by μd
,μp and μf respectively, then:

Magnetic moment of ferromagnetic material μf is non-zero always.
Under application of external magnetic field, the paramagnetic material
has all the magnetic moments aligned giving off μp=0.
However the magnetic moments of atoms in diamagnetic material
cancels out resulting in μd=0

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