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01 START HERE – EPV Preview Exercise

Create your reality by living into the picture you hold of the future.
An endpoint is the farthest you can see…the moment of completion. EndPoint Vision (EPV) will
help you build habits that develop the mental strength required to define your purpose, take
action and get results. Imagine that moment of success as if it is happening now.
A vision is what you see as your intention or reason for being…generally something you aspire
to excel at and that brings value to the world. During this preview lesson you will assess how
well your current behaviours support your vision and then observe results after taking action.

Assess Current 1. Create 2. Take Key 3. Notice Share

Habits, System a Mental Model Action Now Results/Emotion Learning/Insight

In this exercise you will experience the essence of the EndPoint Vison (EPV) System. Boost
clarity and motivation after taking focused action. Feel the joy of success.

First, Assess Your Current Habits (2 minutes)

Use the following scale to rate yourself. Be honest and go with your gut or first thought, rather
than overthinking the answers: 1=Nope, 2=Not much, 3=Not sure, 4=Sort of, 5=Definitely!

a. I have a clear purpose and goals to support it. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes

b. I have a system for achieving my vision. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes

c. I believe I deserve to succeed. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes

d. I take consistent action toward my vision. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes

e. I am confident that I will fulfill my potential. No 1—2—3—4—5 Yes

Total your score _____

Divide by 5 to get your average score ____

If a score is 4-5 or total is 20 or more, you are on track. EPV will support your success.
If a score is 3 or total is less than 20, you risk drifting. EPV will help you fine-tune your purpose.
If a score is 1-2 or total is less than 15, you lack focus. EPV will help you define your purpose.

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Second, Experience Success (8-10 minutes)
Now that you have assessed your current success system, complete this exercise to experience
an EndPoint Vision (EPV). Use this worksheet, your EPV Journal or a blank page for notes.

STEP 1. Create a Mental Model: Get a clear sense of your purpose and results for a specific
Take 3-5 min to visualize success in your mind’s eye like a multi-sensory movie. Close your eyes.
Describe in words, handwrite it, mind map it, sketch it, draw symbols, say it aloud, or act it out.

Write your EndPoint Vision (EPV) as a statement/sketch of action. Use positive present tense.
Example: I am standing with my team for the winners’ photo at 8:00 pm on Feb 14; I am
cheering in celebration; I glimpse the twinkle of pride in my coach’s/parents’/friends’ eyes.

Summarize your EPV in one word or a 3-5 word slogan. Repeat it to trigger your EPV movie. A
memorized image, symbol, sound and physical movement or sensation can also trigger the
movie to play. Example: We Won! [pump fist in the air, big smile, say, “Yes!”]

Belief/motivation/feelings after action (use words or sketch/symbols):

STEP 2. Take Action Within 5 Minutes. Commit to your vision or event. The bigger and more
committed your action, the more interesting STEP 3 will be. Examples: Call someone, draft an
email, research something, make a list, schedule an action in your calendar that you will take
within 24 hours or as soon as possible (e.g. I am calling Kim at 8:30 am tomorrow).

STEP 3. Notice Results and Emotions. Is your belief stronger? Do you feel anxious?
Belief/motivation/feelings after action (use words or sketch/symbols):

Celebrate/Share: What did you experience or learn from this exercise? Share with your coach.
Post a short comment online at the end of this lesson: 01 START HERE - Preview Exercise

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