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Heading: Factorization

Define Factorization-  factorization can be defined as the process of breaking down a number into
smaller numbers which when multiplied together arrive at the original number.

What is factorization- factorization is when you break a number down into smaller numbers that,
multiplied together, give you that original number.

Explain factorization by taking out common factor. Give five examples of your own.-

To factorise an algebraic expression, take out the highest common factor and place it outside the
brackets. Then we get the expression inside the brackets by dividing each term by the highest
common factor that we took outside the bracket. For example;


1. 2x+4 = 2(x+2)

2. 9xy-12y = 3y(3x-4)

3. 12+24x = 12(1+2y)

4. 15a+18y = 3(5a+6y)

5. 4+4y = 4(1+y)

Explain factorization by grouping of terms. Give five examples of yours own.

Factorization by grouping of terms means that we group the terms with common factors
before factoring. Method of factorization by grouping the terms: (i) From the groups of the
given expression a factor can be taken out from each group. (ii) Factorize each group. (iii) Now
take out the factor common to group formed. For e.g
1. 2x2+4+20x2+40
2. 3xy-9x+30xy-90x
3. 10y-15z+2y-3z
4. 12ab+36b+13a+39
5. x+xy+2x+2xy

Explain factorization of trinomials. Give two examples.

When you have ax2 + bx + c, to factor we first multiply a by c, and then find two factors that will
multiply to equal a*c , add up to b. Then you write (ax + _)(ax + _) with the two factors in the
blank spots, then divide it all by a.
Eg. 5x2 + 8x + 3 
Here, a*c = 5*3 = 15 and b = 8
Factors that multiply to 15 and add up to 8, are 5 and 3, since 5+3 = 8.
Then write it like so, and you can pull a factor of 5 from the first set of parentheses:
(5x+5)(5x+3) = 5(x+1)(5x+3) but remember we multiplied a by c earlier, so we've actually
multiplied the original expression by a (and a = 5), so we need to divide it by a, which we can do
to get:
Another example:
2x² + 5x + 3
a*c = 2*3 = 6 and b = 5
Factors that add up to 5 and multiply to 6, are: 2 and 3.
So write it as:
(2x + 3)(2x+2) and now divide by a (which is 2): 
(2x + 3)(x+1)

Explain factorization of sum or difference of two cubes. Give two examples in each.

The sum or difference of two cubes can be factored into a product of a binomial times a

One more eg

One more eg

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➢ What is interest

It an amount of extra money the borrower pays to the lender for the financed sum.

➢ Write the components to find the interest

Ans. Principle, Rate and Time

➢ What is compound interest

Compound interest is when you earn interest on both the money you've saved and the interest you
earn in a particular time period.

➢ Derive the formula to find compound interest

➢ Give some real-life application where we could use compound interest

When you lend money then always give it on a compound interest as this way you gain more profit
compared to simple interest as compound interest is always greater than simple interest.

➢ Difference between Simple interest and compound interest

Simple interest is calculated on the principal whereas compound interest is calculated on the principal as
well as the interest collected for a certain period or previous period.
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