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Maths HHW

Define factor – When an algebraic expression can be written as the product of
two or more algebraic expressions then each of these expressions is called a
factor of the given expression.

What is factorization – Factorization is the process of finding two or more

expressions whose product is the given expression.

Explain factorization by taking out common factor. Give five examples of your
If the different terms of given polynomial have common factors, then the given
polynomial can be factorised by the following procedure:-
(i) Find the H.C.F. of all the terms of the given polynomial.
(ii) Divide each term of the given polynomial by H.C.F. Enclose the
quotient with the brackets and keep the common factor outside the
5 examples:-

(i) 8xy3 + 12x2y2

H.C.F. of 8xy3 + 12x2y2 is 4xy2
So, 8xy3 + 12x2y2 = 4xy2 (2y ÷ 3x)

(ii) 15ax2 – 9ax2

H.C.F. of 15ax2 – 9ax2 is 3ax2
So, 15ax2 – 9ax2 = 3ax2 (5x – 3)

(iii) 21py2 – 56py

H.C.F. of 21py2 – 56py is 7py
So, 21py2 – 56py = 7py (3y – 8)
(iv) 4x3 – 6x2
H.C.F. of 4x3 – 6x2 is 2x2
So, 4x3 – 6x2 = 2x2 (2x – 3)

(v) 18m + 16n

H.C.F. of 18m + 16n is 2.
So, 18m + 16n = 2(9m + 8n)

Explain factorization by grouping of terms. Give five examples of yours own:-

When the grouping of terms of the given polynomial gives rise to common
factor, the given polynomial can be factorised by the following procedure:-
(i) Arrange the terms of the given polynomial in groups in such a way
that each group has a common factor.
(ii) Factorise each group.
(iii) Take out the factor which is common to each group.
5 examples:-

(i) x2 + xy – x – y
= (x2 + xy) (– x – y)
= x(x + y) -1(x + y)
= (x−1)(x−y) ans.

(ii) 5p2 – 8pq – 10p + 16q

= (5p2 – 10p) ( -8pq + 16q)
= 5p(p – 2) -8q(p - 2)
= (p – 2) (5p – 8q) ans.

(iii) y2 – yz – 5y + 5z
= (y2 – yz) (– 5y + 5z)
= y (y – z) -5 (y – z)
= (y – 5) ( y – z)

(iv) a2b – ab2 + 3a – 3b

= (a2b + 3a) (– ab2 – 3b)
= a(ab + 3) -b (ab + 3)
= (a – b) (ab + 3)

(v) 5xy + 7y – 5y2 – 7x

= (5xy– 5y2) (+ 7y– 7x)
= 5y (x – y) 7 (y – x)
= (x -y) (5y + 7)

Explain factorization of difference of two squares. Give five examples of your

In this we use the identity a2 – b2 = (a+b)(a-b)
5 examples:-
(i) 4x2 – 169y2
= (2x)2 – (13y)2
= (2x + 13y) (2x – 13y)

(ii) a(a – 3) -b(b – 3)

= a2 – 3a – b2 + 3b
= ( a2 – b2 ) – 3a + b
= (a-b)(a+b) – 3(a -b)
= (a – b) (a + b – 3)

(iii) 16y3 – 4y
= 4y (4y2 – 1)
= 4y [(2y)2 – (1)2]
= 4y (2y + 1) (2y – 1)

(iv) 9x2 – 4a2 + 4ay – y2

= 9x2 – (4a2 – 4ay + y2)
= (3x)2 – (2a – y)2
= (3x + 2a - y)( 3x – 2a – y)
= (3x – y + 2a) (3x + y – 2a)

(v) 3 – 12 (a – b)2
= 3 [1 -4 (a – b)2]
= 3 [12 – (2 (a – b))2]
= 3 ( 1+2 (a – b) ) (1 – 2 (a – b) )
= 3 ( 1+2a – 2b) (1 – 2a – 2b)

Explain factorization of trinomials. Give two examples.

Rule to factorise trinomial ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, and c are real numbers;
split b into 2 real numbers in a way where the algebraic sum of these 2
numbers is b and their product is ac, then factorise by grouping method. It
is not always possible to factorise a trinomial (ex : a quadratic expression)
so doing this might make it easy:-
b2 – 4ac, if it turns out to be a perfect square, then the given expression will
factorise, otherwise not.
2 examples:-
(i) x2 + 9x + 18
= x2 + 3x + 6x + 18
= x (x + 3) + 6 (x + 3)
= (x +3) (x + 6)

(ii) 12x2 – 7x + 1
= 12x2 – 3x – 4x + 1
= 3x (4x – 1) -1 (4x – 1)
= (4x -1) (3x – 1)

Explain factorization of sum or difference of two cubes. Give two examples

in each.

In this we shall use the following two identities:-

 a3 + b3 = (a + b) (a2 – ab + b2)
 a3 - b3 = (a - b) (a2 + ab + b2)

4 examples:-

(i) 8x3 + 125y3

= (2x)3 + (5y)3
= (2x + 5y) [ (2x)2 – 2x * 5y + (5y)2 ]
= (2x + 5y) ( 4x2 – 10xy + 25y2 ) ans.

(ii) x4 – 125xy3
= x( x3 – 125y3)
= x( x3 – (5y)3)
= x( x – 5y) (x2 + x * 5y + (5y)2)
= x( x – 5y (x2 + 5xy + 25y)2) ans.

(iii) x4 + 125xy3
= x( x3 + 125y3)
= x( x3 + (5y)3)
= x( x + 5y) (x2 - x * 5y + (5y)2)
= x( x + 5y (x2 + 5xy + 25y)2) ans.

(iv) 8a3 – b3
= (2a)3 – b3
= (2a – b) ( 4a2 + 2a * b + b2)
= (2a – b) ( 4a2 + 2ab + b2) ans.

Q. Factorise the following:-

(i) 125 + 8x3 – 27y3 + 90xy
= a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc = (a + b+ c) (a2 + b2 + c2 – ab – bc – ac)
= (5)3 + (2x)3 + (-3y)3 – 3*5 * 2x * (-3y)
= (5 + 2x – 3y) ( 52 + (2x)2 + (-3y)2 – (5(2x)) – ((2x) – (3y)) – ((5x)(-3y)))
= (5 +2x – 3y) ( 25 + 4x + 9y – 10x + 6xy + 15y) ans.

(ii) ( 3x – 2y )3 + ( 2y – 4z )3 + ( 4z – 3x )3
= 3{ ( 3x – 2y ) + ( 2y – 4z ) + ( 4z – 3x ) }
= 3 ( 3x – 2y + 2y – 4z + 4z – 3x ) ans.

(iii) x4 + x2 + 25
= x4 + 10x2 – 9x2 + 25
= (x4 + 10x2 + 25) – 9x2
iv) 8/27x3 + 1 + 4/3x2 + 2x
= (2/3x + 1) (2/3x + 1) (2/3x + 1)

v)10x4y – 10xy4
= 10xy (x3-y3)
= 10xy(x-y) (x2 + xy +y2) [Let a3 -b3 = (a - b) (a2 + ab +b2)]
:. 10x4 y- 10xy4 = 10xy (x-y) (x2 +xy + y2)

Compound Interest:
What is interest?
Ans. It is the additional amount besides with the original amount paid by the
borrower to the moneylender in lieu of the money used by him.
Write the components to find the interest?
Ans. The components are as follows:
1. Principal
2. Rate
3. Time
4. Amount

What is compound Interest?

Ans. At the end of the first year (or any other fixed period), if the interest
accrued is not paid to the moneylender but is added to the principal,
then this amount becomes the principal for the next year (or any other
fixed period) and so on. This process is repeated until the amount for the
whole time is found. The difference between the final amount and the
original amount is called compound interest.

Derive the formula to find compound interest.

Give some real life application where we could use compound interest.
Ans. When you lend money then always give it on a compound interest as this
way you gain more profit compared to simple interest as compound interest is
always greater than simple interest.
Difference between Simple and Compound Interest.
Ans. Simple Interest is calculated on the principal whereas compound interest
is calculated on the principal as well as the interest collected for a certain time
period or previous period.
Q.1 The compound interest on a certain sum of money at 5% per annum for
two years is Rs246. Calculate the simple interest on the same sum for three
years at 6% per annum.
C.I.= Rs. 246, R=5%, T=2 yrs
C.I = A – P
246 = P [ 1 + 5/100 ]2 – P
246 = P (21/20)2 – 1
246 = P [61/400]
P = 246 * 400/41
= Rs. 2400
Now, P = Rs. 2400, R = 6 %, T = 3 years
S.I = 2400*6*3/100
= Rs. 432.
Q.2 A certain sum amounts to Rs. 4840 in 2 years and to Rs. 5324 in 3 years at
compound interest. Find the rate and the sum.
Ans. Let principal be Rs.P and rate of interest per annum= r% Then
P( 1 + r/100)2 =4840………(i) and P (1 + r/100)3 = 5324……(ii)
 5324/4840 = (1 + r/100)3/ (1 + r/100)2
 1 + r/100 = 1331/1210
 r/100 = 1331/1210 – 1 = 121/1210 = q1/10
 r = 1/10 *100 = 10% p.a.

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