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Suicide is ending one’s life that is caused by wounds by the intention of dying by that
oneself. The issue has been urging for a long time and there are numerous solution have been
tried to prevent this matter, but the topic remains hard to solve. The theories used to study this
case are Utilitarianism theory and Libertarianism theory.

Suicide is an emotionally charged subject that has been discussed for many years. The
severity of actions taken against persons who choose to end their lives and their families has
evolved over time, as do societal attitudes on suicide's acceptability. When it comes to suicide,
individuals frequently wonder how to better detect and prevent suicidal ideation. Individuals
frequently use abstract moral theories or principles to justify their position on whether or not
suicide should be prevented in this way. As a result, whether the topic at hand concerns a single
individual or suicide as a philosophical construct, the act of suicide is addressed as either 'right'
or 'wrong'. These findings leave little opportunity for figuring out how to respond to the needs,
feelings, and worries of those who are directly impacted by suicide, such as suicidal persons,
their family members, and professionals who come into contact with suicidal people on a regular
basis. While philosophical discussions raise essential issues like an individual's right to die, the
logic of a death wish, and society's responsibility to act, they often neglect the nuanced and
contextualized features of specific circumstances.

Furthermore, philosophical disputes about suicide can influence society and policy
responses, such as which groups should be protected and which groups have a rational desire to
die. Many recent discussions about the desire to die have centered on physician-assisted death
(PAD). These disagreements have cast a pall on issues regarding suicide, which have received
little attention despite the fact that suicide kills significantly more people each year. For
thousands of years, dealing with suicide has been a difficulty, and various solutions have been
used throughout history. There are many different models through which suicidal behaviour is
explored, and suicidality has been associated with a variety of sociological, personal, and
biological risk factors. However, the ongoing argument about whether PAD should be legalised
has largely superseded the difficulties surrounding suicide in public and scholarly discussions. In
many other nations where PAD has been decriminalized, we believe that the moral acceptability
of the intention to kill oneself is no longer the most pressing ethical matter. Instead, the focus
should be on the difficulties that suicidal people or those who frequently engage with suicidal
people confront.



Humans will always face various problems for the rest of their lives. In a situation full of
unanswered questions, problems that arise repeatedly, and no one can hear or understand,
depression becomes an entrance to despair, and some people consider suicide to be the only way
out. As Albert Camus in his Myth of Sisyphus (1942) wrote that "the only genuine and serious
philosophical dilemma is suicide.".

The question is, does ethics justify suicide? Many philosophical reasons have been advanced
to argue that suicide is an immoral and unethical act. One popular reason is that most causes of
suicide, such as a depression, mental illness, or financial difficulties, are temporary conditions
that can be overcome through therapy and lifestyle changes. In other words, suicide is a
permanent solution to a temporary problem. There are, however, arguments in favor of a person's
right to choose between life and death. Suicide is seen as a legitimate option in this viewpoint.
This way of thinking rejects the notion that suicide is always or usually irrational, instead
viewing it as a solution to a real problem. When other options are deemed to be worse, this is a
legitimate solution. No one should be forced to suffer more than necessary, and suicide provides
a way to avoid suffering. On this moral dilemma, there are two ethical theories that view suicide
from different perspectives: Libertarians and Utilitarians.

Libertarianism is a viewpoint that emphasizes liberty; it is generally preferable to give people

more freedom of choice. So, according to this viewpoint, a person's life belongs solely to that
individual, and no one else has the authority to impose or oppose the wishes of a free individual.
The decision can only be made by the individual, and any decision must be respected. This
includes the choice to commit suicide. Even according to this libertarian theory, suicide is the
most fundamental right because freedom entails self-possession. Specifically, ownership of both
the body and the soul. The right to die is thus a fundamental right. If others can force someone to
live, that person no longer owns himself, but is owned by them.

Jeremy Bentham's utilitarianism theory is the most frequently used as a justification against
pro-suicide arguments. The utilitarian principle states that the right thing to do is whatever
produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people involved. So,
referring to utilitarianism’s perspective, those who are depressed and commit suicide may
believe that their problems in life will be solved after they commit suicide, but they forget that
their relatives and friends are also grieving and bear the burden of depression from the suicide
perpetrator. Instead of resolving the issue, the trauma left behind has the potential to influence
others to do the same. Thus, the utilitarian argument wishes to convey that suicide is a selfish act
that disregards other people. This became the basis for criticism that the suicide perpetrator is
unconcerned about his or her surroundings. Utilitarians will apply utilitarian principles to family
members to determine what will produce the greatest amount of happiness. In general, utilitarian
theory opposes suicide.


As we know suicide is a major public health problem as well as one of the most
important indicators of public mental health. But what does the eastern and western ethical code
thought about suicide in their perseptive. The end of life is viewed differently in Eastern and
Western cultures. Suicide, for example, has long been regarded as a noble and self-sacrificial act
in Eastern cultures, while it has long been associated with shame and fear in Western cultures;
both perspectives are influenced by cultural background( Mostafazadeh-Bora, M., Zarghami, A.,
& Shahriari, M. (2016)).Do they view mental health as a dangerous thing, or just a trivial
thing? For example, in Iran, Suicide rate in Iran has been also lower than that in most countries
especially in Western societies, but such a value has been higher than that reported among
nations located in the Middle East. This show on suicide attempts are on the rise, according to
research studies conducted around the world, and the statistics associated with successful suicide
attempts have been alarming in recent years. Confucian scholars believe that any principle
without compassion as a base cannot endure. The eastern teachings regard internal virtues as the
foundation of morality that spontaneously motivate a person to act in an ethical way. The
emphasis on loyalty, self-sacrifice, and honour in Confucianism can lead to altruistic suicide.
According to Kelly D B (2011) Suicide and self-harm in Buddhist and non-Buddhist
traditions, including the classification of certain types of self-harm, altruism as a reason for
suicide, and self-immolation as a form of political protest. The contexts in which certain
forms of self-harm are acceptable, as well as the dominant frameworks used to interpret such
acts, are examples of differences.
Based on the western perspective towards suicide, Suicide is a sin, and those who
commit it will suffer after they die. Suicide is a sin against God, and as a result, you will
have to pay the price. One has no choice but to commit suicide because the Western world's
psychology is one of guilt, shame, and failure. Christians frequently regard the deceased as a
sinner and refuse to perform the funeral rites. They will pay the price for their suicide
decision for the rest of their lives in hell. We are spiritual beings who chose to have a
low-vibration Earthly experience in order to experience something unique. For the purposes
of learning, both life and death are illusions. If death didn't exist, we wouldn't take life as
seriously, and someone wouldn't put on as much of a show. Death adds to the value of life,
but it is not something to be afraid of.

Solution and Justification

Suicide in so many ways is never be justified as a good deed from humanity
perspective. Suicide is a very serious case that need to be stop especially in the free thinking
country like in the western country. Doing suicide or even attempt to do one is illegal to
begin with. From all viewpoint, religion, nationality, or even society, it is clearly prohibited
to end their own life just by the reasoning of not wanting to live anymore or being tired of
what have happened to them. In this day and age, suicide as a serious mental illness that need
to be in observation by the government and society. In order to reduce the case of suicide,
society need to identify the root of the problem first such people with depresiion, anxiety or
stress in which can lead to suicide. Anything can be source of suicide like having a bad day
or toxic environment to work with in so by identify this, the chance of someone to kill
themself can be lower by ethical decision like having good morals and care about other
human being.
Making a campaign awareness about how serious for us to take care of our mental
health in which can lead to suicide. Because people does not see mental illness as a serious
case that can lead into suicide but when things happen society always want to blame the
system but never saw the problem within the system. Besides that, prevent suicidal
individuals from obtaining and using lethal self-harm techniques Educating families of those
in crisis on how to safely store medications and firearms, distributing gun safety locks,
changing medication packaging, and erecting barriers on bridges are all actions that can be
taken to reduce access to lethal means.


To conclude, the case and issue of suicide have been happened since a long time ago and
the psychologist or the scientist are still struggling to see or seek the one reasoning behind the
action. On the western side of the world, they do the most suicide case in the whole world.
Compared to the eastern side of the world, the western are more likely to do suicide since they
don’t believe in the existence of the hearafter. The core values as well may help the humanity to
prevent the action of suicide itself.
1. Adab
By having a good adab and the able to differentiate which is the right or wrong thing to
do, humanity may be able to reduce the number of suicide. They will understand that
running away from problem or do suicide to end their life is not the way to close their
2. Amalan
3. Aqiedah
4. Akhlaq
5. Amanah

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