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Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 9: Clinical Microscopy

1. Urinometer steps: 1. Fill urine; 2. Place 12. Temperature for Total WBC CSF count:
urinometer in twisting motion; 3. Read at Refrigeration temp.
lower meniscus
13. Phosphate: Aluminum molybdate for
2. Principle of protein strip? Protein errors of determination
14. Fructose in seminalysis if delayed for 2 hours:
3. Stain that best differentiates small cells and store at Freezing temp till available for analysis
monocytic cells?
a. PAPS 15. CaOx Monohydrate shape: Elongated
b. Gram stain hourglass shape
c. Giemsa
d. NMB 16. True about sputum
a. Normal body fluid
4. Gives greatest problem in refractometer? b. Usually green color
a. bubbles c. All of the items
b. Cells d. From tracheo-bronchial
c. Crystals
d. High protein 17. First stage in spermatogenesis: Spermatogonia

5. Same patient voided urine thrice. Which has 18. For newborn screening specimen collection:
highest specific gravity? Blood spot test
a. All have same SG
b. 30 ml 19. Bilirubin conjugated with albumin to be
c. 100ml processed in the liver?
d. 80ml a. Unconjugated
b. Conjugated
6. High renin corresponds to? c. Direct
a. Low sodium and low plasma volume d. None
b. High potassium and low plasma volume
c. Low aldosterone 20. Bilirubin measurement in amniotic fluid:
7. Low EPO due to:
a. Renal disease 21. True of Biosafety cabinet II: Laminar flow
b. Cardiomegaly
22. Biohazard symbol: Three circles arrange in a
8. Diluent for WBC CSF Count: Acetic Acid triangle connected by a circle in the middle

9. Dilute urine effect on RBC: Swell; appears 23. Sharps sympol: Syringe enclosed in a circle to
like a halo make it look like an “X”

10. Curshman spirals 24. Oligoclonal band: Neurosyphilis not Multiple

a. Elongated crystals with Charcot Leyden MYELOMA (common mistake)
b. Spiral microorganisms staining gram negative
25. Occult blood in stool: Pseudoperoxidase
11. How much can the glomerulus filter? Less activity of haemoglobin
a. <50kDa 26. Blondheim: To differentiate myoglobin and
b. <60kDa haemoglobin
c. <70kDa
d. 7000 27. Principle of protein reagent strip: Albumin
accepts hydrogen ions which changes the pH
Medical Technology Board Exam Reviewer 9: Clinical Microscopy

28. Ketone reagent strip color: Purple

29. Ketone reagent strip:

a. Acetoacetic acid and nitroprusside
b. Acetone and phenosuphthalein
c. All items
d. Betahydroxybutyric acid and ---

30. What tell patient in collection for seminalysis:

a. Abstain for 2-3 weeks = (2-7 days)
b. No alcohol driking
c. Place in penicillin bottle
d. No smoking

31. Stool WBC differential count:

a. Polymorphonuclear cells and Monocyte
b. Phagocytic and non-phagocytic
c. Segmenters, Monocytes, Eosinophils

32. Most abundant WBC in urine: Neutrophil

33. Indicator for Acute tubular necrosis:

a. Brown cast
b. >1000WBC
c. Renal cell- renal tubular epithelial cells
d. Hemoglobinuria

34. Most significant cell: Renal cell (RTE)

35. Blood in peritoneal fluid
a. TB peritonitis
b. Malignancy

36. Least significant to most significant

cast: hyaline > wbc > granular >rbc >Waxy >
hyaline - rbc – granular- wbc-Waxy

37. Cast in athlete: Cylinduria

38. Granular cast derived from: Cells (Apollon)

39. Associated with Melanuria: Albinism

40. Which is not a PPE: sharp’s container

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