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QUESTIONS 1995 – 2016


Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok




UNEB 1995

1. Areas of high population density in East Africa correspond with the areas with which
have fertile soils and:
A. Mineral deposits B. high temperatures
C. reliable rainfall D Good transport
2. The development of lateritic soils in East Africa is a result of:
A. erosion B. water logging
C. weathering D leaching
3. A river regime means
A. a river which has lost its ability to carry its load
B the whole area drained by a river and its tributaries
C. the seasonal variation of the volume of water in a river
D. Occasional flooding of the river valley
4. Which one of the following places receives double maxima rainfall regime in a
A. Songea B. Entebbe
C. Tanga D. Lodwar
5. Which of the following best explains why commercial ranching is being developed
in dry plateaus of East Africa?
A. the tsetse fly has been eradicated
B. water is available
C. veterinary services are available
D. Population is low while pastures are plenty
6. Which one of the following was the major reason for the establishment of the
cement industry at Tororo?
A. the presence of large quantities of limestone at Tororo
B. the existence of the Uganda railway
C. the construction of the Owen falls dam
D. the existence of markets in neighboring countries
7. Forest conservation in East Africa can be best achieved through
A. deforestation B. gazetting forested areas
C. controlled tree cutting D. re-afforestation
8. The most common method of catching fish on L. Kyoga is
A. Trawling
B. Using baskets
C. Gill netting
D. Purse seining
9. The most important reason for conserving wildlife in East Africa is to:
A. attract tourists B. regulate climate

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. sustain bio-diversity D. provide medicine

10. In which way has railway transport been useful in Uganda’s economic
A. opening up new places for mining
B. transporting bulky commodities at low cost
C. bringing imported goods
D. transporting passengers for long distances
11. The most serious problem faced by the people of Kabale district is
A. land fragmentation B. population pressure
C. soil erosion D. hill terracing
12. Which one of the following processes was responsible for the formation of Lake
A. Vulcanicity B. Folding
C. warping C. glaciations
13. Which of the following best represents stages in the formation of sedimentary
A. weathering, erosion and deposition
B. Erosion, weathering and deposition
C. erosion, deposition and weathering
D. weathering, deposition and erosion
14. Mountain Elgon receives heavy rainfall on its:
A. western slopes B. eastern slopes
C. south western slopes D. north western slopes
15. Ahero pilot scheme in western Kenya mainly grows
A. cotton B. vegetables
C. rice D. sugar cane
16. Which one of these activities provides the least employment opportunities to the
people of East Africa?
A. agriculture B. Fishing
C. mining and quarrying D. manufacturing
17. Mangrove forests are found along
A. shores of Lake Victoria B. shores of Lake Kyoga
C. East African coast D. Shores of Lake Magadi
18. Which one of the following fish landing sites is found on L. Albert?
A. Masese B. Rwampanga
C. Butiaba D. Rwenshama
19. The main factor hindering human settlement in Miombo woodlands is:
A. Low rainfall totals B. tsetse fly infestation
C. poor soils D. dense vegetation
20. The basin like volcanic feature found on top of some mountains of East Africa is

A. Vent B. Crater
C. cone D. plug

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


21. Which of the following I s easily weathered by rain water?

A. granite B. Limestone
C. Sand D. Clay
22. Lines drawn on a map through places having the same amount of temperature are
A. Isobars B. Isohyets
C. Contours D. Isotherms
23. Which one the following has greatly hindered agricultural development in
A. poor quality animals B. infertile soils
C. Shortage of water D. Poor transport facilities
24. Which of the following tree species is indigenous of to East Africa?
A. Eucalyptus B. Mvule
C. wattle D. Jacaranda
25. Which one of the following factors is more responsible for the variation of
vegetation zone on mountains of East Africa?
A. Slope B. Rainfall
B. Soil D. Altitude
26. Which of the following these schemes in East Africa uses overhead sprinkler
A. Kilombero B. Ahero
C. MweaTebere D. Mobuku
27. Which one of the following factors has contributed most towards the development
of Kilindini harbor?
A. It is well served by roads and railways
B. It has deep waters
C. It has a rich hinterland
D. t he old Mombasa harbor is shallow
28. Which of these areas receive the highest amount of rainfall in East Africa?
A. coastal plain B. Eastern plateau
C. highlands D. the coastal plain
29. The best way to combat rural urban migration is to:
A. improve agriculture sector in rural areas
B. open up more feeder roads to the rural areas
C. improve the social amenities in the rural areas
D. pass a law to stop people from moving to urban areas
30. Which of the following major relief features occupies the largest areas of East
A. the rift valley B. the central and lake plateau
C. the highland areas D. the coastal plains
31. The highlands of East Africa face great danger of soil erosion because of
A. steep slopes B. population pressure
C. high rainfall D. poor farming methods
32. The instrument used to measure the rainfall amount at a weather station is the

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. barometer B. hygrometer
C. rain gauge D. anemometer
33. In East Africa the co-operative movement has greatly helped farmers by:
A. marketing produce B. supervising farming activities
C. providing transport D. distributing inputs
34. The main reason why exotic trees have been introduced in East Africa is that
A. they grow faster to meet the demand
B. they have more valuable timber
C. the indigenous trees cannot be grown on plantations
D. the indigenous forests are being depleted
35. Uganda’s tourist industry is improving mainly because of
A. renovation of hotels B. improved security in the country
C. creation of more national parksD. rehabilitation of feeder roads

UNEB 1996
36. Which of the following best explains why central Tanzania is sparsely populated?
The area:
A. was depopulated by slave trade B. is infected with tsetse flies
C. is remote D. lacks valuable minerals
37. A volcanic plug is formed when:
A. molten lava solidifies in the vent B. lava spreads over an area
C. a secondary cone is eroded D. a batholith is exposed
38. Soil catena is
A. soil arrangement in Buganda region
B. vertical arrangement of soils
C. way soils on hills are used
D. sequence of soils down the slope
39. Which of the following factors greatly influence rainfall distribution in Kenya?
A. relief and distance from the sea
B. relief and inland water bodies
C. inland water bodies and distance from the sea
D. vegetation and south East trade winds
40. The most important factor which has encouraged sugarcane out growers in East
Africa is
A. availability of development loans B. Good price given for sugarcane
C. accessibility to a sugar factory D. good transport network
41. Which of the following best explains why Jinja has a concentration of industries?
A. is close to the hydro electricity power station
B. has a large population which provides market for its products
C. has a good road, rail and water transport network
D. is located at the shore of lake Victoria which provides water for its industries
42. Which of these activities has led to extensive deforestation in East Africa?
A. agriculture B. lumbering
C. bush burning D. mining and quarrying

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


43. Which of these areas in East Africa is best known for marine fishing?
A. Mtwaraand Tanga B. Mombasa and Dar-es-salaam
C. Mombasa and Kisumu D. Zanzibar and Pemba
44. The major problem faced by residents in urban areas in East Africa is:
A. thuggery and terrorism B. traffic congestion
C. inadequate accommodation D. disease epidemics
45. The most important factor for the development of the tourist industry in Uganda
A. beautiful scenery B. historical sites
C. wildlife C. pleasant climate
46. Transport and communication network in north Eastern Kenya is poorly developed
because the area is
A. under populated B. unproductive
C. landlocked D. tsetse fly infested
47. In Kenya, population is not evenly distributed mainly because of:
A. Poor transport and communication network
B. Differences in rainfall totals
C. The land tenure system
D. Differences in soil fertility
48. Ox-bow lakes on River Semliki in western Uganda are evidence of a river in its:
A. old stage B. youthful stage
B. mature stage D. juvenile stage
49. Soil erosion is a problem in Usambara Mountains because Of:
A. farmers’ low level of education B. over grazing
C. heavy rainfall received D. over cultivation
50. Which of the following areas has a dry season lasting from November to March?
A. the Kenyan highlands B. Central Tanzania
C. Northern Uganda D. Central area of Tanzania
51. Which of these is a biggest problem facing tobacco growers in West Nile?
A. poor transport network B. labour shortage
C. pests and diseases D. declining soil fertility
52. Which of the following is a by-product from copper mining?
A. mica B. slate
C. cobalt D. phosphorous
54. The type of settlement pattern found along a river system is:
A. nucleated settlement B. linear settlement
C. dispersed settlement D. clustered settlement
55. The gaps in the coral platforms along the East African coast are a result of:
A. silted river action B. lime water dissolving the rock
C. mechanical dredging to make the harbor
D. saline water eroding the rock
56. Laterite soils are formed as a result of:
A. deposition of leached iron and aluminium compounds under wet and

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


B. continued flooding leading to the formation of hard rocks.

C. existence of thick vegetation cover which prevents soil erosion of the top soil.
D. uncontrolled use of land for perennial crops
57. Which part of East Africa receives the heaviest rainfall?
A. the shores of Lake Victoria B. the rift valleys
C. the highlands D. the coastal region
58. Nomadic pastoralists are people who:
A. practice mixed farming in dry areas
B. move their cattle from place to place
C. graze their animals in dry areas
D. own large herds of cattle
59. Which of the following minerals are found in Kipengere ranges of Southern
A. Coal and Tin B. Coal and Iron Ore
C. Tin and Iron Ore D. Copper and Tungsten
60. Uganda’s fishing industry has improved mainly because of:
A. increased market from PTA countries
B. very high meat prices
C. increase in fish processing plants
D. importation of modern fishing gear
61. Most of the towns in Uganda are basically:
A. commercial and recreational
B. commercial and industrial
C. Commercial and cultural
D. commercial and administrative
62. Which one of the following cash crops in East Africa requires well drained acidic
A. Cotton B Tea
C. Sugarcane D. Coffee
63. Which one of the following rocks is a result of metamorphism?
A. Slate B. Obsidian
C. Chalk D. Clay
64. The shores of Lake Victoria are densely populated because of:
A. large industrial establishment
B. their central location in East Africa
C. reliable rainfall
D. presence of hydroelectricity power
65. Igneous rocks are formed as a result of:
A. intense heat and pressure within earth’s crust
B. gradual deposition of alluvial materials
C. gradual crystallization of rocks
D. deposition of volcanic material
66. Lines drawn on a map through places of the same atmospheric pressure are

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. isotherms B. isobars
C. isohyets D. grids
67. Nandi escarpment in western Kenya was formed due to:
A. volcanic eruption B. faulting
C. erosion of steep hills D. down warping
68. Farmers practice crop rotation because in order to:
A. maintain soil fertility
B. control leaching of soils
C. prevent soil erosion
D. discourage weed multiplication
69. Which of these primary products is imported in large quantities in East Africa?
A. Iron Ore B. Limestone
C. Crude Oil D. Natural g as
70. In East Africa most game parks are located in areas of
A. low population and moderate rainfall
B. high agricultural value but tsetse infested
C. high rainfall but infertile soils
D. low rainfall and sparse population
71. Which of the following is a major town for Uganda’s inter-territorial trade?
A. Port bell B. Jinja
C. Busia D. Tororo

UNEB 1997
72. The Kidepo valley in North Eastern Uganda is sparsely populated because it:
A. is an arid region B. is a nature conservation area
B. is remote and inaccessible D. has unproductive soils
73. On which of the following mountains are glacial features found?
A. Mt. Moroto B. Mt. Longonot
C. Mt. Kenya D. Mt. Meru
74. The North Eastern shores of Lake Victoria experience a type of climate which is
A. warm and dry B. warm and wet
C. cool and dry D. cool and wet
75. The development of lateritic soils in central Uganda is a result of:
A. leaching B. weathering
C. erosion D. decomposition
76. The most serious problem limiting agricultural development in East Africa is:
A. lack of capital B. poor land tenure system
C. Loss of soil fertility D. unfavourable government policies
77. Seven forks power scheme is located on river:
A. Mara B. Gori
C. Gallana D. Tana
78. The top of Mt. Kilimanjaro lacks vegetation because:
A. No vegetation can grow beyond 4500m
B. the mountain top is covered by snow

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. heavy rainfall washed down soils

D. There is a lake at mountain top
79. Which of the following measures has be taken to control indiscriminate fishing in
on Lake Victoria?
A. Regulating periods of fishing activity
B. Licensing of fishermen
C. Patrolling fishing grounds
D. enforcing strict laws on fishnet sizes
80. Which of the following towns in East Africa grew as a mining centre?
A. Kilembe B. Mbale
C. Webuye D. Tabora
81. Which of the following national parks is found in Kenya?
A. Tsavo and Mt. Elgon B Marsabit and Serengeti
C. Tsavo and Kitavi D. Amboseli and Ruaha
82. Which of the following means of transport can be used to transport horticultural
products from Uganda to Europe?
A. water transport B. Air transport
C. road transport D. railway transport
83. Kenya has an average population density of:
A. 5.3% B. 3.0%
C. 3.8% D. 2.5%
84. Lake Tanganyika was formed as a result of
A. Vulcanicity B. Down warping
C. damming D. Faulting
85. Which of the following rocks is the most resistant to erosion?
A. Marble B. Limestone
C. Quartzite D. Sandstone
86. The instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure is called
A. a barometer B. a hygrometer
C. An anemometer D. a thermometer
87. The reclaimed swamps in Kigezi are mainly used for growing
A. pyrethrum B. vegetables
C. tobacco D. coffee
88. Which of the following best represents the stages of diamond processing?
A. cleaning, separation, milling, sorting
B. Separation, Sorting, Milling, Cleaning
C. Cleaning, Milling, Sorting, Separation
D. Separation, Cleaning, Sorting, Milling
89. Population density refers to the
A. total population of an area
B. number of citizens in a country
C. distribution of people in a country
D. number of people per country
90. Savannah woodlands of central Tanzania have been used for

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. pastoral farming B. tourism and wildlife

C. commercial ranching D. bee keeping
91. Which of the following is an erosional feature found on the East African coast?
A. spit B. Bar
C. cave D. Tombolo
92. Which of the following rivers provides Kilombero sugar plantation with water for
A. Rufiji B. Pangani
C. Ruaha D. Msolwa
93. A small percentage of fish caught in East Africa is exported mainly because of
A. competition from other countries
B. Poor methods of fish preservation
C. low export prices for fish
D. Poor fishing methods
94. Most industries in Nairobi are located on the edge of the city centre because of
A. cause pollution which is unwanted in the centre
B. need a lot of land cheaply found outside the centre
C. require cheap labour found outside the city centre
D. benefit from the potential market outside the centre
95. The largest game reserve in Uganda is
A. Bukora-corridor B. Aswa –Lolim
C. Kibale D. Karuma
96. The areas of highest population density in Tanzania correspond with the areas
which have fertile soils and
A. high temperature B. reliable rainfall
C. large mineral deposits D. reliable transport
97. Lake Teleki is an example of
A. a crater lake C. a lagoon
C. an ox-bow lake D. a tarn
98. Which of the following is an igneous rock?
A. Sandstone B. Shale
C. Granite D. Limestone
99. The driest slopes of Mt. Elgon are found towards the
A. South-East B. North-East
C. South-West D. North-West
100. Diary farms have been successfully established in the Kenya highlands due to
A. effective disease control B. introduction of artificial insemination
C. division of land into paddocks D. practicing of castration and de-horning
101. The crude oil in Mombasa is refined at
A. Shimanzi B. Changamwe
C. Kipevu D. Kilindini harbor
102. Limited undergrowth exists in rain forest of East Africa because these are
A. rainforests drop many leaves killing the undergrowth.
B. the closely netted roots of forest trees kill other growing plants.

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. the dense canopy limits sunlight penetration

D. the dense canopy prevents rain from reaching the ground
103. Fishing on Lakes Hannington, Nakuru and Natron is limited because these are
A. narrow lakes B. rift valley lakes
C. alkaline lakes D. dry region lakes
104. Which one of the following sea ports serves the largest hinterland?
A. Dar-es-salaam B. Tanga
C. Mombasa D. Zanzibar
105. Wildlife conservation areas in East Africa are mainly established to:
A. Protect rare plant species B. attract tourists
C. provide research grounds D. discourage game hunting
106. Which one of the following means of transport has been essential in the
development of the mining sector in East Africa?
A. Railway transport B. Water transport
C. Road transport D. Air transport

UNEB 1998
107. Population distribution in East Africa is mostly influenced by
A. Soils B. Relief
C. Climate D. Vegetation
108. Which one of the following mountain has a glacier?
A. Meru B. Usambara
C. Aberdares D. Rwenzori
109. The most effective method of controlling soil erosion in the highland areas of East
Africa is by:
A. contour ploughing B. intercropping
C. terracing D. contours
110. Lines drawn on a map to show places having the same amount of temperature are
A. Isohyets B. Isotherms
C. Isobars D. Contours
111. The major problem affecting tea growing in Kericho is
A. inadequate rainfall B. severe hailstorms
C. loss of soil fertility D. poor transport
112. The Seven Forks River project is found on river:
A. Tana B. Athi
C. Nzoia D. Mara
113. Which of the following activities is mostly responsible for deforestation in East
A. Quarrying B. Road construction
C. Lumbering D. Small scale industry
114. The most common type of fish caught on Lake Tanganyika is:
A. Cod B. Salmon
C. Dagaa D. Tilapia

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


115. Which of the following ports is found on Lake Victoria?

A. Kigoma B. Bukungu
C. Butiaba D. Musoma
116. Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya is best known for:
A. Giraffes B. Elephants
C. Flamingos D. Buffalos
117. Inter-territorial trade in East Africa is not well developed because countries
A. are economically self-reliant B. have a poor transport network
C. produce similar goods D. are politically unstable
118. Miombo woodlands are sparsely populated mainly because of
A. remoteness B. poor soils
C. tsetse flies D. thick vegetation
119. Which of the following lakes in East Africa were formed due crustal down warping?
A. Victoria and Kyoga B. Tanganyika and Malawi
C. Turkana and Magadi D. Buyonyi and Mutanda
120. Minerals of Tororo are obtained from
A. crystalline rocks B. volcanic rocks
C. sedimentary rocks D. sand stones
121. The instrument used to measure wind speed at a weather station is called
A. barometer B. anemometer
C. wind vane D. hygrometer
122. The major crop grown on the Ahero irrigation scheme is
A. cotton B. tobacco
C. rice D. groundnuts
123. Small scale industries should be encouraged in East Africa mainly because they
A. are cheap to establish B. provide employment
C. are capital saving D. require semi-skilled labour
124. Exotic tree species have been introduced in East Africa mainly because they
A. are more valuable B. have soft timber
C. mature faster D. are more resistant
125. The most common method of catching fish on Lake Victoria is
A. purse seining B. trawling
C. gill netting D. trolling
126. National parks have been established in East Africa in order to
A. utilize marginal land B. promote tourism
C. discourage nomadism D. conserve the environment
127. Kenya exports more industrial products than any other country in East Africa
mainly because it
A. has better quality goods B. is not landlocked
C. has more industries D. is politically stable
128. Mt. Kilimanjaro is an example of
A. a volcanic plug B. an exposed batholiths
C. a block mountain D. a composite volcano
129. The western parts of Kenya are densely populated mainly because of

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. concentration of industries B. high fertility rates

C. good transport network D. suitable climate
130. Which of the following rocks in East Africa are igneous?
A. Obsidian and basalt B. Limestone and coal
C. Quartz and graphite D. Sandstone and shale
131. Construction of valley dams in Karamoja is very difficult mainly because of
A. porous soils B. seasonal rivers
C. land lockedness D. sedimentation
132. Pyrethrum in East Africa best grows in areas of
A. cool moist conditions B. low altitude
C. high temperatures D. Seasonal flooding
133. Which one of the following features in East Africa was formed due to river
A. Wind gap B. Waterfall
C. Delta D. Fjord
134. Soil erosion in Kondoa district of Tanzania has mainly been caused by
A. Seasonal rainfall B. Overgrazing
C. steep gradient D. Shifting cultivation
135. Which of the following industries is found in Mombasa?
A. copper smelting B. Oil refining
C. Motor vehicle assembly D. Watch making
136. The fishing industry in Uganda has improved mainly because of
A. importation of modern fishing gear
B. increase of fish species
C. widening of the market
D. Favourable government policy
137. Which one of the following is an in-land port?
A. Lamu B. Malindi
C. Mwanza D. Tanga
138. Which of the following is a coastal landform?
A. Spit B. Tarn
C. Crater D. Arete
134. The Mobuku irrigation scheme obtains its water from river
A. Mpanga B. Sebwe
C. Nyamugasani D. Nyabisheke
135. Rail transport in East Africa is important because it helps to
A. open up remote areas B. cheaply transport bulky goods
C. quickly transport perishable goods
D. open up areas for tourism
136. The process by which a river erodes its bed using its bed using its load is called
A. abrasion B. attrition
C. hydraulic action D. Solution

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


UNEB 1999
137. The existence of more people in an area than the available resources is called
A. Sparse population B. over population
C. under population D. dense population
138. Which of the following lakes in East Africa was formed as a result of lava
A. Bunyonyi B. Victoria
C. Rukwa D. Natron
139. Temperature inversion in East Africa is mainly experienced in the
A. Lake Victoria C. Kigezi highlands
C. the coastal region D. Nyika plateau
140 Which of the following rocks are metamorphic?
A. Basalt B. Sandstone
C. Granite D. Marble
141. Agricultural production in East Africa can be best increased by
A. employing more labour B. improving the roads
D. acquiring more capital D. stabilizing agricultural prices
142. Soda ash in East Africa is obtained from lake
A. Magadi B. Mburo
C. Turkana D. Rukwa
143. Which of the following best represents vegetation zonation on Mt. Kilimanjaro?
A. Savannah, forests and moorland
B. Forests, savannah and moorland
C. Moorland, savannah and forests
D. Savannah, moorland and forests.
144. Over fishing on Uganda’s lakes has mainly resulted from
A. increased demand for fish
B. improved transport network
C. use of wrong size nets
D. improved fishing methods
145. Which of the following commodities are handled by the port of Mombasa?
A. Coal and coffee B. Crude oil and cement
C. Cotton and wheat D. Sugar and pyrethrum
146. Diamonds in Tanzania are found in
A. igneous rocks B. sedimentary rocks
C. metamorphic rocks D. leached areas
147. East African countries predominantly export
A. fish products B. agricultural products
C. mineral products D. forestry products
148. The high population density in Kabale district is mainly due to
A. availability of food B. immigration from Rwanda
C. high fertility rates D. land fragmentation
149. The renewed erosive activity by a river is called
A. river regime B. Siltation

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. Rejuvenation D. Hydrolysis
150. Lateritic soils in East Africa develop as a result of
A. sedimentation B. exfoliation
C. Leaching D. water logging
151. The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure at a weather station is
A. hydrometer B. barometer
C. hygrometer D. anemometer
152. Ahero scheme in Kenya obtains its irrigation water from river
A. Nyando B. Sondu
C. Guchu D. Nzoia
154. In which of the following towns in East Africa is cement manufactured?
A. Lodwar B. Mbale
C. Dodoma D. Tanga
155. Mangrove forests in East Africa are found
A. along the coast B. on mountain peaks
C. high fertility rates D. land fragmentation
156. T he greatest problem facing the fishing industry in East Africa is
A. Poor transport network B. use of wrong net sizes
C. lack of capital D. strong winds
157. Which of the following fish landing sites is found on Lake Edward?
A. Butiaba B. Musoma
C. Rwampanga D. Rwenshama
158. Afforestation programmes in East Africa are mainly intended for
A. conservation B. promoting eco-tourism
C. waterfalls D. increasing humus in the soil
159. River transport is not well developed in East Africa mainly because most rivers
A. shallow valleys B. suspended boulders
C. waterfalls D. meanders
160. The feature formed when a sheet of magma cools along a bedding plane is called
A. dyke B. laccolith
C. batholiths D. sill
161. In Tanzania cattle ranching is mainly carried out around
A. Mbeya B. Kongwa
C. Songea D. kigoma
162. North Eastern Uganda is sparsely populated due to
A. limited social services B. hostile tribes
C. unreliable rainfall D. leached soils
163. Which one of the following mountains is a block mountain?
A. Kilimanjaro B. Rwenzori
C. Elgon D. Kenya
164. The Kigezi highlands experience soil erosion mainly because of
A. land fragmentation B. cultivating steep slopes

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. draining wetlands D. torrential rainfall

165. The seasonal changes in the volume of water in a river is called
A. profile B. rejuvenation
C. watershed D. regime
167. Coral reefs in East Africa grow
A. in temperatures below 10oC B. near river mouths
C. in very deep waters D. in salty waters
168. The major problems facing pastoralists in North Eastern Uganda are
A. tsetse flies and water shortage B. poor roads and pastures
C. tsetse flies and poor roads D. water shortage and poor breeds
169. Coal in Southern Tanzania has not been mined due to
A. low market demand B. poor transport system
C. limited skilled labour D. its low grade
170. Wildlife conservation is mainly intended to
A. minimize poaching B. attract tourists
C. provide medicine D. modify climate
171. The transport sector in North Eastern Kenya is poorly developed because the area
A. hilly and rugged B. tsetse fly infested
C. under developed D. unproductive
172. The most common method of fish preservation used on Lake Kyoga landing sites is
A. salting B. sun drying
C. freezing D. smoking
173. In East Africa most game reserves are located in areas of
A. low rainfall B. high population
C. very fertile soils D. rugged terrain

UNEB 2000
174. The settlement pattern found along transport and communication routes is called
A. linear B. dispersed
C. nucleated D. clustered
175. Which of the following feature is a result of extrusive vulcanicity?
A. dyke B. volcanic plug
C. Sill D. Batholiths
176. Continued evaporation of iron and aluminium oxides within the soil and under wet
and humid conditions is called
A. water logging B. salination
C. evapo-transpiration D. leaching
177. The lowest mean annual rainfall in Tanzania is received at
A. Tukuyu B. Mbeya
C. Songea D. Mwanza
178. Pyrethrum in East Africa best grows on the
A. highlands B. plateau
C. coastal plains D. right valley floor

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


179. Kilembe mines were closed mainly due to

A. a fall in world copper prices B. decline in copper ore quality
C. breakdown in railway transport D. absence of labour
180. The type of forests found in the highland areas of East Africa are
A. mangrove forests B. montane forests
C. tropical forests D. bamboo forests
181. Which one of the following fish landing sites is found on Lake George?
A. Wanseko B. Ntoroko
C. Magyo D. Kasenyi
182. Tanga has developed into an important port mainly because of
A. a good harbor and a large population
B. a rich hinterland and availability of hydro electricity power
C. Availability of hydro electricity and a large population
D. a rich hinterland and a good road transport.
183. The tourist industry is important in East Africa mainly because it has
A. promoted international co-operation
B. led to wildlife conservation
C. diversified the economy
D. yielded foreign exchange
184. Coral landforms along the East African coast are found in areas with
A. fresh water B. muddy water
C. salty water D. cold water
185. T he vertical arrangement of soil erosions is called
A. profile B. catena
C. solifuction D. porosity
186. Isobars are lines drawn on map to show areas with the same
A. temperature B. wind speed
C. humidity D. pressure
187. The most dominant method of livestock rearing in East Africa is
A. zero grazing B. rotational grazing
C. Nomadic pastoralism D. Transhumance
188. Which one of the following is the major source of energy used in industries in East
A. Petroleum B. Coal
C. Hydro Electricity D. Biogas
189. The major economic activity which has led to extensive destruction of forests in
East Africa is
A. mining B. agriculture
C. brick making D. lumbering
190. Which one of the following ports is found on Lake Victoria?
A. Kibanga B. Kasenyi
C. Bukungu D. Butiaba
191. The renewed down cutting of a river due to a change in sea level is called
A. reversed drainage B. braiding

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C. river capture D. rejuvenation

192. Which one of the following is a sedimentary rock?
A. Basalt B. Gypsum
C. Gneiss D. Shale
193. Temperature differences in East Africa are mainly caused by variation in
A. latitude B. cloud cover
C. altitude D. vegetation cover
194. MweaTebere resettlement scheme predominantly grows
A. sugar cane B. vegetable
C. cotton D. rice
195. Most minerals in East Africa have not yet been exploited because they exist in
A. remote areas B. small quantities
C. politically unstable areas D. agriculturally rich areas
196. The most common type of fish caught in Lake Tanganyika is
A. Black bass B. Dagaa
C. Salmon D. Barbus
197. Which of the following has greatly promoted Uganda’s tourist industry?
A. Good climate B. Rich culture
C. Abundant wildlife D. Good historical sites
198. The weathered materials transported by a river is called
A. profile B. catchment
C. load D. regime
199. The type of erosion experienced in Kondoa district of Tanzania is called
A. gulley erosion B. sheet erosion
C. glacial erosion D. Rill erosion
200. East Africa’s exports are dominated by
A. forestry products B. agricultural products
C. mineral ores D. manufactured goods
201. Which one of the following mountains in East Africa is a block mountain?
A. Mt. Kenya B. Mt. Kilimanjaro
C. Mt. Usambara D. Mt. Muhavura
202. The high rate of soil erosion in the highland areas of East Africa is mainly a result
A. High rainfall B. steep gradient
C. increased deforestation D. increased leaching
203. North Eastern Kenya is very dry because
A. lying outside of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone
B. The North East trade winds
C. High transpiration rates
D. Absence of thick vegetation
204. Oil refineries have been located at the East African coast because
A. There is abundant labour B. of abundant energy supply
C. of a wide market for oil D. The raw material is bulky
205. Which one of the following features is found in the senile stage of a river?

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.A. Flood Plain B. Interlocking Spur

C. meander C. V-shaped valley
206. The most common method of fishing on Lake Kyoga is
A. trawling B. purse seining
C. gill netting D. beach seining
207.The major problem affecting the development of the tourist industry in East Africa
A. poor hotel management B. hostile tribes
C. poor road network D. destruction of wildlife
208. The Tanzam railway was constructed in order to
A. transport bulky oil to Zambia
B. increase the level of employment
C. develop the southern highlands of Tanzania
D. improve port facilities

UNEB 2001
209. Rapid population growth in Kenya is mainly a result of
A. increased immigrations B. high birth rates
C. good nutrition levels D. Improved medical care
210. Which one of the following features is found in the youthful stage of a river?
A. Levee B. Ox-bow lake
C. Delta D. Gorge
211. The sequence of the soil types down a slope is called
A. Catena B. Screes
C. Profile D. Aeration
213. The most dominant crop grown on the Ahero Pilot scheme is
A. Maize B. Cotton
C. Rice D. Pyrethrum
214. Hale power project is found on river
A. Pangani B. Tana
C. Rufiji D. Ruaha
215. The type of forest found along the coastal areas of East Africa are
A. montane forest B. equatorial forest
C. mangrove forest D. Bamboo forests
216. Which one of the following is the greatest problem faced by the fishing industry in
A. limited market B. poor transport network
C. poor fishing equipment D. limited fish species
217. Congestion at the port of Dar-es-salaam can best be reduced by
A. containerization B. dredging
C. traffic control D. vessel diversification
218. The tourist industry in East Africa is an example of
A. a visible export B. an invisible export
C. Subsistence sector D. an informal sector

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219. River Nile has not been effectively used for transport mainly because of the
presence of
A. floating vegetation B. dangerous crocodiles
C. abundant rock sediments D. rapids and waterfalls
220. Which of the following is a depositional feature?
A. Delta B. Knick point
C. Pyramidal peak D. Inselburg
221. The loosening, decaying and breakup of rocks is called
A. weathering B. attraction
C. erosion D. siltation
222. The speed of wind at a weather station is measured by
A. Wind Vane B. Six’s thermometer
C. anemometer D. barometer
223. In Tanzania sisal is mainly grown around
A. Arusha B. Lindi
C. Moshi C. Tanga
224. A cement factory was established at Hima because of existence of
A. large limestone deposits B. cheap labour
C. a large market D. a railway line
225. Which one of the following best shows vegetation zonation on Mt. Kilimanjaro?
A. Savannah grassland, tropical evergreen forests, bamboo forests
B. Bamboo forests, savannah grassland, heath and moorland
C. Savannah grassland, bamboo forests, tropical evergreen forests
D. Tropical evergreen forests, heath and moorland
226. The most common type of fish caught in Lake Victoria is
A. Bagrus B. Barbus
C. Tilapia D. Salmon
227. Which one of the following is a glacial landform?
A. Tombolo B. Cwm
C. Lacolith D. Meander
228. Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?
A. Marble B. Sandstone
C. Shale D. Limestone
229. The amount of water vapour in the air expressed as a percentage of vapour the
air can hold when it is saturated is called
A. Maximum entropy B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Relative humidity D. Evapo-transpiration
230. Woolen textiles mills in East Africa are found n
A. Mbale B. Iringa
C. Kisumu D. Nakuru
231. Which of the following feature are found in limestone areas of East Africa?
A. Sills B. Stalagmites
C. Eskers D. Levees
232. The highest mean annual rainfall in East Africa is received at

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. Kotido B. Wajir
C. Mbeya D. Lodwar
233. Which one of the following crops best grows in northern Uganda?
A. Coffee B. Simsim
C. Bananas D. Pyrethrum
234. Industrial expansion in Kampala has mainly been limited by
A. A narrow market B. Land shortage
C. Limited capital D. shortage of raw materials
235. Extensive deforestation in East Africa has mainly been a result of
A. Increased agriculture B. Uncontrolled lumbering
C. Unchecked bush burning D. Mining and quarrying
236. Which one of the following fish landing sites is found on Lake Kyoga?
A. Wanseko B. Lwampanga
C. Rwenshema D. Masese
237. Mombasa is a very good port mainly because it has
A. ice free conditions and deep waters
B. Sheltered harbor and hard basement rock
C. hard basement rock and deep waters
D. deep waters and sheltered harbor
238. Most of the national parks in East Africa are found in areas with
A. high rainfall and sparse population density
B. low population and low rainfall
C. Dense population and high soil fertility
D. High rainfall and tsetse fly infestation
239. Which of the following products are exported in largest in largest quantities from
East Africa?
A. Manufactured goods B. Mineral ores
C. Agricultural products D. Synthetic fibres
240. Which one of the following areas has the highest population density in East Africa?
A. Kisumu B. Mbeya C. Gulu D. Lodwar
241. A feature formed when lava solidifies in a vent is called
A. volcanic plug B. lava plain
C. drumlin D. Caldera
242. The slopes of Mt. Elgon which receive the highest rainfall are found in the
A. South-west B. North-East
C. South-East D. North-West
243. Which one of the following is the best method of controlling soil erosion in the
highland areas in East Africa?
A. Controlled grazing B. Contour ploughing
C. Mixed farming D. inter-cropping

UNEB 2002
244. The major factor influencing population distribution in East Africa is
A. Soil B. Climate

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C. Vegetation D. Drainage
225. Which of the following features are found in the upper course of a river?
A. Waterfalls and interlocking spurs B. Potholes and levees
C. Levees and truncated spurs D. waterfalls and slip off
226. Chemical weathering in East Africa mainly occurs in areas of
A. very low temperatures B. High altitudes
C. High temperatures D. Very low rainfall totals
227. Which of the following crops in East Africa grow well in areas of low rainfall?
1. Cotton 2. Sisal 3. Tea 4. Pyrethrum
A. 1 and 3 B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4
228. Savannah grasslands in East Africa are mainly used for
A. Nomadic pastoralism B. Charcoal burning
C. Bee keeping D. Hunting
229. Which of the following fish preservation methods are widely used in East Africa?
1. Smoking 2. Salting 3. Refrigeration 4. Canning
A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 2
230. Fishing on Lake Turkana has been greatly improved through
1. Formation of co-operative unions for fishermen
2. Improvement of roads in the region
3. Introduction of new fish species
4. Use of modern fishing gear
A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 2 D. 3 and 4
231. Which of the following lakes has the richest tilapia fishing ground in East Africa?
A. Tanganyika B. Wamala C. Kyoga D. naivashsa
232. Lake Nakuru in East Africa has been established mainly to conserve
A. flamingos B. Crocodiles
C. Whites Rhinos D. Crested cranes
233. Which of the following explains why population density of Northern Kenya is
lower than that around Lake Victoria?
A. low rainfall and infertile soils B. Hot climate and disease
C. Low rainfall and thick vegetation D. Hostile tribes and hot climate
234. A delta formed at the mouth of the river is a result of
A. Rejuvenation B. Deposition
C. Lateral erosion D. Boulder clay
235. Which one of the following rocks is formed from animal remains?
A. Coal B. Coral Limestone
C. Sandstone D. Boulder clay
236. Physical weathering in semi-arid areas of East Africa is mainly due to
A. strong winds B. de-vegetation
C. overgrazing D. temperature changes

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237. Which of the following heavy industries is found in East Africa?

A. Ship building and textiles B. Textiles and food processing
C. Food processing and car assembly D. Ship building and car
238. Soft wood plantation in Uganda are mainly used to provide
A. poles B. Pulp
C. Plywood D. Tannin
239. Which of the following is Uganda’s leading invisible export?
A. Cocaine B. Skilled labour
C. Tourism D. Hydro-electricity
240. The major problem resulting from rapid urbanization in Kenya
A. Unemployment B. Shortage of accommodation
C. Poor sanitation D. Shortage of agricultural
241. Which of the following waterfalls is found on River Nile?
A. Sezibwa B. Kalambo
C. Bujjagali D. Sipi
242. Isohyets are lines drawn on a map joining places of the same
A. humidity B. pressure
C. rainfall D. temperature
243. Which of the following industries is an example of a primary industry?
A. Fishing B. Food processing
C. Textiles D. Tourism
244. The tourist industry in Uganda has improved mainly because of
A. renovation of up country hotels B. Improved political climate
C. increased advertisement D. rehabilitation of roads
245. Which of the following mountains in East Africa was formed by faulting?
A. Kilimanjaro B. Kenya
C. Usambara D. Longonot
246. Large areas of central Tanzania are mainly used for growing annual crops due to
A. fertile soils B. a long dry season
C. increase advertisement D. Absence of market
247. Which of the following minerals are found in Tororo?
A. limestone and beryl B. Iron ore and phosphates
C. Iron ore and beryl D. Phosphates and limestone
248. The Karamoja region is sparsely populated mainly because of
A. food shortage B. unreliable rainfall
C. High temperatures D. Poor soils
249. Which one of the following lakes was formed due to glaciations?
A. Ox-bow lakes B. Lagoons
C. Crater lakes D. Tarns
250. The main reason for dominance of subsistence farming in Uganda is
1. Limited market 2. Inadequate funds
3. Conservative attitude 4. Poor transport
A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4
251. Which of the following exotic tree species is most widely planted in Uganda?
A. Cyprus B. Wattle
C. Eucalyptus D. Spruce
252. Which of the following processes leads to the formation of lateritic soils?
A. Erosion B. Sedimentation
C. Leaching D. Deposition
253. The major source of energy used in Kenya’s industries is
A. geothermal B. Hydro-electricity
C. Solar D. Thermal
254. Which of the following is the most widespread agent of soil erosion in East Africa?
A. wind erosion B. glaciations
C. running water D. wave erosion
255. The glaciated Rwenzori mountain landscape is mostly important for
A. tourism B. settlement
C. agriculture D. hunting
256. Which of the following areas in East Africa is known for tea growing?
A. Takaba B. Kericho
C. Liwale D. Maracha
257. Which of the following is the major tourism attraction in East Africa?
A. cultural sites B. Mountain scenery
C. Flora and Fauna D. Climate

UNEB 2003
258. The areas around Lake Victoria are densely populated because of
A. fertile soils B. absence of tsetse flies
C. the presence of many industries D. a warm climate
259. Coral limestone is an example of
A. an igneous rock B. A sedimentary rock
C. a metamorphic rock D. a warm climate
260. Convection rainfall is received in
A. Kapchorwa B. Entebbe
C. Kabale D. Kasese
261. Which of the following crops grow well in the highland areas of East Africa?
A. Sisal and sugarcane B. Cotton and maize
C. Tea and Cocoa D. Pyrethrum and wheat
262. The development of hydro-electricity power plants in Kenya is mainly intended to
A. produce enough power for export
B. supply enough power to rural areas
C. provide employment to the local people
D. Reduce dependence on imported electricity
263. Which of the following fish species is found in fresh waters?
A. Cod B. Sardines
C. Tilapia D. Mackerel

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


264. The number of tourists visiting Bwindi National Park has declined mainly because
A. political instability B. Depletion of wildlife
C. poor road network D. poor accommodation
265. The most flexible means of transport in East Africa is
A. road transport B. water transport
C. air transport D. railway transport
266. Most of the highlands of East Africa are densely populated mainly because of
A. relief and rainfall B. relief and fertile soils
C. cool climate and climate D. cool climate and fertile soils
267. Lakes Bunyonyi and Mutanda are examples
A. lava dammed lakes B. erosion lakes
C. glacial depositional lakes D. cool climate and fertile soils
268. Which of the following are chemical weathering processes?
A. exfoliation and frost shattering B. Solution and hydration
C. Block disintegration and exfoliation D. Frost shattering and oxidation
269. The major factor limiting agricultural production in Kenya is
A. poor transport B. presence of pests and diseases
C. Inadequate rainfall D. Fluctuation
270. Which of the following are secondary industries?
A. Sugar refining and fishing B. Textiles and quarrying
C. Fishing and quarrying D. Textiles and sugar refining
271. Soft wood forests in Kenya are mainly used for provision of
A. timber B. plywood
C. pulp D. firewood
272. Which of the following towns in Uganda is mostly affected by air pollution?
A. Mbale B. Mukono
C. Tororo D. Lira
273. Uganda has promoted tourism through the
1. Expansion of national parks
2. Conservation of bio-diversity
3. Improvement of hotels and lodges
4. Liberalization of the private sector
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4 C. 3 and 4 D. 2 and 3
274. Ox-bow lakes in Kenya are found on river
A. Nzoia B. Athi C. Tana D. Turkwel
275. The main cause of land fragmentation in south-western Uganda is
1. Installment buying and selling of land
2. High population density
3. Polygamy
4. High fertility rates
A. 1 and 2 B. 1 and 4
B. 3 and 4 D. 2 and 3
276. Uganda’s main export crop

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A. cotton B. tea
C. Coffee D. tobacco
277. The main feature formed when a block of the earth’s crust is depressed between
parallel faults is a
A. block mountain B. hanging valley
C. tilt block D. rift valley
278. Isotherms are lines drawn on a map to join points with the same
A. pressure B. altitude
C. temperature D. humidity
279. Jinja is declining as an industrial centre because of
1. Political instability
2. Decline in cotton industry
3. Departure of entrepreneurs
4. Shortage of labour
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 4
280. Miombo woodlands in East Africa are thinly populated because of
A. thick forests B. tsetse flies
C. remoteness D. unfavourable climate
281. Coral polyps grow well in water which is
A. silty B. Cold
C. warm D. deep
282. The soil formed as a result of water deposition is known as
A. sandy B. clay
C. loamy D. alluvial
283. Coffee grows well on the northern shores of Lake Victoria because of
1. Fertile alluvial soils
2. Reliable rainfall
3. Skilled manpower
4. Absence of pests and diseases
A. 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4
C. 1 and 4 D. 2 and 4
284. The method used to extract diamonds at Mwadui is
A. deep pit B. adit
C. alluvial D. open cast
285. The Taita hills in Kenya are densely populated mainly due to
A. reliable rainfall B. cool temperatures
C. fertile soils D. efficient transport
286. Which of the following tribes in East Africa are nomadic pastoralists?
A. Turkana B. Iteso
C. Sukuma D. Gogo
287. The most common type of fish caught on Lake Kyoga is
A. Lungfish B. Tilapia
C. Nile perch D. Haplochromi

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


288. Which of the following are the characteristics of savannah woodlands in East
1. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season
2. Trees have needle-like leaves
3. Trees are umbrella shaped
4. Trees are straight and very tall
A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 3
289. The most common method of fishing in East Africa is
A. line fishing B. gill-netting
C. basket fishing D. drift-netting
290. Which one of the national parks in East Africa has flamingos as the main tourist
A. Lake Mburo B. Serengeti
C. Lake Nakuru D. Tsavo

UNEB 2004
291. Population distribution in East Africa is mainly influenced by
A. rainfall B. temperature
C. vegetation cover D. relief
292. Which of the following cloud types is associated with thunder storms?
A. Cumulus B. Cumulonimbus
C. Stratocumulus D. Stratus
293. Which one of the following is the process by which a glacier erodes the valley over
which it flows?
A. Plucking C. Attrition
C. Sapping D. Abrasion
294. The greatest problem facing nomadic pastoralists in East Africa is
A. Water shortage B. poor animal breeds
C. cattle rustling D. poor pastures
295. Which of the following minerals is obtained from copper pyrites at Kilembe?
A. Beryllium B. Iron ore
C. Tin D. Cobalt
296. Forests are important to the people of East Africa mainly because they
A. provide a habitat for animal B. protect soil from erosion
C. provide fuel wood D. are water catchment areas
297. Most tourist are attracted to East Africa mainly because they
A. beautiful scenery B. variety wildlife
C. warm climate D. sand beaches
298. Which one of the following best explains the decline in the use of rail transport in
A. Vandalisation of railway line
B. Expensive to import the wagon
C. Existence of alternative routes

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D. Government policy of privatization

299. The eroded material deposited along the sides of a glacier is known as
A. ground moraine B. terminal moraine
C. lateral moraine D. medial moraine
300. When granitic rocks are subjected to heat and pressure, they change to
A. Slate B. gneiss
C. quartzite D. graphite
301. The Kasese plains experience dry conditions because
A. they lie in the rain shadow
B. of the influence of the North East trade winds
C. of the existence of water bodies
D. they lack thick vegetation cover
302. Which one of the following crops in East Africa is grown on plantations?
A. Tobacco B. Coffee
C. Tea D. Cotton
303. Gold mining in western Kenya is on a small scale because of
A. poor transport system B. small mineral deposits
C. low quality of minerals D. the depth of gold mines
304. Which one of the following is an example of a heavy industry in East Africa?
A. Textiles B. Paper making
C. Engineering D. chemical processing
305. The seven Forks dam is found on river
A. Pangani B. Ruvuma
C. Nile D. Tana
306. Which one of the following problems is faced by farmers in Kigezi?
A. severe soil erosion .B. Lack of capital
C. few crop varieties D. poor transport
307. Savannah woodlands in East Africa occur in areas of receiving rainfall of
A. above 1500mm B. between 750 and 1000mm
C. between 500 and 750mm D. below 500mm
308. The major threat to wildlife conservation in the Semliki National Park is
A. scarcity of surface water B. degeneration of pastures
C. frequent earth quakes D. encroachment by the people
309. Which of the following pairs of sedimentary rocks is organically formed?
A. mudstone and clay B. chalk and limestone
C. Rock salt and gypsum D. Dolomite and gravel
310. The highlands of East Africa are densely populated mainly because of
A. high rainfall totals B. high fertility rates
C. cool temperatures D. improved road network
311. Which one of the following factors greatly influences rainfall distribution in Kenya?
A. South East trade winds B. Vegetation cover
C. Altitude D. Inland water bodies
312. The form of erosion in which soil is gradually removed as a thin layer over a large
area by surface run off is called

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A. sheet B. rill
C. gully D. rain splash
313. Which of these features is found in the lower course of a river?
A. Pot-holes and gorges B. Flood plains and Ox-bow lakes
C. Interlocking spurs and cliff D. Waterfalls and V-shaped valleys
314. Which one of the following industries is found in Nairobi?
A. Oil refining B. Ship building
C. Car assembly D. Copper smelting
315. A caldera is formed when
A. alternating layers of ash and cinder are deposited around the vent
B. magma of high acidic content solidifies to form a cone
C. Magma flows through numerous fissures
D. the top of a volcanic cone is blown off
316. Shifting cultivation is dying out in East Africa because of
A. changes in land tenure system
B. Increase in population
C. strict laws against bush burning
D. improvement in farm tools
317. Lines drawn on maps joining places with the same amount of sunshine are called
A. Isohels B. Isobars
C. Isohyets D. Isotherms
318. The low development of commercial agriculture in East Africa is mainly due to
A. Pests and diseases B. Inadequate capital
C. limited market D. land fragmentation
318. Which of the following methods is used in mining limestone in Tororo?
A. Shaft B. Adit
C. Open cast D. Alluvial
319. Mangrove forests are found along the coastal areas of East Africa because of
A. water logged conditions B. high temperatures
C. heavy rainfall D. presence of corals
320. Which one of the following sources of energy has least effect on the environment?
A. Coal B. Hydro electricity
C. wood fuel D. Petroleum
321. The major problem facing the urban areas of East Africa is
A. drug abuse B. high crime rate
C. water shortage D. poor housing
322. The greatest contribution of tourism to the economy of East Africa is
A. promotion of international relations
B. Preservation of cultural heritage
C. provision of foreign exchange
D. Diversification of the economy
323. Agricultural products from Kisumu port are transported to Mombasa using
A. railway transport B. air transport
C. road transport D. water transport

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


UNEB 2005
324. Which of the following areas in East Africa has the lowest population density?
A. shores of Lake Victoria B. Central Tanzania
C. Lower slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro D. Kigezi highlands
325. Inselburgs in East Africa are found
1. Voi 2. Morogoro
3. Kigoma 4. Nakasongola
A. 1, 2 and 3 B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 4 C. 1, 3 and 4
326. Which one of the following results from the process of leaching?
A. Sandstone B. Clay
C. Limestone D. Laterite
327. Areas along the equatorial belt of East Africa experience
A. high temperature and high rainfall
B. low pressure and low humidity
C. thick cloud cover and low rainfall
D. low temperature and high humidity
328. Which one of the following has greatly hindered the development of livestock
farming in the Miombo woodlands of central Tanzania?
A. Seasonal rainfall B. Poor soils
C. Limited pasture D. Tsetse flies
329. A cobalt Industry was established at Kasese mainly because of
A. raw materials B. skilled labour
C. market for the products D. Good transport network
330. In which of the following areas is mangrove forest vegetation found in East Africa?
A. Lake Victoria basin B. Central Tanzania
C. Coastal plains D. Kenya highlands
331 The major problem facing fishing activity on Lake Albert is
A. limited market B. Inadequate fish species
C. Steep banks D. limited manpower
332. Which of the following factors led to the development of Tororo town?
A. Its location at the railway and road junction
B. Development of mining activities
C. Establishment of the manufacturing industries
D. Its position near the border
333. Wildlife in East Africa has been mainly conserved in gazetted areas in order to
A. attract tourists B. promote scientific studies
C. maintain soil fertility D. protect valuable plants and
334. Which of the following commodities does Kenya export from Uganda?
A. cement B. wheat
C. maize D. shoes
335. Lake Tanganyika was formed as a result of

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. down warping B. Faulting

C. Vulcanicity D. Glaciation
336. Which one of the following mountains in East Africa experiences weathering by
frost action?
A. Rwenzori B. Moroto
C. Usambara D. Meru
337. The difference between a day’s maximum and minimum temperatures recorded for
a place is called
A. daily mean temperature B. diurnal temperature range
C. mean monthly temperature D. annual temperature range
338. Which one of the following conditions has greatly favoured the growing of
pyrethrum in East Africa?
A. Gentle slopes B. diurnal temperature range
C. Fertile soils D. High altitude
339. The main problem facing the supply of hydro-electricity power in Tanzania is
A. limited market size B. inadequate capital
C. few power stations D. seasonal changes in a river flow
340. Which of the following is an example of hardwood tree species in East Africa?
A. Ebony B. Pine
C. Spruce D. Cyprus
341. The most common type of fish caught in the marine fishing grounds of East Africa
A. mullet B. prawns
C. oysters D. sardines
342. Which one the following volcanic mountains has a caldera?
A. Muhavura B. Kilimanjaro
C. Longnot D. Meru
343. Which of the following is the greatest problem limiting the expansion of Nairobi
A. increasing cost of land B. inadequate supply of clean water
C. Development of slums D. poor transport facilities
344. Road transport is popular in East Africa because it is
A. cheaper B. flexible
C. faster D. safer
345. Which one of the following is the most important contribution of the fishing
industry to East Africa?
A. Development of processing industries
B. Foreign exchange earnings
C. Imp/roved transport network
D. Development of ports
346. The arrangement of soils down a slope is called soil
A. catena B. structure
C. profile D. texture

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


347. Which of the following landforms resulted from deposition of shells of marine
A. Spits B. Beaches
C. Fringing reefs D. Tombolo
348. The different sizes of particles making up soil is referred to as soil
A. Catena B. Texture
C. Profile D. Composition
349. Which one of the following National Parks in Uganda was gazette to protect
endangered animal species?
A. Bwindi B. Murchision falls
D. Semiliki D. Mt. Elgon
350. A hygrometer at a weather station is used for measuring
A. Wind speed B. relative humidity
C. atmosphere pressure D. Temperature
351. Horticulture is practiced around the urban centres in East Africa mainly because
A. limited land B. High labour costs
C. quick transport D. ready market
352. Which of the following tree species is characteristic of savannah vegetation of
East Africa?
A. Mahogany B. Ebony
C. Acacia D. Rosewood
353. Which of the following districts in Uganda has the highest population density?
A. Kabalore B. Luwero
C. Mbale D. Arua
354.Which one of the following factors havefavoured commercial fishing in Lake
A. Introduction of Nile Perch
B. Use of outboard engines
C. Establishment of fish processing plants
D. improvement of landing sites
355. The major problem limiting agricultural modernization in Uganda is
A. Inadequate capital B. Cultural practices
C. poor transport D. land tenure system
356. Which one of these products is manufactured from soda ash
A. Tooth paste B. Glass
C. Fertilizers D. Cement
357. Which one of the following natural vegetation is commonly found in North-
A. Thorn bush and thicket B. Rain forest
C. Woodland D. Montane forest
358. Navigation along River Nile in Uganda is limited by
A. High speed of the waters
B. presence of rapids and waterfalls

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. Existence of floating vegetation

D. seasonal changes in water volume

UNEB 2006
359. The Miombo woodlands are sparsely populated because of
A. poor transport network B. Tsetse flies
C. Unreliable rainfall D. Poor drainage

360. Which of the following types of climate covers the largest percentage of land in
A. Tropical continental B. Semi-Arid
C. Highland sub-tropical D. Modified Equatorial
361. Which one of the following glacial features in East Africa is a result of
A. Cirques B. Aretes
C. Terminal moraines D. Pyramidal peak
362. Soils in the highland areas of East Africa are fertile because of the presence of
A. Volcanic lava B. heavy rainfall
C. cool temperatures D. High level of humus
363. The major factor limiting the expansion of area under cropland in Kenya is
A. poor transport B. Pest and diseases
C. Water shortage D. Labour shortage
364. Which of the following factors is the greatest problem facing the mining industry
in East Africa?
A. exhaustion of mineral deposits B. Inadequate capital
C. frequent mining accidents D. increasing costs of mining
365. Equatorial forests are described as evergreen because
A. their leaves are broad
B. trees grow close together
C. the trunks are covered by climbing plants
D. trees shed their leaves at different times of the year
366. Which of the following fish landing sites is found on Lake Kyoga?
A. Lwampanga B. Butiaba
C. Katungulu D. Majanji
367. Which of the following towns in East Africa is located in the rift valley area?
A. Nakuru B. Voi
C. Tororo D. Kisumu
368. Some areas in East Africa have been gazetted as national parks in order to
A. reduce deforestation B. promote tourism
C. control poaching D. provide employment
369. Which of the following commodities is exported through Entebbe airport?
A. Flowers B. Cotton
C. Coffee D. Tea

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


370. Coral reefs are not found at the mouths of rivers on the East African coast
because the water is
A. warm B. salty
C. shallow D. muddy
371. Weathering by frost action in East Africa has been experienced in the
A. rift valley areas B. coastal region
C. mountainous areas D. central plateau
372. Which of the following crops should be grown near market?
A. Tomatoes B. Coffee
C. Pyrethrum D. Cotton
373. The method used in the mining of Diamonds at Shinyanga is
A. shaft B. Open cast
C. Adit D. drilling
374. Which one of the following vegetation types covers the largest area of East
A. Tropical rainforests B. Savannah grassland
C. Bush and thicket D. Heath and moorland
375. In East Africa, fish farming is mainly practiced in
A. river mouths B. Bays
C. Ponds D. Swamps
376. The 2002 census showed Uganda’s population size as
A. 24.7 million B. 12.6 million
C. 35.0 million D. 16.6 million
377. The main factor influencing the development of soil catena in East Africa is
A. relief B. drainage
C. climate D. vegetation
378. Which one of following is a characteristic of trees in savannah region of East
A. presence of buttress roots B. periodic shedding of leaves
C. forming of a dense canopy D. stems of over sixty meters
379. Cashew nuts in East Africa are grown in the
A. Highland areas B. Rift valley areas
C. Coastal areas D. Lake Victoria shores
380. The type of erosion which involves uniform removal of soil from a large area is
A. rill erosion B. sheet erosion
C. splash erosion D. gulley erosion
381. Maximum and minimum temperatures of a place are obtained by using
A. a barometer B. a hygrometer
C. The Six’s thermometer D. an anemometer
382. Marine fishing at the East African coast has been affected by
A. presence of coral reefs B. availability of unskilled labour
C. limited fish species
D. lack of mechanized fishing vessels

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383. Which of the following animals in Uganda is faced with danger of extinction?
A. Kob B. Rhino
C. Zebra D. Giraffe
384. Lake Teleki in Kenya is an example of a
A. crater lake B. rift valley lake
C. lava dammed lake D. glacial lake
385. The type of climate in East Africa characterized by heavy rainfall well distributed
throughout the year is called
A. montane B. tropical
C. equatorial D. monsoon
386. The East African rift valley areas are mainly used for
A. animal keeping B. hunting
C. bee-keeping D. arable farming
387. Which one of the following fish types is exported by the East African countries?
A. Tilapia B. Barbus
C. Dagaa D. Nile perch
388. The problem of traffic congestion in Kampala is being solved by
A. constructing flyovers
B. encouraging use of public transport
C. installing traffic lights
D. increasing the number of traffic police
389. Oil refineries in East Africa are found in
A. Nairobi B. Jinja
C. Mombasa D. Eldoret
390. Lugari plantation forest in Western Kenya was established mainly to provide
A. raw materials for pulp and paper industry
B. fuel wood to local population
C. wind breaks for East Africa
D. building materials
391. The major export from East Africa is
A. timber B. copper
C. coffee D. frozen fish
392. The use of air transport in within East Africa is limited by
A. few commodities to transport
B. few airports and aerodromes
C. High fares
D. competition from road transport
393. Which of the following processes led to the formation of Mount Kilimanjaro?
A. Folding B. Up warping
C. Step faulting D. Vulcanicity

UNEB 2007

394. The rapid increase in the population of East Africa is mainly

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. early marriages B. high fertility rates

C. increased food production D. improved sanitation
395. In East Africa, cloves are grown
A. in rift valley areas B. in the highlands
C. in the Miombo woodlands D. along the coast

396. Which of the following lakes in East Africa was formed by glaciation?
A. L. Nabugabo B. L. Teleki
C. L. Bunyonyi D. L. Katwe
397. Iron ore in East Africa is not commercially exploited mainly because of
A. small ore deposits B. low quality ore
C. inaccessibility of the deposits D. unskilled labour
398. Which one of the followingof the following is a planted forest in Uganda?
A. Zoka B. Maragambo
C. Mafuga D. Mabira
399. Landslides in Ugnada are most common in the
A. Lake Victoria Basin B. Highland areas
C. Nyika plateau D. Coastal areas
400. The biggest problem facing Tanga port is
A. Poor hinterland B. Traffic congestion
C. Shallow harbor D. Poor roads
401. Gulu is hotter than Fort Portal because of differences in
A. Vegetation cover B. Altitude
C. Cloud cover D. Latitude
402. Which of the following is a major tourist attraction at Bwindi impenetrable National
A. Birds B. Beautiful scenery
C. Forests D. Gorillas
403. Most rivers in East Africa are difficult to use for transport mainly because of
A. presence of rapids B. existence of water weeds
C. Changes in water volume D. Deposition of silt
404. Which of the following mountain in East Africa was formed due to faulting?
A. Kipengere B. Muhavura
C. Usambara D. Aberdare
405. Northern Kenya has a low population density mainly because of
A. unreliable rainfall B. poor transport net work
C. high evaporation rates D. Limited job opportunities
406. Which of the following factors has mainly hindered the development of large scale
manufacturing industries in East Africa?
A. Shortage of skilled manpower
B. Limited capital for investment
C. Inadequate supply of raw materials
D. limited job opportunities
407. The leeward side of Mt. Rwenzori is mainly dry because of

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. limited forest vegetation B. high altitude

C. absence of large water bodies D. descending winds
408. The major problem facing the fishing industry in East Africa is
A. inappropriate fishing methods B. limited capital
C. remoteness of fishing grounds D. limited fish species
409. Afforestation in the highland areas of East Africa is being carried out to solve the
problem of
A. overgrazing B. Strong winds
C. soil erosion D. fuel wood shortage
410. Which of the following farming systems is capital intensive?
A. Plantation agriculture B. Shifting cultivation
C. Bush farming D. Nomadic pastoralism
411. Which of the following types of fish is abundantly caught in the fresh waters of
East Africa?
A. Mud fish B. Nile perch
C. Cat fish D. Tilapia
412. The deep hallow found at the head of a glaciated valley is called
A. Arete B. Cirque
C. hanging valley D. truncated spur
413. Which of the following modes of transport in Uganda has declined in importance?
A. Air B. Water
C. Railway D. Road
414. The best method of preserving fish for a long time is
A. Sun drying B. smoking
C. Salting D. freezing
415. In which of the following industries is water used as a raw material?
A. Breweries B. Tea processing
C. Leather tanning D. Textiles
416. Slashing and burning of natural vegetation are characteristics of
A. Mixed farming B. Nomadic pastoralism
C. Shifting cultivation D. Plantation agriculture
417. Which of the following towns in East Africa is important for textile manufacturing?
A. Kisumu B. Kasese
C. Dodoma D. Songea
418. The mangrove type of vegetation in East Africa is found in
A. around Lake Victoria B. along the coast
C. on the Nyika plateau D. in the highlands
419. Which of the following forms the basis for the tourist industry?
A. Beautiful scenery B. cultural diversity
C. warm climate D. Fauna and Flora
420. Masai land is sparsely populated mainly because the area has
A. poor soils B. low rainfall
C. tsetse flies D. poor pastures
421. Which of the following mineral products is imported by East Africa?

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. Asbestos B. Steel
C. Petroleum D. copper ingots
422. An elongated depression bounded by parallel fault scarps
A. rift valley B. gorge
C. fjord D. Hanging valley
423. Which of the following is a characteristic of clay soil?
A. has large particles B. is rich in humus
C. retains much water D. is well aerated
424. The lines on the map joining places with equal sunshine duration are known as
A. Isobars B. Isotherms
C. Isohyets D. Isohels
425. Which of the following tree species in East Africa provides hardwood?
A. Eucalyptus B. Mahogany
C. Pines D. Spruce
426. The most common method of fishing used on lake Kyoga is
A. gill netting B. use of hooks
C. Pine D. Spruce
427. The method used for mining diamonds at Mwadui is
A. adit B. open cast
C. deep pit D. alluvial
428. Doho irrigation scheme is found on River
A. Mpologoma B. Sironko
C. Manafwa D. Sezibwa

UNEB 2008
429. The volcanic highlands of East Africa are densely populated mainly due to
A. fertile soils B. Cool climate
C. beautiful scenery D. mineral deposits
430. Which one of the following lakes in Uganda was formed as a result of faulting?
A. Wamala B. Albert
C. Bunyonyi D. Kyoga
431. The type of soils formed in an area mainly depends upon
A. parent rock B. relief
C. Time D. vegetation
432. Which of the following weather elements is measured and recorded in milibars?
A. Air pressure B. Humidity
C. Temperature C. Rainfall
433. T he major problem facing nomadic pastoralists in East Africa is
A. wild animals B. diseases
C. poor soils D. Unreliable rainfall
434. Which of the following minerals is mined around Tororo?
A. Wolfram B. Phosphates
C. Cobalt D. Tin
435. The cobalt industry was established at Kasese because the existence of

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. raw materials B. a railway line

C. a large market D. cheap labour
436. Which of the following factors has led to the loss of vegetation cover in the
Kenya highlands?
A. Pests and diseases B. Wild animals
C. Climate change D. Human activities
437. The development of Mombasa as an important industrial centre has been mainly
due to
A. cheap source of thermal power
B. availability of mineral deposits
C. well-developed transport network
D. Ready market provided by a dense population
438. Which one of the following methods is used by large scale companies to preserve
fish at the coast of East Africa?
A. Refrigeration B. Smoking
C. Salting D. Canning
439. The development of the tourist industry in East Africa has been mainly favoured
A. liberalization of economies B. Increased advertisement
C. presence of varied wildlife D. well-developed hotels
440. Which of the following means of transport in East Africa is most suitable for the
transportation of bulky commodities?
A. Railway B. Air
C. Pipeline D. Road
441. Which of the following fish is found in the inland fresh waters of East Africa?
A. Halibut B. Tuna
C. Prawns D. Dagaa
442. North-Western Kenya is sparsely populated mainly because of
A. Presence of diseases B. semi-arid climate
C. remoteness D. absence of minerals
443. The process of leaching involves
A. movement of minerals to the sub-soil
B. weathering of rocks by temperature
C. addition of organic matter to the soil
D. erosion of top soil by water
444. Which of the following types of lakes in East Africa was formed by volcanic
A. Tarn B. Ox-bow lake
C. Lagoon D. crater lake
445. Which of the following factors best explains why Kampala has higher
temperatures than Nairobi?
A. Kampala is near Lake Victoria
B. Weathering
C. Kampala is at a low altitude

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


D. Nairobi has dense cloud cover

446. Horticulture is carried out near the urban areas of East Africa due to the
availability of
A. fertile soils B. Skilled labour
C. ready market D. abundant capital
447. Which of the following industries is raw material oriented?
A. Cement manufacturing B. Shoe making
C. Breweries D. Bakery
448. The savannah vegetation of East Africa is characterized by
A. Short green trees B. Thorn bush and shrubs
C. tall trees with buttress roots
D. Tall grass with scattered grass
449. Which of the following lakes yields the largest fish catch?
A. Tanganyika B. George
C. Victoria D. Albert
450. The major mineral exported by Tanzania is
A. Coal B. Diamonds
C. Gold D. Iron Ore
451. A depositional feature joined to the bay at one end with the other end projecting
into the sea is called a
A. Spit B. Bar
C. Beach D. Tombolo
452. Navigation along the rivers of East Africa has mainly been affected by
A. flooding of river banks
B. Silting of channels
C. Seasonality of the rivers
D. Narrowness of the valleys
453. Which of the following has mainly hindered fishing on Lake Victoria?
A. Limited fish species B. Attacks by pirates
C. Presence of wild animals D. Poor fishing gear
454. The major problem facing the mining industry in East Africa is
A. Limited capital B. remoteness
C. Poor quality ores D. low prices
455. Which of the following best explains the low population density in the Miombo
woodlands of Tanzania?
A. Infertile soils soils B. Presence of tsetse flies
C. Poor transport D. Unreliable rainfall
456. Lines drawn on maps joining places with the same atmospheric pressure are
A. Isobars B. Isohyets
C. Isonephs D. Isotherms
457. Which of the following cash crops grows well in the highland areas?
A. Tobacco B. Cloves
C. Pyrethrum D. Cotton

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


458. There is more soil erosion in the youthful stage than mature stage of rivers
because of
A. narrow valley B. small river bed
C. low volume of water D. Steep gradient
459. Which of the following tourist attractions are found at Olorgesailie?
A. Sand beach B. Recreational fishing
C. Archaeological site D. Wild life
460. The population around Kinyara sugar estate has mainly benefited through
A. Obtaining cheap labour B. The out growers’ scheme
C. available social services D. marketing their food crops
461. Which of the following best describes Equatorial forests?
A. Tall with scattered trees B. Drought resistant scrub
C. Needle shaped leaves D. Evergreen leaves
462. The vegetation type found below 100 meters on Mt. Kilimanjaro is
A. tropical rainforest B. heath and moorland
C. savannah vegetation D. Bamboo forests
463. Which of the following towns in East Africa has the a cement processing factory?
A. Shinyanga B. Thika
C. Mbeya D. Hima

UNEB 2009
464. Central Tanzania is sparsely populated mainly because of
A. Infertile soils B. Unreliable rainfall
C. presence of tsetse flies D. existence of woodland vegetation
465. Which one of the following is a horst?
A. Mount Kenya B. Mount Usambara
C. Mount Moroto D. Mount Kilimanjaro
466. Physical weathering is common in northern Kenya?
A. Dry climate B. flat relief
C. Scanty vegetation D. Low temperature
467. Which one of the following is a characteristic of Equatorial climate?
A. Large temperature rang B. low temperatures
C. Heavy rainfall D. Low humidity
468. The major problem facing coffee farmers in East Africa is
A. Fluctuation of prices B. Competition for land
C. Inadequate capital for investment
D. Shortage of labour
469. Which one of the following is a perennial crop?
A. Cotton B. Groundnuts
C. Tea D. Rice
470. The development of the hydro electricity power station on River Pangani was
mainly favoured by the presence of
A. hard basement rock B. Waterfalls
C. Narrow gorge D. A large volume of water

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


471. The major effect of deforestation on the slopes of Mount Elgon is

A. shortage of wood B. reduction in rainfall
C. destruction of wildlife D. Soil erosion
472. The greatest problem facing the fresh water fishing grounds in East Africa is
A. Indiscriminate fishing B. Water pollution
C. Poor transport D. Changing water level
473. The most effective solution to the problem of land shortage in urban areas is
A. reclaiming wetlands
B. encouraging urban rural migration
C. Constructing sky scrapers D. Upgrading slum areas
474. Which of the following human activities has resulted in the destruction of
vegetation in North Eastern Uganda?
A. Cattle ranching B. Nomadic pastoralism
C. Wild game hunting D. Crop cultivation
475. A steep sided feature formed between two adjacent cirques is called
A. a pyramidal peak B. a glacial trough
C. a hanging valley D. an arête
476. Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?
A. Quartzite B. Granite
C. Sandstone D. Basalt
477. The major factor influencing the location of cement manufacturing industries in
East Africa is availability of
A. efficient transport B. power supply
C. raw materials D. skilled labour
478. Softwood plantations in East Africa are mainly used to provide
A. poles B. Medicine
C. Timber D. Pulp
479The major problem affecting transport on East African rivers is
A. Presence of floating vegetation
B. Variation in the volume of the water
C. Presence of waterfalls
D. Existence of strong winds
480. Which of the following grounds in East Africa is affected by water hyacinth weed?
A. Lake Katwe B. Lake Victoria
C. Lake Tanganyika D. Lake Turkana
481. The low rainfall received in Lake Turkana region of Kenya is a result of
A. Scanty vegetation B. Flat relief
C. Human activities D. Dry trade winds
482. The total population of a country divided by the total land area of that country is
measure of population
A. Distribution B. Density
C. Growth rate D. Structure
483. Which of the following rivers in East Africa has Ox-bow lakes?
A. Kafu B. Nzoia

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. Tana D. Kagera
484. The largest game reserve in Tanzania is
A. Rungwa B. selous
C. Ugalla D. Mkomazi
485. The lines joining places on a map with equal amounts of rainfall are known as
A. Isohyets B. Isobars
C. Isohels D. Isotherms
486. The most popular fresh water fish consumed in East Africa
A. Dagaa B. Tilapia
C. Nile Perch D. Haplochromis
487. The most suitable mode of transporting bulky goods from Kampala to Mombasa is
A. railway B. air
C. road D. water
488. Leaching in Equatorial regions of East Africa produces
A. Alluvial B. Sandy soils
C. laterite soils D. loam
489. Which of the following industries in East Africa is a heavy industry?
A. Cement processing B. Textiles
C. Chemical manufacturing D. Food processing
490. Kenya’s population is unevenly distributed mainly because of the differences in
A. soil fertility B. transport network
C. poor technology D. climatic conditions
491. The major problem hindering agricultural modernization in East Africa is
A. Poor transport B. Limited capital
C. Poor technology D. Narrow markets
492. Indiscriminate fishing on Lake Victoria can be controlled by
A. Gazetting landing sites B. education and awareness
C. Use of modern fishing gear D. enforcing strict laws
493. Which one of the following industries in Dar-es-salaam depends on imported raw
A. Pulp and paper B. Textiles
C. Oil refinery D. Cement
494. Which one of the following process was responsible for the formation of Lake
A. Faulting B. Vulcanicity
C. Down warping D. Deposition
495. Sisal growing in Tanzania has declined mainly due to
A. limited capital to invest B. poor transport systems
C. Limited market
D. Completion for land with food crops

UNEB 2010
496. The major problem faced in areas of East Africa with a high population density is

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. tribal conflicts B. declines in the standards of living

C. land fragmentation D. increased unemployment
497. Which of the following coastal landforms in East Africa were formed by wave
A. Beaches and spits B. Caves and blow holes
C. Arches and stacks D. Cliffs and geo
498. Which of the following is a sedimentary rock?
A. Granite B. Sandstone
C. Marble D. Basalt
499. Which of the following cattle diseases is spread by tsetse flies?
A.Rinder pest B. East Coast fever
C. Anthrax D. Nagana
500. The most suitable method of extracting minerals that occur close to surface is
A. Opencast C. Adit
C. Drilling D. Filtration
401. Tarns on the glaciated mountains of East Africa have been used mainly for
A. Tourism B. Fishing
C. Research D. Water supply
502. The type of forests found at the coast of East Africa have been used mainly for
A. Bamboo B. Temperate
C. Mangrove D. Montane
501. Which of the following fish landing sites is found on the shores of Lake Albert?
A. Katunguru B. Rwenshema
C. Namasale D. Wanseko
503. The major problem limiting local tourism in East Africa?
A. Low income levels B. Inadequate information
C. Shortage of accommodation D. Political instability
504. Which of the following lakes in East Africa is found in the rift valley?
A. Kyoga B. Wamala
C. Rukwa D. Bisina
505 The low rate of chemical weathering in North Eastern Uganda is due to
A. Dry climatic conditions B. Flat topography
C. Resistant rocks D. Limited economic activities
506. Which of the following human activities has mainly led to environmental
degradation in North Eastern Uganda?
A. Building settlements B. Animal rearing
C. Uncontrolled hunting D. Bush burning
507. Which of the following districts in Uganda has the highest population?
A. Mbale B. Gulu
C. Masindi D. Iganga
508. The major factor which favoured the location of Kilombero sugar plantation was
A. Presence of fertile soils B. Gentle relief for mechanization
C. Government policy to open up remote areas
D. Presence of water for irrigation

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


509. The major problem facing hydroelectricity generation at Owen falls (Nalubale) dam
in Uganda is
A. high costs of operation B. Presence of water Hyacinth
C. Changing water level D. Narrow market for power
510. Which one of the following fish species in East Africa is mainly caught in swamps?
A. Tilapia B. Mudfish
C. Dagaa D. Nile Perch
511. The product obtained from the forest plantations in Kenya is
A. Paper B. Timber
C. Medicine D. Charcoal
512. Which one of the fishing fish species in East Africa is mainly caught in swamps?
A. Tilapia B. Mudfish
C. Dagaa D. Nile Perch
513. Atmospheric pressure at a weather station is measured in units called
A. milibars B. percentages
C. Millimeters D. Degrees
514. The major problem facing the port of Dar-es-salaam is
A. shortage of warehouses B. limited land for expansion
C. pollution from oil spills D. poor docking facilities
515. Which of the following exports from Uganda are transported by air?
A. Pineapples B. Coffee
C. Sugar D. Minerals
516. Which of the following volcanoes is found outside the rift valley in East Africa?
A. Meru B. longonot
C. Elgon D. Muhavura
517. The reduction of infant mortality rate in East Africa is mainly due to improved
A. medical services B. Child nutrition
C. income levels D. family life education
518. Which of the following industries use water as a raw material?
A. Textile mills B. Breweries
C. Sisal factory D. leather tanning
519. The most common type of exotic tree species grown in East Africa is?
A. Wattle B. Cypress
C. Pine D. Eucalyptus
520. Farmers in highlands areas of East Africa practice agriculture on small
holdings mainly because of
A. lack of skilled labour B. inadequate capital
C. limited land D. lack of market
521. Which of the following towns in Uganda has a soft drinks factory?
A. Mbarara B. Gulu
C. Kasese D. Tororo
522. Which of the following factors limits fish farming in Uganda?
A. unskilled labour B. Limited capital
C. Narrow market D. Lack of market

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


523. The major economic activity which has led to the destruction of wetlands in East
Africa is
A. brick making B. fishing
C. animal rearing D. tourism
524 .Limestone rocks are weathered by the process of
A. Hydration B. oxidation
C. Carbonation D. hydrolysis
525. Which of the following industries in East Africa is agro-based?
A. pharmaceuticals B. electronics
C. plastic manufacturing D. clothing and textiles
526. The Mobuku river in Kaseses is important for
A. irrigation B. fishing
C. navigation D. tourism
527. The method of preserving fish commonly used in East Africa is
A. freezing B. salting
C. smoking D. frying
528. Which one of the following game reserves is found in Kenya?
A. Matheniko B. Sealous
C. Ugalla D. Masai Mara
529. The type of clouds associated with thunderstorms in East Africa is
A. Cirro-stratus B. Alto-stratus
C. Cumulo-nimbus D. Cirro-cumulus
530. Which of the following crops is grown on Zanzibar Island?
A. Cloves B. Pyrethrum
C. Sugarcanes D. Cotton

UNEB 2011
531. The Island of Zanzibar is densely populated mainly because of
A. nature of soils B. heavy rainfall
C. tourism D. trade
532. Which of the following fault line scarps is found in the western rift valley?
A. Aberdares B. Butiaba
C. Elgeyo D. Kilosa-Msolwa
533. Weathering by exfoliation occurs as a result of
A. carbonation B. frost action
C. temperature changes D. action by living organism
534. Which one of the following places in East Africa experiences a dry season from
November to March?
A. Lindi B. Gulu
C. Dodoma D. Entebbe
535. The type of landuse found in the semi-arid areas of East Africa is
A. Livestock farming B. Plantation farming
C. Forestry D. Fish farming
536. Which one of the following minerals in East Africa is mined by open cast method?

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A. Soda ash B. Diamonds

C. Coal D. Copper
537. The savannah areas of East Africa are mainly used for
A. Hunting B. Bee keeping
C. Wildlife conservation D. Forest conservation
538. The most common method of fish preservation used in East Africa is
A. Smoking B. Salting
C. Sun drying D. Freezing
539. Which of the following national parks in Kenya is used for protection of the White
A. Tsavo B. Amboseli
C. Nairobi D. Meru
540. The most dominant soil component which is found in the A horizon is
A. humus B. minerals
C. water D. air
541. The spread of desert conditions in East Africa can be best controlled by
A. setting up irrigation schemes
B. Afforestation and re-afforestation programs
C. Providing alternative sources of fuel
D. Establishing ranches
542. Which one of the following costal features is a result of wave deposition?
A. Stack B. Cave
C. Arch D. Beach
543. Which one of the following is the greatest threat to tropical rainforests in Uganda?
A. Destruction by wild animals B. Seasonal outbreaks of fire
C. Competition with other land uses D. Existence of pests and diseases
544. Which one of the following factors greatly hinders transport along River Nile?
A. Presence of waterfalls B. Existence of crocodiles
C. Strong winds D. Floating vegetation
545. Rapid population increase in Uganda is mainly due to
A. decline in inter-tribal wars B. Increased immigration
C. Improved medical facilities D. High fertility rates
546. Which one of the following is an igneous rock?
A. Schist B. Mudstone
C. Granite D. Slate
547. Wetlands in East Africa are mainly conserved for
A. regulating climate B. providing building materials
C. providing fish D. attracting tourists
548. Which one of the following areas in Tanzania is important for pyrethrum?
A. Lake Victoria shores B. Southern Highlands
C. The coastal areas D. Rift valley floor
549. The sparse population in Western Kenya is a result of
A. remoteness of the area B. depopulation by slave trade
C. unreliable rainfall D. Tsetse fly infestation

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550. Which one of the following cash crops is grown in Northern Uganda?
A. Tea B. Sisal
C. Cotton D. Pyrethrum
551. The establishment of small scale industries in East Africa has mainly contributed to
A. rural development
B. creation of employment opportunities
C. Reduction in rural – urban migration
D. Development of skills by local people
552. The lake in East Africa which is important for transport is
A. Lake Kyoga B. Lake Turkana
C. Lake Tanganyika D. Lake Victoria
553. Which of the following is the major factor affecting the development of road
transport in East Africa?
A. Limited capital B. Few economic activities
C. Sparse population D. Low level of technology
554. The vegetation type in East Africa which has tall grass with scattered trees is
A. Semi-desert vegetation B. Savannah vegetation
C. heath and moorland D. Savannah woodlands
555. Which one of the following is the largest industrial establishment at Kisumu?
A. Petrol refining B. Motor vehicle assembly
C. Cement works D. Leather tanning
556. The major problem faced by fishermen on Lake Kyoga is
A. presence of crocodiles B. Shallow waters
C. Floating vegetation D. Strong winds
557. The national park in Uganda which is most affected by the problem of
remoteness is
A. Mt. Elgon B. Kibale
C. Bwindi D. Kidepo
558. Which one of the following towns has a motor vehicle assembly factory in East
A. Jinja B. Arusha
C. Mombasa D. Nakuru
559. Gold in East Africa is not exploited on a large scale because
A. the method of mining is expensive
B. world market prices keep changing
C. of competition from other producers
D. the deposits are in small quantities
560. The type of cloud which is associated with thunderstorm is
A. Cumulus B. Altocumulus
C. Cirrostratus D. Cumulonimbus

UNEB 2012
561. The problem of rapid population growth in Kigezi can be best controlled by

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


A. family planning B. Change in land tenure system

C. Encouraging outward migration D. Educating the masses
562. Which of the following is an igneous rock
A. Limestone B. Slate
C. Shale D. Granite
563. Which one of the following is a tributary of River Rufiji?
A. Aswa B. Galana
C. Kilomebero D. Ruvuma
564. Landslides in the highland areas of East Africa are mainly caused by
A. Earth quakes B. Heavy rainfall
C. Cultivation on steep slopes D. Use of explosives
565. Which one of the following is a marine type of fish?
A. Tilapia B. Catfish
C. Lungfish D. Mackerel
566. The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is called
A. Pressure B. Rainfall
C. Humidity D. Cloud cover
567. Which of the following human activities is the major threat to wetlands in East
A. Cultivation B. Industrialization
C. Animal rearing D. Mining and quarrying
568. The major factor which led to the location of the cobalt processing plant in Kasese
is the presence of
A. Market B. Labour
C. Power D. Raw materials
569. Which one of the following stations in East Africa receives rainfall in two seasons
per year?
A. Gulu B. Dodoma
C. Bukoba D. Wajir
570. Which one of the following factors best explains the uneven distribution of
population in Kenya?
A. Poorly developed transport network
B. Variation in rainfall
C. Land tenure system
D. Differences in soil fertility
571. The major factor for the development of soil catena in East Africa is
A. Climate B. Vegetation
C. Relief D. Time
572. Which one of the following ports in East Africa is directly linked to Zanzibar by
railway line?
A. Mombasa B. Tanga
C. Mtwara D. Dar-es-salaam
573. The main problem facing fishing on Lake Kyoga is
A. Over fishing B. Pollution

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C. Water hyacinth D. Fish predators

574. Which one of the following types of transport in East Africa is commonly used for
the movement of bulky goods?
A. Air B. Rail
C. Road D. Water
575. The major problem facing communities living near conservation areas is
A. presence of tsetse flies
B. Destruction of crops by wild animals
C. Conflicts with game rangers
D. Limited land for agricultural expansion
576. Which of the following types of tree species is commonly found in the savannah
A. Ebony B. Mahogany
C. Acacia D. Mangrove
577. The type of vegetation in East Africa characterized by tall grass and scattered trees
A. Bush and thicket B. Rain forests
C. Heath and moorland D. Savannah woodlands
578. Which one of the following cash crops is exported by all the three East African
A. Tea B. Sisal
C. Cloves D. Vanilla
579. Dairy farming is carried out in Kenya highlands mainly because of the presence of
A. Good pastures B. Cool climate
C. A large market D. Cheap labour
580. Which one of the following processes was responsible for the formation of cirques
in East Africa?
A. Folding B. Faulting
C. Glaciation D. Vulcanicity
581. The main factor encouraging the development of market gardening in East Africa
A. Increasing demand for vegetables
B. Improved transport facilities
C. Improved technology
D. Availability of skilled labour
582. Which of the following coastal features is formed as a result of wave deposition?
A. Geos B. Stacks
C. Arches D. Sandbars
583. The mineral obtained from coral reefs along the East African coast is
A. Coal B. Limestone
C. Peat D. Salt
584. Which one of the following factors has mainly limited the development of heavy
industries in East Africa?
A. High cost of production B. Narrow domestic market

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C. Low level of technology D. Poor transport network

585. Modernization of agriculture in East Africa is mainly facing the problem of
A. Limited capital B. Unskilled labour
C. Low level of technology D. Poor transport network
586. Which of the following methods is commonly used in preserving fish in East Africa?
A. Sun drying B. Smoking
C. Salting D. Frying
587. Equatorial forests in East Africa has been mainly cleared for
A. Settlement B. Industrial development
C. Road construction D. Agriculture
588. Which one of the following winds is responsible for the dry conditions experienced
in the North-Western Kenya?
A. North East trades B. South East trades
C. South West Monsoons D. Westerly winds
589. Bwindi impenetrable forest National Park is visited by tourists mainly because of its
A. Chimpanzees B. Gorillas
C. Monkeys D. Baboons
590. Which one of the following is the major problem facing trade among EastAfrican
A. Trade restrictions B. Smuggling of goods
C. Use of different currencies D. Production of similar goods

UNEB 2013
591. The major factor influencing population distribution in East Africa is
A. Favourable climate B. Efficient transport network
C. Fertile soils D. Low incidence of diseases
592. Which of the following is an igneous rock?
A. Shale B. Limestone
C. Granite D. Quartz
593. The process whereby the top soil loses its nutrients to lower horizons is known as
A. Laterization B. Leaching
C. Salination D. Alluviation
594. In which climatic conditions is chemical weathering most active?
A. Hot and wet B. Cold and dry
C. Hot and dry D. Warm and wet
595. Cottage industries have been developed in East Africa because they
1. are capital intensive 2. Use locally available materials
3. encourage urban rural migration 4. Earn foreign exchange
A. 1 and 3 B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3 D. 2 and 4
596. Which one of the following crops is grown in the Kilombero valley of Tanzania?
A. Sugar cane B. Tobacco
C. Pyrethrum D. Cotton
597. The major tourist activity in Lake Nakuru National Park is

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A. Sport fishing B. Sailing

C. Swimming D. Bird watching
598. Which of the following types of vegetation is dominant on the Nyika plateau?
A. Semi-desert vegetation B. Bamboo forests
C. Savannah vegetation D. Tropical rainforests
599. The high population density around Lake Victoria is mainly due to
A. High fertility rate B. Efficient transport system
C. Suitable climate D. Political stability
600. Which of the following is the most common method of fish preservation Uganda?
A. Smoking B. Freezing
C. Sun drying D. Salting
601. Soil erosion in the highland areas of East Africa can be best controlled by
A. Inter-cropping B. Roatation grazing
C. Contour ploughing D. Fertilizer application
602. Which of the following factors best explains why there has been rapid growth rate
of urban areas in Kenya?
A. Growth of trade B. Improved communication
C. Rural-urban migration D. High rate of industrialization
603. Laterite soils are unsuitable for cultivation because they are
A. Without humus B. Leached
C. Too hard D. Water logged
604. Temperature inversion in the Kigezi highlands is caused by
A. Instability in atmospheric pressure
B. Cold air descending in the valley
C. Saturation of air
D. Warm air rising by convection
605. Railway transport in East Africa is preferred because it is
A. Reliable B. Flexible
C. Cheap D. Fast
606. The shores of Lake Victoria are extensively used for agriculture mainly due to
A. Good transport network B. Absence of tsetse flies
C. The availability of market D. A suitable climate
607. Import substitution industries are being encouraged in East Africa because
A. Manufacture goods for export
B. Provide market for farmers’ produce
C. Process locally produced raw materials
D. Reduce dependence on imported goods
608. Which of the following types of fish in Uganda are caught in swampy areas?
A. Tilapia and Clarias B. Bagrus and Barbus
C. Mudfish and Lungfish D. Protopterus and Haplochromis
609. The different vegetation zones on found on Mt. Kilimanjaro are mainly a result of
changes in
A. Latitude B. Soil fertility
C. Altitude D. Temperature

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610. Which one of the following towns in East Africa developed due to the presence of
mineral deposits?
A. Kilembe B. Dodoma
C. Marsabit D. Voi
611. Coffee growing in Uganda has been mainly affected by
1. Pests and Diseases 2. Too much rainfall 3. Limited market
4. Labour shortage
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 3
612. Which of the following landforms in East Africa was formed by glaciations?
A. Aretes B. Inselbergs
C. Atolls D. Calderas
613. Most of the industries established in East Africa have concentrated on the
processing of
A. Mineral deposits B. Agricultural products
C. Forestry products C. Fish products
614. Which of the following products is used in the manufacturing of paper?
A. Fibre wood B. Plywood
C. Resins D. Wood pulp
613. The arrangement of soil types down a slope is called a soil
A. Profile B. Order
C. Catena D. Horizon
614. Which of the following are sedimentary rocks?
A. Basalt and Granite B. Sandstone and Shale
C. Marble and Slate D. Graphite and Andesite
615. Lines drawn on a map to join areas receiving the same amount of sunshine are
A. Isotherms B. Isobars
C. Isohels D. Contours
616. Which of the following areas in East Africa are sparsely populated?
A. Kampala and Kisumu B. Wajir and Songea
C. Moshi and Kotido D. Mwanza and Jinja
617. The highlands of East Africa are agriculturally productive because they have
1. Fertile 2. Efficient transport 3. Reliable rainfall
4. Abundant labour
A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 4 D. 2 and 4
618. Which of the following industries are found in Jinja town?
A. Steel rolling and Oil refining
B. Steel rolling and textile manufacturing
C. Textile manufacturing and Meat canning
D. Oil refining and Meat canning

UNEB 2014

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619. Most of the areas in East Africa with the highest population density have fertile
soils and
A. Mineral deposits B. Railway transport
C. Reliable rainfall D. Cool temperatures
620. A flat area of deposited material formed in the old stage of a river is known as
A. Levee B. Meander
C. Slip off slope D. Flood plain
621. Chemical weathering in East Africa is common
A. in semi arid areas B. in glaciated areas
C. along the coastal region D. in humid tropical areas
622. Isotherms are lines drawn on a map to show areas of the same
A. Humidity B. Rainfall
C. Temperature D. Pressure
623. The dominate crop grown on the Kilombero Valley irrigation scheme is
A. Tea B. Cotton
C. Rice D. Sugar Cane
624. Industrial development is higher in Kenya than in Uganda because Uganda has
A. Unskilled labour B. Limited capital
C. Narrow market D. Poor transport
625. Which of the following forest types is found along the East African coast?
A. Equatorial forests B. Montane forests
C. Mangrove forests D. Bamboo forests
626. Which of the following factors has been mainly responsible for the development of
the tourist industry in East Africa?
A. variety of tourist attractions
B. Favourable geographical location
C. Good transport network
D. Favourable political climate
627. The western rift valley in East Africa is sparsely populated mainly because of
A. Poor soils B. Rugged terrain
C. Tsetse fly infestation D. Unreliable rainfall
628. Which of the following is a volcanic landform?
A. Spit B. Crater
C. Corrie D. Bluff
629. The removal of soluble minerals from the surface to the bottom layers of soil is
A. Siltation B. Weathering
C. Erosion D. Leaching
630. Tabora receives its rainfall season during the months of
A. November to March B. August to December
C. July to November D. March to July
631. Which one of these crops grows well in areas of Uganda receiving rainfall of less
than 625 mm of rainfall in a year?
A. Rice B. Sorghum

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


C. Tea D. Pyrethrum
632. Industries in East Africa which produce perishable goods have been located in
areas with
A. Raw materials B. Hydro-electricity
C. Market D. Labour
633. Tropical rain forests in East Africa have been extensively destroyed due to
1. increased demand for cultivable land
2. the need for wood fuel
3. the increase in wild animals
4. lack of government policy
A. 2 and 4 B. 3 and 4
C. 1 and 3 D. 1 and 2
634. Which of the following fish types are obtained from marine fisheries?
A. Tilapia and Nile perch B. Sardines and Tuna
C. Lung fish and lobsters D. Mackerel and Tilapia
635. Wildlife conservation refers to the
A. Protection of animals and plants
B. Expansion of game reserves
C. Adoption of strict anti-poaching laws
D. Eviction of encroachers from forest reserves
636. Which of the following ports are found on Lake Victoria?
A. Musoma and Kipili B. Nkasi and Mwanza
C. Muhoro and Bukoba D. Manda and Kisumu
637. East African countries trade more with European countries than amongst
themselves because they
A. Produce similar commodities B. Have limited market
C. Prefer goods from Europe
D. Have poor internal communication network
638. `Which one of the following towns in Kenya is found in the Northern Hemisphere?
A. Thika B. Kisumu
C. Kakamega D. Nakuru
639. Which one of the following rocks in East Africa is sedimentary?
A. Limestone B. Basalt
C. Obsidian D. Slate
640. The sum of daily rainfall totals recorded in a month is referred to as
A. Mean monthly rainfall
B. Total monthly rainfall
C. Mean annual rainfall
D. Total annual rainfall
641. Nomadic pastoralism in East Africa is carried out in areas receiving rainfall of
A. Over 1500 mm per annum
B. Between 750 mm and 1500 mm per annum
C. Between 750 mm and 100 mm per annum
D. Less than 750 mm per annum

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642. Kenya has a low hydro-electricity power generation capacity because of

A. Absence of permanent rivers
B. Competition from biogas
C. Fluctuations in the river regimes
D. Low level of technology
643. Which of the following factors has greatly influenced the distribution of natural
vegetation in East Africa?
A. Climate B. Latitude
C. Drainage D. Soils
644. The Tanzanian portion of Lake Victoria has the greatest fish catch because it has
A. Greatest number of canoes
B. Longest shoreline
C. Most developed fishing methods
D. Largest number of landing sites
645. Railway transport is popular in East Africa because it is
A. Secure B. Regular
C. Flexible D. Cheaper
646. The southern and western slopes of Mt. Elgon are densely populated because they
1. receive high rainfall 2. Have volcanic soils
3. have terraced slopes 4. Are served by good roads
A. 1 and 3 B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3 D. 3 and 4
647. Which of the following rocks is most resistant to erosion?
A. Sandstone B. Marble
C. Quartzite D. Limestone
648. The greatest problem facing tea growers in Kericho is
A. Limited labour B. Hailstone
C. Poor drainage D. Price fluctuation

UNEB 2015
649. North Eastern Ugnada is sparsely populated mainly because of
A. Remoteness of the area B. Infertile soils
C. Unreliable rainfall D. Flat landscape
650. Lake Katwe was formed as a result of
A. Faulting B. Down warping
B. Glaciation D. Folding
651. Which of the following are advantages of pipe line transport?
1. low unit cost 2. Ability to cover long distance
3. Flexibility 4. Reliability
A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 4
652. Which of the following instruments is used to record atmospheric pressure at a
weather station?

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A Six’s thermometer B. Hygrometer

C. Barometer D. Anemometer
653. The major problem facing the Kilombero valley irrigation scheme is
A. Yellow wilt disease B. Shortage of labour
C. Shortage of labour D. Remoteness
654. Lake Magadi is important for
A. Fishing B. Transport C. Mining D. Irrigation
656. Increased crop production in the dry areas of East Africa can be best achieved
A. Use of fertilizers B. Irrigation
C. Educating farmers D. Agro forestry practices
657. Coral limestone in East Africa is mined at
A. Lamu B. Mtwara
C. Kilwa D. Mombasa
658. Natural vegetation in East Africa is disappearing mainly due to
A. Changing climatic patterns
B. Rapid population growth
B. Overgrazing
D. Frequent wild fires
659. Which of the following is a primary industry?
A. Steel rolling B. Fishing
C. Car assembly D. Shoe making
660. Nairobi National Park is most frequently visited in Kenya because it has
A. Efficient transport B. A wide range of wildlife
C. Hospitable people D. Package tours
661. A river transports clay particles by
A. Traction B. Solution
C. Suspension D. Siltation
662. The type of weathering where rapid temperature changes cause the upper layers
of rock to peel off is called
A. Granular disintegration B. Frost shattering
C. Block disintegration D. Exfoliation
663. Trade winds in East Africa blow as a result of differences in
A. Altitude B. Latitude
C. Temperature D. Pressure
664. Which one of the following areas in Uganda is known for the growing of Cocoa?
A. Bundibugyo B. Kabale
C. Luwero D. Masindi
665. The most important export crop from the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba is
A. Rice B. Bananas C. Cloves D. Coconuts
666. Which of the following towns in East Africa has an oil refinery?
A. Kampala B. Mombasa C. Jinja D. Nairobi
667. The total number of people divided by a country’s total land area gives the

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A. Distribution B. Size
C. Structure D. Density
668. Which of the following sets of lakes are lava dammed?
A. Mutanda and Bunyonyi
B. Mburo and Wamala
C. Eyasi and Natron
D. Victoria and Kyoga
669. Tin exploitation in Uganda is on small scale because of
A. Limited capital B. Poor transport
C. Low grade ores D. Rugged terrain
670. Bwind impenetrable forest in Western Uganda is a saunctuary for
A. Gorillas B. White Rhinos
C. Flamingoes D. Elephants
671. Which one of the following is a characteristic of the Equatorial type of climate?
A. Continuous rainfall B. Prolonged dry season
C. Prolonged dry season D. Low temperatures
672. Which of the following methods is used in the mining of crude oil?
A. Open cast B. Evaporation
C. Adit D. Drilling
673. Equatorial rainforests in East Africa have
A. Deciduous trees B. soft wood trees only
C. One canopy D. Busy thorny trees
674. North Eastern Kenya experiences low rainfall totals because of
A. its distance from water bodies
B. Absence of vegetation
C. The North East Trade winds
D. Low humidity
675. The most leached layer of a soil profile is
A. Horizon B B. Horizon B
C. Horizon A D. Horizon C
676. The greatest factor that favoured the development of tourism in East Africa is the
availability of
A. A wide range of attractions
B. Efficient transport and communication
C. Good hotel accommodation
C. Enough capital
D. Enough accommodation
677. A long narrow feature made up of sand and pebbles extending from the mainland
into the sea is called a
A. Spit B. Beach
C. Mudflat D. Bar
678. The major problem affecting coffee growing in East Africa is
A. Several drought B. Soil exhaustion
C. Poor transport D. Pest and diseases

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


UNEB 2016
679. The coastal areas of East Africa are densely populated mainly because of
A. Heavy rainfall B. Fertile soils
C. Stable political climate D. Improved transport system
680. Which of the following is a physical weathering process?
A. Oxidation B. Exfoliation
C. Hydrolysis D. Carbonation
681. Which one of the following is a block mountain?
A. Moroto B. Kilimanjaro
C. Muhavura D. Usambara
682. MweaTebere irrigation scheme draws water for irrigation from rivers
A. Ruaha and Kilombero B. Pangani and Wami
C. Thiba and Nyamindi D. Nzoia and Yala
683. Which one of the following industries was attracted to Jinja due to the availability
of hydro-electricity power?
A. Beer brewing B. Copper smelting
C. Sugar refining D. Cotton ginning
684. The greatest problem affecting the fishing industry in East Africa is
A. Limited fish species B. Presence of water hyacinth
C. Limited capital D. Narrow markets
685. The major advantage of constructing the Mombasa Eldoret petroleum pipeline is to
A. Road damage by fuel tankers
B. Fuel spillage
C. Accidents by fuel tankers
D. Fuel distribution costs
686. Which of the following is the major factor responsible for the increase in the
population in East Africa?
A. Polygamous marriages B. Low death rates
C. High fertility rates D. Improved medical facilities
687. Which one of the following areas in East Africa experiences a high diurnal range of
A. South Western Kenya B. North Eastern Uganda
C. South Western Uganda D. North Wes tern Uganda
688. Equatorial forests in East Africa have been mainly cleared for
A. Settlement B. Industries
C. Road construction D. Agriculture
689. Which one of the following measures have been mainly used to promote tourism
in Uganda?
A. Advertisement of tourism B. Encouraging local tourism
C. Training game wardens D. Wildlife conservation
690. The flood plains of East Africa are mainly used for
A. Animal rearing B. Crop cultivation
C. Human settlement D. Wildlife conservation

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


691. Which one of the following types of soils is commonly found in swampy areas?
A. Sandy soils B. Loam soils C. Clay soils
D. Laterite soils
692. In Uganda temperature inversion is common in
A. Kotido B. Bundibugyo C. Mpigi
D. Kabale
693. The mode of transport which has greatly contributed to the development of the
mining sector in East Africa is
A. Railway B. Road C. Water D. Air
694. Which of the following fish landing sites is found in Kazinga channel?
A. Kasenyi B. Katunguru C. Rwenshema
D. Wanseko
695. Which one of the following is a commercial method of fishing used on Lake Kyoga?
A. Use of baskets B. Use of hooks
C. Gill netting D. Trawling
686. Which one of the following industries in East Africa is located near the source of
the raw materials?
A. Textile manufacturing B. Steel rolling
C. Oil refining D. Cement works
697. The wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers are used to measure
A. Temperature B. Humidity
C. Pressure D. Wind
698. Which one of the following activities has greatly led to the destruction of savannah
vegetation in East Africa?
A. Cultivation B. Pastoralism
C. Lumbering D. Wildlife conservation
699. Which one of the following factors has accerated soil leaching in East Africa?
A. Steep slopes B. High altitude
C. Heavy rainfall D. High temperature
700. Which one of the following minerals is the major foreign exchange earner in East
A. Soda ash B. Cobalt C. Gold D. Diamonds
701. Ranching in East Africa has been improved mainly through
A. Vaccination B. Cross breeding
C. Digging valley dams D. Rotational grazing
702. Which one of the following crops requires heavy rainfall which is well distributed
throughout the year?
A. Sugar cane B. Cotton C. Sisal D. Tobacco
703. Which one of the following coastal landforms has been formed by deposition?
A. Cliff B. Arch C. Beach D. Stack
704. Marine life conservation in East Africa is being carried out in
A. Tsavo National Park
B. Malindi National Park
C. Serengeti National Park

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


D. Kidepo National Park

705. Which of the following lakes was formed due to damming?
A. Katwe B. Edward C. Mutanda D. Albert
706. Which one of the following crops in East Africa is grown in green house?
A. Flowers B. Apples C. Citrus fruits D. Vanilla
707. Export commodities from Uganda are mainly
A. Foodstuffs B. Raw materials
C. Fuels D. Manufactured goods
708. Which one of the following is a major problem facing the salt mining industry at
lake Katwe?
A. Limited labour B. Poor roads
C. Narrow local market
D. Limited capital for development

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


Students should state the point and then explain it. (What, How, Why). Show how it
is important or a problem.
Example 1: Problems facing pastoralism
1. Presence of pests and diseases like foot and mouth disease kill the cattle leading
to losses by the farmers. Students should avoid writing: Pests and diseases.
Example 2: Factors favouring industrial growth in Nairobi:
1. Presence of a reliable skilled labour to operate industrial machines, to work as
accountant, supervisors etc.
Avoid writing: Presence of labour.
Example 3: When asked to outline. Make a statement which makes sense. Don’t JUST
STATE like capital or labour or presence of labour
Write: Presence of sufficient capital to purchase equipments like hoes, fertilizers etc.
When asked to Describe: Give conditions or factors by use of adjectives like adequate
capital, inadequate capital, limited labour, unreliable transport facilities etc. Avoid using
lack of, poor government policy etc. NO adjectives used NO marks!
Benefits of industrialization: Say has provided government revenue through taxation
which is used to establish schools, roads, hospitals or (used for development)
Avoid writing: Presence of labour.
Students should state the point and then explain it. (What, how, Why). Show how its
important or a problem.
Example 1: Problems facing arable farming:
1. Pests and diseases due to dampness destroy the crops leading to low harvests.
Avoid writing: Pests and diseases
Example 2: Factors favouring industrial growth in Nairobi:
1. Presence of reliable skilled labour to operate industrial machines, to work as
accountants, supervisors etc. Avoid writing presence of labour.

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


Example 3: Describe the steps which have been taken to improve arable
farming in Kenya highlands
1. There has been spraying of pesticides to control pests and diseases.
Avoid 1. Spraying of pests and diseases.
2. There should be spraying of pests.
3. Spraying of pests can be taken to control pests and diseases.
N.B: Should avoid a suggestive language.
Example 4: Describe the conditions that have encouraged large scale farming
on the Kenya highlands.
For this question you must use adjectives in your answers for example.
 Presence of adequate labour used to plant and harvest Tea
 Presence of reliable rainfall / climate that favours growth and harvesting
of Tea etc. NB See adjectives to use below
Example 5. Suggest the steps which can be taken to improve horticulture
farming in Nairobi. This time you must use a suggestive language.
Write: Pests and diseases should or can or may be controlled by spraying with
Avoid: Pests and diseases have been controlled by spraying with pesticides.
Example 6 for questions that begin with describe……’s a must to use an adjective
in each answer you give. E.g. adequate, reliable, supportive government policy or else
no marks are awarded.
Example 7 for questions that require to state the benefits or contribution or
importances you MUST explain the benefit. E.g. Tourism is a source of foreign
exchange used to construct infrastructures or else no marks.
Contribution of agriculture. Provides food for the local population thus reducing
hunger and malnutrition

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok



Physical Factors
>30oC - Very hot 20-30oC - Hot
10-20oC - Warm 0-10oC- Cool / Mild
<10oC - Very cold
Note: Avoid using terms like: Good / bad, high / low temps
(i) >1500mm - Very wet 1000-1500mm - Wet
500-1000mm - Moderate 250-500mm - Dry
<250mm - Very dry
(ii) Others: Heavy, moderate, unreliable, well distributed, poorly distributed.
Avoid using terms like high rainfall, low rainfall;, good rainfall
>50% - High <50% - Low
Note: there is no heavy, good, bad humidity.
Use terms like
1. Fertile, Deep, Shallow, well drained, poorly drained
2. Acidic, Sandy, Clay, Clay-Loams etc.
Note: Terms to avoid include Poor soils and good soils
1. Relatively flat / low-lying
2. Steep
3. Gently slopping
4. Valley

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


Note: Terms to avoid include: Good / poor relief, favourable /

unfavourable relief etc.
1. Forested
2. Scattered trees
3. Adequate pastures
4. Grass lands
5. Swampy vegetation
Note: Terms to avoid include thick / thin vegetation, poor / good
vegetation, presence of enough vegetation etc.
1. Large tracts of, extensive land / area, abundant area
Terms to avoid include Enough, adequate, inadequate, good / bad land
1. Skilled labour
2. Semi-skilledlabour
3. Un skilled labour
4. Cheap labour
5. Large supply of labour
6. Shortage of labour
7. Inadequate supple of labour
Note: Terms to avoid include: Enough labour, Goodlabour / bad labour,
poor labour etc.
1. Large or small market
2. Ready market, Reliable market / unreliable market,
3. Good potential of market, High purchasing power of the people
Terms to avoid: High market, Low market, sufficient / insufficient
market, poor / good market

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


1. Adequate / inadequate, strong capital base
2. Reliable source of capital, varied sources of capital e.g. Bank loan, government
grants, savings, sufficient tools, equipment / insufficient.
Terms to avoid: High market, low market, good capital / poor capital
1. Reliable / un reliable, Efficient, Flexible, cheap / adequate
2. Fast, Easy access to, etc.
1. Wide variety, adequate / inadequate, cheap, large supply of raw materials,
abundant supply, regular supply, ready source etc.
Terms to avoid: Poor / good raw materials / enough raw materials
1. Constant supply, Large amounts, plenty of water, regular supply, ready
supply, inadequate supply of, etc.
Terms to avoid: Enough water, good / poor water, little etc.
1. Cheap, appropriate, inappropriate, use friendly
Terms to avoid: Poor / good technology, hard / simple technology
1. Adequate / inadequate social infrastructures like schools, hospitals, water
supply etc.
2. Adequate / inadequate economic infrastructures like roads power, railway,
ports, communication etc.
1. Ready source, assured, large source
Note: term to avoid: Small / big employment, good / poor employment
1. Reliable, Efficient, cheap, wide variety, large supply

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


2. Constant supply, adequate / inadequate supply etc.

Terms to avoid: Poor / supply of poor etc.
1. Favourable i.e. government encouragement
2. Infavourable i.e. no government support
3. Positive i.e. government encouragement
4. Negative i.e. no government support
Terms to avoid: Good / poor government policy etc.
1. >1000km2 -
Large area
2. 401-1000km2 - Fairly large area
3. 151-400km2 - Small area
1. >15 MILLION - Large population
2. 5-15 million - Medium population
3. 1-5 million - rather small population
4. <1 million - Small population
Avoid: High / low population density
1. Adequate, inadequate, regular source, reliable / unreliable
2. Ready source of income
Avoid: enough income etc.

Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok


Compiled By Ouma Jimmy Geography Department St. Elizabeth’s Girls’ S.S-Kidetok

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