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1. In geographic research, it is not easy to take total population as a study unit. So, what
technique do you use to decide your study unit? A) Sampling technique B) use of
qualitative method C) changing the research topic D) dividing the study unit among many
2. To which geographical period do you associate extensive coal formation in Africa?
A) Jurassic B) Paleozoic C) cretaceous D) carboniferous
3. To which geologic era in Ethiopia do dinosaurs belong? Early Cenozoic era B) end of
Mesozoic era C) Precambrian era D) early Mesozoic era
4. Which of the following is not among the general use of research in geography?
A) being able to predict about future B) solving envn’tal or social problem
C) narrowing down the broad area of knowledge D) improving one’s writing, reading
and thinking skills
5. ---------- is used to describe the relief of a sea bed or bottom of a lake? A) Isohaypses
B) Isobaths C) Isomarine D) Isolacustrines
6. Which of the following is not directly associated with large territorial size of Ethiopia?
A) Its diverse climate B) its high rate of natural increase C) its great Varity of natural
resource D) its larger population size
7. The pluvial period in Ethiopia has resulted in the:- A) formation of potash B) lacustrine
deposit C) emergence of creater lakes D) formation of conical hills
8. The transgression of sea water from south- east to north- west Ethiopia took place
during ---------- era? A) Mesozoic B) Paleozoic C) Precambrian D) Cenozoic
9. Which one of the following is a secondary source of data? A) Questionnaires
B) interviews C) personal observation D) newspaper
10. --------are lines on maps that show the distribution of equal transportation cost?
A) Isohypes B) Isobar C) Isodopanes D) Isotransport
11. The type of map projection which is particularly suitable to the polar region is:-
A) zenithal projection B) conic projection C) rectangular projection D) cylindrical
12.The formation of inselbergs in parts of Ethiopia and the horn is one of the geological
event that took place during the ----A) Precambrian era B) Paleozoic era C) Mesozoic era
D) Cenozoic era
13. Which of the following neighboring countries share the shortest boundary with
Ethiopia? A) Somalia B) Kenya C) Sudan D) Djibouti
14. Which of the following was mainly responsible for the emergence of applied
geography as a responsible science in the latter parts of 20th c? A) The philosophy of
envn’tal Possiblism B) the emergence of regional geography C) the division of geography
into different branches of study D) the quantitative revolution
15. One of the following is incorrect about non-probability sampling? A) it involves use
of lottery system B) it is more appropriate for qualitative research C) the bases of such
sampling is personal decision by the researcher D) it involves a degree of sampling bias
16. Which of the following continents is crossed by the tropic of cancer, tropic of
Capricorn, the equator and the prim meridian? A) Africa B) Asia C) South America
D) Australia
17. In which regional division of Africa continent is Sudan found? A) Central Africa
B) Northern Africa C) Western Africa D) Eastern Africa
18. Which of the following best describes the shape of Ethiopia? A) Approximately
circular B) almost elongated C) more or less truncated D) considerably fragmented
19. Which of the following areas of Ethiopia is well known for its fossil rich sediments?
A) The chew-Bahir rift B) the Afar triangle C) the upper Ghibe valley D) the low lands of
20. In which of the following time zone is Ethiopia located? A) GMT-3 B) GMT+2
C) GMT+3 D) GMT+4
21. The present land of Ethiopia and horn mainly resulted from the geologic events of: -
A) Tertiary and quaternary periods of the Cenozoic era B) the Paleozoic era C) the
Precambrian era D) Jurassic and Triassic periods of the Mesozoic era
22. The Precambrian era is mainly associated with the formation of: - A) Bbasement
complex rocks B) sedimentary rocks C) coal deposits D) the east African rift valley
23. Map projection involves distortion of all the following except: - A) Border B) Shape
C) Distance D) Direction
24. One of the following methods is not commonly used to collect qualitative data?
A) Group interview B) personal observation C) FGD D) survey questionnaires
25. A type of map projection which maintains accuracy of direction is:- A) linear projecti
B) Homolographic projection C) orthomorphic projection D) azimuthal projection
26. All of the following geological event took place in Africa during Paleozoic era except
A) Denudation B) orogenesis C) peneplanation D) formation of coal
27. Which of the following combination of terms used in the preparation of  isoplethic
maps is not correct:- A) Isohyet, rainfall B) Isobar, pressure C) Isotherm, temperature
D) Isodapane, altitude
28. The key difference between thematic and topographic maps exist in their:- A) level of
accuracy B) scale C) content of object they portray D) projection
29.The astronomical location of a country is expressed by:- A) using lines of longitudes
and latitudes B) with the reference to the location of other land mass C) in relation to
location of water bodies D) in relation to the location of other countries
30. According to Ethiopian traditional classification of agro-ecological zones, the term
‘woina dega’ refers to an area that has --------climate: - A) Temperate B) Tropical
C) Sub-Tropical D) Desert
31. Topographic maps are described as a scenery maps, because they:- A) are written in
block letters B) show detail information C) show the whole parts of the earth D) are true
to scale
32. --------- is a method of showing a relief structure on a map by using different colors
or different intensities of the same color:- A) form lines B) layer tinting C) relief shade
D) hachures
33.Which of the following land forms naturally hinders intervisibility between two points
A) an even slope B) a concave slope C) a convex slope D) A and B are correct answers
34.The geographic information system has been used intensively over the past decades
for all of the following activities except in:- A) regulating and monitoring traffic flows
B) planning access to educational facilities C) mapping, analyzing and managing weather
conditions D) analyzing the root causes of inter-tribal conflicts in the horn of Africa
35. Studying of intervisibility of sites is carefully important in all of the following events
except:- A) during decisions on location of recreational sites B) while planning in
military operations C) while planning construction of infrastructures like roads & railway
D) for planning establishment of schools and health facilities
36.------ is a type of drainage pattern where rivers flow from surrounding high grounds towards a
central basin :- A) triangular drainage pattern B) centripetal drainage pattern
C) rectangular drainage pattern D) circular drainage pattern
37. Which of the following features rightly characterizes a hill? A) it is an area of high ground but
lower than a mountain in elevation B) it is formed by ground with steep slope in all direction C) it
is shown on topographic map by contour lines forming concentric circles D) A and C are correct
38. Which of the following river is characteristically different from the others? A) Tekeze
B) Baro C) Ghenale D) Awash
39. What does term drainage system mean? A) The physiographic structure of the catchment
areas of a river B) The direction of flow and destination of a river
C) The surface arrangement of the main river and their tributaries
D) The speed at which river flow through their upper, middle and lower courses
40. Baro river is a tributary of ------river. A) Ghilo B) Akobo C) White Nile D) Blue Nile
41. Which of the followings are the two most important rivers in the rift valley drainage system
of Ethiopia? A) Blate and Segan B) Awash and Omo C) Blate and Gidabo D) Awash and
42.Which one of the following statement about geography is not correct? A) geography is an
interdisciplinary subject B) the scope and definition of geography has remained static C) the
spatial and temporal distribution of phenomena is the core domain of geography
D) geography shares a wide range of information with social and natural sciences
43.Which one of the following towns is not located in the Ethiopian rift valley?
A) Arbaminch B) Adama C) Hawassa D) Agaro
44. --------- drainage pattern develops in areas where harder and softer rocks alternate owing to
the effects of tectonic forces. A) Trellis B) Radial C) Dendritic D) Rectangular
45.A cliff is indicated in a topographic map by:- A) evenly spaced contours B) widely spaced
contours C) overlapping contours D) closely spaced contours
46. ------- refers to an area of low ground surrounded by higher ground in all directions A) Ridge
B) Depression C) Saddle D) U- shaped valley
47.In topographic map,if there is no contours or if contours are drawn far apart shows:-
A) ridge B) mountain C) plain D) valley
48. A drainage pattern which characterizes areas like the lake Tana basin is:-
A) Centripetal B) Circular C) Dendritic D) Radial

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