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21/08/2023, 22:26 Aryan Classical Literary Education (2) | Aryan Kristian Literature

Aryan Kristian Literature

For the Kameraden of Arya

Aryan Classical Literary Education (2)

Towards a Pedagogy of Arya

Militia est vita hominis super terram. Job (7:1)

C’est par la guerre que l’homme marche à sa fin. Monsignor Jean-Joseph Gaume

The following is an educational schema that reflects standard pedagogy during the First, Second and Third Reichs:

1) Confidence and virility/strong virtue through closeness to Nature and health. (physical education)

2) God: Unity of Nature/Matter and Unity of History/Humanity and animals. (religion)

3) History of Race and Nation. (history)

4) Classics in Latin and the Vernacular. (grammar or belles-lettres, rhetoric or composition, science; the practice of reading, writing and philosophy)

5) Skills to fulfill one’s social position a) to lead b) to practice a profession c) to earn a frugal living. (vocation)

6) Also clergy to teach catechism/basic spirituality to the poor, theology/advanced spirituality to the upper classes and the Aryan New Testament, Aeneid and
music dramas of Wagner to the entire Folk. (Kamph)

To keep this as brief as possible for use by an Aryan audience: The first pedagogic level affirms that before all else Aryan students require fitness education and
a familiarity with the natural world. This would be oriented towards military sports and an acquirement of physical discipline through calisthenics, shooting,
hiking, skiing, horse riding, tennis, chess and the like. It aims at the loyal endurance of a Roman Army, not at the effete judaic Rambo-like love of violence that
characterizes the American, British and Israeli Armed Forces. Aryan physical education is expensive, but such it must be because we truly believe that our
younger generation is noble-born.

The second pedagoic level affirms the necessity of religious belief to Aryans. It is extremely essential to comprehend that this belief is not a matter of concepts
or argument but an acknowledgement of the Great Unity. Aryans must act on the knowledge that the Cosmos and human history form a unity of noble power.
In its optimistic peaceful aspect this affirms the ancient alliance of religion with science and restores God in the Cosmos by echoing from one pole to the other
the hymn of solar glory ceaselessly chanted throughout the skies. In its pessimistic and tragic militarist aspect this affirms the universal dependence of the
weaker on the stronger by which beings pass to an ever more noble existence though the loss of their own life via assimilation into what is superior to
themselves. Simpler mineral elements are assimilated into more complex mineral elements, vegetation assimilates minerals, animals assimilate vegetation, men
assimilate animals, angels or the gods assimilate men, God assimilates angels and God-men. Creation (apart from the Golden Age) is also a warrior Valhalla in
which everything eats and is eaten. And precisely this sublime transformation is alone able to bring back the primordial hierarchic Unity of Oneness! In this
way Aryans are neither sentimentalists nor cynics yet are also not insensible to sentimental and cynical phases within Eternal Nobility.

This assimilative phenomena is the Kali Yuga and must be overcome and replaced by the superior Golden Age Unity of the Sunwheel. Yet the best of Kali Yuga
serves as a heroic matrix of the Age to Come. Ultimately the Great Unity is true friendship and Eternal Arya, the Fifth Reich of Imperium Europa.

The above listed third pedagogic level of Aryan History teaches Aryan students the singular excellence of their heritage and destiny. They gain the true
perspective that nobility is not of this world but from above whereas the judaic enemy of godless globalism is all too much of this world. It is important for
young Aryans to recognize that civilized human geography and population are objectively Euro-centric and that successful civilization has arisen and must arise
from a victorious European geographic center. Nevertheless the true name of this center is Arya and Imperium Europa, the Fifth Reich.

These objective advantages Europe has for the success of civilization are many and their enumeration and explanation would require a book. As two
geographic examples, tropical agriculture is narrowly geared to cash crops and the geography of the Far East is severely fragmented by mountains and seas.
The favorable conditions of ancient Hyperborea or Ice Age Europe assisted in the rise of our Indo-European/Aryan race. Like a fine wine, our blood is the end-
product of a European soil.

Asia has contributed the elements of our Aryan Spirit and Egypt, through Africa, has contributed our Aryan Wisdom. Yet every enduring human achievement in
war, peace and prosperity has been uniquely European in origin and longevity. Throughout history freedom has been the European Victory that occurs when
Europeans are true to their Aryan roots. Henceforth freedom shall be the Victory of the Fifth Reich of Arya. The great contribution of the Americas has been 1/3
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humbly to provide Europe with the strength to be victorious and will in future be to provide an Aryan Imperium Europa with strength to reach greater heights
than Old Europe ever could. Aryan education must have the courage of historical truth and reject cowardly judaic lies.

Pedagogic level four affirms that an Aryan must read much and above all else the great writings both ancient and modern. This exercise is the life of a man’s
entire faculties. Thinking teaches a man to write well and good reading teaches a man to think. For thousands of years Aryan elementary or grammar education
up to about the age of fourteen has consisted of exercises in reading and physical games together with arithmetic and geometry practice on the side. But these
exercises are ambitious and transform reading into philology or the study of the philosophy of words and transform games into a serious preparation for
warfare. The normal conversation of Aryan boys has always been that of honorable young men. Every word of falsehood has always been promptly rewarded
with punishments; high spirits and cunning are not falsehood.

Aryan children memorize passages of great writing in Latin and their vernacular language in accordance with what interests them as the best method to develop
their powers of memory, master languages and encourage Aryan character. They discuss the meanings of writings and vocabularies they have read through
usage, translation and conversation with their teachers and among themselves. Together they may translate an entire book in groups with a shared affinity.
Every effective method of learning languages could be reduced to two words: reading and conversation. Our great masters achieve eloquence through long
years of reading and meditation, so that when the time comes an abundance that fills their souls must escape in fiery expressions that assume images strong or
naïve, gracious or terrible.

The European Aryan Quadrivium consists of the following four sciences which form the best preparation to an Aryan study of philosophy:

Arithmetic: The Pythagorian theory of pure number as a system of Pythagorian Aesthetics with deductions of a magical and mystical character, demonstrating
for example that at each fourth step of a progressive multiplication the number one appears. Thus 1 x 3 = 3, 3 x 3 = 9, 9 x 3 = 27, 27 x 3 = 81 = 80 + 1. Always
at the fourth multiplication 1, unity, occurs. When multiplication is continued to infinity, then unity, 1, is outstanding at each fourth step: 3 to the eighth power
= 6560 + 1, and so on. This numeral one is a unity, a monad, which is incorporeal and uncompounded, like the soul itself. The elements of number are: 1) the
even numbers with their open-ended operations typified as “apeiron” or “things difficult to express” and thereby unlimited and infinite, 2) the odd, limited
numbers expressive of limits, finity and matter, 3) both even and odd number together as unity, the origin of numbers and the law of all being and thought.
Numerical symmetries are understood as the harmony of heaven within Creation while the numeric sum of each thing forms its primary nature or quintessence.

Geometry: The study of measurements of earth, waters, sky and heavenly bodies through Euclidean geometry broadened into a general study of geomancy and
sacred geography, viewing the landscapes of one’s native land as the basis of an Aryan symbolic language of Nature. The Golden Ratio of Phidias is key to this
endless adventure.

Astronomy: The study of the law of the stars, their revolution of the firmament and its regions, orbits, courses, the rising and setting of stars and why some of
them are called planets or “wanderers.” Astronomy is complemented by the science of natural astrology, the study of the stars in relation to the noting of birth
and death and other occurrences in reference to the bodily humours which vary with the current influence of the greater bodies, as with health and sickness,
disturbances or calm, fertility or infertility. The zodiac is reflected on earth as the Aryan city, temple and body while the cosmic game of divinity is played in
the ongoing battle between the passive and active principles of Aries and Leo or the two faces of Janus often expressed as Saint John the Baptist and Saint John
the Beloved Apostle of the Lord.

Music: The study of the harmony which exists in Nature through the mundane music of the interactions of earth, air, fire and water, through the human music of
the human body and soul and their interactions, and of the instrumental music of percussion, wind and voice. A man’s soul can be seen as the music of his
lifetime while the unity of the universe is also its musical concord. More ambitious students might learn the celebrated Language of the Birds of trinities and
quaternaries, intimately associated with the Phonetic Kabbala of the Runes.

Philosophy concludes pedagogic level four. In a word, all here below is unity and trinity: everything that exists is one and every unity results from a trinity of
causes; such is generating priciple of all things. Such is therefore also the Great Truth to be stated, developed and made available to every intelligence coming
into the world of philosophy. Unity resulting from trinity is real, indivisible and permanent.

Some consequences and applications of this for philosophy can be formulated in the following axioms:

1) Plurality of constituent principles in any being whatsoever does not alter the fact that it is really one.

2) In created beings the constituent principles are not equal among themselves and do not concur in the same way to the formation and operations of the being
that results from their unity.

3) The active principle or form or informing principle does not loose its force or rule of action to the passive principle of matter or instumentality, but rather
matter or instrumentality receives its force and rule of action from the active principle of power and form.

To observe this great law of Unity in Trinity is the source of every perfection and consequently the basis of morality.

Pedagogic level five begins with Aryan leadership through which students learn the honour of every Aryan rank or social function. These are clergy, warrior,
judge, farmer, trader, mechanic and maritimer in which each social function has moral equality with the others. 2/3
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Skills with which to fulfill one’s social position are described as technical education, vocational education or the seven Mechanical Arts, namely, weaving,
armament in the broadest sense, navigation, agriculture, hunting, medicine and the theatrical art dealing with public spectacles. Children exhibiting a special
talent for these arts are selected at an early age to serve a long apprenticeship alongside their skilled adult mentors. Most boys learn a trade to supplement their
literary education and most girls are also trained in domestic arts such as weaviing, cooking, singing and social etiquette.

Together Aryans enjoy prosperity without usury or “easy money” through what was once called holy poverty, a moderate wealth that is different from penury or
destitution. Every Roman or Imperial citizen is a miles or warrior whose generous hospitality is proof of his or her Aryan religion.

A sixth pedagogic level consists in the practice of our multiform Aryan religion through instruction by Aryan clergy according to our needs. Pagan Aryans who
may be offended by the mention of an Aryan New Testament should appreciate that the Aeneid and music dramas of Wagner must also be respected by Aryan
Kristians as the sacred texts of Pagans. In the religion of our dawning Fifth Reich the Aryan God Kristos is Wotan and Lucifer as well as Jesus! Each should
find inspiration in his own sacred texts while respecting other religions of our Empire of Aryan Europa.

Beyond these levels are many more specialized studies of Aryan higher education taught according to the talents and interests of particular groups and
individuals: Each Aryan is free to be superior as the light guides him. May the above suggestions be of some small assistance in enabling Aryans to ensure that
the wisdom of the Fifth Reich shall be even more glorious than were the First, Second, Third and Fourth. May the sons of Aryan Europa be worthy of their
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