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1. Prognostic factors in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) include ages and

immunophenotyping picture. Mention other prognostic factors to determine the success
of ALL therapy:
A. Prolonged fever in acute phase
B. Number of leukocytes time at diagnosis
C. The presence of down syndrome
D. Sex/gender of the patient
E. Levels of uric acid in the induction phase

2. A 5-year-old boy came to the health center with day 3 of fever, acute onset, high fever
and not doing well. He also complains of pain on retro orbital, leg and also headache.
This boy looked ill, with temperature 38,6 oC, BP 100/65 mmHg, pulse 125/min and
petechie on his right hand. What is the probable diagnosis of this case?
A. Dengue viral infection
B. Dengue fever
D. Undifferentiated fever
E. Typhoid fever

3. A boy 1 year old came with his mother to Primary Health Care . His complain were
fever, poor apetite, runny nose and sore throat within five days after exposure with his
brother who suffered from Hand Foot and Mouth Disease ( HFMD) .The typical rash of
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease is :
A. Papulo vesicles throughout the body
B. Macular erythema arising centripetal
C. Petichie arising on the test Rumple Leed
D. Macular papules around the mouth, hands and feet
E. Macular papules accompanied by strawberry tongue

4. A 19-month-old baby was admitted to an emergency room with febrile seizure. Fever
appeared since last night, accompanied by cough and cold. Seizure lasted 1 minute. After
seizure he was crying, concious and there had history of febrile seizure when she was 13
months old. Physical examination revealed no abnormalities. Laboratory result showed
leukopenia. A week before the fever, he received measles vaccine. Based on the case,
what is the classification of the “adverse events following immunization”?
A. Vaccine product-related reaction
B. Vaccine quality defect-related reaction
C. Immunization error-related reaction
D. Immunization anxiety-related reaction
E. Coincidental event
5. A 2 ½-year-old boy appears with intermittent loose stools for the past 1 month. Stools
typically occur during the day and not overnight. The boy is otherwise healthy. The
growth and development are normal. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Chronic enteritis
B. Rotavirus enteritis
C. Salmonella enteritis
D. Food allergy
E. Toddler’s diarrhea

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