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End of First Term Examination
Subject: Mathematics
Class: SS 1 Time: 2 hours

Section A Objectives (Answer all questions)

1. Simplify 24 x 23 x 25
(a)211 (b) 210 (c) 212 (d) 213
2. Which of the following numbers is wrongly written?
(a)1234 (b) 2233 (c) 567 (d) 9910
3. Simplify the indices 8 2/3

(a)4 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 16

4. What’s the characteristics of Log10325?
(a)3 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d) 2.511
5. Using the Logarithm table, if Log102.45 = 0.3892, find Log10(2.45)3
(a)0.3892 (b) 14.7 (c) 1.1676 (d) 0
6. The number 4104five in base 8 is…
(a)5298 (b) 41048 (c) 10208 (d) 10218
7. The binary digits 101112 is equivalent to…
(a)23 (b) 2510 (c) 234 (d) 230
8. If sets A = {0, 2, 4, 8, 10} and B = {2, 8, 10}, then…
(a)A is a subset of B (b) B is a subset of A (c) A and B are
universal sets (d) A – B = {2, 8, 10}
9. A set that contains not even a single element is said to be…
(a)Subset (b) blank set (c) Null set (d) zero set
10. If A = {2, 3}, B = {2, 4} and C = {4, 6}, what’s (AՈBՈC) ?
(a){2} (b) {4} (c) {2, 3, 4, 6} (d) { }

Section B Essay (Answer any 3 questions)

1. (a) Simplify the following indices

(i) (28)1/2 (ii) 32-3/5 (iii) 4m = 32

(b) Solve the expression below without using the Logarithm Table:
Log28 + Log24 – Log22

2. (a) Change the following numbers to base 10

(i) 12507 (ii) 1234 (iii) 55109 (iv) 11010012

(b) Convert the following numbers to base 2

(i) 15010 (ii) 2510 (iii) 357 (iv) 12213 (v) 4145

3. (a) Given that the universal set U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and it

has subsets A = {3, 5, 7}, B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} and D
= {2, 5, 10}. Find the following;
(i) A’ (ii) B’ (iii) A U B (iv) (A U D)’ (v) A Ո C
(vi) A Ո C Ո D (vii) A – B (viii) (B’ Ո C)’ (ix) A’ Ո D’
(x) (D Ո B’) – (A’ U B’)’

(b) Draw a Venn diagram for the questions number (i), (ii) and (iii)
above and shade the required regions.

4. Make x the subject of the formula in the equations below;

c−x 1
(i) h = c+x
(ii) A = x2y + b (iii) T = 3 πx2h

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