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2. TWO SHORT PIPING CASE STUDIES by FK Crawley Strathelyde University Loss Prevention Unit, Department of CHemical & Process Enginecring STRESS CORROSION CRACKING lpipesim a 1.2 Jin winter. Following a hot dry suminer tke pipes Sere used on, mouilicatians. During pressure testing four Pipes had pin holes round aS sector and along, the avis of the pipe. Luter diagnosis revealed stress corrasiva eruchinw. Fea seainless 5 3, deack were Tuid on the ge How? Simply chlorides cached from the soil had conceatraied under tne comact formed helwcen the pipe gud the geound, The heat uf the summer had set up this heating condition which had resulted im the attack. Yes? Even in Seottand sigel can reach iF in the san CORROSION OF A SERPENTINE COLL, COOLER, A nitrous gas absorber on a Nitrle Acid Plat operating at a pressure 2.5 - 8 Bur (a) was (ited with cooling tubes on the taps The coolant was ammonia at about G5 Base. ‘The ammonia was vaporised and then oxidised 10 make the nilrous gases which then beeam ric acid, Afier some cen tofifteen years the nd nitric Asevery cooling tubes developed pis bole: seid leaked inte this ammonia Lose Sohal bow kaos nitrate pitrais a New wos the eoatamiaant locked the uhes, hur ot fates Ht was decided tn remose the nis cutting sel fs replace them Unforiunately no-one consuleced the ochice properties of ammonium niceate and as eve teezorist knows it cum be explosive Nowe was burt but these yas sigaiticant capital and production loss Some tin eies usin MESSAGES. H Prowet piping before installation: 2 Inspect piping for damage before imstalission Pally undsestend your problems, the chemistry and potential, be il a simple ne a comples prncess. 4 Oh yes! Beware of she wnexpeet

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