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Looking at the works one is drawn into her world, her unique point of view and even beyond

– for
Ms. Poonam’s works do not merely draw us out into her world, inside the mind of the artiste, they
touch that world which is a world inside each of our individual selves.
Even if we are unable to look into our own inner worlds, the visions of Ms.Poonam touch it, move it
and change it into something else in the course of this very process of viewing; although we may not
sense it, bringing to mind the well known German philosopher’s musing about how we ourselves
become an object of study when we undertake a deep and substantive enquiry into any object -

“…for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also
into you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Hence Poonam ji’s work provides a channel through which this back and forth of inner inquiry
transpires between the artiste and the viewer. It opens up a two way conduit where both the artiste
and the viewer engage in ruminating over nature and it is spontaneous beauty as well as decay, or to
ponder over the ironiv desolation of humanity despite a flood of communication modes available

Ms. Poonam’s vision thus touches the viewer with an eye on both nature and humanity; and invites
us to acknowledge the dichotomy of their increasing distance. Her works remind us of both the
beauty of the harmony of this duo as well as the dangers that abound when the concern with
humanity supersedes the concern for nature.

- Bhavna Raghuvanshi

Commuinion with the ineffable.

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