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Engr. Shevanee Ruth G.

dela Cruz
-Comes from Arabic word
meaning reunion of broken parts
-branch of mathematics concerning the
study of the rules of operations and
relations, and the construction and
concepts arising from them, including
terms, polynomials, equations and
algebraic expressions.
Algebraic Expressions
-formed by using constants and
variables and the algebraic
operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, the
raising to power (evolution) and
the extraction of roots
d2 + 2d - 5
Variables (literal numbers) – the letters in the
algebraic expression
Letter “d”
Terms – is a part or component of an expression
when the the expression is composed of parts
connected by a (+) or (-) sign.
Consist of 3 terms (d2,2d,and -5).
Factor – is a part of product of an expression
composed of parts multiplied together.
2d- 2 is the numerical coefficient and d as its
literal coefficient.
An Algebraic expression-
One term – monomial
Ex. 3xy
Two terms – binomial
Ex. 2x2 – 3xy

Three terms – trinomial

Ex. 2x2 -3xy + y2

Multinomial or polynomial –used to indicate an

expression of two or more terms.
Ex. 2x2 -3xy + y2-6
The degree of a monomial which involves variables is the
sum of the exponents attached to those variables.
A monomial which involves no variables, that is, a non-
zero contant, is said to be of degree zero.
1. 3 = 0
2. 3x = 1
3. 5x2y = 2+1 = 3
4. 3x2y2 = 2+2 = 4
5. 3x2y2z = 2+2+1 = 5
6. 5x2-3x2y+y2 = 2+1 = 3
The degree of a polynomial is the degree of the term with
the highest degree in the polynomial.
Symbols of Grouping
Symbols of grouping are symbols used
to enclose terms whose sum is to act as
a single number:
Parenthesis ()
Brackets []
Braces {}
Vinculum —
Rules in removing a symbol of grouping
1.Removing a symbol of grouping preceded by
a minus sign changes the signs of all the
terms previously enclosed by that symbol.
Ex. - (2xy – 3) = -2xy+3
If the sign preceding a symbol of grouping
is the plus sign, removal of that symbol
of grouping does not affect the signs of
the term previously enclosed by it.
Ex. +(2xy – 3) = 2xy-3
2.Enclosing several terms by a symbol of
grouping preceded by a minus sign
changes the signs of all the terms it is
made to enclose. Enclosing several
terms by a symbol of grouping
precede by a plus sign does not affect
the signs of the terms enclosed.

Ex. -2xy-3x+3 = - (2xy+3x-3)

Powers and Exponents
Natural number exponents: if x is a
real number and n is a natural number,
then xn = x·x·x·x···x (n factor of x)
In the expression xn ,x is called the base
and n is called the exponent or power.
The exponent tells how many times to
use the base as a factor.
We read xn as x to the nth power.
In the expression (-p)n:
-p is the base
(-p)n = (-p)(-p)…..(-p)
In the expression -pn:
p is the base
-pn = -(p·p·….·p)

If p is a real number and n is a natural number, then

(-p)n = pn if n is even.
(-p)n = -pn if n is odd.
Properties of Exponents: If m and n are natural numbers,
and x and y are real numbers:
1. xmxn = x m+n product with same base
2. (xm)n = x mn power to a power
3. (xy)n = xnyn product to a power
4. (x/y)n = xn/yn; y≠0 quotient to a power
5. xm quotient with same base (x≠0)
_1_ if n>m
xm-n if m>n
1 if m=n
Order of Operations
1. If there are any parenthesis in the expression,
that part of the expression within a pair of
parenthesis is evaluated first. A fraction line and
the bar in a square root act like parenthesis.
2. The evaluation proceeds in the order;
First: powers and roots are done
Second: multiplication and division are done
in order from left to right.
Third: addition and subtraction are done in
order from left to right.
Operations on Polynomials
Addition of Polynomials
Removing the symbols of grouping, combining like
terms and then writing the answers in
descending powers of the given variable.
Example (1) Add (4y2-6x+14) and (-3y2 + 4x – 12)
=4y2-6x+14 -3y2 + 4x – 12
= (4y2-3y2)+ (-6x+4x)+(14 – 12)
=y2 +(-2x)+2
Arranging them under one another so that like
terms are in the same vertical lines and then
finding the sum of the terms in each vertical line
by adding their numerical coefficients.
Example (2) Add (14y2-26x+34),(-8y2 + 24x – 12),

14y2 -26x +34

-8y2 +24x -12
4y3 -6x +4
4y3 +6y2 -8x +26
Subtraction of Polynomials
Change the sign of each term in the polynomial
being instructed, then add the resulting terms
Write the polynomial being subtracted under the
polynomial it is being subtracted from, write like
terms in the same vertical line, change the sign of
each term in the polynomial being subtracted,
then find the sum of the resulting terms in each
vertical line by adding their numerical coefficients.

1. Subtract (2x2-5y+3) from the sum of (8y2-6y-1) and

(4y2 +7y -9)

2. Subtract (3z2 -2z-7) from (z3 -2z-5)

3. [(5x2-3x+7) +(2-2x2)] – (7x2-3x)

Multiplication of Polynomials
Multiply separately the numerical coefficients and
the literal coefficients, then apply the laws of
exponents and the distributive law of

(1.) Multiply (3u3v)(20uv)(-3uv2)
= (3)(20)(-3)(u3+1+1)(v1+1+2)
(2.) Multiply (3x2-4x+6)(5x-2)
= (3x2-4x+6)(5x)+ (3x2-4x+6)(-2)
= 15x3-20x2+30x-6x2+8x-12
= 15x3-26x2+38x-12
Division of Polynomials
To divide a polynomial by a monomial, divide
each term in the polynomial by the monomial,
simplify each term, and then add the resulting
Divide 15a4b2c+20ab3c-10abc2
= 15a4b2c + 20ab3c - 10abc2
5abc 5abc 5abc
Dividing one polynomial by a
polynomial with two or more terms
Step 1 : arrange the divisor and the dividend in
descending powers of one variable. In the dividend,
leave spaces for any missing terms.

Divide (5x2+6x3-5-4x) by (3+2x)

2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
Step 2: Find the first term of the
quotient by dividing the first term of
the dividend by the first term of the
2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
Step 3: Multiply the entire divisor by the
first term of the quotient. Place the product
under the dividend, lining up like terms.

2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
Step 4: subtract the product found in step 3
from the dividend, bringing down at least one
term. This difference is the remainder. If the
degree of the remainder is not less than the
degree of the divisor, continue with steps 5 to
2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
(-) 6x3+9x2
 -4x2 – 4x
Step 5: Find the next term of the quotient
by dividing the first term of the remainder
by the first term of the divisor.

2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
(-) 6x3+9x2
-4x2 – 4x
Step 6 : Multiply the entire divisor by
the term found in step 5.

2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
(-) 6x3+9x2
-4x2 – 4x
(-) -4x2 – 6x
2x - 5
Step 7: subtract the product found in step 6
from the polynomial above it bringing
down at least one more term.
3x2-2x + 1
2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
(-) 6x3+9x2
-4x2 – 4x
(-) -4x2 – 6x
2x - 5
Step 8: Repeat steps 5 through 7 until the
remainder is 0 or until the degree of the
remainder is less than the degree of the divisor.
3x2-2x + 1
2x+3 6x3+5x2-4x-5
(-) 6x3+9x2
-4x2 – 4x
(-) -4x2 – 6x
2x - 5
(-) 2x +3
The division is now finished since the
degree of the remainder is less than the
degree of the divisor.

Answer: 3x2-2x + 1 _ __8__


Step 9: check your answer.

divisor x quotient + remainder = dividend
“ But the Lord is faithful, and He will
strengthen you and protect you from
the evil one.”

-2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV)

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