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Stage I - Nigredo: Catharsis and Blackening

This is the precursor to the transmutation of self. The impulse towards leading a
soul-filled life is an archetypal dynamic that the majority of individuals face at
some stage in their individuation journey. The death of the old past self so that
the new self who is the can be born, nurtured and grow.

This process is a solution to mental and physical problems such as:

• a desire to live life more fully and authentically
• feeling stuck or trapped
• feeling fragmented
•trying to make sense of a loss or trauma
• a desire to individuate
• distress at not understanding why you keep repeating the same behaviour
patterns • feeling helpless about always being confronted by the same situations
• a desire to become more self-aware
• a desire to be more effective in engaging with other people
• feeling that there is something fundamentally wrong with the world
• tired of attracting the same type of people into your life
• a longing to reconnect with yourself and know yourself
• feeling spiritually exhausted and confused
• dissatisfaction at your inability to move beyond a particular challenge
• a desire to lead a more meaningful life
• knowing that you need to move or shift but unsure of where you need to go
• deep frustration with yourself
• inability to get in touch with your creative, spiritual self

This process is Vrilian shadow working. It involves the key task of confronting
and then transcending or going beyond the shadow self which is mostly
unconscious. This involves understanding what you project onto others and the
world. It is about becoming aware of your own darkness (shadow). Only through
the process of burning away your false ideas and beliefs do you gain clarity on
who you truly are. Nigredo is the first stage of the Alchemical process. The
process of creating the philosopher’s stone. Viewed psychologically, this is the
process of individuation. Giving birth to your true, honest and individuated Self.
It is the reason for embarking on the Great Work (Magnum Opus). Alchemically
the transmutation of lead to gold, psychologically and spiritually the
transmutation of shadow to Self, of ‘sin’ (any psychological ailment) to virtue.

Stage I - Nigredo

Nigredo is the stage of deep introspection. This is the time when the question of
meaning or purpose becomes central for the individual, triggered by feelings of
dissatisfaction, unhappiness, frustration and being unable to identify what the
exact source or cause of these feelings. Sometimes there is an element of
dysfunction in either their relatedness to others or to themselves. Certain habits
or defense mechanisms that were developed in early years are no longer aiding
the individual, but instead hampering them in their ability to lead meaningful
and fulfilling lives. It is at this stage that individuals become depressed,
melancholic or deeply restless. Jung realised that this is the precursor to the
transmutation of self. The impulse towards leading a soul-filled life is an
archetypal dynamic that the majority of individuals face at some stage in their
individuation journey.

Stage II – Albedo

This is the stage of illumination and amplification. The process through which
previously unconscious contents are brought into the light of consciousness and
a dialogue with the unconscious psyche or soul is initiated. The purpose of the
dialogue, to make conscious the impulses, intentions and trajectory of the
unconscious psyche. Through such dialogue, to bring the conscious and
unconscious psyche into a state of synthesis, to facilitate the fertilisation and
amplification of the conscious personality by the unconscious, and to heal
fractures in the unconscious psyche.

Engaging with symbols, their meaning and their power for transformation is a
process that is reflective and liberating. Symbols in dreams will help you uncover
the hidden messages from your unconscious....the development of self-
understanding, as well as in the understanding of both natural and 'Occult' forces,
an abstract symbolism is important: such a symbolism allows not only
apprehension of those areas (of consciousness, for example) not normally
amenable to thought (and thus conscious control and development) but also
develops new areas of consciousness. - NAOS, The Forbidden Alchemy

Stage III - Citrinitas – The Alchemy of the Sun

Citrinitas, also referred to as xanthosis, is a term given by alchemists to

“yellowness.” It is one of the four major stages of the alchemical magnum opus,
and literally referred to “transmutation of silver into gold” or “yellowing of the
lunar consciousness.” In alchemical philosophy, citrinitas stood for the dawning
of the “solar light” inherent in one’s being, and that the reflective “lunar or soul
light” was no longer necessary. The other three alchemical stages were nigredo
(blackness), albedo (whiteness), and rubedo (redness).

Citrinitas or yellowing is the stage after albedo. a stage that many authors after
the 15th century tended to suppress, or rather compress into the last one, rubedo.
While the albedo represented the moon – or female, citrinitas referred to the sun
– or male. The union of male and female (the so-called ‘chemical wedding’) was
often a symbol of the Work. From their union the hermaphroditic offspring of
philosophical Mercury was born. This final phase of rubedo was the culmination
of the Great Work. It was the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone in the form of a
transparent red stone. This Stone, often portrayed as a Phoenix, was supposed to
perfect anything from metals to human beings, bestowing long life or even

Stage IV - Rubedo - Wholeness

Wholeness, organic interaction, breathing, life, openness, acceptance, and

warmth characterise the rubedo. Jung writes, [In the] state of whiteness, one does
not live in the true sense of the word. It is a sort of abstract, ideal state. In order to
make it come alive it must have ‘blood’, it must have what the alchemists called
the rubedo, the ‘redness’ of life. Only the total experience of being can transform
this ideal state into a fully human mode of existence. Blood alone can reanimate
a glorious state of consciousness in which the last trace of blackness is dissolved…
[and] rejoins the profound unity of the psyche. Then the opus magnum is
finished: the human soul is completely integrated. ( Jung, 1995: 37)

Jung understands this stage as fully incorporating the elements that emerged
from the unconscious into conscious life. Hypertext fiction offers a suitable
balancing-act between these two aspects of the psyche. It requires an investment
of intellectual energy, and at the same time the sense of aimlessness that
encourages the idle wandering necessary to enjoy a site. It offers the
relinquishment of our need to control the process (that is, to have it controlled
for us), and an opportunity to interact in a free, seemingly random way, and at
the same time demands that we make mental connections between the pages.
This is the hypertextual dream-state, active/passive. For postmodernism,
especially in its academic forms, this balance is a difficult task; the Western world
clings onto the albedo, despite its many experiences of the nigredo.


The Son of Saturn with this glorious Power Mingled in love and sleep–to whom she bore
Pandeia, a bright maid of beauty rare Among the Gods, whose lives eternal are. – Hymn to

The Moon is often seen as a glyph for illusion and deception. Look inside
ourselves to that which we have repressed/ ignored and have found difficult to
come to terms with (moon) , in order to conquer this aspect of our nature which
seeks Victory so that we can express ourselves much more freely in our daily life
by triumph of the will and Aryan soul which whilst sickened by Nazareny and
physically and mentally enslaved by the Yahoudi can be in-fact broken by
genuine initiation into the Sinister-Numinous Dark Tradition. It represents that
which we do not see and is therefore related to the subconscious. Watery depths
are associated with dreams, visions, and the imagination which links it in with the
qualities of the Moon. It may resort to trickery, deceit, deception, and guilt or
darker still TERROR. It represents the conscious mind which descends into our
subconscious to confront our fears/neurosis and the things that are holding us
back. Talking about things that are coming out of the subconscious depth of the
personality. Noctulius – the God associated with said Sphere who is also known
as Hermes Thrice Great or Thoth and also Anubis acts a guide for souls in the
dark as they pass in and out of the conscious and subconscious worlds. This
transition which initiation sparks in its exoteric then esoteric sense is about
escaping from lower mind and using the insight we have gained from the flow of
the Sinister-numen via an increasing of Azoth transform out of that which is salt
and so understand consciously from the unconscious shadow self what is helping
and what is hindering us in going beyond the opposites – to see, accept and
perhaps transform aspects of our psyche or mind and not be dragged down into
it by the causal abstractions that still exist there. Although it can be useful to have
a goal in mind, we all have the wrong idea of what Enlightenment is because
Enlightenment is not an idea ! Conversely, an initiate may get bogged down or
stuck in trying to understand The Path rather than actually practising and
following it. An initiate may not use the support of Adepts and other initiates to
reflect on their progress or direction. We may also try to create and become an
idealised version of a spiritual seeker and deny negative thoughts and what is
going on in our minds, again creating a mask and reinforcing a false sense of self
rather than integrating all aspects of ourselves into a whole. Continue to
remember that any fulfilment that can be found in new thinking or sense of self
is short-lived and a poor comparison to what can be found in meditation and
finding our true Self without It never do we find ourselves bringing to our
attention the need to deal with negative or destructive subconscious patterns.
The Moon often represents your ‘shadow’ self a term coined by Jung to represent
our subconscious or hidden self. This is harbouring negativity which we may
have suppressed or are not aware of. We need to release this destructive energy
through in some way such as spending time with friends, counselling, therapies,
meeting new people in a positive environment to refresh our lives. The Moon
tends to show up what we generally ignore, refuse to see, or even deny but the
step has to be taken, for without facing up to darkness our path to the Light will
be that much harder.

However, the dangerous aspect of initiation which does not originate from some
ghouls or ghost or goblins appearing physically nor in being possessed –
“possession” is an excuse used by the mentally weak-willed and diseased to
excuse their own rotten behaviours and lies. The danger exists in that following
the Sevenfold-Way with an unbalanced emphasis on the Sinister for example
results in a struggle over years with periods of depression and feeling life has
become meaningless or signifies personal crisis, severe depression. And the
trouble with personas, according to Jung, is that it can lead to aspects of one’s
personality (both good and bad) being unexplored, underdeveloped, and
suppressed. Through a desire to please others, we focus on our qualities which we
perceive to be acceptable by others and hide the parts of ourselves which we
believe to be negative. Jung referred to this suppressed side of the personality as
the ‘shadow’ or the ‘shadow self’, the parts of ourselves that we think society will
disapprove of which are pushed away into our unconscious. And it remains a
solid fact that most Satanists outside of films and conspiracy theories made up by
Nazarenes and the right-wing are living in states of poverty, squalor, depressed,
friendless, had spent time in prison or mental hospitals or both, unable to attract
a mate or romantic partner and lover, unattractive physically, have grandiose
delusions of grandeur, are pathological liars and manipulative, slow intellectually
or mentally, emotionally unstable or childish, sexually deviant or perverse, and
who are otherwise ill, diseased and unbalanced people living very pathetic weak
lives where they exist solely in fantasy world of demons, monsters and Illuminati
cults and so on and so forth. Yet suppressing our shadow and thus the Sinister can
be a bad thing. One reason is that, even when such character traits are
suppressed, they are still present in our subconscious and manifest themselves in
other ways. Avoiding the dark side of your personality is likely to cause suffering
in the long run. Ultimately, the more we suppress feelings and negative emotions
into the subconscious, the greater the power they have over us. Moreover, they
can assert themselves in different ways.

Suppressing the shadow self can also prevent us from reaching our full potential.
This is particularly true when specific character traits have been suppressed due
to low self-esteem, anxiety or incorrect beliefs that have been instilled during
childhood. Our belief systems are most often rooted in our childhood, once we
have learned that a particular behaviour or character trait is ‘bad’ it is difficult to
overturn this. When we fail to take the time to look at our own shadow this can
also lead to an obsession with the opinions of others and a lack of acceptance of
our true selves.

Thus in regards of the Sinister we are only using to it to keep learning to

integrate our shadow which can lead to a happier and more fulfilled state of
being. Therefore, it can be beneficial as you bring your unconscious mind into
your active consciousness.

Conducting shadow work is not something to be taken lightly and should only be
attempted with adequate Priest/Priestess via Aural Tradition acting then to
support in place. Addressing your shadow self is essentially confronting
suppressed emotions and experiences that you have hitherto tried to ignore. As
Jung clearly states, these instincts and experiences do not disappear when we
suppress them, rather, they lose contact with our consciousness and are
unearthed in an indirect way. This may be through various neuroses and even
physical health problems. Shadow work brings these feelings and experiences
into our consciousness so that we can address and accept them.

In confronting your shadow you can bring acceptance and compassion to

previously unexplored and suppressed areas of our being. A conscious
development to sense a situation in which you are being deceived by yourself or
others or unconscious influences unseen. To become a stronger more balanced
person free from past illusions, and working on that which you have been
avoiding dealing with. Often resulting in the creation of adepts who are reflective
yet if not sufficiently aware often find that they can lose their own way in life and
get trapped in things from the past which are difficult to resolve. Usually this can
be due to the environment and surrounding individuals, family, and friends
unable due to lack of empathy, stupidity, cowardice, or preferring their own
belief in lies being not supportive. At worst you have people around you with
various issues of addiction either physical or psychological. Difficulty seeing
where authenticity lies. Yet when you have looked deep within yourself you’ll
have found resolved the things which have held you back for so long. Thus, is
living the Sinister-Numinous Way of the Hebdomad the way to moving our life
forward to to acknowledge that we have suppressed things in our subconscious
which needs releasing.

The Moon will lead us into the blackest depths of our soul, into the world of the
subconscious, where there are no more words, just images and notions. It
represents a journey into the darkest night, a look behind our own face. Those
who get lost in the Sinister or Satanic are the failures, frauds, posers and
pretenders who were and are the repressed homosexual paranoid psychotics who
somehow or another think they are literal Vampires who are secretly Illuminati
by bloodline somehow or another (by hallucinations most likely) and whom
claim states of demonic possession where they rather behave like children more
than the Horror film equivalents. The prime example of this is indeed the
Tempel ov Blood which naturally due to it’s unsophisticated bad-mannered
greedy entitlement complex allowed itself to turn into a FBI sting operation to
attack a sub-culture they were rather iconically noted for being envious of and
misunderstanding towards. Likewise, being rather dishonourable and cowardly
towards noted British gentleman and philosopher David Myatt. The Moon has
no real negative aspect, but it implies a serious danger. The journey into night
could be too much when we’re not prepared and we might get lost in our own

Rodderick Dinklings, O9A, Sep 134 year Fayen (yF), UK


The ability to focus the mind intensely until a trance-like state is established is a
key aspect of allowing the flow of azoth into the practitioner's mind-body-soul
nexus thereby increasing the conscious evolution of the individual sage and
therefore society as a whole. To achieve this state of zen the following method is

The first stage is to remain motionless not even trying to blink, ignoring any
itches or urges to fidget and to remain fully still. If one is so inclined they can
adopt the horse stance or lotus position for this. Once a total of five minutes of
motionless is established the next stage is to focus upon the breathing in order to
empty the mind of all emotions, thoughts, and other distractions. The eyes can
be closed for this or the individual can concentrate upon a particular rune, sigil,
or image. The main point here is to empty the mind of thoughts and only focus
upon the breathing. Inhale counting to four in the mind, then pause and hold the
breathe for another four count then exhale counting to four. On the count of
four the breath should either be fully inhaled or exhaled. It must be a slow and
steady process. Once fifteen minutes of this has been established you can ignore
the counting if desired. However, maintain the stillness of both mind and body.

To cause change in accordance with one’s will is both an art and a science. The
will is only as effective as the mind behind it. Thusly, it is important to be able to
focus intensely with the appropriate emotion and desire behind the working
without the trappings of doubt. Thus to train our minds first to focus on things of
non-importance intensely whilst concentrating and reaching the necessary state
of trance or frenzy is important. Egoistical identification, fear of failure, doubt,
the reciprocal desire not to achieve, lust for results and other dualities or self-
limiting weaknesses must be overcome in order to reach success in an individual

Types of Meditation for Magickal Workings:

1) Object Meditation

The ability to hold a dead fixed-gaze upon a particular object such as an idol or
image or Natural surrounding for not mere minutes but hours unceasingly. The
mind must be again kept empty of all else but the object and any arising thoughts
must be dismissed without interference. The practice can be done on
meaningless objects until one is sufficiently advanced in this practice.

2) Mantra Meditation

The individual sorcerer or sorceress chooses a particular sound or syllable to

repeat softly to oneself (usually with the aid of prayer beads) for example 108
repetitions. This can be just in conjunction with the other forms of meditation or
used by itself. Vibrating words of power, chanting or deep prayer can also be
useful for this.

3) Visual Meditation

Similar to Object Meditation instead a sigil, image, or other simple visualization

is used either via the mind’s eye or for example by focusing on a sigil on
parchment paper.

Incense, candles, and other procurements can be employed to help in success

with these workings. The transmutation of the mind towards a new type of
consciousness is created via these processes in due time as one advances
onwards. Ensure to record all these workings (as well as your dreams in the
morning or after sleep) in a magickal diary. Whether or not they have “failed” or

Among the techniques employed to liberate the individual and to confront the
shadow self chief are the following: antinomianism, following Nietzschean
master morality (and here one should consult the work: the Anti-Christ by
Nietzsche), heresy, baleful living, blasphemy and exeatic joy.

By heresy we mean being opposed to the status quo and heterodox practices.
One would (if Christian re: Nazarene) would view these as conventionally “evil”.
For example, if someone were to deny the Holocaust in most Western nations
(which is also illegal and a crime in many) they would be a modern heretic. And
thereby confront that which is hidden or off-limits to people by social and legal
standards. Or by espousing views which are extreme, restricted, ridiculed, or seen
as bizarre or shameful to hold. So thus one will or would have grasped the former
beliefs they held as reasonable, sane and socially accepted as likewise false or
redundant. Both are shackles. Therefore, any political form such as the far-left,
far-right or a similarly “off-limits” religious form such as Islam can be employed.
The period of heretically opposing the status quo and societal standards as a
whole should only last 6 months to 2 years. You also by opposing a social norm
encounter or grasp it’s own darker aspects. Or may even come to view such
things as particularly bizarre, psychotic or inane in and of itself.

Antinomianism is meant here to oppose conventional “law and order”. This

included in former times a period of living in a criminal or way of life which was
not for the masses but the minority. An example of antinomianism can be found
in the works of Marquis de Sade and the novel A Clockwork Orange. It is indeed
related to baleful and exeatic living. That is a way of life which is deemed
noxious, sly, mischievous, treasonous, traitorous, and otherwise off-limits by
society and enforced by police with often physical (violent) force sometimes
resulting in death of the individual following this way of outlaw living. In general
the baleful, exeatic and antinomian way of life can be summarized as “Illegalism”
or crime as both a means and a ends and/or living as an outlaw or heretic. Fitting
the archetype of “rebel” and being non-conformist.

Blasphemy is meant to be used to de-program oneself of one’s birth religion, fear

of “God” and fear of “Hell”. So for example one if born Christian may reject
Christ, burn or defile the Bible or other sacred symbols of Christianity and live as
a Satanist (whether or not one believes in a real “devil” is irrelevant).

Note: if one is already living these ways prior then it is useful to live the polar
opposite for a similar duration of time. The point is to realize all political and
religious systems as what they are: mindcontrol and laws/norms for what they
are: tyrannical unjust and de-evolutionary.

Natural Truths

The truth as it relates to the physical world which consists of 3-spatial

dimensions and one linear time dimension can be understood by empiricism
and rationalism. And expressed in mathematics symbolically and by logical
symbolism. It is quantifiable, measurable and concrete. And humans themselves
are a part of Nature and exist as a nexion to the acausal (see Naos by the O9A).

There is no such thing as “equality” and therefore not only is egalitarianism

(including racial equality) a myth but it is unnatural and anything unnatural is
de-evolutionary and/or destructive to Nature and therefore ultimately the
human race.

And as observed in Nature struggle and overcoming adversity determines if

something grows upwards or dies out because it is too weak to survive. And if it is
too weak to survive then it does not deserve to live.

Human society or a Civilization is like a macrocosm of singular human

organisms which act as cells. If a limb or finger is diseased then it is harmful not
only to the individual but also to the Civilization which is predominate or one
which is darkly numinous. All Civilizations lead to Imperium eventually. And if it
does not it is sick, weak and will die out because only Imperium is the Natural
expression of a Civilization.

Hierarchy manifests itself in the various subspecies or races of humanity and

amongst this the natural elites rise upwards. And within the said natural elite sub-
species of the human species there exists individual differences and a natural
hierarchical order as well. Therefore, based on this we know democracy to not
only be false but against Nature and de-evolutionary. And race is both spiritual
and biological. Preference cannot be given to either but to both in a balanced
way. Everyone has a choice to either act in a way which is befitting Nature or to
act against Nature and thus by such hubris be destroyed by it or similarly
overcome it.

On an individual level this involves self-overcoming, self-mastery and aiming for

an ideal which is dynamic and not static. And is embodied in the ideal of the
Homo Galacticus or Ubermensch. The overman. This elite minority of the
Overman is the beginning of the new species which will come after the human
race. However, due to being able to consciously decide or influence our evolution
to some degree we can (if we ignore in particular) the natural, and eternal
hierarchy and duty to folk de-evolve into barbaric and beast-like subhumans.
Not much else needs to be said about this. One is either part of the collective
whole and benefits said collective whole or one is acting against it and thus will
decrease the chances of out destiny as human species to colonize the stars.


The spiritual practice or sadhana of the Tempel ov Chaos is that of the left-hand
path (at least until one reaches a certain stage of development past the first two
stages of the four-fold way – which itself is gone beyond in the last and final
hidden stage). Which means not only to heterodox – which here means to follow
a system or hold a viewpoint which, although considered erroneous and
unacceptable to hold or promote is not necessarily a ‘heresy’ (it may be
depending on the form used however) – but to be an extremely non-conformist
rebellious and adversarial adherent of opposition to the status quo (or the
Untermensch herds and their ‘chosen by God’ masters). It is important to note
here that the Vamachara whilst eternal is itself an illusion for it is creates a
dichotomy or duality of “good vs evil” spiritual practices – when in fact there is
no duality there is only a monad or ‘oneness’.

The Union of the Three Principles of Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas

The quality of balance, harmony within Nature and the Cosmos, universalism (in
lieu of tribalism which is more Talmudic or Judeo-Christian), being holistic or
part of the collective whole in accordance with what is higher than the self and
impersonal, being creative, the numinous and having a sense of serenity or
stoicism. These qualities are called Sattva. This is the mode of goodness in the
Vedas. The stages past the second stage of the Four-fold Way is more concerned
with this aspect of things until one reaches and finishes the fourth and final stage.

One initially follows the path outlined by the Rajas or the mode of passion. It is
being neither ‘good’ nor ‘evil’ doing neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’. And is in essence the
following of master morality of Nietzsche. A good example of an individual
particularly stuck in this mode is Lord Byron. The downfalls of this path is self-
absorbed thinking and/or egoistical thinking for one’s own personal ideology or
philosophy. And it is thus when in the negative sense of this leads to ignorance
and never moving beyond mere initiation stage. The positive qualities are all that
which is ignored in today’s society: individualism, self-actualization, self-
realization, ambition, motivation, driven-ness, and dynamic movement. One is
able to shape-shift and manipulate for purposes beyond the personal once

The final mode is that of ignorance or tamas. It’s only purpose is much like the
negative current of electricity it balances the positive current. Therefore, it is
concerned with destruction, chaos, strife, and when left unchecked leads to
lethargy, inertia, depression, anxiety, etc. This stage is mastered and overcame in
the first stage Nigredo or blackening of the four-fold way.

Raajas, the quality of energy and activity; Taamas, the quality of darkness and
inertia; and Satvas, the quality of purity and light, are all called the creations of
Maya, Your illusion. That man who realizes the fourth state - he alone obtains the
supreme state.

If a person or thing tends to be extremely active, excitable, or passionate, that

person or thing could be said to have a preponderance of rajas. It is contrasted
with the quality of tamas, which is the quality of inactivity, darkness, and laziness,
and with sattva, which is the quality of purity, clarity, calmness and creativity.
Rajas is viewed as being more positive than tamas, and less positive than sattva,
except, perhaps, for one who has "transcended the gunas" and achieved
equanimity in all fields of relative life.

More specifically, adeptship, mastery and beyond both of these come from
discriminative knowledge of Vyakta (evolving, manifest world), Avyakta
(unevolving, unmanifest empirical world, Prakrti), and Jna (knower, self,
Purusha). The three Guṇa (qualities), that is sattva, tamas and rajas, respectively
correspond to pleasure, pain and dulness, mutually domineer, produce each
other, rest on each other, always reciprocally present and work together. The
Karika asserts that there is twofold emergence of reality, one which is objective,
elemental and external; another which is subjective, formulating in mind and
internal. Knowledge of the absolute otherness of consciousness frees the adept
from the illusion of bondage and brings man's deepest selfhood into absolute
freedom (kaivalya).

No soul (Purusha) therefore is bound, no one released, likewise no one transmigrates.; Only
nature (Prakriti) in its various forms transmigrates, is bound and is released. — Samkhya-
karika 62

The purpose of this union of Prakriti and Purusha, creating the reality of the
observed universe, is to actualize a two-fold symbiosis. One, it empowers the
individual to enjoy and contemplate on Prakriti and Purusha through self-
awareness; and second, the conjunction of Prakriti and Purusha empowers the
path of Kaivalya and Moksha (liberation, freedom).

It is said (in Samkhya) that by the extinction of the evil desires, by understanding the
distinction between Prakriti and Purusha, one could attain liberation.
— Jnanasribhadra, Arya-lankavatara-vrtti 15a-b

All morality is false and not of divine origin. Early on one abandons conventional
morality – re: slave morality – for master morality. Master morality is the
morality of the strong-willed. We criticize the view (which is the status quo
currently) that good is everything that is helpful, and bad is everything that is
harmful. We (like Nietzsche) argue proponents of this view have forgotten its
origins and that it is based merely on habit: what is useful has always been
defined as good, therefore usefulness is goodness as a value. In the prehistoric
state "the value or non-value of an action was derived from its consequences" and
"[t]here are no moral phenomena at all, only moral interpretations of
phenomena." For strong-willed men (or women), the "good" is the noble, strong,
and powerful, while the "bad" is the weak, cowardly, timid, and petty. The essence
of master morality is nobility. Other qualities that are often valued in master
morality are open-mindedness, courage, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and an
accurate sense of one's self-worth. In master morality, people define the good
based on whether it benefits them and their pursuit of self-defined personal
excellence. Insofar as something is helpful to the strong-willed man, it is like
what he values in himself; therefore, the strong-willed man values such things as
good because they aid him in a life-long process of self-actualization through the
will to power.

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