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Regional Dialects differences in Morocco ( the

east versus the west ).

Eastern Transcription Western Transcription ENGLISH

Dialect of of the Dialect of of the TRANSLATED
Morocco eastern Morocco western WORDS
paradigm paradigm
Mzopi /mzupi/ 7ma9 / /hmaq/ Crazy
Mfrw7 /mfərwah/
Mreghen /mrəgən/ Fazeg /fazəg/ Wet
Yabes /yabəs/ Karm /karəm/ crusty
7arama /haramma/ Wlah /wlah/ I swear
Rnkha /rnəkha/ 9wdha /qwədha/ You made it
Mrnka /mərənka/ Zwina / /zwina/ something
Khayba /xayba/ beautiful /
Raydi /rəyədi/ Tsnay /tsənay/ wait
Abrdi /abrdi/ Awili /awili/ Omg ! ouch !
Samet /samət/ Mesous /məsus/ a food that
has no taste
Mbeleg /mbələg/ Mkhrj /məxərrəž/ someone
looking at
you with a
sharp look
Tras /trras/ Rajel /ražl/ Man
Sbat /sbat/ Ta7et /taht/ Fall in (
winter, etc )
Ne3ala /nəɛala/ Sendala /səndala/ Flip flop
Garab /gərrab/ 9arab /qərrəb/ Come closer
Hwed /həwwəd/ Hbat /hbat/ Go down
Ghaya /gaya/ Mzyan /mzyan/ So Good
Ghbntini /gbəntini/ F9stini /fqstini/ You made
me so
Tzala3 /tzələɛ/ Tkab /tkub/ something
had been
poured such
as Water,
juice, etc
Bla3 /bələɛ/ Sed /səd/ Close
Bez /bəz/ Drari /drari/ Children
Rwa7 /rwah/ Aji /aži/ Come
Ro7 /ruh/ Sir /sir/ Go
Droka /druka/ Daba /daba/ Now / right
Rya7 /rəyyah/ Glas / /glas/zga/rsa Sit down /
Zga / Rsa calm down
Maykhtanich /mayxtanīš/ Mayfotnich /mayfutnīš/ used for a
person or
that stays
with you in
your hardest
Welli /wəlli/ Raj3i /rəžɛi/ Come back
Kirak dayr /kirak dayər/ Labas alik /labas ɛlik/ How are you
Wach rak /waš rak Chno /šnu What’s the
t3awd tɛawd/ kat3awd katɛawd/ news?
/ Ach /aš xbark/
Wachta fiha /waxta fiha/ Achno /šnu fiha/ How are you
fiha doing?
9oti /quti d- 7ok /huk d- canned
dlmaticha lmatiša/ dlmaticha lmatiša/ tomatoes

• The table above shows the most common words used by two different sets
of people in North Africa, Morocco. The eastern region and the western
region of the country have some distinct variations in the use of certain
words and expressions. Thus, they contribute to the enrichment of the local
language of Morocco ( Moroccan darija ).

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